The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 26, 1919, SECTION TWO, Image 12

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    See our stock of stationery first. Q
sfaurlns for Milady h Beauty. I
Furnished rooms! See Clevenger.
Roy Clark was In town this week.
MEmmmmmmMmsmm m
"-' -a
will take your share
of the
because deep down
in your heart
you know it is
the right thing to do.
The II
Capital and Surplus, : $100,000.00
First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
Walter Cross was In town Thursday
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pugsley were
in from Diamond during thin week.
James Oard is up from his home
in the Lawen neighborhood looking
after some business affairs.
Grant Reynolds will grease your
windmill for you during the summer.
Call phone No. G147. tf
Mrs. Pearl McCIee and her little
daughters expect to leave in a few
days to visit with relatives and
friends in Idaho.
Rev. B. S. Hughes and family and
his nephew, John Burchtorf, went to
the P Ranch during the week fishing
out report very poor luck.
Audrey, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dun
iiarkey, fell off the roof of a house
Sunday and broke his arm. He It
getting along well wo are informed.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Thompson were
visitors to our iiy the fore part of
this week. Wii:lt here Mr. Thimp-
on completed hii degrees in the Ma-i-onic
Born Easter Sunday, April 20th,
to Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Hackney, a son.
The father is expecting to be relieved
of driving the stage truck in the im
mediate future a:; a consequence of
this arrival.
Dr. Minnie Iland-Calterson wa a
pleasant caller at this office the fore
part of this week and informed us sho
intended to leave at once for a trip
to outside points which will include
beattl j and other coast point .
Mrs. E. C. Eggleslon nan Hold her
residence to Joe Cavander. She had
but recently purchased this home but
decided to make other arrangements
so far as her immediate family was
concerned which would not require
ho large an establishment, therefore
disposed of it.
Waited Mea or women to lake
orders among friends and neighbors
for the genuine guaranteed hosiery,
full line of men, womea and children.
Eliminates darning. We pay Etc. an
hour spare time or $24 a week for
full time. Experience unnecessary.
Write, International Stocking Mill,
Norristown, Pa. Adv. 4 2
Supt. Obll flhattuck wa sin from the
Experiment Station the other day and
reports spring farm work well ad
vanced at the station with everybody
busy. Alva Breithaupt, a younger
brother of L It. Hreithaupt, Iiuh re
cully bMn added to I he Mtuff ut the
Station und will have charge of the
irrigation tracts. The young man
graduated from the O. A. ('. the lust
i master.
Batteries repaired properly.
Mrs. T. A. Donovan was in from
the ranch during the week.
For Sale Home Comfort Range in
good condition. Cheap as dirt. In
quire of Bert Richardson. 4-26
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Loyd and Mrs.
Chas. Roper were over from the Har
ney neighborhood Tuesday shopping
and having some dental work done.
Henry Geer, who drives a car for
Mr. Hanley. reports having recently
liuule a trip across Stenchlng Water
Mountain and reports the road over
it very rough.
Frank Clerf was in from the Alvord
Ranch for several days during the
week. Mr. Clerf has not been en
Joying the best of health for some
time but states he is Improved.
Peter Haley was up form his home
at theMalheur lake the other day. He
was accompanied by his nephew, John
Gardner, who had been living In Ne
vada for the past several months.
Strayed from my ranch, one red
two year old heifer branded with oar
lock, upside down, on left hip, also
N P on left hip. Ear mark, crop off
the left, split In the right. Suitable
reward. Lute Parker.
A reasonable reward will be paid
for Information leading to the recov
ery of a white faced Hereford bull
branded JP on right ribs also IX on
one hip and Q on the other; marked
wattle behind the right ear. James
Oard, Huddlebulte, Oregon.
it. E. Green was down from the
Harney neighborhood Wednesday, i
lie called at this office and informed
us he was making arrangement1! to I
depart ror nayton, Washington, to
remain for an indefinite time, huvlng
Wilis, niuif'.v ami urm tvi hio hi
Perry's Barn.
DJcr Kirs Toilet Preparations.
Welcome Pharmacy.
Try our banana cream pies. They
re delicious. Page's Sweet 8hop. tf
Thos. Buln is In town today from
his home near Harney.
Have A. A. Perry haul some fertil
iser for your garden. 60 cents a
Ira Mahon was In town yesterday.
He is still buying and shipping cat
tle. Battery and electrical repair work,
niv-acelvlnno weldlnt.. Jack Mc-
J Outre.
Dave Craddock and members of
i his fainllv are down from their home
I In Silvio Valley today.
New seven-room house. 8 acres on
'river In city limits. Ta'e part cat
tle, balance easy terms. Box 272,
Burns. 4-26.
j. k. Simpson, the raprosontatlvs
of Wake Mi -Fall Co., wa: I ling on
his cnstomeri In tit elty miring the
I Wl'l'l..
Come in ami ice the bakery goods.
1 v don't keep it mi display in the
j window b.Tini t lie Mm dries it out
'rapidly- Pag ''s Swet-t Shop.
j M. V. Dodge arrived home last week
frcm Portland where he and Ins fam
ily hud lieen residing since last fall.
Mrs. Dodge, and the little son will be
here when the schools gloss In Port
land. Dr. Louise M. Rlrhtor gave two
led up ill this city last Wednesday,
speaking to the girls at the Liberty
theater at 3 o'clo. k in the afternoon
and again in the evening she ad
dressed the older women.
Ned Connolly, a brother o' Louis
Connolly, arrived home this week
from an army camp at Wapli.i'gtoi.,
D C where 'io wnz discharged. lie
didin't get to r,' across, but qualified
as a pistol expert and sharpshooter.
Rev. Harold Humbert, state secre
tory of Sunday Schools, was a visitor
to our city last Sunday and Monday.
The young man is an agreeable and
polished speaker who brought much
favorble comment from those who
were fortunate enough to hear him.
It Is quite evident that Hev. Hum-!
beri will find a hearty welcome and
crowded church on any future visits.
The Times-Herald was Informed
the fore part of this week that Harry
Buck had been located at some port
on the Atlantic coast and a telegram
announced he was In Denver awaiting
tte arrhal of the body of hl wife
who died In thin city on April 11th.
Mrs. Stapper, a sister to Mrs. Buck,
arrived here from her home in Cali
fornia to accompany the body to the
family home in Denver for Interim nt.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iqenhagen ar
rived in 'his city Tuesday evening
from Dallas, this state. Mr. Iscaha
gen traded for a farm in the Sunset
neighborhood, formerly belonging to
Jasper Luper, and they have come to
make their home In Ibis section. Mr.
lsunhagen was here last year on an
Inspection tour and made the trade,
ami now ho has brought his wife and
household goods to remain perman-
Welcome Pharmacy.
Milk for sale Inquire Bert Rich
ardson. 4-26
C. A. Harlan, one of the merchants
of Crane, Is a business to our city to
day. Cecil A. Ollck was over from Cat
low Thursday to make proof on his
land. He was aided by W. R. By ram
and A I 'r Itch field as witnesses.
The city has completed a new cross
walk at 4th and B streets, leading
to the C. C. Page residence. This
Is the first of several Improunmeats
we can expect to see In anticipation
of Clean-up Week.
iioj Y n
The Klrst Baptist Church.
Sunday, April 6th. 1919.
Sunday school beginning at 9:46,
A. M.
Preachingat 11 o'clock.
What God Would Have Us Seek.
Evening worship beginning at 8
P. M.
Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You
Prayer meeting on Thursday even
ing of each week.
Everybody is Invited to attend the
f i
Last Call !
Our Service Free
Hantty Comiiq National Bank
, Burns, Oregon
nm frniTiTTTnTmiiiiniMiiiHiiiiiiiiifiiJHifiiMiiiirfiifiiriMiiiiiiuuiwiiimiiiHiiffniiiifin
Services at 11:66 eoek.
The Testimonial Meeting, Wednes
day at 7:30 P. M.
The reading room la the church
Edifice, is open on Tuesday and Fri
day frons 2 to 4 P. If.
Sunday Schoel meets en Sunday at
16 o'clock.
Pupils may be admitted to Its
classes up to the age ef 26 years.
The public Is cordially Invited te
the Church Sevlees and te the Read
ing Room. ,
.IiiKt in New and Complete Assort ment
Fishing Pole, Line, Flies and
Everything Necessary to Land
Those Big Fish
The Rexall Drag Store
7 P. M.
D. McMlllen, Volunteer Fireman's
I Home, HiWsou, N. Y., writes: "Foley
, Kidney Pills are like a stream of
'.......- ..In.,...l AM m ft- I... flnnw.M
leased his farm in this Valley for a j , '"""", "" " "'" '" '""""'"
i nuy nil in'' njiui, inn iui un niv,
and drown the pain." Foley Kidney
Sabbath school 16 A. H
Preaching, 11 A. M.
Young Peoples' Meeting
Preaching 6 P. M.
Wednesday evening prayer meeting
Bible study class Friday evening,
REV. GEO. WARD, Pastor.
B. S. Hughes, Pastor.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Preaching at 1 1 o'clock. Subject:
"The Present Call; The Present Need
The Ever Present Need of The
Cross The Ever Present Need of
The Christ."
Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M.
The Sunday School convention was
very well attended and considered by
by our 8tate Worker, Rev. Humbert,
a real success.
Ills sermon on Sunday morning was
a real message and of great Inspira
tion to all who heard him. Hla vo
cal solos were much appreciated and
his lectures during his stay were cer
tainly appreciated. We need more
young men like Rev. Humbert to
eoma into our midst.
Best for the West
Established 1885
JlVa) Delirious Sweet
Corn "Golden Bantam"
Exceptionally early and
in flavor and tenderness
not equalled by any
other variety. The ears
are short and compact
and the kernels plump
and creamy. This and
a thousand other veg
etables best for the West,
may be selected from
Jim catalog and found
at your dealers.
Write Jim) Seattle or Portland for Catalog, Free.
period of five years.
County Clerk Uulton has recently
ha'! a letter from C. K. Dlllinni., who
wiote that he had been traiul.n r-,1 t.i
It 18 and would leave at one 0 for the
Hawaiian Islands. Ills friends hero
don't know whether that Is a sub
marine or Just plain boat, but are in
clined to the sub.
Mrs. A. C. Voltner, who has had
charge of the Influenza hospital In
this city for many weeks, left for her
home the fore part of this week to
take a rest. She had many patients
in her house during recent weeks but
the epidemic has subsided and she Is
permitted to close her house and go
Ralph McKlnnon, a son of R. J.
McKlnnon Jr., arrived in this city
this week, having recently returne.i
from France where he went to .teivo
his country with other young men of
America. He stated to a representa
tive of this paper that he was in
France for several months but was In
Hi' iiospital most of the time and fin
ally brough burs to Ilic State with
out having mi opporl unity to gel to
the front. His older brother,
cine, was more fortunate and Is still
across the water with his regiment.
Pills relieve rheumatic pulns, back
ache, sore muscles and other symp
toms of kidney and bladder trouble.
Sold by Reed Brothers.
I :-, -:
Including the latest and
Spring and Summer
Exclusive agent for Victor
Tailoring Company with a
full line of
Spring Sample for
Women 's Suits and
--I..1IS.M... !-.- -I
Mrs. Lelah Millar
At the Schwartz Store
That is what everybody wants to do. It is what people DO do when they
buy their groceries and provisions at this store.
We are always on the watch to keep an inferior article or a high price from
creeping in. We don't like that any more than you do, for we are strictly alive
to.the fact thaj. as long as we sell quality goodB and make lower prices than the
other fellow we will hold your trade, but that the moment we allow him to get
ahead of us you'll go right over to him and we couldn't blame you.
That, plainly speaking, is why we ALWAYS make it possible for you to
"Eat More and Pay Less" when you trade with us.
Idalily or Wigwam Flour,
Sack- $3.05; Bbl $12.20
White River Flour
Sack $3.40; Bbl $13.50
Beans, all colors but Lima I2V2C
Fancy Dried Peaches, 25
lb box 4.50
Sugar, 50 lbs $6.10; 100
lbs $12.00
Stock Salt, 100 lbs ,. 1.75
Dairy Salt, 60 lbs 1.50
Hand Packed Tomatoes 4.50
Solid Packed Corn 4.50