The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 29, 1919, Image 5

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Auto electrical repairs. Jack Mc-
Henry Jennings was greeting his
friends In town the first of thli week.
D, It. Thorn was over from his
Silver Creek home for n few day
lb Is week.
Found Boy's watch, with rut or
pressed steel fob. Owner may have
tame on Identification. This office.
Dorn - l'Ht week, to Mr. and Mrs.
Watt Sklenes. a daughter. We did
not learn the exact date.
lira, Fred Delisted! was able to go
to her home in the country yesterday
after several weeka In the hospital In
this city following a serious operation.
The Nazarone church people have
just raised a considerable sunt tor
painting, papering and renovating the
fliureh anil fixing up the parsonage.
Mrs. Klba Turner and her new lit
tle daughter are able to leave the
hospltnl and will accompany Mr.
Turner to the country home at once.
Fay Comegya and son and Sidney
Comegys and family ware In town
this week visiting their aiater, Mrs.
C. A. Hainea, who la convalescing at
the hospital from an Illness.
Mrs. McKlnley Thompson under
went an operation at the bands of
Dr. Smith at the Hainea hoapltal the
fore part of thia wek. The patient
is recovering nicely we are Informed.
S100.009. "THB BANK THAT
Dr. Smith had two tonsil and ade
noid operations during the week at
the surgery of the Haines hospital,
one being the title daughter of Mrs.
J. K. Sizemore, and the other the lit
tle son of Geo. Whiting.
Mrs. tleorgla Barboe was operated
on by Dr. Saurman at the Matnes
tal Thursday of this week and
removed to the home of her
mother afterward whore she Is do
tal well.
P. ('. Petersen Is carrying one hand
around iti a bandage, but tells us it
l- nothing serious. He hurt his fin-e-t
and it become Infected making it
aeoessary to have it dressed by his
Mrs. Peter rtirlstensen and Iter Ut
ile daugher Kvelyii. who have been
at the home of Mrs. J. K. Sizemore
(or the past several weeks being treat
ed by their doctor, left for home yes
terday, both being in much better
Mrs C. A. Haines has been at tbe
Haines hospital In thia city for a cou
; le of weeks under the care of her
. hysician. Tbe lady la much im
; roved and will soon be out. Her
little daughter Marie apent the last
week visiting her.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simmons took
their departure again Tuesday for
outside points, remaining at the
ranch home In this vicinity only a
hurt time after spending the winter
in Idaho. They have gone to K,iton
vllle, Wash, for the present.
i a TMMMMiMi
H -S K' ' K
Bar i'Jn Mar
mm M SSmKI
Order tlioao letter heads hero.
I. WoliiMtoIti, the l.awen merchant,
utiti his sun are In town tudav.
Mrs. R, l. Slti was up from the
rnneli neitr l.iiwen this week, bring- '"It Association, of Burns, will be
tug her little niece up to uuve some I held at tbe Masonic Hall in Burns,
dental work douo. She was acconi- OrwfOB, on Tnesday. Apr"ll 8, 1919.
Hl ivIlol.liKKS' NKBTINO.
Notice Is hereby given that Hie
postponed annual meeting of the
Stockholders of the Masonic Build
panted up by Mrs. Lloyd Johnson.
James Street waa among our visit
ors iroin the Silver Creek aectlon dur
ng the week. Mr. Street has been
having a siege of rheumatism for sev
eral mouths but Is now much better.
Hurry Howell arrived home lust
night trom serving in the army. We
ni :; o clock p, m.
Leon M. Brown, Secretary.
Daddy h in France? Grand
dad's in France. Grandma's In
France mo It la possible that
baby Patricia Wallace will aoon
bo aeeu on Paris boulevarda. She
la the tcrauddaughter of Hugh
Wallace, the new American am
baaaadoi to' France. Her daddy
la Captain Melville W. Wallace
of the I'nlted States Army and
ahe haa never yet aeen him. Ilei
mother waa formerly Mum Kuth
On March IS range riders will be
placed on all unleased lauds of the
Oregon A Western Colonization Com
pany with Instructions to report all
have had no opportunity to Interview i trespass. If you wish to lease write
him and do not know where he serv-ior c"" on
ni. We understand he haa his final
discharge and la home to atay.
tour Dollar ,
is worth more
.. Jmtik
John Hoss la HI at the Hainea hos
pital, having been brought In from
the country the other day.
New seven-room honse, 8 acres on
river in city limits Take part cat
tle, balance easy terms. Box 272,
Burns. 4-28.
Jamea Oard waa up from his home
near Saddle Butte last week looking
after some business affaire and visit
ing with friends.
Mrs. James Wilson, formerly Miss
Mary Fry. has been In this vicinity
for the past two weeks visiting with
relatives and friends.
William Stirling or the William
Hanlcy Company took his depurture
this morning for Portland where he
will be u short time on business.
Wheat for sale t Brown's QaSlS)
Store. Su'il only l) the sank. No
php order-.. No li.ii.H- omits
The office boy accompanied Or.
Saurman on a trip to Crane Thurs
day. We like to have him get out for
some fresh air occasionally. He
aays he had a nice ride, but will "sho
nut be glad wbon the new highway
Is put through.
Thomas Sylveater, a nephew of
Porter Sylveater, Is home from the
war. He volunteered In the navy and
waa fortunate in getting a discharge.
The young man had a twin brother in
the navy also, being on the same boat
with him for a time but he became 111
and received hia discharge several
months ago.
Rev. W'm. Balrd, the Presbyterian
Sunday school missionary, who has
been visiting portions of thia county
for the past aeveral years, arrived In
thia city yesterday morning for a
short visit with friends. Although
he makes frequent trips into Harney
county, this part does not see him
very otteu.
. o "
KatraTy .Notice.
F. Johnaon at Vale, Oregon.
:: !i
The following animals have stray
ed from my place: One two-year old
and one three year old heifers brand
ed with XS bar; one Roan Durham
bull with the Brad Moss brand:
Other cattle branded with 11 .
marked overblt In earn ear, may also
be found away from my range In
Sunset and In such case I shall pay
a reward for Information leading to '
their recovery. C. V. Reed, Narrowa,
Spring (tardea Tools, RakeS unI Hoch . . . $1
Window Shades, white tbr lust, 1.15 value . 1
fl.26 Lumps, Dollar Day, only $1
O-Ctdaf Mops, uhvuys ft. 2&every where . . . $1
GratiitewaM combination, $1.80 and 1,25 value fl
I. S. GEER & CO.
Six registered, balance bred and
raised out of Bell A herd. Ages two
and one year old. This herd la too
well known for Its superior quality
and careful breeding to need further
comment. They are ready for in
spection and prices, and can be aeen
at Bell A ranch. Those wilting to
purchase are solicited to make selec
tions early as first come will be first
served. William Hanlcy Co. blGm
Best for the West
Eeteblithed 1885
Juntura. Oregon.
I have in my possession one white
horse branded ItV connected on left
shoulder. Weight about 1050.
Also one bay horso brunded 7. on
thigh; spot In forehead. Weight
about 1178. Owner can gel Dro-1 Notice Is hereby given that there!
nt any time nt my ranch tour "" sufficient funds on hand to pay I
Mr.-. K. L. Anderaon mid lu-r little
sou wore guests at the Ltfvens hotel
for a few days this week while she
hud some dental work done.
BUM bi Ion BtUlab, Oregon.
.Notice of P.slray lata,
M, Horton was over from Diamond
last Saturday. Mr. Horton bus been
in the mercantile business at
point for nnit.y years.
Tom Sullivan, one of the old time
pioneers or the Stein's Mountains,
Is renewing acquaintances in this
Waltou Brown has resigned his
position with the Crane State Bank
and will leave the firat of the month
for a few weeks in Portland.
Dr. J. Shelley Saurman was called
to Crane Thursday to see Mr Frank
Dunn, of tbe Narows. who Is critic
ally ill with pneumonia.
r of a white faced Hereford bull
feuded JP on right ribs, also IX on
one hip and Q on the other; marked
wattle behind the right ear.- Jamea
)ard, Saddlebutte, Oregon.
Miss Ruth Short, niece of C. W.
Clevenger, left Thursday for her
home at Payette, after u visit with
relatives In this city. She expects to
A rc!isoiiHhl r,.wr,l will , ,. i,l return in jui) lor a lunger tmu
.-. .WW WW - j......
ur in.ormaiion leaning to tue recov- Mr. . enl i 0W(, a..j h,.r daughter.
Miss Susie, have recently returned
home after spending the winter with
old time friends and relatives in Ten
nessee. V
The annual P. P. P. ball given on
last Saturday night waa the usual
social aucceaa and enjoyed by a large
number of our young people and a
few of tbe older ones.
Mrs. Kugenla Rembold and her
later, Mrs. Piatt Randall, took their
departure Thursday for Portland.
Mrs. Item bold goes to remain for sev
eral months in tbe metropolis. She
had expected to go down laat fall and
olpped her piano and other things
It anticipation of remaining down for
the winter but changed her plana
ter. Mrs. Randall goee down for a
rest of a few weeka, her atay depend
ing upon the state or her health.
George McLaren called at thia of
fice the other day while in town, to
flay his respects to the force and to
attribute toward keeping this great
Notice is hereby given that tin un-derslgti.-d,
Myrtle Haines, of Voltage.
Harney County. Oregon, did on tbe
J 10th day of March. 1911), take up the
following described estray. viz: One
that sniaii reu cow ornnuod whut appears
to be a Woodman Stump, on left hip,
and marked with a small bit In right
eur; ugc about eight years.
That on the 21st day of Msrch.
i ''".i. the Justice of tbe Peace for
Burns District, Harney County, Ore
gon, made and entered Its order that
the sale or said estray be given by
publication In The Times-Herald, the
said Times-Herald being tbe County
orricial paper of Harney County. Ore
gon. In pursuance or this order I will on
tbe 12th day of April, 1919, at 10
o'clock In the forenoon or said day,
at public auction offer the aaid es
tray for sale to the highest and beat
bidder for cash to satisfy cost or tak
ing up and keeping and all expense
Incurred including the Justice fees
and all other expense that may have
been regularly made.
Said sale to take place on my
ranch about four miles east or Nar
rows, In Harney County, Oregon.
ofr all General Fund wurranls Issued
.. .1 .Fal..!......! .. .. , . .....I I ,. .' I . , ,1 I (I a. '
Ulllt ll'KIS" l.-U Ul III till". llll.IUU.lin
January IT. 1919. Interest c-.-ases
on March II, 1919.
County Treasurer.
Cut tills out It is wi.rth money.
Jm f
I m
ISaw Mm
(HQ Delicious Sweet
Corn "Golden Bantam"
Exceptionally early and
in flavor and tenderness
not equalled by any
other variety. The ears
are short and compact
and the kernels plump
and creamy. This and
a thousand other veg
etables best for the West,
may be selected from
JjlBg catalog and found
at your dealers.
Write Jjjgg Seattle or Portland for Catalog, Free.
T. J. McDonald haa been appointed
chairman of the Armenian Heller
drive tor this district. Thia drive
should have bees held some time ago,
hot waa delayed Because of the influ
enaa quarantine.. The quota given
for thia district la $1500.
It la reported that about $3,000
worth of sheep were lost at Crane
Wednesday. Because of the late
hour of their arrival the railroad
religious weekly coming to his adel employes refused to permit the con
OF ANTON EGLI, Deceaaed.
the Underttgned, SOPHIA B. EOLI,
baa been duly appointed by the Coun
ty Court of Harney County, Oregon,
Executrix of the Betate of Anton Bgll,
Deceaaed; and haa duly filed aa such
All persons having claims agalnat
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same, duly veriUed, together
with proper vouchera therefor, at the
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with c to Foley A Co., ',
283K Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive In return a
Honey and Tar Compound, for colds.
Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets .
Sold by Reed Brothers.
O'Connor A Carter
For fresh fruits and
Famous Delicious Apples
Special prices on ton lots.
We can also aapply you with
Fresh Meats
Coal and Wood
Grain and Baled Hay
Phone G4F
Barns Hotel Building
Specials for
New Spring Cravats, fl..r)0 ami 1.2. vulues
(Jolf Shirts, f 1.60 and 2.00 vulues . . .
Men's, Boy's Caps, 1.50--1.75 3.00 vulues
Itlc and Arrow ('ollnrs, Half Dozn . . .
All Suits received Dollar Day Sponged
it ml Pressed $1.00
Clothing Company
IreHH regularly. Oeorge told us ne i algnee to unload his stock and as a oKlce or J. W. BIOOS, Voegtly Build
a hii hy over at Juntura looking at-1 result several of them died. They
Ur the townslte farui there. He Is
SMdlBg additional ground to alfalfa
'M Hpring and hoped to get bla son
Will over to help him for a short
Tbe writer bad the privilege or
looking over the handsome new resl
tenea of Mr. and Mrs. "-'rank Baker
"ow being completed by Mr. Lazer
oub in the eastern part or thia city.
''iii i one or the moat modern and
ell appointed residences In this en
tire country with built-in cloaeta,
tookfthclves, grill, etc. Much of the
wood work la hand-finished and la
really artistic. It la moat conven
iently arranged and when completed
"111 certainly be a rine home. It la
now in the hands of tbe decorator.
were were consigned to a resident
or the south end or the county.
John Morrell, another one or our
hoye to volunteer his services In tbe
navy dlreetly atfer the declaration of
war, arrived home last night, coming
in by way or Bend. He received 'his
discharge at San Francisco recently
and atter a short visit hurried home
and aays be'a glad to be here. He
saw considerable active service over
seas but the writer did not get time
thia morning to get particular Infor
mation. John aald he received thia
great religious weekly Just once In a
while becauae he waa moving about
at rrequent Intervals and they are
not ao careful of aecond class mall
matter and copies would go aatray.
Ing, Burns, Oregon, attorney for said
Executrix, within alx months .Yoni
date hereor.
Dated this 22nd day or March,
-O " ' o
Spring Cleaning Time in Here.
U a bouse needs spring cleaning,
how about the human body after a
winter of Indoor life and heavy food?
Don't suffer rroni indigestion, bil
iousness, bad breath, bloating, gaa or
constlpatiou, when relief can ao
easily be had. Foley Cathartic
Tablets clean stomach and bowels
and tone ap tbe liver. Bold by Reed
tfr " Y ii rr ' ' S
jm jKr "aS BasaaaLtf mm mm mm '
"ComeltewiBirlyr J5 '
Our Special
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A OTTINGER, Proprietor
" -