CHECKING ACCOUNTS LOOK PROSPEROUS MAKE YOU FEEL PROSPEROUS BRING PROSPERITY Whrn a man pays his bills b,v check every body thinks he has money. The word of the moneyed mnn always Iiiin greater weight in community than that f tlie man who has nothing. This is nti ;ige when it takes money to make money, and without it you can do little or nothing. Start ft checking account today, and lei its possession lead the way to greater prosperity. It is the safe, sane and business way. The First National Bank of Burns, Oregon Capital and Surplus, : $100,000.00 KurnlHhed roomi. See Clevenger. Miss Lois Swpik has accepted h position at Pnge ' Sweet Shop. An Incubator for Bale. Phone or aee Pearl Vulgamore, Burns, Oregon. Battery and electrical repair work, oxy-acetylene welding. Jack Mo Oulre. Sam Ttmbrell, W. H. Flaet and flirt noy McNeil were up from Crane last ' night to attend a special meeting of I the Masonic lodgo. i Whcnt for sale at Brown' Quality Store. Hold only by the nark. No phone orders. No charge account for wheat. Mrs. P. 8. WoltteiihUIor and Mm ! s. M. Hoiton wero oor from Crane Oatd, barley and wheat for sale at Perry's Barn. Try our banana cream pita. They are delicious. Page's Sweet Shop, tf Have A. A. Perry haul some fertil iser for your garden. 50 cents a load. . Harrison Grove, one of the pros peroua stock men of the Denlo coun try, war a vlsltor'to this city during the week. Wheat for sale at Brown's Quality Store. Hold only by the aack. No phone orders. No charge accounts for wheat. Fare to Portland via Crane includ Ing berth, $23.91. Save money and 24 hours' time by going via Bend In Wednesday looking for furniture to Wray's Auto Stage, fare Including place- In the OOmauittl hall at tlrit berth, $19. SG. n. place. Albert Oakenuan was amoiiR tint run Kii'.vr n . . rio.v.i !, isavk QftT court TlettOtt dOCiS thO WOOk and to ll! HNS. CAPITA! AM Nt'lU'l.t'S portl bit wife and Bother and one 1100,000. "TUB HANK THAT , ,i nan on the Silver Creek ranch MAKKS YlU'lf I 9 V HAh'K." . .H victims oMnfluentt UMl WflOk. ACCOUNTS INVmO, Geo. Bayeraft. Halph Weaver. W. B. II. Hrown lime in the ether day from Nyssa where he has I i living Since list fall. ile Ib ov. i) look after hta Htock Interact! Ill tl Stein h I Mountain poantr . II. Finer and Mr. Trow wero all over from Crane last Monday night to a meeting of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. lifer wan made a Master Mason on oocaalon. LOCAL F KAPPE MNGS Harry Goulden was in from the OO ranch during the week. Settley Cream Separator, capacity 250 lbs., used only a short time, fori sale. Inquire at this office. A. A. Tipton was a business visitor during the week. He and Mrs. Tip ton moved out to the ranch recently Wheat for sale at Brown's Qualify Store. Sold only by the sack. o phone orders. Xo charge accounts for wheat. Clyde Cowing has returned from Ontario where be fed his stock the past wiiitt r and has them out on ;!i" home range. He says he wintered well. See our stock of stationery flrat. Batteries repaired properly. Jack McOulre. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Graves has fully recovered from an attack of Influenza. Wheat for sale at Brown's Quality Store. Sold only by the sack. No phone orders. No charge accounts for wheat. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Bunyard, of Narrows, has re covered from a severe attack of pneu monia, Dr. Saurman informs us. Koss Spry U in town from N'amjia. He was among the boys drafted Into army service from this county ami informs us be was mustered out last January. Strayed from my lauch, one red two year old heifer branded v, Ith oar-i i ... i ....... .i .. ......... .... i.. i, i. .. . . i . . M Hi ', uidiiio ituwii, uii irti lli'. iiinu N J' on left hip. Kar mark, crop off I the leit.spPt In the right. Suitable I reward. Lute Parker, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hutton and Mrs. Isaac Foster were In town tor a short i i" this week. The report an ahin ttsnee of moM'ire r n Hie desert with excellent propects for the coming season in the way of crops and k range. Mrs. Foster told this shop that Silver Crook had DOVer been hi;" er than tbls spring with exceptlo" so far as the residents of that section knew. W. N. Monroe, U. 8. Commissioner, who re 'ides it Callow Valley, was in town for a few days this week visit ing his daughter, Mrs. Fred Young, and attending to some business af fairs. Mr. Monroe was complaining of the roads and uncertain mail sys tem In his part of the country. Both have been responsible for inconven ience this spring as Mr. Monroe says crop prospects aro fine over there and many of the peopele sent out for seed which has not been delivered. CHURCH 1 The First Ha pi 1st church. IiaaibW..:; I i i I I I ill li hhBhHi Your Country's Last Call! BUY VICTORY LIBERTY BONDS! Our Service Free UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Harney Erjunig National Bank Bums, Oregon "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" iMihiiiiiiiufmn hamiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiHyiiiiiiiiiiiiifnim f Sunday, April 6th, 1919. Sunday school beginning at 9:46, A. M. I'reachingat 11 o'clock. Subject: What God Would Have Us Seek. evening worship beginning at 8 P. M. 8ubject: Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out. Prayej meeting on Thursday even ing of each week. Everybody Is Invited to attend the services. JOHN F. MOBLEY. Pastor. CIIBISTIAN HCIEXCK KOCIKTY Servicea nt 11:00 o''ock. The Testimonial Meeting, Wednes day at 7:30 P. M. The reading room In the church Edifloe. Is open on Tuesday and Frl- l)r. Saurman was called to Silver tt. rr,,,n o fo ., p M Sunday School meets on Sunday at i 'i o'clock. BIG FREE DEAL WATCH COUPONS IN DAILY NEW8PAPEBS With 1 Jar PALMOLIVE Vanishing Cream for 60c and 1 Can PALMOLIVE Talcum Powder for 30c we will give you 4 Cakes of PALMOLIVE Soap FREE OF CHARGE REED BROTHERS The Rexall Drag Store a If uf-of-toM ii customers and oth- en ie-iriiiK taxes paid will Kind us their tax notice or otherwise notify Henry Blackwell Is in this section:"-- wo '" bo i.dnd to attend to the for the purpose of buying som" year- ,n,,,ir f tbean. First Natianal ling calves. H nry bat been buying i Bank of Burns. cattle fn this country for the past ear- , T . George Jami ws i brought in th s eral years and Is well known to the , , , . , uiuitmij, muui inh iiuiiie iii iiurney local slock men. Wanted Men or women to take orders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line of men, women and children. Eliminates darning. Wo pay 60c. an hour spare time or $24 a week for lull time. Experience unnecessary. With a broken right leg caused from a bona tatting with Mm. Dr. Baur- man reduced the fracture and Mr. James is at the Fireoved hospital. Estray Bed muley cow, branded lazy bar H on left hip; marked with I underblt in left ear, Bwallow fork nil, I nlwlirl,fl It. ri..l.f ..- L I Write, International Stocking MU, """",, W .Z vr,iu.,.-, a..., . .. ,Bt my ra,,(h for tne Ia8t 'hree momlm .-........,.,,. x . u. i .. n or more. Owner call and make necessary proof of animal. P. G. Dr. It. F. White and Dr. It. B. Hmalley arrived in this city early this I Smith, Hums, Oregon. week. These young physicians have recently been released from the navy with the rank of lieutenants and are looking lor a place to locate and follow their profession. This big country appeals to them and they are inking over the field, going to Crane yesterday to observe that place. v. White la a nephew, to i'latt Kendall, chief deputy in the sheriff's office. G. W. Clevenger and his sister, Mrs. Short, of Payette, arrived in town Thursday. Mr.Clevenger had been out for a short time, having taken his Hon Geary to Nampa to put him In school and then visited for a time In Idaho. Upon learning that Mrs. Short's son and Mr. (Mevenger's daughter were both victims of the influenza in this city they hurried In to see if they could be of any assist ance. The patients are doing cjuite well. Several of the friends of Dr. and Mrs. J. Shelley Saurman invaded l he home on last Saturday evening and gave them a pleasant surprise, the OCCaatatJ being the anniversary of l heir wedding. The Doctor and Mrs. Kaurmau were absent when the gUCOtl arrived and one of liiein telephoned llilll Stutilii- be needed his prele: ill services al unci: (in arriving .anil (be bona (tiled witn neigh bors and in' ii i iva hundred ' 'ii tor a i line and dalnl bnti ate w re i si trad lal ir. Dr. and Mrs. Kaiiiniaii received b gOOd Wishes I ii, in I heir guests he (oye t hey departed for the evening. Italph Miller, a nephew of the late B. P. .Sylvester, was here from his homo at Salem for a week, leaving raetarday on his return, lie arrived after the funeral of his uncle uml remained for a short visit with his cousins, Thomas and Jerry Sylvester, who had been here looking after the farm. President J. . Daly of the r'lrst National Bank came over from his !.,..,.. .. u..l.. i. ... """lo "l uome iasi Tuesday lor a meeting with the officers and stock-! holders of the institution. J. L, Gault, former cashier but now resid ing at Spokaue, was also here for the purpose of meeting with them, as he still holds his stock in the Institution. City Marshal McDonald has had the chairmanship of the Armenian relief drive thrust upon him and while he has plenty to do and Is not altogether conversant with his duties or just what it Is necessary for him to do, lie is going to do his best and will have some detailed Information to give out through these columns next week. President Davidson of the Oregon & Western Colonization Co. was In town this week In company with II. !'. JohnaOn. They were making an lion lour throngs from Piins viiie to Ontario ovec tin- Company holdings. Mr. Davidson aiflt . lira In noting the effort to atloa district and told the newspaper man to put him dOWO as favorable to any move that will bring development. ('reek this week to Bee several of the ns of that neighborhood who are victims of the Influeaia. Among afflicted art Pat Cecil and Ms Homer CectI, W. L, Bess, It, .1 Williams and George Johnson It Is thought by the people oul there thai a reeenl moating of stock men at Kl- ley Is re pon Ible for the rapid s;in ad of the disease, Died Yesterday morning al her Imme in (his city, Mrs. Marry Book. i The report of this death came as a shock in the community as It was not known to many that the lady was III. In fact she was ill but a abort time. Dr. Saurman was called to see her a short time before her death and re ports the cause being paralysis of the throat. Mrs. Buck formerly resided at Denver, Colorado, coming here ; about five years ago and was mar-j rleil to Harry Buck shortly after her arrival. Her husband is in the I . 8. navy, having volunteered his service al the beginning of the war. The. last communication she had from him j wai from Cuba. However It Is be Pupils may be admitted to Its no to the age of 20 years. Tim pabtte Is cordially lavifa d t" hurcfa .' rice and to the Road' inn Room, , Tin: PKNTKCOBTAt OHTJRCfl OF thi: Sabbath school io a. m. Preaching, 11 A. m. Young Peoples' Meeting 7 P. M. Preaching 8 p. M. Wednesday evening prayer meeting 7: HO. Mlblu study class Friday evening, 7:30. BKV. GKO. WAItD. Pastor. PBKHIIYTKKIAN CIII'BCII. B. 8. Hughes, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. I 'reaching at 11 a. m. Subject: "The Old Land MarkB" Subject, "A Chosen Vessel," "A WRAY'S AUTO STAGE All Touring Cart Ijeaves Burns Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Leaves Iknd Monday, Wednesday, Friday and ' Sunday Ship Perishable Good, Express and Fast Freight via Bend in Our Care FARE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free HEADQUARTERS AT REED BROS. Specialist." "A Beal Man." lieved he has again returned to an; christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Atlantic port and an effort Is being y0 are mwt conially invited, made to locate him. Telegraphic advice from u brother of Mrs. Buck in Denver instructed the body to bo Im'IiI bare pending the arrival of u brothor or sister to accompany it to PenVe where Interment will be made. Deceased was a very gracious lady who hadwou Hie esteem of her ac quaintances in this city. 10 Fullblood Hereford Bulls For Sale 8 to 14 months Anxiety Fourth breeding $1000.00 for ail or $125.00 each . H. BATHRICK, Denio, Ore. p Millinery Including the latest and smartest Spring and Summer Creations aBBBBBaaaBaBBBiBiBaaap?BnaBaai Kxclusive agent for Victor Tailoring Company witli a lull line of Spring Samplen for Women's Suits and Dresses Mrs. Lelab Milla At the Schwartz Store Ever-Fresh Groceries r ii We make a point of never keeping Groceries WE SELL THEM. That's the reason why you are always sure of getting FRESH Groceries when you come to us THEY DON'T HAVE TIME TO BECOME STALE We are determined our customers shall have the best if it is to be found in the market. When you buy it of us, its freshness and purity are GUARANTEED. We solicit YOU. BURNS CASH STORE