The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 05, 1919, Image 1

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    fjje fpttw,
The Times-Herald jtmv re
gularly to mure homo In Har-in-
County than any other
newspaper. If yon with to
reach the people use theae col.
nmns for your advertisement.
The Tlmrm-llcraid In an old
established friend of the people
of Harney County where It ha
been a weekly visitor for thirty
year. Ii'h jolt department la
equipped to serve your
NO. 23
Brings People Together on
Lawen People, P. L S. and William Han
ley Companies Agree en Distribution
of Water This Season.
. The irrigation district hearing be
fore Jhe county court on Wednesday
mil Thursday of this week was not
brought to a close, but has resulted
tii bringing the people closer together
on the important subject and pros
pects are brighter than ever before
for a district being formed that will
accomplish what is wanted.
The proposition of organizing
either the big district or tbe Lawen
district is held In abeyance for the
present by the court taking the mat
ter under advisement. This was done
in order to give time. for decision In
tbe supreme court on the first dis
trict formed, as the lines of the later
proposed districts overlap the first,
and the attorney-general of the state
advised the court could not vacate
its own order and therefore had no
jurisdiction in changing the bounda
ries after being once approved and
The matter seems to have been
thus disposed of for the present by
mutual consent pf all concerned.
Briefs are to be filed by the respec
tive parties In the contention In the
meantime and thus give the mem
bers of the court an opportunity to
digest the arguments and arrive at
a com lusion after deliberation.
There was an urgent demand for
Immediate action on this matter be
cause of differences between the
Lawen people and the P. L. S. com
pany and the William Hanley com
Danv; this has been taken care of bv
the parties concerned netting to-1
jether and mutually agreeing to the
distribution of the water this spring.
A deputy water master has been ap
pointed agreeable to all concerned,
who will work with a committee se-
l Continued on page 4)
There will be work in the third
degree at the Masonic lodge next
Monday evening and visiting brethren
tre cordially invited to be present
u well aa the local members.
o 1
No Action Taken Wednesday
Because of Press of
Other Matters.
Harney county is in line to be a .
Part of the State Chamber of Com-
m.-.r. That wan in the cards before '
tn! should have been completed on
April 2, but owing to there being so ,
much i, i importance to demand the
Ktention of our citizens it wa; not
possible to form the orauizatlou on
that diitfj.
It must have the endorsement of
be entire county to be a success, and
very other county in Oregon has has aent for a supply of the text
Joined, it Is up to Harney to do her books. These will soon be received
Part, not only as a part of this big ' and be available for distribution
mi progressive state but for her own among proNpentlve citizens,
intef t The people all over the , Superintendent Clark has proro
ouinr must awaken to this call and j Ised to aid in every way possible, and
WU part in the oragiiizatlon. It as a first step, advises foreigners
-' p uttlng us on tho map with an eligible to naturalization and who
opportunity to get aid In promoting , desire one of the text book's to notl
or il'-veiopemnt problems and plac-; fy the school teacher In their respec-
ln8 ii right before the entire state
matters of vital Important" t I
an i me'it of tin: ( oiini i
The utizens of every part of this
feint) are in favor of road improve
mnt j ud at. present this is hciug
Pusln 'I lorward and is most urgent.
of our citizens are asking
ntstious of each other as to wnat is
kliii: done or what is best, with the
"Mil Mia! they cannot aiihwer any
' th' 'lUMtlOBJ and all are at sea
""'' or lens. Because of theae. clr-
iH'i'H a masting lias been
Med In Hums on April 10, next
"I'ur day, at S o'clock In tin- owning
" thi ui,ciiy Theater, for tbe pur
" ol discussing gooo plans
111,1 getting together. While repre
people are any tabled for
(Continued on page four)
oHbl JiiJ?l SW y
gW " V' filWa'f
A little warm American roup under the belt takes a lot of the
anarchy out ot tho Russian Bolshevlkl's nature as this new official
photograph from the Russlun front shows. American troopa on the
Russian front are here shown feeding rice soup to the Bolshevik pris
oners of war The Bolshevik! eat out of any convenient can but al
ways carry their own wooden spoons In their boots.
Statements from Merchants
Show Results Were
The experiment of Dollar Day by
the merchants of this city waa quite
a success.
Wednesday Is not the big trading
day In Burns. Pew farmers or
ranchers come to town on that day,
but It waa chosen as the day to' try
the Dollar Day scheme. This was
i the first attempt of this kind ever
made in Burns and people did not
entirely understand Its adantagea nor
did the merchants put forth the ef
fort to attract trade that they will iu
future on such occasions.
Yesterday afternoon a representa
tive of this paper visited several of
advertisers w lo P't "
Dollr 1)ay "cneme a" HBked for an
opinion as to its success, mciow is
what some of them said:
Ben Brown of the firm of ff.
Brown & Sons, said: "Dollar Day
was very satisfactory and should bo
continued at Intervals."
Joe Thompson of the Burns Cash
Stere: "It was a success for first in
troduction and a good thing to repeat
every 90 days or so. As market con
ditions become more settled follow
ing the reconstruction period more
(Continued on page 4)
1.1, IIKI.r rollKIGXKHS
TO I'l 1,1, CITIZK.NSHir
I'. H. Ii'j.ti I MM'iit of l.nlKif falls on
Hcliool Organizations to
The (Jolted States Department of
Labor, through the bureau of Natur
alization, Is calling on school organ
izattons throughout
die country to
assist foreigners to fit themselves for
citizenship. A text book has been
prepared and is now ready for dlstri-
button through school superintend
ents. Recognition of tbe movement has
been taken In this county, and
School Superintendent Prances Clark
tlve districts. On the arrival of the
hooks the superintendent will arrange
to have then forwarded to districts
requesting same. Classes In Ameri
can citizenship will ho organized
where sufficient request's are receiv
ed to warrant, and lu the case of but
a few applications from a given di
trie!, an effort will he made to fur
nish adequate Instruction.
It is hoped to organize at least one
class where coining Americans of
foreign birth may receive Instruction
In institutions of our government to
rii than) to become esH of the citi
zenry ol the Nation.
in iniiiiy places certificate! of trad
notion are issued liy llio department
in co operation with the public
MkSOls, to foreigners who have luken
the course In citizenship training, and
,i,,.v wm aim, be Issue, i here
Laden with Souvenirs and
Relics in Charge of Com
petent Attendants.
PORTLAND, March 31. A train
laden with all kind of relics and
souvenirs of the war Is to visit Crane
on April 11, according to announce
ment of Victory-Liberty loan officials.
Tbe train Is to be officially desig
nated as "Tbe Trophy Special" and
Is to make a complete tour of the
state, making stops at all points
reached by railroad.
The object la to give the people
of Oregon an opportunity to see war
instruments and Implements of which
they have often read but have never
seen. At the places visited the
train will be open to all visitors and
the exhibits will be explained by
competent attendants accompanying
the train.
Tho tour of the train will be made
under tbe auspices of the Victory
Liberty loan, which will be the fifth
and last loan. The loan drive opens
on April 21.
The exhibits will be furnished by
tho war department. Word has been
received at Portland headquarters of
the loan committee that the relics
have already been shipped, and the
complete schedule Is now arranged.
The train will consist of two flat
cars, bearing the bigger relics, such
as guns and equipment, and one ex
hibit car carrying the smaller relic
and souvenirs.
A list of some of tho exhibits is
as follews: French baby tank, Ger
man mlnewerfcr and howitzers, Ger
man Albatfbss motor, German field
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Arrangements Completed for
Six Days Entertainment
in Late June.
Harney County, with Burns as
headquarters, has Just completed ar
rangements with the Klllson-Whlte
Chautauqua system to bring to
Burnt during tbe last part of June
six great days of splendid entertain
ment. Theae will be six of the most
Interesting days that we have had
here In a long time and will give
the people of our own county the
opportunity of seeing and hearing
for themselves the best talent in mu
sic, lecturers, educators, artists and
public men that can be obtained in
this county and abroad.
The six daya In Burns will consist
of afternoon and evening sessions for
grown folks with mornings devoted
to Junior Chautauqua for the young
Chautauqua audiences resent mu
sic given for the sole purpuose of
demonstrating technical ability. They
welcome, however, the real, throb
bing, vibrating mualc of the great
composers when It la given so that
It may be understood. Thia Is the
mission of the Klllson White per
formers, to Interpret for popular au
diences the greatest music of both
old and new writers. And every day
will be filled with your favorites In
both Instrumental music and songs,
tbe very first program starting with
the famous Merrlleea Ladles' Quar
tet, and fourth day Is band day.
And aa the lecture Is the pivotal
base upon which the whole plan of
Chautauqua Is built, while the holi
day spirit of the week will always be
Joyfully anticipated, the thing long
eat remembered and productive of
the greatest good Is the lecture.. Rec
ognizing this, tbe Klllson-Whlte sys
tem has built Its program around tbe
strongest lecture staffs procurable.
Such a program will be brought to
Burns may well be worth In the lec
tures alone the cost of the entire
William Riddle, a stock breeder of
Monmouth, Oregon, says in the March
DreKon Countryman ihat he raises
Itomney marsh sheep because they
are hardier and yield more valuable
wool. He finds the chief market
for his rams in the range districts ol
eastern Oregon and other western
una, trench mortars, gun limbers,
airplane motors and parts, parts of
Zeppelins, barbed wire used at Ver
dun, machine guns, uniforms of all
nut Ions, noise bombs, star shells.
Harney County Not Awake
to Good Roads Movement
Meeting Urged to Get Together and Consider Road Bui d-
ing Plans; Should Have Representation Before State
Highway, Commission on April 1 5th.
Is Harney county getting her dues
gram as compared to other counties?
our advantages before tho State
eral Government In such a manner
when It comes to appropriating
of the good roads program?
Some. of our citizens are of the
opinion that Harney county is not
awake to her Interests and have
either taken too much for granted or
do not realize the Importance of the
good roads movement.
P. S. Weittenhlller was a visitor to
his office Thursday afternoon and
told of having been present at a
meeting of representatives from Ba
ker and Grant counties with citizens
of Malheur county at Ontario on laat
Sunday when he found a tendency
upon their part to go after appropri
ation and secure both state and
government aid In highway building.
The plan decided upon at that meet
ing was detrimental to the best in
terests of thle county In fact, they
completely Ignored our plans of high
way connection on tbe ground that It
was too expensive to consider, there
fore Malheur decided to Join with
Grant and Baker in recommending
appropriations for respective plans.
According to Mr. Weltenhiller, Mal
heur will ask to connect with the
John Day highway, but will not have
anything to say respecting the route
through this county from eaat to
The Times-Herald does not pre
tend to speak with absolute authority
In the matter of the bost route for an
east and west connection on a public
highway, but has It from both state
and federal engineers that they con
sider the only feasible all-the-year
route is through this county and on
to Bend to Join the north and south
route there. Whether this Is right
or not is left to those who have made
It a study and understand the road
building business. If that Is the sole
object In connecting up the several
projects started, and that Ib what has
been announced as the Intention,
then Harney county must be consld -
ered. If it Is up to Harney county
to present her rights and see thut
she Is properly recognized, then It Is
up to her citizens' to see that she is
represented at the proper time and
by men who are representative and
are broad-minded and big enough to
get results.
We have gotten into the habit of
letting the other fellow do It for so
long and then criticize or find fault
as suits our fancy, that we have got
ten Into a rut. It is time to waku up
to what our neighbors are doing and
at least stand up tor our rights. If
we want to allow the good things to
go by without an effort and let the
other portions of the state advance
and prosper on what rightfully
should belong to us, all wo need do
Is to remain passive and take no In
terest In the general advancement of
tbe country.
Mr. Wolttenhillor informs us thut
big delegations are going down from
our neighboring counties to a meet
ing of the State Highway Board on
April 16 to urge their respective
claims and usk for assistance In their
plan of road building. What Is Hur
noy county going, to dot Do we wunt
any consideration at the hands of the
Highway Hoard? Have wo all the
funds we can get toward completing
the hlghwuy between here and Crane
and is that all we can get or all we
wont? Have we any other road plan
in which wo want co-operation with
the stute or federal government? Is
there any way by which we con co
operate with the forest service and
gel better road facilities for our cil
isens? Mr. Weittenhlller suggests and
Tho Times Herald urges a public
mooting of the clli.ens of lluruey
county in Burns on Tuesday Of next
week, April 10th, to consider road
building plam and see if we cnlinol
get together on matters that will
bring ulioiit heller roads and a lai 'gel
, ipenditura of mope) on porvsnarit
road liulldini;. We need them In all
parts of the county und It is a prob
lem the citizens alone can solve. So
long as we depend entirely upon tho
in the highway Improvement pro
Are we doing our part and keeping
Highway Commission and tho Ped
es will bring us right consideration
money for the general advancement
money we receive from the road tax
to maintain the present roads and
build new ones o fa permanent na
ture, Just that long we are going to
always have a road problem.
We will go further in this connec
tion and aay that so long aa each
community shows a selfish spirit la
this big work and not ready to co
operate with others, Just so long we
are going to have our community
mudholes and get nowhere for per
manent roads. We must get together
in thia matter and work on broader
plane and have an understanding aa
to definite plane from year to year.
We are a big county and It requires
a big sum of money to keep hun
dreds of miles of roads In repair, to
say nothing of new projects, yet we
know from experience and from what
is being accomplished In other coun
ties thet we must advance In this line
of work aa a matter of economy and
Drewsey Is complaining about the
roads between this valley and that
place. There isn't so much travel
over that route as in former years,
but It should be kept In good repair.
The people of Narrows should have
consideration In the road between
that point and the county seat and
also to Crane, from which point they
receive their mail. Tbe same may be
said of tbe southern part of the
county to proper and most direct con
nections to the railroad point where
they receive their freight and mall
and on to the county seat. In fact,
every part of Harney county Is Inter
ested In this good roads movement
and should have a voice In It.
The Liberty Theater Is at the dis
posal of the citizens of Harney county
on the evening of April 10 at S
o'clock to discuss road plans and
1 consider the advisability of sending
(Continued on page four.)
A. G. Clark Tells Them in
Portland How We Like
Finley Propaganda.
"In fighting tho proposed drain
age of Malheur lake, people In West
ern Oregon are threatening the very
life-blood of our country," was tho
first complaint that reached the ears
of A. G. Clark, head of the Associ
ated Industries of Oregon, while on
a tour of lluruey und Malheur coun
ties two weeks ago in the Interest
of the Oregon State chamber of Com
merce membership drive.
Asserting that tho people of Port
land and other sections of Oregon
west of the mountains are misin
formed us to tho purpose of thia
proposed act, land owners and set
tlers of Harney county are bitter In
their comment against the propa
ganda which has been spread broad
rust against their efforts to bettor
their own conditions, sold Mr. Clark.
Little Water in the Lake
While In Harney county, Mr. Clurk
looked carefully over the territory
botS surrounding und tributary to
hake Malheur, lie found that what
Is represented on the map as Malie ir
hike was mostly a big flat which had
beeu dry all winter with the excep
tion of the places where the Sllviea
and lllii.eii rivers came In confluence
to form I small body of water The
whole territory was covered with
t u lc flag! and had been devoted for
uiuny months to feeding: ground for
The water from the Sllvies and
I' rivers is drawn off by a vast
network or ditches tor the supplying
of wuter to l.r0,000 acres devoted to
the raising of hay and alfalfa. As
(Continued on page four.). ,