im imihW" asm The Times-JIerald Ha The Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper la Harney County. JULIAN BYRD Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES OaeVear SS.OO Six Moth. 1.00 rWee Meatae 7g Entered at the Poet Office at Burnt, Oregon, aa Second Claaa Matter. SATURDAY. APRIL It. 11 THK IUR1 RKHKKVK DlHPCTK. (Portland Journal of April 16.) If you mention the Malheur lake bird reserve to residents of Hums and surrounding country, they "hit the celling," so to speak. When you pass along the borders of the lake and see thousands of (lucks and other water fowl feeding and nesting by the shores, you un derstand why Mr. Finley and his friends want the lake retained as a bird reserve. When, .on the other hand, you hear a Burnslte talk about the Silvies Kiver irrigation project, you as read ily understand why the people around there are almost solidly for irrigated i ;rms first and birds afterward. The Silvies Hlver reclamation pro ject contemplates the conversion of 145,000 acres of sagebrush laud Into alfalfa farms Residents insist that alfalfa there yields six tons per acre. A hundred and forty-flveythousand a res of additional alfalfa laud would enormously increase the resources for feeding live stock through the long winters, and very heavily increase the flocks and herds that can be kept on the surrounding ranges, stretch ing away 80 miles to Idaho on the Baal and to Nevada 100 miles to the t-outh. The Silvies flows Into Malheur lake "om the north. Thirty miles north of Burns is Silvies valley, surrounded by mountain ranges and drawing to gether to a narrow neck ut the south end, where the Silvies river pa.ises out ' in the level Harney plains, which it is proposed to irrigate. This nar row neck is an extraordinarily favor able site for a dam by which to im pound the waters of the river and afford means of irrigation of the Kind after it has been warmed by the c; ring sun, giving alfalfa the heart ening moisture with which to take on swift luxuriant growth. The Burns people are quick to tell you thai tehy want this power of produc tion added to their resources and to their ability to gain a living, and, when one thinks it over, it is hard to find a way to blame them for it. As they express it, "it is more vital to a to have something with which to feed our babies than to feed the game 1 irds." The rot of tho controversy Is this: 'i he impounding of tho waters of the Silvies river and their diversion to irrigation will deprive Malheur lake of one source of its water supply. The bird lovers urge that It may ause the whole body of water to disappear. Residents admit that it will likely lower the lake waters but say that the IJJltzen river, which flows into Malheur lake from the south, will keep the lake from going dry. An elevation of'4000 feet and more t lakes the winters in the region long, April 11. when the trophy train was there, no outside feed was visi ble, and ranchmen were hauling out hay and feeding it to their cattle. When you see stock fed so late In the seaaon, and when you count along it"' wgv the oarraasei of catih that died for lack of feed during tin- Win ter iou realise what new alfalfa fields vould mean to that country and are not surprised that people there are stronger for irrigation than for bird reserves. Two hundred settlers are Interest ed in the proposed Silvies Kiver recla mation project, which alao Includes a part of the Hanley and Pacific Livestock holdings, and it la said that the larger holdings will be divided Into email units If the project la fin ally developed. o FOOD HKI.W TION KOR HOMK. LAW HAYS KILL ".QIIItltKI.N The most important daily inci dent of the housekeeper's routine is the selection and preparation of food for her family. It is a tribute to her Intelligence and industry If her husband goes out to bis work and ber children to their school well nourished and satisfied. In order to bring this about she must know something or the proper combination of foods. The meals served every day should contain a proportion of each of the following groups of foeds: 1. Fruits and vegetables. Those contain m'neral substances of great value. I, Meats and meat substitutes, such as poultry, fisii, beans, eggH, milk and cheese. These are the muscle and tissue building foods 3. Starches, including bread and cereals of all kinds. Cereals come nearer to supplying nutrition than any other class of foods. 4. Sugar, including honey, mo lasses and other sweets. Sugar sup piles the body with heat and energy 5. Fats, such as butter and cream and lard and vegetable fats. These classes of food are all neces sary for a well-balanced diet. If each meal shows its due proportion of them, the household is on a good basis of variety and nutrition. The foods must of course be well cooked and seasoned and uppetizingly served. The housewife who carries out these principles Is doing her duty to her home and to her country. o Now Germany Is Instructing the peace conference as to what sort of peace treaty she will sign. Who won the war? o Dr. Ilotfver's prescription for Bol shevism Half a pound of bread, half a pound of meat and a quart of tea taken three times dally. , "Kill 'em." That's what the law ays every land owner, renter, or overseer must do with the spulrrela that infeat the land over which he has dominion. Utiles aaid owner, etc. "shall proceed and continue In good faith to exterminate said ground squirrels," the county court la em powered at the end of thirty daya to blre the work done and charge it to the owner, the land being taken aa a lien. The beat way to kill the squirrels la to feed them polnsoned grain, says George W. Kable, county agent of Benton. Since squirrels feed early in the morning It la beat to scatter the polnsoned grain late In the even ing or early in the morning. As prepared by Benton county the poi soned barley Is safe to handle but must be kept away from children and live stock. It not an effective rat poison but is sure death to field mice. Mr. Kable says the polnsoned grain is best carried In "a flat whiskey botle, If you have one of these relics nf former Mines " 0 Hid Her of All Her Pain. Mrs. L. Warue, 2726 3rd St., Ocean Park, Calif., writes: "I am thankful to say Foley Kidney Pills rid me f all my pain. I advise any one to try them after the good they did me." Backache, sore must lea. stiff or swollen Joints, rheumatic pains, are Indications of kidney trouble. Foley Kidney PIIU are safe and reliable. Sold by Reed Brothers. e The pence conference has a great way of finishing what it has begun. When the news came that Hungary had gone bolshevik It was discussing the German trans-Atlantic cables and it took It two hours more to fin ish with that subject and turn its attention to Hungary. o The cheapest and most plentiful things In Russia are Bolshevism and death. WK HAVK A ill HI ffi REPUTATION TO MIHTAIN' Do you know what it means to live up to a reputation for DEPENDABILITY? We know know that it means constant vigilance lest we permit tho QUALITY of our wares to be lowered. It alao means unvarying courtesy and attention to each and every customer. When you trade with this great Family Store you are assured of these two advantages protection and service. iVKIlYTHIM; I OH THK I Will, V. AND ALL DKPKVDABLK Ve solicit your canon with this guarantee. Brown Satisfactory Store Burns. : : Oregon We carry goods advertioed on the "H osne Products Face" Itinerary Harney County Victory Loan Committee Over Two Weeks Trip Planned Covering Entire County In Drive To Put hariysy County Over the Top In Fifth and Last Loan Campaign. April 21 CRANE April 21 April 22 DIAMOND April 22! April 24 ANDREWS April 24 Aprfl 25 (Noon) ALBERSON (Noon) April 25 April 26 DENIO April 28 CATLOW April 29 NARROWS April 30 RILEY .... May2 DREWSEY May 3 HARNEY May 5 BURNS ... May 6 LA WEN .. April 26 April 28' April 29 April 30, May 2 1 May 3 ! May5i May 6 , BREAD Better for the money than you yourself can bake in your own kitchen. Buy it here, and save yourself all the trouble and bother of "Baking Day." Cakes, Cookies, and All Kinds of I) . iicious Pastry Freshly Made Every Day One Harney Countv Sailor One Harney County Soldier One Prominent Outside Speaker will accompany the committee Automobiles furnished by Eastern Oregon Live Stock Co., "of Crane, and I. Weinstein, of Lawen. OUR BREAD IS ALSO SOLD BY Farmers Exchange-Emmet Reed Burns Cash Store-Hagey's Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Page 's Sweet Shop You're pretty sure to see it in this paper COMMEMORATE THE MEN AND rVOMEN WHO SERVED THEIR COUNTRY IN THE GREAT WAR IT IS THK "stay-at-home" dollar tho dollar spent for local products that keeps circulating among us. All dollars may look alike to you, hut it is the "stay-at-home'' dollar that makes Oregon grow and prosper. USK HOMK PRODUCTS x4T ( Ilk J S I leafl new .V " A nil LIRSrwTV """" Slftx"'V?lM "" ' 'llviflU r ' vSSsnSL U Liberty's torch gives forth a brighter glow of fn dOU because the noble men and women who have put tielputcd In Hie various iuiises and In the TM Army and Navy of Hie United Slutes from Harnev County did their part loyally, gladly and willingly. lie- IUCOOSS or Hie Honor Koll of llurney County ends on those who have enguged in home Home work and on the parents or the boy.s who man died ft Way to do their part to ruhh an Insolent, arrogant power Herman)'. We need these pictures and biographies. Therefore no time should he lost In getting them Into our hands. The photographs will be carefully handled and you he under no obligation to pay us for the picture , , will I Home Industry league of Oregon text that will bo printed in this splendid historical record. What would your hoy think If his picture were left OUt of the Honor Koll of his County because of negligence on your part? This Honor Itoll or Harney County will be u book that everyone will he proud to have in their home and show to their friends. Many people are purchasing extra copies to send to their friends and relatives. A volume of this kind will he preserved for generations to i ome because of its sentimental and Intrinsic value. Ol It JHK.T ACHIKVK.MK.Vr Our Country has swept to the summit or modern attainment In commercial and scientific achievement at high speed, our great railroad systems, our wonderful Industrial organizations, our vast ranches and highly developed farms are the wonders of the world. In two short years we astonished the world ut what we could do in developing uu Army and Navy when our boys crashed against the Prussian guard ut (liateua Thierry they thought an avalanche bad hit tin And it was uu avulanche of courageous, determined, trained soldiers who knew only one way to go uud Hint was forward. How proud you were of the victory and achievement 00 November 11th. It wus the boy like yours and your neighbor's that helped the United Stuts crush the enemy. Are yi n not willing to perpetuate the memory of every sold'- r hov who donned the khaki or blue from sour bo&M count '.' We thought enough of this proposition to go Into the work ot building this record ftnd it win cost thous id oi dollars ftnd lake loti of work, but we are willing do OUT pari ftO thai every man who Joined th , froni Harney County may be remembered in h lasting way. Imagine the keen disappointment or rpur boy ir his picture were left oul of this auhonttc record, Vou ut deriUnd, of i our thai the printing or bli pl tare ami biography doe not obligate yon la the least, to please d thl.i da'u and photograph while Hie mutter is rresh In your mint!. We ure sparing no expel to make this n volume that evervone in this countj will he proud to own. The coVer is a work of uri with uu attractive design of the Btatue of Libert) oa a rich "Kowhlde1 cover stock. 1 1, opening pagi are In Ira colors and huve been designed lor us b) artists who huve embodied Into this work a style of decorative art thai expresses the mission or this publication, There ure tour handuomo art divisions la five eotort, Vliualtslag the Navy, the Army, the Home Service work and the Red Cross activities. Bash Soldier Hoy's picture In the book will bo on a handsome War decorative background and all other pictures win be arranged on backgrounds thai quickly toll the -lory Of thft activities in which such Individuals have been engaged. LOSS no time in handing In the picture and data Come In and wa will be giud to tell you nil ubout it. cm In the data below and bring It in or send it In with the pictures at once, upon for Home Service Work. Nume Branch Of Home Service Name or Town The above should he u ,ed to designate the type ot Home Service you have been engaged In. Fill In are luly. Coupon Value Rank ffe ii ol i Both Pan ! ii'e ot Promotion to runk of Hate of Promotion to rank of Hate of Promotion to rank fit Date ol' i romoftUU to rank of Wounded at Huttle of Data Killed at li.ittle of. Hale Died: Place Date The Honor Koll of Harney County, Oregon D. POTTER, Publisher Office in Burns II y