The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 19, 1919, Image 1

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The Tlmos-ncrnld goes re
gularly to more homes In Har-m-
Omiicy than any other
newspaper. If yon wUh to
reach the people nae theee col
umns (or your advertisement.
Tine Times-Herald in an old
established friend of the people
of Harney Cftiunty where It haa
been a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It's Job department la
equipped to serve your needa.
NO. 25
, ' ' ''
President of Company Sug
gests Advisabi ity.
Stockholders and Others Subscribed to
$500 Fund on Promise of Like Sum
to Be Raised in Portland.
tte I'nlt for Kch 12 Montlix; part of
Faculty Elected for Next Term
Starting In Kail.
Sin. r returning to his homo at
Portland, M. G. Nease, who is presi
dent of he company that lias drilled
the oil well at Don Mountain, has sug
gested the advisability of placing un
expert in charge of operations upon
resuming work on the project.
Mr. Nease recently wrote to C. II.
Voegtly, one of the heavy local stock-
A meeting of the Hartley County
High School board was held last Sal
urday afternoon at which time part
of the instructors for the coming rstt
wen- elected although there are nt 111
some vacancies. O. T. Storll was
stain eie ted us principal; Mrs. Blobflj
Koderlck re-elected as hend of the
commercial course; Mrs. B. E. Bal
aton, home ei anemic I,
Following the meeting the appli
cation of Miss Muggins was received
ana mis win tie acted upon hooii. - At
present there are vacancies In the
English, History. Manual Training
and Agriculture depart BMSts,
In dismissing the coming wShOOl
year Mr Storll stated he hoped to de-
Big Delegations Sent from
Neighboring Counties to
Present Claims.
County Commissioners Hass ami
III Klnnon arrived home Thursday
i night from Cortland where they had
oeen iii aneuti u meeting or the mate
Highway Commission. They report
having found nig delegations from
our neighboring counties present to
present their claims and see what
iould he in compllMhed through co
operation. Malheur county had Its entire coun
ty ourt present with some dozen ad
ditional delegate- with the proposi
tlno of bonding for $200. 000 ami use
the major part of it on the John Day
holders in the concern asking his ad-i V0,e 0OMlMs time to getting hU!''ighway but they also promised the
raemty so arranged as to promote the 'commission they would use a portion
vice and adding that if meets the ap
proval of the local stockholders and
the people of this community will put
additional money into stock to the
amount of $600 he will raise a like
amount in Portland and secure the
services of an expert to bring the well
in. Accordingly some of the local
meu interested got busy yesterday
with good success and It looks favor
able to "calling Mr. Nease's bet" and
the work going forward under tbe
most favorable circumstances. Ho
tails attention to mistakes of tbe past
and cites good reasons for- the em
ployment of an experienced oil man
to finish the Job.
This well has been drilled to what
Is believed an oil flow but bad not
been properly bandied with the result
that the cap rock waa penetrated and
the water allowed to stand for an In-
definite time which caused delay and
much inconvenience. With a man
thoroughly familiar with oil wells it
Is confidently expected that a flowing
well will be developed Immediately.
Several who had already taken c.on
! alderable stock in this well subscrib
ed for additional stock on this sug
gestion while others who had never
taken any stock subscribed. .
The writer met J. B. Kerr, a well
known geologist of California, this
week. Mr. Kerr had been making an
Investigation of this Valley as a possi
ble oil field, and while be had very
little to say In the presence of the
newspaper man, he told others of his
favorable impression of this field.
The activity shown In this line of
work recently has added confidence '
and the people are giving prospecting
concerns better support.
The Times-Herald gave this sub
ject some consideration recently and
stated at that time the favorable pros
pects for a flowing well in tbenear fu
ture In commercial quantities. It
predicts big things In tbe oil discov
eries in this Valley in the Immediate
The executive committee of Har
ney County Chapter, American Red
Cross, met on Wednesday afternoon
rid elected the officers for the Chap
ter for this year and also named the
chairmen of the several standing cam-
Charles W. Ellis was chosen chair
man of the Chapter; W. M. Sutton
was made vice-chairman; Mrs. Phebe
Beary, who has acted as secretary for
'he Chapter almost constantly since
It was organized, was again elected
to that responsible position and also
made secretary of the Home Service
Deprtment which is the only one that
will he active for the time being; Mrs.
Oearv w receive a salary In this po
sition, a. C. Welcome was chosen
The chairmen of tbe several com
mittees are: Executive, Sam Moth-
emhead; Civilian Relief, Joe Thomp-
Military Keller C II I ... r.l
Membership, Mrs. Grace Lampshlre;
Publicity, Mrs. W. B. Huston; Fi
nance. Win. Farre.
Interests of the school. He has In
mini several new activities during
next year which Includes athletics as
well as physical culture for the girls
and possibly a school band. Mr.
Storll also hopes to see much Inter
eat In the literary societies and stu
dent body activities.
We understand Mr. Storll expects
to leave In a short time for the pur
pose of visiting wino of the high
8chool. or the state which are still in
session, this meets the approval of
the board and also (he patrons as he
lli thuu have an opportunity to ob
serve aim get In touch with the meth
ods of other schools.
Word has been received through
J. A. Churchill. State Superintendent
of Public Instruction, authorizing the
principal of the school to grant one
unit toward graduation for every 12
months spent in either the army or
navy by a high school student. The
total number of credits so given must,
however, In no case exceed three.
This ruling Is to apply whether the
service was in this country or over
School will open September 1st
and It is urged that prospective stu
dents of the school already begin
planning for their next year's work.
To facilitate this pamphlets will soon
be Issued giving all necessary infor
mation as to the amount and char
acter of tbe work to be offered.
Students are also advised to con
tinue with the subjects begun last fall
and for which no credit was received
because of the brief period of school.
The course In Manual Training
which was introduced two years ago,
will be resumed and a capable in
structor is being sought for this sub
ject and Agriculture.
During the last legislative session,
physical training was made compul
sory for ail students. Twenty min
utes each day exclusive of recess will
be devoted to this.
From inquiries already received,
there is every indication lo believe
that last year's enrollment which was
so auspiciously Increased to the high
water mark of 83, will reach 100 the
coming year. This can easily be
realized if full advantage is taken or
the splendid educational facilities of
fered at home.
of It on the Central Oregon highway
state our representatives. The gen
tlemen also bring back word that
Deschutes county proposes a bond Is
sue of $126,000 and promise to use
1 10,000 of that on the road east to
Messrs. Hass and MrKInnon both
feel that the Central Oregon highway
Is shape for Immediate attention If
certain things can be adjusted. They
say the letting of a contract for the
first unit of this road has been held
up for thki past several weeks because
the post master at Lawen has refused
to sign the recommendation of the
route. This has been caused by the
survey being run fn such a manner as
to not serve the post office at that
place, but leaves it off to one side.
Our commissioners state that the
State Highway Commission will not
make a change In the present loca
tion of the route and suggest that
the court promise to construct a road
from the highway to the post office
at Lawen as a means of settling the
matter satisfactorily. The two com
missioners propose to go to Lawen
tomorrow to make this proposition.
Mr. Welnsteln, the post master at
Morris Brothers, Inc., Take
$30,000 Worth Victory
Loan Locally.
Manager James Doncgnn received
a telegram yesterday from Morris
Bros.) of Portland announcing rt
I he firm would subscribe for 130,000
worth of Victory Beads In Harney
county and asked to which bank the
assignment should ho made.
Morris Pros, are a bonding roncern
and to show their Interest and belief
In the cause they have placed an ad
rsrttSStMlM I" every paper In Oregon
this week urging the people to buy
Victory llonds. In addition to this
they have made the above proposl
Hon which is certainly commendable
W. W.
S0M Acres of Havldxon Holding
Taken; To lie Paid for In
Or. loulse Kleiner of Oregon Social
Hygiene Society Coming to
Rums to Help.
Dr. Louise Rlchter will be a big
factor In helping the women of Hums
In the fight against the social evil In
Oregon when she speaks to the
women and girlH of the city on Wed
nesday, April 23, at 3:00 and 8;-00
p. m. In the Liberty theatre. The
afternoon address will he primarily
for girls of eleven and over, and the
evening meeting will be primarily for
There are now very few persons
In Oregon who do not know of the
splendid health record of this state.
In The first million draftees, while
thetiverage stale sent thirty voner-
eally diseased men per thousand into
the service ami the state with the
nignest percentage sent eighty-nine
Citizens Present at Meeting
By Invitation
City Will Provide Means for Disposing of
Garbage and Trasb Collect; Better
Healtb Conditions.
Considerable interest was shown
at a Battel meeting of the city coun
cil Inst night vhlch was called for ttm
purpose of starting a general clean
up of the town, both as lo accumulat
ed garbage and the beaut IfylSf, of the
homes of the citizens and improve
ment of the streets. Several of the
ing the past aeveu years in educa
tional propaganda for clean young
manhood and young womanhood.
While In Prlneville Saturday on I There Is no fact connected with
other business, W. W. Brown met the war of which Oregonians may
Watson P. Davidson of 8t. Paul and fl more Justly proud than of this
closed a deal for 9,600 acres of graz- record of her manhood and of the
Ing land adjacent to holdings he al- foresight that made such a result
ready possesses in the southern part possible. Hut with our pride comes
oi tnis county, says the Crook County a great sense of duty the duty to
citizens were present by invitation
per thousand, Oregon sent less than'0"'1 took IHrt ,n tlie discussion and
six per thousand. made suggestions. One matter un-
This wonderful record has been (ler ""deration was the method ot
made possible by the splendid co-op- """ding the road fund which is
eration of the people of Oregon dur- i nlao"d ln ,he hands of the city as it
is a road district In Itself and has a
certain amount of the road fund at
Its disposal each year.
Repair Bad Spot In Roads.
Some wanted It used in putting the
main street in better repair but this
did not meet the approval of others
who contended trtat each "property
owner should stand the expense In
front of his property and that the
The lands already owned by Mr. she holds to keep her standing as
Brown totaled more than 14000 acres a beacon to the rest of the world in
-iiid is situated In four counties, and ' Its struggle lor clean living.
Is used for grazing livestock of all The Federal government and other
kinds, principally sheep. J states are now realizing the terrible
Mr. Brown says he has reduced his drain upon economic resources,
horses somewhat, having sold more health and morals resulting from the
than 2,000 head in the past two yearn ' social evil and they are taking up
keep Oregon In the proud position I road fun,l,' 8hould be used ln the in
but expects to Increase his sheep to
20,000 or 26,000 head.
He haa faith In the livestock In
dustry and although well paat the
threescore mark In years, he thlnka
that Central Oregon Is a good coun-
the fight against Its ravages. Ore
gon must continue to show them the
way and It la upon the mothers of tbe
state that this duty principally falls.
We must, if we are to continue the
fight effectively, have an educated
lleves live stock will enjoy high ' the confidence of their children will
prices for years and is building ac
cordingly. Incidentally he contracted to pay
Mr. Davidson for hs lands ln wool,
do much to eliminate the red plague
from our state.
It la hoped that every mother and
every woman interested in under
try In which to live and work. ! parenthood to give to the young the
He cam to this country in 1182, Information that every boy and airl
...... . I - rw w
i-awn, was in this city yesterday and , got ajob In Prlneville digging a Well sjiould have. One generation of nar-
told a representative of this paper he land afterwards taught school. He be- ents knowing their duty and having
was not disposed to act arbitrarily ln
this matter and was In favor of the
highway but If It Is to be a post road
It should serve the post office. He
said: "I am ready to submit the mat
ter to the citizens of Harney county
and abide by their decision If we can
get a representative meeting togeth
er to consider It along with other
things of public interest, but I do not
believe in allowing one or two men
to dictate to me and my neighbors
what we should do In this or any
other matter. I have recently had
some correspondence with the State
Highway and the postal authorities
which was valued at 45 cents for tbla j standing herself or her children will
year and 40 cents a pound for the hear Dr. Rlchter while she Is here.
two succeeding clips.
I '.KM r.tiuilt sill. I. IN DEMAND.
Men able to drive the many-horse
teams-on the big eastern Oregon Hygiene Society.
Dr. Rlchter Is a physician with
twenty-three years practise. She has
been specially prepared by the War
Department to bring her message to
women and girls and she speaks un
der the auspices of the Oregon Social
ranches are scarce and hard to find,
reports J. W. Brewer, farm help
and Imagine I know something of my specialist of the college extension and be taken up
position In this controversy." I federal service. He thinks the trac-
There will be no admission charge
to the lecture and no collection will
Bert Otis, who Is farming the old
Bowen place on I'olson Creek, arrived
home from Spokane Thursday even
ing, where he and the family had
been since last fall. Just himself
and son came ln as the other mom-
tor will have to be the solution lr
the present condition continues. A
B. H. K.i m t until, a son of Mrs.
Charles W. Bills, arrived home this
great shortage of farm labor Is re- j week after receiving his discharge
ported from theSpokane and Yakima from the navy In which branch of
districts. A good tenant house, fit ' the service he volunteered at the be
to live and enjoy life In, la one of Mr. ginning of the war. The young man
Brewer's solutions of the farm help
Burns Chapter, No. 40, O. E. 8.
was paid an official visit by Worthy
Orand Matron Mabel Settlemeler on
Thursday night. Word was received
last week that she contemplated this
visit and local members advised her
not to come on a count of the influen
za epidemic. The lady finally sent a
wire saying she had made all arrange
ments and fixed her Itinerary, there
fore would come in even though the
attendance might not be as large as
otherwise. There were throe candi
dates for the degrees but the train
was late reaching Crane and the vis
itor did not reach this city until al-I
most midnight. The candidates had I
hers of the family will remain In the problem. He says the tenant's wife
city until the close of school. Mr. , often determines whether the farm
Otis seeded a large acreage to sweet hand remains on the farm, and the
clover last year and reports it is do- j tenant house determines the attitude
Ing fine. ' ,,f the wife.
was mustered out In Philadelphia.
His home coming was a pleasant
surprise to his mother as she was not
even aware that he had returned to
the States from Liverpool where he
had been stationed.
IM ORM VIIOV CONCERNING " K'VH" '"" "T I before lier ur
RIGHTT1 OK.tDK KXAM8 riVal ,,Ut " ""'l'"r of ' n.e.ul.ers
remained ut the lodge mm aiul tag
County S c h e S I Superintendent Worthy Grand Matron wuh most gra
Bjgnces M. Clark announces that the moiihIv received, Mrs. Minnie l,,t
eighth grade final examinations will ! son of Ontario. Au,.ii,. n- ,,,i ,.
i -- - . ' ',,
I)'' ll'-M fill Muv 1 T. imiiI 1A Onuillnn ,1 (- ..- . . ..
"' ' ' "'" " vi.i-hwii iiui'imnn, a iilllipa IIHII Ul lirallll Mll-
sheei , rr he. examination will be trou over.
""" out as soon as received from the Following the meeting
"''. . II lierhllenilelil (if I'nhll,- In.
'ruction. It Is hoped to have tliem
P the hands of the hoard chairmen
"' i'h n u of llmo before th
" j and took them bgek
a nice re-
DS I was served and Hie visitor n
turned to Crane In order to take Hie
morning train out. Mrs. Archie Mr
Jiiwun brought them over from Crailc
HCuttU --- ,ri ' jvT : ,'; l-C)At( ,t 'Jf j. '''.' 'Jin?'''
tersections and upon the approaches
to town from the several country
One matter thta might have had at
tention In connection with the dis
posal of this fund was the few bad
spots a short distance out which pre
vented people from getting to town
during the recent muddy season. It
was asserted by men who knew that
this lost a conslderabe trade to this
town which might have been avoided
with a small expenditure of money.
In the general discussion of the af
fairs or the city Charles W. Ellis sug
gested tbe advisability of a new char
ter for the city. This brought out
comment upon the present charter
which it appears is somewhat anti
Clean-up Date Het.
Before the meeting adjourned the
mayor set the week beginning April
28 as clean-up week. Those pres
ent expressed their hearty approval
of the Intention of the council to in
augurate a general Improvement pro
grain which will bring about a better
condition in the health of the city as
well as more sightly appearance of
the town.
The city will provide means of tak
ing away the garbage and trash from
the homes and alleys of the city dur
ing clean-up week. All is asked Is
the co-operation of the citizens hi
collecting the debris around their
premises and placing in convenient
piles where the teams or trucks may
load it on.
Direction of City Marshal.
The campaign is to be placed under
the direction of the city marshal anil
he Is also authorized to see that the
broken boards in the sidewalks are
fixed and the fences that are partly
out 1. the Btreet are straightened up.
It should he the pride of every resi
dent to co-operate In tbls move and
see that the request of the authorities
is compiled wth. It Is not expected
that this work can be accomplished In
a day and we have the entire Week to
complete It in. Let's do It.
Secretary Correll of the Cattle
Horse Raisers' Association, has writ
ten this simp announcing the 6th.
annual convention to be held ln
Bend on April 22 and 23. Correll
suggests that the boys who go from
here come over and join the Baker
contingent who go out ln a special
train, hut the stock men from this
county could bo in Bend before they
could get from here to Baker. How
ever, he will find a bunch of the Har
ney county boys there to take part
in tin- convention.
Mrs. Krauk Uroff informs this pa
per that W. 11. Chase, who formerly
worked at the Hums Oarage but who
volunteered his services to the gov
ernment ut the outbreak of the war,
has gained promotion rapidly and Is
now Nnslgn at the Naval Auxiliary
Reserve at New York.