The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 05, 1919, Image 2

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Patriotic Duty to Urge High
way Development
Increase ii Federal AMI U Encourage
States to Go Ahead With Road
Bidding Prop;
By S. M. Williams, President,
Highway Industries Association.
(Written Specially for The Times
Herald.) The Highway Industries of the
United States believe that it is their
patriotic duty, rather than a selfish
privilege, to urge the development of
highways in the Interest of and as
essential to the nation's life. The
Highway Industries Association also
represents the employment of mora
than one million wage earners; and,
therefore, is also Interested In the
welfare and success of labor.
Associated with the Highway In
dustries Association are more than
COO chambers of commerce, boards
i - e' t:::lc::St'
labor than from ItM "huflVr" view
point. For more than two yonrs highway
was at a standstill. Highway offi
cials ware also prevented from pro
porly maintaining their roads already
constructed, with the result that
many of your states suffored heavy
losses In highway Investment.
Every element of loyal oltlsenBhlp
recognised the necessity of co-operation
for the one Important task
ahead of It, but we have won the war.
The experiences of the army oper
ating trucks in all parts of the United
States awoke the people to both the
advantages of highway transporta
tion and the handicap surrounding It
due to the lack of properly conatruc-
Votc "; Ahead," Then Go
tod highways.
It als.ii brought n rralizutloii t
our hlghwys should no longer be de
veloped as simply a local convenience
but from a broud viewpoint of build
ing connected rather than dl COnutO
ii'.l systems, so that ciiiiuiiunitlas
mlulit. bo Jollied together, and demon
strated the necessity for highways
serving and not mastering trans
portation. We were five years reaching tho
present basis of prices, and we can
not return to former prices and con
ditions In a few months. I doubt
If we want to go back entirely even
if It ware possible.
When you consider that at least
76 per cent of the cost of road con
struction, from the raw materials to
to the finished road, Is labor, I do not
see where we can expect much re
duction In road building so long as
wages and the cost of living remain
where they are. You can build roads
at lower cost, but not without disturb
ing labor conditions.
To Get Industry, HUrt Industry Now
The surest way to secure a ro
adjustment of conditions Including
prices will be to start Industry going
and bring It to a normal basts as
quickly as possible.
It Is not fair to consider today's
prices with those of the duys wbeu
business mm were falling because of
the general unrest throughout the
country which resulted In cut-throat
competition, low wages and of course
low cost of material.
The cost of delay In proceeding
with road building programs Is in
my estimation more serious than the
increased cost of construction.
One of the main arguments for the
$'!0,000.000 Increase In the federal
nlil was that It wouhi tncourage the
states to go ahead Immediately with
their road building programs '
Hsslstlng them In meet In-; the lilijlier
cost of construction, and to aocotn
pllsh that, tho original federal m.i
law was amended by incrcuUinc from
$10,000 to $202,000 tho cost per
mile for federal aid participation,
More than any oilier nation on
earth we stand In need of good roads
and thousands of miles of I hem.
The adjustment of prices to what
may he normal levels can be acenm
j panled by prosperity Just us great
jas we have had during the raising
i of prices providing we keep rlKlit on
doing business.
The German financial reports ihow The Kaiser has beon tonst
,infiM nt m.vernl hillloii of murks. Holland, hut then he DM h
Who 0M womler. when we consider rbasled in almost every oth. r mj
tho marks Germany U-ft upon 11- try, and he may yet he grll in td
glum and northern France. peace conference.
I -
Rod In a rood color In a flac. but
an abominable one for a flag.
The American airplanes never
went up In the air, but wheu the
nation learned this fact It weut up
In the air.
Kngland Is In the same position
toward Ireland that some men are
toward their wives. She can t live
With Ireland, and can't live with
out her.
Some of the newspapers object to
President Wilson's "defiant and dlc
torlal attitude," while others object
to the Senate's "defiant and dlctorlat
attitude." Can It be that all Amer
ica Is becoming defiant and dlctor
lat T
Americans have always been noted
for their generosity. If there Is any
any barloy flour left In this country,
and It were proposed to ship It to
the Germans, there would not be
' . .lluuiuiHiii voice
i& u innomi'is, v w-w.
The Plumber is a Robber!
I frlj Ji
Only when the man in
side the PLUMBER u
crooked. Our aim is to
give honest service, and
install honest goods AL
WAYS. If you want
any such goods and such
service in your repairs
or in new work, it's easy
to get it. Just call us
Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing
Agents for the De Laval Dairy Supplies J
Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition
Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices J
In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage
IH'lay Mcun Added font.
of trade, national and state trade
organizations, rotary clubs, travel
ing men's associations, and slate
grange. These organizations are
;iNo urging not only a "go-uhend"
program in highway construction, but
since the inlddel of Dec-ember they
have passed resolutions in their ilif-
ferent organizations to that effect.
Stop That LOM on I loud Investments
Representing the business interests'
of the country In highway develop
ment, our study of this subject has
bean from tho standpoint of Industry,
and by industry I mean commtrcial
agriculture and labor.
While I am in sympathy with tbC
Idas of turning to road building a I
"buffer" employment for labor, road
building has a fur greater claim upon
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80-
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company okegon
L iii
' SSMBslWWSMBMBaiasMlllMlllillllllllll 'uaflBMmH I IfUl l IP
$5? ?& x '."-; vt& M mf! mill ' J.Mfflst'" !H Tsc-
mini fMiM iil: IH
Jr ; mimw WMIBmmw J ii
I m -iiMiiiiiuiHiinmiinMHfLniiiiw ii' mm i i
d& -anr i ' I 1 1 n nr ,i i iiiiiiiiiiiij ,
m. i " hp'" .! !"
Fan w.d km... ltd,
ItmlM lmmd.amm pmund
mud half-mmmnd tin hmml-dmrt-
mnd-tmmt ituiy,
mrmetlcml mmmmd etylat
mlmmt kmmtJmr milk
mmmntm mmimlmmmr torn thai
kmmmt tkm lokmeco In itch
mmrfmmt momdllion.
PUT a pipe in your face that's filled cheerily brimful of Prince
Albert, if you're on the trail of smoke peace ! For, P. A. will
sing you a song of tobacco joy that will make you wish your
life job was to see how much of the national joy smoke you
could get away with every twenty-four hours 1
You can "carry on" with Prince Albert through thick and thin.
You'll be after laying down a smoke barrage that'll make the
boys think of the old front line in France!
P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality I And,
let it slip into your think-tank that P. A. is made by our exclu
sive patented process that cuts out bite and parch assurance
that you can hit smoke-record-high-spots seven days out of
every week without any comeback but real smoke joy I
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
More than four thousand Delco-Light plants were de
livered for war work. They were used to supply elec
tric light in camps, storehouses, hospitals, Y. M. C. A.
huts, uirplane hangars, sub-chasers and other branches
of the service.
In Red Cross hospitals at the front, Delco
Light operated life-saving X-ray apparatus.
Delco-Light was specified by the Government because
it is dependable, eiicicnt, simple to operate, requires
little attention, and because it is AIR-COOLED.
The result of Government tests and the satisfactory
use of Delco-Light on over 60,000 farms are your as
surance that Delco-Light will give you the same de
pendable service.
It betters living conditions, increases farm efficiency,
and soon pays for itself in time and labor saved.
MODLltN Ai'l'LIANCE CO.. D:.triLutor, Seattle, Wash.
fcOBNB UA.UA.lmF. Local Dealers
kUkmn of DELCO-UGHT Products
H r
We now have our DELCO Electric LIGHT Systel
J 11 1 1 S. li
mstaiiea ana are in a position to repair ana rechar
all makes 01 Batteries. We have experts emplo
in this line and all work is guaranteed.
We are agents for Columbia Batteries and able
furnish service batteries for all makes of cars.
Wit)", rmv snnorinv anaAaYxa xTAmn vJ.4- ,r
ri wiw uvvvj tvnc weeing mut wc cui
able to weld anything from a hairpin to the fraffll
S1 Itmill nn I
ui vuui cai.
Don't forget that we can make springs for ai
mane ui tai.
Burns Garagi