The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 29, 1919, Image 3

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    LuT. "VJ3
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Mainly raramonnt Ntr fWn to Kxrrl-
Irnt Advantajifi In Her Newnat
Comedy at Liberty Theatre.
' $j a flat .-a li?
k '.j ..,,-? M -af.
69 gvaaSBBSL- jriiK ' Sr afc
Mv gw , ;" fflf
VIVIAN MARTIN ,; Unclaimed Goods
IN' "I X I.AI.MKI) uonllS'
In her latest photoplay In which
omedv and drama are congruously
Mended, Vivian Martin, the dainty
iramount star, will be seen to splen-
Bld advantage In "Unclaimed Qoods"
It the Liberty Theatre on next Wed-
iMday. April 2. There arn few of
Is younger women screen stars
OM following la more emphatlcal-
tf enthusiastic than that which fills
he motion picture playhouses when-
r any picture starring Miss Martin
hown, and that her admirers In
ait city are loyal to their favorite, la
attested during her former appear-
neea at the Liberty.
As Betsy Burke In "Unclaimed
oods," Miss Martin baa a thorough-
enjoyable role, the artistic requlre-
nts of which she fully understands
nd which she sustaina with marked
iblllty. Betsy is the daughter of a
heriff who is obliged to go east on
Important business and who is com-
lled to send Betsy to her Uncle
urphy at Gold Center in order that
he may have a home during hia ab
acs. There la a gold rush on at
he time and the sheriff Is unable to
ind accommodations for her on the
in. So he sends her by express,
formance of which Cupid gets in his
deadly work on the hearts of both.
"Gentleman Joe" observes Betsy
one day and when he learna that she
Is an unrlalmod express consignment.
It occurs to him that she might prove
very desirable property for a lonely
gentleman with a taate for beauty
like himself. He calls Danny's at
tention to the law which provides
that unclaimed express goods must
be sold to the highest bidder at the
end of thirty days, If not claimed, and
he sternly Insists that the law must
be rigidly carried out In this Individ
ual caae.
Danny postpones the sale as long aa
possible and aa the date approaches,
"Cocopah Kid," whom Betay had at
one time befriended, rldea to a neigh
boring town and wlrea Sheriff Hurke
of the peril that menaces bit daugh
ter. Burke atarta westward at onre
and "Cocopah Kid" returna to Gold
Center which he reaches Juat aa the
DON'T KILL GAMH IN PRING) lldals h.dluve, Is tlm bait pOKlblfl
WILD I 'OWL NKIOD I AlltNh'HH observance and enforcement or tliu
MlttB Kiinm laws, an in, i- in
lilrd . wliN ii !iavo survived tho fall tbf iiimiiIht of same refuges, unil a
hunting season and bar successfully I t eml extension of game fanning.
withstood (lift winter tnonlhu should
ho allowed to puss in peace to their
breeding grounds In the Spring, say
officials of the Biological Survey,
United fiiiiii'ii Department of Agri
culture, in a statement Just Isaued
urging' hunters to observe and en
force existing game laws.
One of the most Important and
necessary steps In the conaervatton
of wild game, the specialists add, Is
the prohibition of Spring shooting of
wild fowl. Sportsmen should re
frain from hunting at thta season,
not only from a sense of fairness but
bemuse unci, action is
Since the lust gun wan fired on the do a hard day's work. I wouldn't be
Nth of November, 1018, a great' In the same fix I was before inking
deal of water has run under bridges. Tanlac for my farm and tho stock
A peace conference has sat at Ver-, thrown In.
Tho United States Department of
Agriculture Is directing attention to
the great saving of meat that can be
effected through prevention of stork
poisoning by poisonous plahte of the
Western cattle range.
Bulletin 675, Isaued by the depart
ment, tells how to Identify many of'j
the plant that have caused thous
sands of animals to sicken and die,
and a'so gives methods of treatment
absolutely for animals poisoned through eating
necossary to the continued existence! the plants. The bulletin also con
of wild fowl. The Spring-flight tains pictures of poisonous plants and
birds are the stock from which must alms to give help of such a nature
lie derived the annual crop harveited that scientific knowledge will not lie
In the full gunning season, as well : nereeiary in making use of the ln
as a surplus to furnish the uext year's! formation contained,
breeders. Ksti mates made In many localities
A groat victory for game conser- Indlcato the average losa of range
vatlon was won with the passage of animals must be aa great aa 3 to 6
the first ,'edaral law for the protec-1 per rent, while in some range states
tton of migratory birds, the depart- It rises to much higher flguros. ' In
ment specialists believe. Instead of Colorado, It la estimated the losses
soperato statutes for each State, often amount to f 1,000,000.00 annually,
conflicting In purpose and devised while sheep growers In Wyomlng
without special thought of the per- have placed their annual Ion as 14.1
poiuHiion or t lie game supply, tho per cent. These losaea, too, to a
country now has a law applicable In large extent are of mature animals
the same form over large areaa and ready or nearly ready for market
having aa one of Its main purposes the and for the rearing of which large
'itmmiliir .if th,, Hi-ut r II..H v., n,t. I
-.-, ,-.. . ... .... . , . , v . . , . i. ,.IH
tlce or Spring shooting. The benefits
resulting from thla law are unques
tionable, for ever alnce it has been
In effect reports have come from all
sums have been spent.
The department's extended Inves
tigations of poisonous plants of the
range Is still In progress, but the
definite results obtained ao far have
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parts of the country of a steady In-' been sufficient to show that the
crease In the number of migratory heavy losses are due to a compara
game birds. 'lively small number of plants. If
The mlgratory-blrd law of 1913 the stockmen and herders can recog
bas been superseded by the migrat-, nine these plants and will act upon
tory-blrd treaty act putting I nto ' the Information contained In the new
force the treaty with Great Brltlan ' bu'letln and others which have been
tor the protection of birds migrating published on the subject, it is be
between the United States and Can-jlieved thai most of the heavy loaaea
ada. Regulations promulgated un-' can he avoided.
der this law give more strict protec-1 ,
Hon to birds on their northward , GKTTINO DOWN TO HRAH8 TACKS
flight than they have ever previous-! -
ly had. Prior to the passage of
those laws the game supply had
rteadily decreased owing to th" In
creasing number of hunters and the
crowding out of the birds from the.r
breeding grounds, which have be-jn
cli.ired for agricultural and rtlior
purposes. The remedy. Federal o'-
What the world needs now Is
And by peaee we do not mean
merely a eesatlon of war, but a peace
of definite boundaries, plainly de
fined rights, restoration as nearly
H in isihle of ante-war conditions
1n Mi- countries so recently at strife.
m Unclaimed GoocLp
d this In responsible for the atuus-
Pg, as well as tragic developments
tat ansue,
It happens that Gold Center has
sen captured by a band of ruffians
n'lr the leadership of "Gentleman
m" Blade, a notorious gambler,
hey hav.- locked up the reputable
tlienn, including Uncle Murphy, so
at their looting and other unlawful
xratlon-i might not be Interrupted.
Mas, when Betsy arrives at Gold
inter, duly labeled as an express
Kktga, I nele Murphy Is unable to
lra her, and pending the arrival of
consignee, Betsy remains In
rRe of ha n iiv Donegan, the exrress
Wit who is compelled to feed, water
auction sale of unclaimed express
goods, of which Betsy is by far the
mum precious pacKage, has oiu-
menced, with "Gentleman Joe" as the
auctioneer and the only bidder.
Slade s bid of thirty cents for Betsy
i Is ubout to bo accepted as final, when
"Cocopah Kid" enters the bidding
I lists against the outlaw. This pro
i vokes .i fierce battle, which Danny,
"f'm opah Kid" and BetHy holding off
"Gentleman Joe" and his followers.
Slade and the Kid are slain and thing
are looking badly for Betsy and Dan
' iiv when Sheriff Hurke reaches the
scene at the head of a posse. Tln-n
I Betsy and Danny fall Into each oih
er's arms.
The photoplay is one of unusual
interest, many of the scenes heiiiK
highly dramatic.
other attractions of this same
I'Yi-iiiiig at the Liberty will he a . oin
ledy of two reels in which "Fatty" Ar
I hmklu appears at his best. The title
i of this Is "Moonshine" and It is one
of the funniest creations of this popu
lar fat comedian.
This Is "Dollar Day" entertainment
and out of town visitors will find it
a most amusing and enjoyable diver
sion. No, It won't cost a dollar, It
txercise bar periodically, a task I Is to bo regular priced show but a
mutually enjoy, and In the per- little better than the usual one.
U:.M lit ( duds DKTKCT I each returns part of the, profit?
I'KOI IT-LOHH FACTOItK Possibly the money made on com la
lost mr wheal, or vli -e-versu. EUgbtly
Like Merchant", (un Know kept farm records will toll you.
J Is provision made I'or " in
fertility through divernll'lcatioii with
Itvestoi :. rotation and from manure?
'II llll -
Wocki .inl Transactions Only
i lien I'ul on I'eper
ronj records kept, in tin- Oregon Record will show.
parecord book will not only letod '"' "ty and yield oi crops,
- Die business but (Unclose livestock and prodim- on the UP or
1" in,, .i ,,! Ul0 1(;aHt orofituhle down gmdet U tb farm liiiHlness a
lanes r,: , rm operations, better r porn money maker this
l)'" KOUl fi ii.i produce the usual y"r- "Tory live tanner wants 10
ippiii milk, meat, bnttor, know and'oan know. -
f and vegetables, as well1 Oregon Farmers who warn to nogm
"ad inn, and livestock feed? If l-'-ll"K records may apply lo Ihelr
pt, In,-., , ,, know Obetber any i farm bureau and county agent, ask
all of ii,., , ,,, be home-grown at their banker, or write to u. . Ounn,
Profit, exi et.l hv Irvlna and ke.enlnit i Ai;rl ullural College, 'orvalils.
md value'.' if so, till
vlll how wiiD ii ore Mm moat Gen leonard Wood ought to be
l .-in adiiiii-aiiie (iindidiiti- lor ore ildenl
the farm ai a whole is paying, The i, i i would (ind mal
certain that Hie farm crops, the in his muni, lor so many food iuiiim
the poultry, dairy, Bunion mid Joke's.
fjjsr - ,ye 7 HHasasaaaV av
r tf,ii aEasW v sOgSBlgsal
sallies, discussing alternately Utopian
theories of Internationalism and self
ish projects of national agrandlce
ment. France wants an enormous
Indemnity from Germany, and Eng
land, through fear of losing commer
cial advantagea, has not consented
to the course which will alone make
Germany a producer and enable her
to pay an indemnity of any amount
Meanwhile, as the days pass, Ger
many becomes more unsettled, more
self-extenuating and more sullen and
It Is time for the peace conference
to cease considering theories and
begin on actuaJitles in other words
get down to brass tacks!
What Germany and Austria-Hun
gary need Is food and employment.
All blockades chould be removed,
that these countries may receive food
and raw materials. The central
states, regardless of whether they
deserve it or not, should be fed, giv
en the chance to resume manufac
turing, and ao receive an opportunity
for the restoration of normal con
Otherwise, while the peace con
ference alts formulating the princi
ples and by-laws of a league of na
tions, Bolshevism may raise Its ugly
head uncomfortably near the door of
the conference. It Is a time for hard
practical sense not for dreams.
Tanlac Is sold In Burns by Heed
Bros., and in Crane by Vale Trading
Co. adv.
Ntopped C'eugli After Influenza. 5,
"Foley's Honey and Tar Is the best
cough medicine I ever tried," writes
B. B. McDowel, It. F. D. 1, Box 11,
Arlington, Tenn. "My son had In
fluenza. He had the worst klad ef a
ceugh. I tried everything, but
nothing did any good. God sent me
a friend with Foley's Honey and Tar,
and In two days his cough was gone."
Sold by Heed Brothers.
Patients receive the best of care
at the Fireoved Maternity Hospital.
Sumpter Valley Railway Cd.
Arrival and Departure Of Train
No. 2, Prairie 1:15 A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrive Baker 4:15 P. M
The war department Is apparently
counting "eeny, meeny, mlny, mo"
to determine the order In which the
soldier shall be sent home and demobilised.
Vinson lived oa MUk and Egg For
Months Takes Tanlac And
Gains 15 Pounds.
No. 1, Baker 8:3 A. M.
Sumpt er 1:05 A. M.
Arrive Prairie 2:1 P.M.
No. 1 Makes good connection
with O.-W. R. ft N. Co. No. 4
(Fast Mail) .leaving Portland 6:15
P. M., arriving at Baker 7:56 A.
M. and No. 17 from east arriv
ing Baker 6:50 A. M.
No 2 connects with No. 5 feFast
Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P.
M. which picks up Pullman at
Ba e& arriving at Portland 7:66
A. M. Also with No. 18 at
:4fP. M. for points East
"I have come twenty-six miles to
tell yon what Tanlac has done for
me," aald Joe M. Vlnaon, a well
known farmer of Love, Ml., while
In Memphis recently.
"Three years ago," he continued,
"my stomach got all out of order, I
couldn't digest a thing and for eight
months I lived on buttermilk and
the white of eggs. I was too nervous
to sleep well, gaa on my stomach
made me miserable, I had spells of
dizziness, would almost faint and
could hardly get my breath. I had
splitting headaches and was so bili
ous that I would often vomit.
$1500 Reward!
TkOraaa. !
LWe stack Peo-
tloa AsaMtatlaaef
walca Hi ssritir-
inrd I. aeasr,
will give '.
reward fr avt-,1,-iirr
leadlas I
the arrent as ron
victim, ol aay par
ty or prllc tcl
Ins horses, cattle
or mulct hclOBit
to any ul In mm
I Inaitrlltion 10 the ahote. the nnderaicnetf
"Since takln Tanlac my health Is , on the Mm cW0tjon ajgMQ tor all harass
as good as anybody's and 1 feel like a j branded borw-abod baron both or cither j.
new man. I eat anything 1 want, I J,nd recorded In eight roomie. Rang
Harney. Lake and (rook counties. Unraaa
sleep like a rock, all the misery and i vented when sold.
swelling has gone from my stomach, j Nena but grown horse. old and only la
1 have gained fifteen pounds and can , large bum he.. w BR()WN K)(e 0rtKma
Inland Empire Realty Co.
A. A. TRAUCOTT, Proprietor
Bought sold and exchanged
Farm Ranch and Building Loans
Phone 80 er G126
Bnrus, Oregon
' ral lino farrar, i In famous Mel
ropoliuui I,, in mill. i r and star of tho
i asri '-ii in heoom
tr :,n i i i i ii li u tor (in- period
of one inonth. between the hours of u
ii in. .ii ., p in. i-iirii (in . i-M epl Ink
Kuii'liu . In tin- v, uy ill ri i ii ii in l ,i
Hun fur Mils rdii reeelved a goodiy
sum. Mum Ol fl -. 1 t to vulk
under ladd r or look o or our leal i
sbouldr for tear n black
( III . I, III In Ul l-M-l I III. II 1,1 of
. paid tor It, iiiiwi-vt i-, in i he.
.,, rar, supei I ll Ion
only portrayed for th bOttOfH of th
hi picture catnara, bey new Art-
pli , in . 1 1,.- Devil slum'." lui-
li i :..i ed nfiin tiiut md fu .iiHHit'.d
of gloom, Jual to prove
'ii,- Kin, mi.', gbra la mil aatuially
i ii mil:, v. i- .ii ienl iiiinvc a pio-
, h' in r with an open umbrn
, in her boudoir so therel
i irrar v, ill appeal
1 11 Lilberty 'I heal i tomorrow Dighl
I ii' i i'ii lure, "The Woman Ood
ii." i bla 1 1 ul"- ol bar be il and
-1 In' seen by tall tin' pla) .
of nils olty, A aomed) will uiso be
mi l his oiu.iriiiu.
to make you rich ?
A rich uncle iiiiiv dil i"'d leave von u roll, but
few rich inicles have this habit.
If ypu gej rich, fche ohaacefl are you will first
have i wave oaough money in order to make as
investment that, will pay.
There arc plenty of investnicnts for the man
with a lit tie ready cash.
Mut it, is up to von to save cash. The best
policy iH to deposit a port ion" of your salary.
A Bank in better than a hole in your pocket
through which , our money can slip awn .
Make our Hank YOl'K Hank.