i ARMY TO GET TALKS IN THRIFT CAMPAIGN To teach thrift through nubia to i In- Victory 1mn hiiiI War Htnmpi, three leotureH on wle will be delivered to l.MHl.OOO now In the service. The tnlk made under the approval of n (lenrrnl Kdwnrd U Munson Ktnff. V. S. A., and will be irtve On direction of the Y. M. C. A rlptlonH 8nvlngR buying Holiltera will rlKndlar Oeneral u under OUR SOUL WILL PAY There waa very little to find fault with In the spirit which the American people showed when the war waa 1 rought home to them dally by deed of heroism sent back from the fields if France. In those day a, beneath the lelflihneM of commercialism, was laid Imro the aoul of our people. It was the snrne true, untarnished aoul which bulH the country through near ly a century and u half of itragglsi which tested every fiber of our being is a nation. It I this spirit and soul of our na wbtofc makes possible the srblevemeai by the. i n lean peopll of any tusk which they set themselves from the bottom of their heart. Our nation never went Into anything with more determined will than It did to defeat the ahou.ili.'hl. militarism Which had bene the lone star of the German people, The ajttOI lean people won that battle. The novoniment Is now milking an appeal to the aame spirit which won that victor;.. The only work thnt re mains to be donu to make sure of an oversubscription to the fifth loan la tc home to the American spirit which won the war the realization that tUere Is another nieat task which It Is right to be done. That la paying the bill of the war. The Amerlcar people know the bill la Just and will pay it. NOT THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT .vvn A dollar saved Is a dollar made, vest In War Savings Stamps. in V S. S. means sane saving. Gel the habit. . OH LORD! HIT US ALL! Former Secretary of the Treasury William G. McAdoo Is telling this story to Ret buyers for the Victory Liberty Lean: "A pastor in a Now Jersey vil lage," he said, "devoted a half hour one prayer meeting night to a loun appeal. His appeal wns forcible. It even touched the rich old deacon, ' who hadn't subscribed to the loan ; ttltherto on the ground that he could I get a better rate of Interest else i where. "'I'll take inn-, announced the deacon solemnly from his pew. "Then, as he sat down, a piece of plaster fell from the celling, strik ing him a pretty hard Wow on the bend He rose again hurriedly. He bad a scared, awed look. "'I mean $500', he said. 'Then Hrothor Jimmy Conner shouted lustily from the amen cor cer ner: ' ih. Ixid, hit him again!'" I 7 'AT . .11 life luMulVW 1 1 1 III 1 1 111 1HB: - -:-WiSp Vale' W jlM m 11 i - HI w I ... . -t . i Why the Essex Motor Car will be the sensation for the coming season Every part and every detail of the Essex con struction is of proved worth. It was designed and built by some of the foremost engineers of America, the same men whose genius produced the Super-Six. Many points of superiority in the Super-six which have proved themselves in years of service, have been incorporated into the Essex. The engine, only twenty-nine inches long, cast in one block with detachable head, readily develops more than fifty horse power. Long life is assured by the ample pro portions of the counterbalanced crank shaft, supported by three large bearings. Eastern Oregon Auto Co. H. E. YOUNG, Prop. Ontario WRAY'S AUTO STAGE All Touring Cart Leaves Burns Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday leaves liend Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday Fure Hums to Portland via Crane with berth .f2.'J.il Fare Burns to Portland via Bend with berth 119.15 Ship Perishable Goods, Express and Fast Freight via Bend in Our Care FARE, $10.00 SO lbs. baggage free HEADQUARTERS AT REED RROS. would cause my heart to palpitate so my breath would almost stop. There wire Intense pains all through my back about my liver and kidneys and I i an't begin to tell how I did suffer. I had fearful headaches and was so nervous 1 hardly new what linen was. I was often down in bed for a week at a time, hardly able to raise my hand. Then I would manage to stay up for two or three days, but would have to give up and take to my bed kgaSn, I would often go for two or three days without eating a mouth ful of anything. I lost weight right along and am telling the posi tive truth when I say I was In such an awful Condition that 1 thought I was going to die. "After reading and hearing so much about Teniae I bought a bottle, thlnk- ! lug 11 11 OlM uillt'tn nil llllilll RUUll. perhaps it might help me too. Well, it lias not only helped me, but I have i r tiully gained twenty-five pounds sines I began taking It and have nev er felt better In my life. My appe tite Is good and my stomach In such splendid condition that 1 can hardly eat enough and don't suffer a par ticle afterwards. All my pain and misery Is gone, my kidneys and liver are acting splendidly and my nerves are perfectly strong and normal. I sleep every night like a child, and don't know what it Is to have the he kdache. My husband bus also tuk- en Teniae wllh wonderful resOlts. In fact. I think It has d him as much , gOOd a It has DM, and we both con :ii!or It the flneM medicine da. Tanlae Is sold in Burns by iteed I Bffes., and In Crane by Vale Trading i o. sdv. OUTSIDER WILL BE CLERK OF HOUSE 'V, SwM sSBM 'MIS Hi ! 1IIII Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A rich uncle may (lit; and leave you a roll, but few rich uncles have thin habit. if you get rich, the chances are you will first have to Have enough money in order to make an investment that will pay. There are plenty of investments for the man with a little ready cash. But it is up to you to save cash. The best policy is to deposit a portion of your salary. A Bank is bettor than a hole in your pocket through which your money can slip away. Make our Rank YOUR Bank. 41 LANGUAGES AID FIFTH LOAN DRIVE Pamphlets, posters, advertising and newspaper copy win be printed in 41 languages during the Victory Loan drive mi that the campaign tuny be car rl( 'I among people of foreign birth. All i.aflons with a foreign birth membership will be sent form letters and special appeals will be written by racial group leaders for publication In a language newspapers. CHICAGO DAILIES HIT AT LOAN SWINDLERS Chicago newspapsn bare made an 1 ii ni not to aeoepl advertising of financial pirates oSortng to Made "gilt edge" securities for Liberty bonds and have tarted a campaign to educate the public against this swindle, through wblch it is estimated ths public has betted out of more than $.'.00,- 0 a year. Ilewars Of snail expenses. Stop tin to with War Savings. Stamps. Everything for Everybody Anything for A nybody BUY IT FROM US IT PAYS This is a ft -ni tuI store ami wears supposed tcrsell every thing, and we live up i the general supposition. Yon can buy anything you wsnt here, from hardware to grocerieBi from needles ton fcrood smoke. It pays to biiy from us. because wo sell for, cash, ami an enormous amount of goods, and we can therefore sell at a closer margin of profit than some others. You ('AN'T lose, ami you WILL gain. Now doesn't this line of argument app al straight to your good common sense? LUNABURG, DALT0N & CO. miRNS. :: OREGON William Tyler" Page will bo the . lerk of the HoOMMNOf Hepresent atlvea in the next Congress. Ho n one of the few men, not a mem ber of C'ongrt ..s ever appointed .o the nl.-M CRANE STATE BANK CRANE, OREGON YouVe pretty sure to see it in this paper 'I I1EMEVB IT SAVBD MY I. II K," KIIK K.WH. I 'irnicr li.iiiicil iu-e, (.rmrii.ite of liellcviic Hospital, '-aills MTt Pound TakitiK Tanlae. I 'i II One of the mo.-t Interesting of ths many remarkable Statement! V I made in connection with Teniae eras given by Mrs. Mary J. Howard, who re Idas at 402 West lake Ave., North, Seattle, recently. Mrs. Howard has been a resident of .Seattle for the I eighteen years, anil before her marriage, was a trained nurse and a graduate of IJellevue Hospital, New Vork. When asked If she would be willing f(,r her statement to be pub-j II bed, she nald, "yes, Indeed, and you , ma) si art It by sayltlK I believe Tate-j I " aved in y life. "i have gffared from stomach trouble and disordered Uvet and kid- for flvt years unii hini gotten In hail condition, thai I lion, tl) ; like i was solas to die. i Uting i wonld eat would ferment In iomaob uml tlfS V formed by It 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock cuane Company oregon lrMiii IJaAi laM 111 lliiiii, : .. i-SJBSli UnaWgaaiTPJI "I I I r ill I MMti MMM HOMInW 1,1 ' I I JlEwff yirmllansciJi!S9 Copyright lilt V Ii i. i i'l i ubBM UsmiMnVSlSBl t . .1 i...,.ia Tub.cn. Co. pWKmMi 1 1 Hsk MsaT.ill IlllnaBBSSm 1 I I "IV 11 1 in 1 iiii. Toopvrdht.jf, tidy rmd tin hunJtutn $touni tints' tut ? pound tin Aumi.ors ana' that il'.stv. practical pvund cryttai Was humiJa with pone; moiatmtn r tup that Affsiirf i As fobnrco in sue A psrstl mvndtitati. ! nnSnannii s ffiStfP fo""?aW I m rsWaittlr1-- ' ' 4JnVaV 1 t 11 1 MS 1 Tsjsnir affsl iff, ," rsipiii M""ll'IIMIIIIMNUIIIIItlHItll PUT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce rnor smoke happiness than you ever before collected ! P. A.'s built to fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands 1 It has the jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran against I Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy pipe or the papers every once and a while. Ahd, puff to beat the curdsl Without h comeback! Why, P. A. is so good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smoke! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.