tfetw CHAPTER I-K. C. Rlckard. an engi neer of the Overland Pacific, la called to the office of President Marshall In Tuc on. Aria. "Caaey" la an enigma to the office force; he wears "dude" clothe", but he had resigned a chair of engineer ing In the East to go on the road as a fireman and his promotion had been spec tacular. While waiting for Marshall Rlck ard reads a report on the ravages of the Colorado, despite the effort of Thomas Hardin of the Desert Reclamation com pany. This Hardin had been a student under Rlckard and had married Qerty Holmes, with whom Rlckard had fancied he was In love. CHAPTER H-Marshal! tells Rlckard the Overland Pacific has got to step In to save the Imperial Valley and sends him to the break. Rlckard declines be cause, he does not want to supplant Har din, nut Is won over. "Stop the river; damn the expense," says Marshall. CHAPTER III. The Blessing of Aridity. When Rlckard left the main line at Imperial Junction the next afternoon his eyes followed the train he wan deserting rather than the one that was to carry htm to his new labors. He felt again the thrill of detachment that Invariably preceded his entrance Into a new country. With the palling tip of the porter's green-carpeted stool, the slamming of the train gates, the curtain fell on the Tucson set scene. The long line of cars was pushing ff with Its linen-covered Pullmans and diners, steaming down grade toward the Sink, the depression which had been primeval sea, and then des ert, aud was now sea again. Old Beach, rechrlstened Imperial Junction for railroad convenience, was Itself lower than the ancient sea line where once the gulf had reached. Rlckard knew he could And shells at that des ert station should he look for them. He picked up his bag that the porter had thrown on the ground and faced the rung-down curtain. Its painted scene was a yellow ta tlon house broiling under a desert Run ; a large water tank beyond, and In the distance the Inevitable card hoard mountains, like property scene shifts, flat and thin In their unreal hues of burnished pink and purple. A dusty aeeonunoUation train was back ing and switching, picking up the empty refrigerator cars to curry Into the valley for the early melon growers. Already the valley had asserted Its industrial importance; the late ram page of the Colorado had made It spectacular. Those who would pay little attention to the opening of a new agricultural district In the heart of a dreaded desert opened their ears to the vagary of the river which had sportively made of a part of that des ert an inland sea. Scientists were rusiiing their speculations Into print; would the sea dwindle by evaporation, as it had done before? Or would the overflow maintain the paradoxical sea? Th" flood signs were apparent. There cracks had split the desert sand ; here water fissures had men aced the track; and to tiie south a fringe of young willows hid the path of the Colorado's debouch. The men crowding the platform wore the motley of tile new country. In Tucson the uniform of the mule citizens, with the exception of those reckless ones who found inevitably that lotus is a liquid, was the wilted pretense of a gentle civilization; de spondent ducks and khakis and limp collars. Imperial Junction marked the downfull of the collar. The rest of the composite costume was irregular, badly laundered and torn, faded and sunburned; the clothes of the desert soldier, Rlckard saw buttonlesa shirts, faded overalls, shabby hats the sombrero of .Mexico. The faces tinder the broad-brimmed bats made a leaping Impression upon bin of youth and eagerness, He noted a significant average of intelligence and alertness. This was not the Indolent group of men which make a pretense, of occu pation whenever a train comes In! "Going In?" asked u voice at bl A pair of faded eyes set in u yi old face, whether early withered or well preserved he bad nol time, to de termlne, wu i staring at bltn. He assured his Interlocutor thai be In. ii' in l isolated the phrase; its ilgnlficance vastly differ lent from "going ou." "Buying?" "I think not." "It is a good time to buy." Rlckard tuspected a real estate agent. "For land is low rod. bottom prices on iiccouni of the uneasiness about He river. People are afraid. They want see the company redeem some of KS promises before lltey come in; and lie- company Isn't in much of a lurry," Rlckard asked whut company be ee- lerred to. The young-old face with the faded yes looked at lilui In surprise. "The it. company, Desert Kccliimutlon, rblCb brought us all here." L '!camjiBjyJhjuwomeris survey ! MW SYNOPSIS. tRlVER, C r stt) EDNAH AIKEN of the long line' of naked mountains and lean lands that formed the neck of the valley gave a snub of casunl ness to the question. "No. Fools I" The answer was as swift as n bullet. "Though some people think them worse than that. 1 don't go so far; I'm willing to say they've tried. I'll sny that much. But they haven't the know-how." The window seats, Rlckard could see, were filled before the cars halted, by the experienced ones who had not waited for the train to be made up. In the scramble he spied a vacant window on the sunny side and made for It. A stranger dropped Into the scat beside him. Rvery window In the car was open. Each red velveted, dusty seat was filled. A strong desert wind waa blow ing sand Into their faces, discoloring the seats and covering the floor. The engineer turned to bis compan ion, wbo was coughing. "Do you mind this window being open?" I'd mind if It were not It's always bad at the Junction. When we get Into the cultivated country you will see what the valley will be like when He Was "Going In." It is all planted. The wind Is not bud when it blows over grain or al falfa. It Is the desert dust that nngs one." He coughed again. "Going In?" I Rlckard said he was going In. "Are you going to settle in the val ley?" The inquisitor wus a man of about fifty, Rlckard decided, with a desert tan of apparent health. His face was clear cut and Intelligent. "I don't know." ".lust looking the country over?" "You might call It that." "Jo slow," adtnoutabed hi compan ion. "Don't let yourself bo carried away. It Is a wonderful country. Rut go Slow. It's the ones who expect to make millions the Oral year tliut be come the worst knockers. Oo slow, I always tell them. Co flow." "It's not n good time to buy, then?" "Nol so good us It was ten years ago! Rut land is cheaper than It was a year back. In some district! you . can buy a good farm for a ticket buck home, the farmers are so discouraged. Cold feet." The slang sounded oddly Somehow'. '''"' man's voice had Un cultivated precision of the purist, "(old feet. The river's chilled tin in. The valley's losing faith in the com pany." "What company?" Inquired Rlckard again. "There's hut one company to the valley, (be one Hint brouifnt them lore, .the I). It. The." doVt.eaJl the railroad the company. They won't rec- e thai probll m ! Il's had h nil luck from the flnu the i. i:. Al the very start the wrong man gol liold ,,i it. Sathcr, the lii'M proinoter( wi i -a pretty thorough fnker, The my i '( ' anlzed, i,m it's been in bad odor vvtth the public ever si ." Richard's eyes left the deep cute In the laed mode by the ravening waters ignd looked ai his companion. "I thought Estrada was the original promoter?" be Inquired, "Estrada's a recent corner- oh, you mean the general. He started the bull rolling; thai was all. had health, fol lowing the Riiss complication, tied bis band-." Tie man la the seal ahead was lis tening. Hli head was leonine, his bod; -hrivelcd. Itiekard could see on the neck the ancient burns tlait hud spared the magnificent bead. The reel of the niau bad been shriveled and twisted into terrible deformity. Itiek ard found hloi ii if puz.iing over the Incident with lis accomptinylng mir acle. There was not n Bear on tho powerful lace. "KMradu's business methods were i8lLJif then Yiol different Trvm runner nun Hardin's !" It was a deep, rich organ. "Oh, you can't class Hardin with Hat her," protested HleUard's compan ion. "8aihT used Hardin. Hardin's honesty cornot be (liiosnonod. It's not money's he's after. Ills whole heart Is In this reclamation scheme.'' "Hardin's a false alarm," growled the owner of the massive head. "He makes promises. He never keeps them." The older man's smile was tolerant. "Rnrton," lie Indlcntcd, "Is the presi dent of the water companies. And If you want to hear about a rogue and a scoundrel ask tho water companies their opinion of Hardin." "Well, what sort of a bole hos he got us Into?" demanded the other with heat. "Hurdin's In a hole himself. "No one seems to remember that he crucified himself to save the valley. I've a great respect for Thomas tlur dln.'l Tes?" retimed Rlckard. whose lik ing had been captured ty tin- speaker, The Impression of distinction sharp- ened. The stranger wore a laundered pongee silk shirt, open at the neck hut restricted by a brown silk tie; und It was trimly belted. There were hut two neckties in the entire car, and they occupied. Rlckard observed, the same seat. "The beginning of the canal sys tem." Rlckard looked out upon n :1nt, one toned country, marked oft m rec tangles tiy plows und scrapers. Far ther south these rectangles were edged by young willows. He fancied lv could see, even at that distance, the gleam of water. It was the passing of tho desert. A few miles back he had seen the desert In Its primitive nakedness, which net even cactus relieved. He was passing over the land which man and horses were preparing for water. And he could see the land where water was. "Thot was the way Riverside looked when I first saw It," con. incited the other man who wore a tie. "Come out on the rear platform. We can sec bet ter." Rlckard followed to the back of the dust-swept, stilling car. The glare on the platform was intense. He stood watching the newly made checkerboard of a country slip past him. Receding were the two lines of gleaming steel rails which connected and separated him from the world outside, lie was "going In." Not In Mexico even hnd he such a feeling of ultimate remote nets. The mountains, converging pit spectlvely toward the throat of the valley, looked elusive and unreal In their gauze draperies of rose and vio let. The tender hour of day was couth Ing them with mystery, softening their sharp outlines. Tney curtained the world beyond. Rlckard felt the sus pense of the next-act. It was a torpid Imagination, he thought, which would not quicken over this conquest of the desert. Knst of the tract men nnd teams were prepar ing the newdy furrowed ground for the seed. The curved hind knives were breaking up the rich mold Into ridges of soft soil as uncoheslve and feathery as pulverized chocolate. It was the durk color of the choeolute of com merce, this silt which hud been pil fered from the states through which the vagrant river wandered. The smell of the upturned earth, sweetly damp, struck against his nostrils. ItlcJ.aid indulged a minute of whimsical fancy; this was California territory over which his train was passing, but the soil, that dark eartli those blades were crumbling, wus It not the tribute of other states, of despoiling Wyoming, of ravishing Colorado and Arizona? To the west new squares were being leveled and outlined. Shrubby r tangles wen being cleared of their re os.iie hush and tough ateaqulte. Com pared with oilier countries, the prepa ration for planting was the simplest Horses were dragging over the ground a railroad rail bent Into a V angle, which palled the bushes tiy the root! and dragged then out of the way. Be yond, further west, could be seen the untouched desert. The surface for many miles wus cracked by water lines, broken and baked Into Irregular sand cakes; the mark of sand which has been Imprisoned by water und branded by swift heat. Close by men were putting in with cure the seed Unit was to qulek,en the river silt. I'liey were passing M square where the green tips of the grain were piercing Hie ground. Now they woe abreast of a Held of matured nl falfu OVOr which the wind raced grute ( fully. Desert and grain field ; death and life!. The panorama embraced Hie whole cycle. Tiny went back to their seal;. After a few uiiii i the other leaned over (ids shoulder, hi hand waving toward the passing mountains, "Those era the Superstition mountains you can see over yonder, An unuaunjly apt name," "VesV" "Why is It good, you mean? That pile of dark rock stands ai a moua men) to an effete superstition, n is the gruvesbjrae for n gigantic mlstuki Why, It was only I In- grosses! Iguo- I ranee thai gave to the desert the label of 'bud lands.' The desert Is u COO dltlon, not a fact Here you see the ! passing of Hie condition, the burial ot the i uperstltloa. Are you interested in i Irrigation?" Rlckard was not given to explain the degree of Interest his profi Involved, for the stranger drew a p.iin- ini breath, ami went on, "'" yon are, if yon me g Western man. Von are, i think?" The I .' ii. er sgld be wn-:, by choice. "Irrigation is the creed of the Wesi (.'old brought people to ibis country water, scientifically applied, will keep them here. Look at Riverside, And MMMWtt WO ore at the primer stage only. We me way behind the ancients In Inior inatlon on that subject. 1 learned at school, so did you, Unit some of the most glorious civilisations nourished In spite of tho desert which surround ed them. That was only half a tr'iih. They were great been use of It I Why did the Incos choose the desert when their strength gnvo them the choice of the continent of South America? Why j did the Astecs settle In tho desert when they might easily hnvo pre empted I lie watered regions? Then there are the Carthaginians, the I'oi : tecs, the Moors. And one never for gets Egypt I" "For protection," Rlckard gave the slighted question an Interested recog nition. "Was that not what we were taught at school? The forest Held foes, animal and human. Those na tions grew to their strength nnd power in the desert by virtue of Its Isolation.' "Superstition 1" retorted the man with the tie. "We are babes at the breast measured oy the wisdom ol 1 lu men who settled Damascus, or cm pared wdth tho Toltecs, or those an cient tribes who settled In northern India. They recognized the value of aridity. They knew its threefold worth." "An Inherent valuer" demanded the college-bred man, turning from the window. "An Inherent value," declared the exponent of aridity. "Will you tell me Just what you mean?" "Not In one session I Look yonder. Thst's Rrswtey. When I came through here ten years ago I could have had my pick of this land at 25 cents an acre. They were working at this scheme then on paper. I was not alive to the possibilities then; I had not yet lived In Utah!" The train waa slowing op by a brand new yellow-painted station. There were several dusty automobiles wait ing by the track, a few faded surreys and the Inevitable country hotel bus. The platform waa swarming with alert vigorous faces, distinctly of the American type. The man In the seat beelde htm asked Rlckard If be observed the gen eral average of Intelligence hi the faces of the crowd below. Rlckard ae-! knowledged that be had been struck by that, not only here but at Imperial Junction, where be had waited for the train. "There la a chib In the valley, lately started, a university club which admits as members those who have bad at least two yesrs of college training. The list numbers three hundred al ready. The first meeting was held lost week In on empty new store In Impe rial. If It had not been for the set ting we might have been at Ann Arbor or Palo Alto. The costumes were a little motley, but the talk sounded like home. The dust blowing In through the car doors brought on another fit of stran gling. Rlckard turned again to the window, to the active scene which 0e nled the presence of desert beyond. "The doctors say It will have to be the desert alwuya for me." The stran ger tupped his chest significantly. "Rut It Is exile no longer not in an Irrigated country. For the reason of Irrigation! It Is the progressive man. the man wdth ideus, or the man who Is wilting to take them, who comes Into this desert country. If he hus not hail education It Is forced upon him. I saw It worked out in Utah. I was there several years. Irrigation moans co operation. That Is, to me, the dilef value of aridity." The wind, though still blowing through the car and ruflllng the train dust, was carrying less of grit and sand. To the nostrils of Rlckard and his new acquaintance It brought the pleasing suggestion of grassy mead ows, of wlllow-liued strniniH and fra grant fields. "It is the accepted Idea that this valley Is attracting a superior class Of men because of Us temperance stand. It Is the other way round. The valley stood for temperance because of the sort of men who had settled here, the men of the Irrigation type." The engineer's ear criticized "Irriga tion type." He begun to suspect that lie had picked up a crank. "The desert offers a man special ad vantages, soeluj, Industrial and agricul tural. It Is no incident that you find a certain sort of man here." "i suppose you mean thai snuggle necessary to develop such a country, under such stern conditions, develops of necessity strong men?" evolved Rlckard. "Oh, yes, I believe that, too." "h, more than thai. Il Is not so much the struggle as the necessity tot co-operation, The mutual dependence l one of the blessings oT aridity." "One of the blessings of aridity!" echoed all listener, "You are a philos opher." He had not yei I In (e other's thought at the spring. "You might as well call me a social ist because I praise Irrigation in that II stands for the small fiiiui null," retorted the valley man. "That Is one of Us Data) the email unit it la the small farm thai pay.-. Tim! fuel brings many advantages. What is the Charm of Riverside? it conns In me always like the unreal dream ot the socialist come true, it is a city oi famii . ol small farms, where a man may make ma living off his ten acres ol Dl or lemons; and with all the cm, ami conveniences of a olty within reach, his neighbors not ten mile a farmer In Riverside or In guj irri gated community does nm iMl , , lu postpone living for himself or his fam ily mull he can sell the farm I lie can go to church, can walk there; the trolley cur which passes hl.s door takes him to u public library or Ho opers houso. His children ride to school. Ills wife does mil need to be I drudgi. The bread wagon and the steam laundry wagon stop at lor door. " Itiekard observed that perhaps he did not know anything about Irrigation after all I lie had not thought ol It before In Its sociological relation but merely ns It touched nls profession. "Not going Into soil values, for that Is a long story," began the older man, "Irrigation is the answer which sci ence given to the agriculturist who is Impatient Ot haphazard methods, irri gation is not a compromise, as so many believe who know nothing about It. It Is a distinct advantage over the old fashioned methods. "t am ono of those who always thought It i compromise,' admitted the engineer. "Iletier call rain n compromise," re torted the Irrlgutlotiist. "The mon who Irrigates gives water to the tree which needs It; rain nourishes one iree and drowns out another. Irriga lion Is an insurance policy against drought, u guarantee against Hoods. The farmer who lias once operated an Irrigated farm would bo as Impatient were he again subjected to the caprice of rain as n housewife would bo were she compelled to wait for rain to fill tier washtiib. There Is no Irregularity or caprice about Irrlgotlon." "Wonder how the old fellow picked It all up?" mused Rlckard with dis respect. Aloud he said, "You were speaking of the value of the soli?" "Look at the earth those plows are turning over. Bee how rich and friable It Is, how It crumbles? You can dig for hundreds of feet end still find that sort of soil, eight hundred feet down I It Is disintegrated rock and leaf mold brought In here In the meklng of a delta. Heavy rainfalls are rare here, though we have had them, in spite of popular opinion. Were we to have frequent rains the chemical properties which rsin farmers must buy to enrich their worn-out eolle would lie leached out, drained from the eoll. I can't make this comprehensive, but I've a monograph on desert soil. If yoa are Interested I'll send It to you." "I should like It Immensely," as sented the engineer, still amused. "It explains the choice of the Astecs, of the Incas, of Carthaginians, the Moors," observed the stranger. "They chose the desert, not In spite of the soil hot because of It I doubt If they were swake to the social advantages of the system, but It waa thel' co- 'Brandon's My Name." oneriitlve brotherhood that helneit them to their gh.ry. We are centuries behind Ihetn. I'm getting out here LertYou Forget COME DOWN a EARLY BLUB BAY! I2ii rfiPSflrMuW Day jymmuem 20,000 Acres ... SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water figls for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon fmnerlal. If you coine uu fo Imp, look me up. BrundOfl'l my name, ij no card Ihese days I" "There ore BOvunl things I went hear from you," answered Rlckn following brown necktie and poln beard io the platform. "I'll be m to look you up. Mine's Rlckard." The breeze which was now enter the car windows hnd blown over fl clover leafed fields. lis tnessnge W aweet and fresh. Rlckard could I the canals leading off like sllv threads to the homes and farms of II future; "the socialists' dream con true I" Willows of two or three yeui growth outlined the banks. Here at there a tent or a ruroada set up hVave defiance against the hard cm .nitons of the hind It was liivedlni Itiekard leaned out of the window an looked back up the valley which wn dominated bv the range now wrsppln around Itself gauy, iridescent dni erles. "The monument to an effete super stltlon!" he repeated. "That wa-n' a bad Idea." (To be continued next week.; A MISSIONARY ENTKRPIUHK. Every year the United States shir tons and tons of chewing gum td China and Slam and the Malay lands. The question arises what coui possibly have created the demand for such a commodity In Hong-Kong and Bangkok and Singapore? It began with the missionaries good resourceful people. Therl found that the natives, whom they! had come to Christianise and civil ise, had a dreadful habit of chewing! betel nut. Betel nut la a concoction! which contains small quantities oil an Injurious drug. Also Its contin ued use turns the teeth Jet black. In order to counteract the effect of this deleterious habit the ingen ious missionaries, having caught their natives, proceeded to cultivate In them a taste for Wrlgley's Spear mint and a corresponding disinclina tion for betel nut. The natives cams, they chewed, they were conquered, and much of America's chewing gum finds its final destiny In the mouths of Blans and Borneo. We would auggest to these excel lent missionaries that having worked this reformation in heathen lands, they would find more worlda to con quer in America. The field la a different one, but It exists. Who has not been drIVen almost wild by the facial contortions of the reckless gum-chewer? Wbo has not been repelled when the band plays "The Star-spangled Banner" by a throng of patriotic Jaws chewing in time to the music? What business man has not found wads ot gum plastered upon desk or typewriter by thrifty and prudent employes? Wo submit that the comfort and spirituality of the people of this country would be much enhanced if the missionaries would labor here to curb the zeal and dexterity of the guni-chnwtira. As they havo met one problem effectively In Asia, they can doubtless meet another at home and will thus merit our undying grat itude. Any one reudlng the income tax reports would form the opinion thai I ,noro Is tl some money in the United States. For This Day Only $1.21 IIHOOMH Hill I.OO Different cnmhlnui'is of Queens- wuro and K lichen Furniture ranging In price from $1.25 to $2.00 for $I.(mi on Dollar Day. I.I NAIIl IWJ, DAIION . O0 "Kvcrj thing for Kverybntly" 1