Lethargic encephnlltles or "sleep lug sickness" is now prevalent in this country. Its sjiatitoms may very Often be observed in business men Sunday mornings between the hours of six and eleven o'cln If you nan neen serving t nele Had for $1.00 a year, and now found t win ii:ni io aim tne tiouar in rtf tneoma tax schedule and pay froaj to twelv nts upon If, use a big, big I'? J JULIAN BYRD Manager The Times-J-Ierald Haa Th Laraett Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sax i th. . . . Tfcf atonttt. $2.00 1.00 JBatared at the Post Office at Burni, Oregon, as Second Class Matter. SATURDAY, MARCH M, 1919 MCTKIl FKOM NORMAN LUCKBY IN PHIMPPINKH Well PIi-hmmI With Homelike Quarter At lladio Station In Onvlte; liikes New Place. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lurkev have recently received a letter from their son Norman, who is connected with a Radio Station In the Philippines. He had just been transferred to a new station and writes interestingly of Its advantages and the snugness of his new berth. Norman b many old time school mates are glad to learn of his advancement in the service and this letter indicates he is in excellent quarters. He writes: High Powei Radio St. Cavlte. Feb. 3. 1919 Dear Felks: Having arrived in my new home a few days ago (Jan. 29) I am settled enough to write you a little this after noon while I'm off watch. I received some leters from you before I left the Mohican but the next day I was transferred and did not get a chance to answer them. I call this place a "new home" in fact It Is a real home that is wHy I speak of it as such, ill attempt to tell you a little about our quarters. There are about 50 men In all here and we have one large building. It is divuli- I into four sections or roooma two in either end. as quarters. Back hub lias a nice big locker to keep all hiailothes and stuff la. There art '..;-''' 5 y 9 tit IMP m op88(ife;'' BbaK''. S '..iw v' B Hark 'fettflft' JaaBBBaMBL' & VIVfAN MARTIN u Unci aimed Gooa?jieu-SBS on the phonograph now, and it makes me feel a bit homesick. Will knock off. NORMAN. o PAYROLLS AM) IRRIGATION. two rooms in the center, one being the dining rom. the other :i re' reation room. There are also lockers In this room, one of which I have There are all kinds of books to read, games to play and a rhonograpli electrically operated, in fact most all tin- aarflea is Ivy electricity. All around the building is a ni'-e wide veranda with shutters made of eplit bambo which can be raised or lowered, but there is plenty of fresh air always. Extending off the veran :-;i at the back is the cook's galley and our toilet and bath and it la Mme nice shower, too. We have a ulce white bed on the veranda, two mattresses, bed springs, t.ftce.ts and a pillow and a boy to make your bed for you when you get up in the mornings. Believe me I sure sleep. You can get to Led any time in the day you are nqjt on watch if you care to. And for chow, they sure serve It. Officers and all eat at the same table and the same food. Table cloths. apklna and everything. We have ioe cream and pie one or the other every ua. Aud ail sorts of food such as meat, vegetables, etc., aud say. they have some hotcakes aud waffles for breakfast. You tan go on liberty when you want to, and come back when you want to. You can't beat all that cau yau? It is home! lam on the arc engineer's job now, hut I don't suppose you would kuow mach about that if I explaiued It, so 'I won't bother. Will start to stand -iajt secondary watches In three or tawr noutks. One is just as impor tant and good as the other so I'm nor I'i.cVing. and one sure learns a lot of jkiice on the arc job. ike other day and was a little uerv 4ts when I sent my first call but I ade out O. K. I sure like the work. I think I will close now fox chow at ready. Willi love. NORMAN. Feb. 6. As I haven't mailed this yet 1 will jiid that I received the picture- and a letter from you yesterday. Say, the pictures were most welcome, they aaade 'me feel back at home for a wbUo. And I take an interest In thawing them to the fellows 3iid ex aVhUnJug about it all. Why lai. ar gament) Oregon is the best state and why California and the others are no taoil. Ha! I have stood quite a few second ary watches lately and am gettliiK aUtng flue. Have sent several mes sages. I got a letter back today that I had sent to Nathan Brown at Fort afanroe, Virginia, unclaimed. Where is lie? They are playing "When I Dream f Old Erin I'm Dreamlug of You," A payroll is something every town should strive for. It gives life to a place and makes better conditions. The possibility of payrolls should be given serious consideration by all public spirited citizens. If we don't think about such things they are not likely to materialize. If we don't have some dreams we are going to be just "dronelike" and the fellow who does the dreamlug will be getting away with the "persimmon" some day. At least that Is the opinion of some fellows utul it is worthy of cou- alderatloh. What would a big sawmill of say SO 800 teal capacity iey day do toward making a worth-while payroll in Barn! fever tliluk of it? Is It practical with the production of a class of output that would stund the transportation -barges out and com pete with the world market? This would invove an outlay of coimtil'-r-able money to build a trucking roud 1 to the timber to the north and the es tablishment of the necessary machin ery to equip an enterprise of that magnitude. By the establishment of such a plant in this city we would be provided with the necessary power for lights, power and water. It would add many families to our population and give us an enormous additional business. The writer Is not a saw mill man but he Is ready to help any man or group of men who are prac tical and who believe that such an enterprise Is worthy. The organization of an Irrigation district, with water Impounded in a reservoir, is another feature In tit oil lu the Valley does not mean as much for the geueral advancement and good as does procuring an eco nomical and permanent method to make our farms and ranches more lastingly productive. The best kind of payroll this com munity cun have. Is one obtained from raising aud selling our lnrm products. o LKAGl K TO KNFOItt K PK.U'K. and said, "Oh, Lord, please don't let Mr. Hoover or Miss Wolff hear of this. I want to go to heaven If I've got to go uny place." o LOCAL NBWH NOTES. George and Joe Buchanau are In from their homes today. Frank Dibble and wife were In the other day from Silver Creek. .fn.lv. t tl.ilfmi HU'irx lu i.v tii.i-l.xt f.i The idea of establishing a league . .. uiui " ttrrve here Monday to open an ad journed term of circuit court. The grand Jury will meet at that time and consider such matters as may be placed before it. tO enforce pence T6 tOO good tfl re main a mere ideu. It deserves to be a fact. It is more likely to be one If we avoid pipe-dreams. It we recog nize its numerous Imnarfectlona and the prospect of comp'cc break down the scarcer win its Imper utul lnvakilow ns bl l ii -Ami hen- is one little circumstance. Hardly anything has bMfl .ai.l about the relationship ur the llgnhtorlei if one or more of them Indulged in a! revolution. Are the rest of them still bound by their signature ' If. for example, Italy turn.-, hoi-' slicvist, ami electa an Italian Trot- zky and Leiiine. Are tho other na tions bound by promises made to the present Italian goverimn , t Or If the majority of the pnwer-i turn bolshevlst (which Is not at all improbable) is America bound to ac cept that majority's rulings and 00 operate with It In a series of comic escapades resembling the dally pro gram In Russia Medium might break loose among the preponderat ing members of the league and what would become of the Intelligent minority? Let us pray that In signing tills document we make such reservations as we need for our protection. Let us, for example, define with absolute same line of advancement and another , Vretl,4lon tho Interpretation of Its means of supplying power at; I bring about additionl wealth to the country. This means much to the city of Burns as well as the entire people of the dis trict. With it, a water and sewer system is possible in addition to the power developed. Should Mr. Flnley succeed In get ting his bill for a Malheur bird re serve on the ballot for a referendum vote, there may be enough people in the state influenced by his propagan da to carry it out. In that case an terms tr a responsible fore'gn gov ernment Is superseded by a nonde script aggregation of circus clowns. It is supremely desirable that all nations sign It. Most or them will be prepared. If necessary, to put their own construction on the letter of Its provisions. KMMI SAVING LKHHON l:ll llS. The "gospel of the clean plate" was preached so thoroughly during irrigation diatrict in this Valley will the war that youngsters in the L'nlt practlcally be a thing of the past. If ed States still have a guilty con it provides for the maintaining of a science If they waste food. The home certain height of the water. Even demonstration agents sent out by the were the dUtrict allowed prior to the United States Department of Agrl passage of such a bill It might be possible that compulsory allowance of such a quantity of water to pass on to the lake would seriously Inter fere with the value of the reservoir. With the Irrigation system estab lished it Is easy to predict much ad vancement and development for Har ney couuty; without It we can ex pect nothing. Even the discovery of culture and the State colleges em phasised In their talks last year tjc need of conserving food. In Wash ington Parish, La., a little girl re cently took more food on her plate than she could eat. Valiantly she strove for a clean plate, In accord ance with the teachings of the heme demonstration aunt In thai parish, but In the end failed. Thereupon she folded her hands, closed her eye:, li. V. Steel is iii town today from his home near Princeton, lie was in to see the force at this office and tarried away some garden seuus t hut had he n seiit us for distribution hy Congressman Sinnott, Tl. '1 Imi i hus it few puck er ,-., i i .uneiil gardM seeds left from the supply sent in by "Nick" Sinnott. so uur neighbors are Invited to cull tor some or write aud we'll mail them to those In the country. The Tlme--Hera!d has Just learned of the arrival of a buby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clak. In Boise, on March 12. Both parents are former Harney- County High School students, the mother being l-.iiM.-a Muiler. Smith Crane is back from a busi ness trip to Numpa where he has been looking alter his proposed plant to convert cuyuse horses Into hog feed. 1 He states the plans are progressing and that he hopes soon to announce the completion of the plant He will remain here for several days with his family aud look after some business affairs. Miss Lois Sweek arrived home last night from Corvallis where she had i beeu with her mother and attending the agricultural college since some J time lu January. The young lady ; aided In caring for influenza patients i ,u this community following the clos lag or the schools last fall uud when the epidemic abatcu she went to Cor vallis and put In her enforced vaca- I Con to best advautge. She came In io be in readiness for the opening of public school next Monday, she being I one of the teachers. tt:::antujx::aiit N. BROWN & SONS Brown 's Satisfactory Store QUALITY MERCHANDISE DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS' 1 YDS. CALICO $1 4 YDS. 88 in. PERCALE $1 5 YDS. AMOSKEKG (i INGHAM $1 Burns, We carry Roods advertised on the r : Oregon 'Hone Products Pace" Why the Essex Motor Car will be the sensation for the coming season Every part and every detail of the Essex con struction is of proved worth. It was designed and built by some of the foremost engineers of America, the same men whose genius produced the Super-Six. Many points of superiority in the Super-six which have proved themselves in years of service, have been incorporated into the Essex. The engine, only twenty-nine inches long, cast in one block with detachable head, readily develops more than fifty horse power. Long life is assured by the ample pro portions of the counterbalanced crank shaft, supported by three large bearings. Eastern Oregon Auto Co. Va!e, H. E. YOUNG, Prop. Ontario Don't x I i Dollar Day Specials 21 pounds Mixed Candy $i SCHOOL COMBINATION P'tt Holder and 6 Points, , 3 Pencils, a 12HchRu.er, 2 Ink Tablets, 3 Pencil Table's, a bottle of Ink, an Ex amination Tablet, in this com bination, for Dollar Day only.... $1 Page 's Sweet Shop BIG SPECIALS MOTHERS' CLUB ANNUAL CALICO BALL Fined if not in Calico or Overalls Tonawama, Burns Friday, April 11 - - Tickets $1.00 Refreshments will be served on stage. No childen under 12 allowed on the floor. I i I ' I ' i .-a I i i ; I BJ li Golf Shirts $1 and Two for $i oiiarS Ginghams 3 1-4 yds. $i Outings 3 yds. $1 Sole Agent for Warner Corsets and Standard Fashions MRS. E. F. SCHWARTZ, Proprietor Masonic Building Burns, Oregon BBBwaBBBaaaBiaBj BHSJSJSJSJ I., nnmmimmniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttwfiti viiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiimiJ