! " Ba MAW-rJCY ff-Aff M-ART$ HOME SWEET Ai -ru1 1CJ "PJ HOME by Jack Wilson 'Ajs1 r I I r II ...' l J'Vi. at bJ-IJ i Mf.U i OiCAaPi ( Uin .n-i""" 13 II M l( o '. . .., eea .hi Sfal afjT77! l 1 3G'ft War e ,W X r M L-vrr-' ) WM' 9o9? m 17) - 1 AjtWfcpr NTew am- X1P1 m aaVJ ' BaO mJ 7 U T . ..u I idlffB t JtWl I D U a aaaaal T N UfMaVT C HF -rVA.aJV lC Lai.M U aWU IDftM THf Aiiun AV TtuUfA V:M&enm4 n IHC T- r 4,JR , -Uan S.Tir a tSMJlOBaBHtX MTV im' 1 ,i I I U b. U Tl HI f I I I IHili C .T BB , I'BHWTJ c-' . AVI ra 5,JEira 9tt Asy :m i m i5 L TJM.eavMiaUOiM? JK3P - hWirlBVW It 1 IMH $rfr, IHwaM WTr-jbR TlTWifBiHr---.- I wJ3--f- ' J. Shelley Saurman, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Oilier at 1. H. Holland Residence Barns, Oregon DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Buntt, Oregon Oficu at residence, Dr. t.rifflth's for mer home. Phone No. 14 J. Ul. GEARY Physician and Surgeon. BuniH, ... Oregon. office en second floor Touewaraa Itlilaj. 'Phone Main 85. DENMAN & DENHAn. Physicians and Surgeons Calls answered promptly night or day 'Phone lltirrimaii. Harriman, Oregon u. E HIBBARD DB1TTIST oilici- tirhl door cn-t pliato ir,illTy linrnt. Oregon. The Plumber HffT Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work; Repairing Agents for the De I aval Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALL AND jmrvmMnmmFTmnBmmBmmmmmMKmmmmmmmm At Your Service To be progressive and to serve you right, we have installed SMlg the Electrical Wizzard in our Shop It coat Ug Bomo money but it Will MM JTOU a lot of money, Bchum it honcstlv, quickly and lurely sswrarB -fort use Universal Garage Co. CHflRUF.S W. EULIS LAWYER Bums. - - Oregon Praeti (ore tli'' I ' the Stale ( 'inula hii'I liu I .and HllirH. HERMAN VON SCHMALZ A ttorney at Law ' (JjUftaeta ttwil pravtico btlore U. 8. Lam1 'iliee a tpMcialty Office: l-'i v ItliiK. neit door to poat offic Burn. Oregon Ohnn. H. Ioonard, A IT.IKNICY-AT-LAW, Careful ntUwtion giren to GolUo tiona hi ul Ki'h! Biitate mattcm. Fire Insurance. Notarr Public Buuifs. Ohboon. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law Land Office Practice Land Scrip for Sal Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at taw I. O. (. K. Bids., Burn. Oregon n is a Robber! Only when the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us INSPECT IT UMLfcjL locatoa tJif trouble in your PSlectrio Starting and Lighting nyHtein ou your cur. Don't let a guMJar bear your cur all to piecei tryiog t Bud the trouble. With AMBU - can toll you what it in inside of thirty mlnutti no matter how oomplicated or of bow long itanaing. SI MMONS. IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF THK STATIC OK OUKUON, Kt)ll HAH- NKY COUNTY. W. W. Miller and J. IT. Miller, part- nor-i, aa Mlllor HrothorB, plalntlffa, TB. Woatorn Farm and Cattle Company. (a corporation), defendant. To Western Farm and Cattle Com pany, a corporation, the abore named defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you In the abore entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the coart and take judgment isslnst you aa de manded In said complaint, to-wlt: For the sum of I48I.1I and Inter est thereon at the rate of sli per cent, per annum from October 16th, 1917, until paid, and for the costs and dis bursements of this action; also for aa order of the court directing the sale of the following described real pro perty belonging to you to satisfy any judgment which the plaintiffs may secure against you. which real pro perty has been duly attached In this action, to-wlt: 8E M. of SKU section IS; SWU of SW(4 section 14; NW, sw; of NK'. NVi of SWtt and 8EU aec tlon 26; NK!4 of NK section 26, all In T. 19 8. It. 23 H, E. W. M . In Hiirnev County, Oregon, containing '.; in re i, together with all water and water rights appurtenant thereto. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for six con secutive weeks In The Times-Herald prlntod and published In liurns, Har ney I'.Minly. Oregon, by order of Hon. II c. 1, evens, county judge of Maid Harney County, which mill order wan mrwln ii' 'I dated at the city of liurns, enmity ihkI Ktutc nCuri 'Jiiiil. on the ;tnl t March, 191!. and tho date of the fu't publication of thin lummona i March nth, ii. the date of the la i i ublloation t hereof being April IttB. MM a, this being hIm. tho date OH or before which you are reijiurpd to appear 111 Kitld action unit atinwcr aid eonipliiiiit or bo in default fur Wanl thereof. J. 8. COOK, of Hurtm. Oregon, Attorney for pluin- tlffs NOTICal Foil I'liii.iciriiiN INITKU 3TATFS LAND OFFJCF Hunts, Oregon. February 26. 1919 Notice Is hereby given that Rasmus l.uur'tH KaHmuHsen, of Hums, Ore gon, who. on October 80, 1914. made Homestead Entry No. 07797, for SK', Section 20. Townchlp 84 8., Kango .12 E., Wlllnmette Meridian, has filed notice fo Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Hoglster and Recolver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 3rd day of April. 1919. Claimant names s witnesses: Joseph II. Hill, Hose Crowley, Hen New man and U. W. 1'lckleslraer, all of liurns, Oregon. k U Coifl. KcKlNlel Suffered for Fight Years. I!ii"innat!c pains, lame back, sore BM ileu arid stiff jolntH often are Often linn to overworked, woak or llnoriere,l kldtieVH. OiiImv lle!l, It. IV IV :;, llox 2;H. Savannah. Hi , write i: "I suffered night years with t'lt'ti In the hack and could not do any Of my wor'.t. hut since taking Foley Kulney I'IIIh, I can do all of my work." Sold by Hood Bros. lOHNUKflltF.KLING. al .itwltti Optician mm Kmrravor. I'lne Watch Repairing a HM'clulty. i Mermen's Cold Cream &A Combinations of the above at the same rate of discount for $1.00. WELCOME PHARMACY NOTICE Foil I'lHMCATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE HuriiH, Orsgon, March 17, 1910 Notice is hereby given that Cecil A. Ollck, of iiiit.en, Oregon, who. on Decemebr 1, 1914. made Homestead Entry No. 07868, for N V4 , Section 11, Township 36 8., Range 29 E., WlUamette Meridian, has filed notice , of Intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land I abore described, before Register and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on the l 24th day of April, 1919. Claimant names aa witnesses: Horatio A. Crltchfield, May Crltch- j field, W. R. Byram. Mrs. A. II. Byram ail of Miiti'ii. Oregon. V. O. Coaad, Register NOTICE FOR rUHLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, March 21, 1919. Notice la hereby given that William W. Nichols, of The Dalles, Oregon. i who, on June 1, 1909, made Desert land Entry, No. 03243, for NW14, I 8eotlcn 17, Township 26 8.. Range 31 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no- tlce of intention to make final proof by purchase, under the act of March i 4, 1916 to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on the . 27th day of April. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed. Morgan, Edward Koenemann, ' Charles Need ham and A. D. Jones, atl of Narrows, Oregon. V. O. 0ZAD. Register. notioiTfok 1lblioatio.n united states land office Uiisiik. Oregon, February 26. 1919 Notice is hereby glvn that Henry FrteH, or llurim, Oregon, who, on NoYember 14. 1911, made Dsjaart Kami Entry No. 06705, for 8E'8E't Sec 20; SWV48WK, Sec. 21; NE4 NH. Sec. 29; WNWU, WiJ SV',i. Section -'8, Township 27 S., Range 27 K. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, by purchase under Sec. I, Act or March 4. 1916, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Uurus, Oregon, on the lCtlt day of Ajiril. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Carson J. Wulter, of Butte, Oregon, Ole Soderberg and Alfred A. Tipton, of Hums, Oregon, Oeorge C. Bowliu, of Egll, Oregon. V. Q. COZAD. Register. NtrTKIE FOB rCBI.rT'ATION. UNITED 8TATD8 LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, February 26, 1919 Notice Is hereby given that Anna Fries, of Burns, Oregon, who, on November 14. 1911, made Desert Land Entry No. 06704. for K'.SW 'i . SWK8E4. Sec. 8; NK'.,NV',, NE'i. Section 17, Township 27 8.. Raaga 27 E., Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make tlnal proof, by purchase under Sec. S, Act of March 4. 1916, to establish claim to the luml above described, be fora Keglsler and Receiver, ut Burns, Oregoa. on the 14th day of April, lUI'.l. Claimant names us witnesses: CargOB J. Wolter, of Butte, Oregon, Ole HoilerhiTK utid Alfred A. Tlutoll, of Hums, Oregon, Ueorge C. Bowliu, nf Rgil. Oregon. V. U. COCAO, Register. NOTICE FOR FCBLICATION. UNITED BTATEa LAND OFF1CK liurns, Oregon, February 26, 1919 Notice is hereby given that Harriet II. Fries, of Burns, Oregon, who, on November 14, 1911, made Desert Land Entry No. 06703, for Lot 7, HEV4SWU, SUSEU. Sec. 6; NEK NWVt. NftNEK, SEKNEU. Sec tion 7, Township 27 8., Range 27 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of Intention to make final proof, by purchase under Sec. 3, Act of March 4, 1916, to establish claim to the land above described, before Reg ister and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 16th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Carson J. Wolter, of Butte, Oregon, Ole Soderberg and Alfred A. Tipton, of Hums, Oregon, Oeorge C. Bowliu, of Egll, Oregon. Y. U. COZAD, Register. 1 Dollar Day Specials! 3 Large Mermen's Talcum Powder $1.00 5 Small Mennen's Talcum Powder $1.00 4 Mennen's Shaving Cream . . . $1.00 4 Mennen's Dental Cream . . . $1.00 $1.00 . NOTHTC FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFIC1 Hume, Oregon, February 26, 1919 Notice Is hereby given that Charles I). Weber, of Burns, Oregon, who, on April 28, 1913, made Desert-Land Entry No. 06726, for SWNW. NW148W14, Sec. 17; SEtfNWK, SVsNEK. NHSEU and IJE'ASEfc. Section 18, Township 28 8., Range 28 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, by purchase under Sec, 8, Act of March 4, 1915, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Burns, Ore gon, on the 14th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Carson J. Wolter, of Butte, Oregon. Ole Soderberg and Alfred A. Tipton, of Burns, Oregon; Oeorga C. Bowlin, of Egil, Oregon. V. 0. COZAD, Register. AOTIOM FOR PUKLICATtON. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon. March 13, 1919. Notice la hereby given that Sid ney A. Jones, of Narrows, Oregon, who, on May 1, 1912, made Home stead Entry, No. 06016, for 8 NVfj and NVt SM, Section 24, Township 27 8.. Range 28 E Willamette Mer idian, has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 17th day of April. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: G. N. Hughet and I. N. Hughet of Narrows, Oregon. M. F. Rentfro and Nellie Rentfro of Burns, Ore gon. V. G. COZAD. Register. SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Harney County. State Land Hoard, composed ot James Wlthycombe, Governor. Ben W. Olcolt, Secretary and Thos. B. Kay, Treasurer of the State of Ore gon, plaintiff, vs. Esper GreathouKo, A. O. Skotterud, Charles II. Mulkey and Georgia Mul key, his wife, defendants. To Esper Great house, one of the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six ,woeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the I'nur' for the relief demanded In Its complaint on file In this suit, as fol lows, to-wit; Judgment against you for the t-um of 31671.22 with Interest from Jan uary 17, 1918. at the rate of six per eeni per annum until paid, and the sum of $200.00 attorney fee and the coMts und disbursements of this rult; that a certain mortgage described in said complaint and given by you to plaintiff covering and upon the S-. Of NWi. he 8V4 of NE 4 and NEK of 8W4 section 23, T. 21, 8. R. 80, E. W. M, Harney County Oregon be declared to be a first Hen upon said premises to secure the pay ment of all sums above mentioned, and that said mortgage be foreclosed and said lands sold in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution; that the pro ceeds of said sale be applied to the payment of said sums and all thereof; that if any deficiency remains after the application ot such proceeds plaintiff have judgment and execu tion against you tor the amount thereof; and that you as well as each and all of the above defendants, and all persons claiming by, through or under you, or any of you, from and after August 30th, 1910, the date of said mortgage, be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all right title, Interest, claim, Hen or demand in, to or upon said lands and each and every part theroof, except the statutory right of redemption; that plaintiff may have such other aud further relief in the premises as shall seem equitable and Just. This summons Is served upon yoa by publication thereof for six con secutive weeks In The Times-Herald, printed and published in Burns, Har ney County, Oregon, by order of Hon. H. C. I .evens, County Judge of Harney County, Oregon, which said order was made and clatud at the city of Burns, county aud state aforesaid oa the lltb day of February, 1919, and the date of the first publication of this summons is February 16, 1919, the date of the lust publication there of being March 29th, 1919, ihN be ing also the date on or before you are required to appear In said suit and answer said complaint or be in de fault for want thereof. A. W. OOWAN and J. 8. COOK, of Burns, Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OK SALE OF PERSONAL, PROPERTY. In re Estate of Calvin H. McPheetera. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I, the undersigned administrator of the above entitled estate, will sell at pri vate sale all of the personal property of said estate after two weeks' publi cation of this notice, to-wlt: Begin ning on Monday, the 7th day of April. 1919. This sale Is authorized by an order of the Hon. H. C. Levena, Judge at the County Court of Harney County. CHAS. E. McPHEETERS. Administrator. First publication March 29, 1919. NOTICE.- At a call meeting of the Harney County High School Board on Wed nesday, March 26, it was decided not to re-open the high school until Sep tember, on account of the small at tendance anticipated at this season of the year. It was also considered not feasible to plan for a duplication of (passes in the fall which would be caused by the appearance or two groups of pupils; namely, those who attended the latter weeks of the school year, and those who would not re-entir until September. Since there are only six weeks of the present school year remaining, no credits could be earned in that time. H. C. LEVENS R. L. HASS W. Y. KING FRANCES CLARK, Secretary. SIMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON. FOR HAR NEY. COUNTY. Alice Cole. Plaintlfr, VB. Jane Gwaltney, M. C. Gwaltney, E. J. Newell, Charles Newell and all other persons unknown having a right, Interest, title, lien or estat in or to the property hereinafter described or claim any right, Inter est, title, lien or estate in or to said property, Defendants. To Jane Gwaltney, M. C. Gwaltney B. J. Newell, Charles Newell and all other unknown persons having a right, Interest, title, lien or estate in or to the property hereinafter described or claim any right, inter est, title, lien or estate in or to said property, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OT ORBOON: You and each of you are hereby required and directed to appear and ihww the eomplaiat fil ed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the data preaoriaed in the order of pub lication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the I OUl day of May, 1919, in M date being; the expiration of six from the date of first publi cation of this sumnijiiB, aud if yon fail to appear aud answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: ( First ) That you and each of you be re quired to set forth the nature and claim of your right, interest, title, lien or estate in and to lots 7 and S In block 18, City of Burns. Harney County, Oregon, If any you have, and that all adverse claims of you and each of you herein be determined by the decree of this Court. (Second) That by said decree it be declared that you and each of you have no right, Interest, title, Hen or estate in or to the above described property end that tho title of said property be hold good aud valid in tho plaintiff. (Third) And that you and each of you bo forever enjoined aud debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to the above described property or premises averse to tho plaintiff and for such other relief as the Court may deem meet and equitable in the prem ises and for her costs aud disbursement-, herein; that said summons la published by the order of the Hon. II (' I, evens. Judge of the County Court for Harney Countv. Oregon. made and entered on the 26th day of March, 1910. and that the date ot the first publication of this summons is March 2th. 1919. M A. H1UGS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and address: Burns, Har iii y Countv, Oregon. In tho current events race bird migration Is ahead, with the victory garden a close second, and the 1919 baseball season uot bo very far ia the rear.