"flu ban" hat been lifted. TO GET THAT $60 NEST EGG FROM UNCLE SAM All niiml'irs are expect ad tend mcntlngH from now on wh they ore In town to help along Th nnnlimtinil blank. the good worn, aa ne omer ol towm mmm m m mm Mm fam JBBIU7. exists which offers better and liberal benefits to Its people. If you've got this Don't forget the time, thr. p and the lunch, Monday, April 7tf ImlHtievlst lnfluencod In tlormany. i Kratprnlalng will ho hurd to prevent, and It result ntlll harder. , A nuporlatlvely strong mllltarr ontabllshment among Oerniany'a en-1 iimlea la IndUpenaable Just now. It ici'iim a poculiaf time for America to Junk ao much aeroplane equlp-oient. mmaM r1 -rac: Z --, f , RtV If you've got this Fl f Jr.:,---..... - I IW SSs, fcsSJ TO AU. WHOM II MAT CONCERN: ' .. X.. - ID WSTWIW. rTAAw j.. SS. V I- .. tmn " NITE.D STATES ARMY. Ttenwm. or Howst MS FArtww. o, 'i jts m mm r I rr,l rfri.7 "nmr I . J W T? fit ' .. C91V I ? -' " f- m- -- I X-.s- .-?- - - J - a J- I . T Wmm mm ' kJHH Bi. . id i imr : KEtSI .aViBH BaRl i:ii : ..... 'BM bb . JS i ,1k WHTI ITJH HSSH I 111 II Ulll. '" ii-A. IHiVIIIl 'vHEnRPi -liw''!jyl LLoI jc Bfev yjdgjjSP .;.-..; IWbH T wf v'"' r ST'' 11 (" l registered :t application blank. ft'?SftsSa3. ' - lI':T' - '"' " rSrPP i9 gi .JHHHHHHfl Bjp!-' S In And get Uncle Sum's check A'taf TTTy ;' t back for 60. MC " a- M(M)SK lAHMiK IMM.VOH. (Contrlhuicil ) The Moose lodge hold their reg- liilar mooting last Monday night, thi ' 1th, and discussed the mott t of . i,t or (ha order. Tiicy look forwurd to making this organ isation tho largest and strongest in the county. The next regular meeting Is Mon day night, April 7th, at which time there will be a lunch served and ac tion taken to koep up the good work from now on, especially since the jZ m "" rtfBH r- itL NATIONAL ItANGKS IN HTATK lays, bridges, corrals. are included In the plans for Improving on the National For- and Washington, ac- krlct Forester George kland. Forty-three six trails and drive- Mir corrals, and forty- bes have already been late the handling of Itioiial Forests of the ter development has )(i places. If water development by the Cabin Lake Deschutes National formerly supported no fater was lacking. A Aped witn a gasoline rides sufficient water and it is planned to Ire wells in-thls region kbout six miles, which. Forest officers, will to take care of 3,000 lion of poison plants le anual loss of stock y accomplished last tre area of tall lark- tiyou National F"orest. n the Minam will be rly In June by the land the Goose Creek rse Association in co- jrteen other poison- ive been located Dy land will be taken care possible. of range available in )reets is limited, says Instances, their wives and children, their household goods, livestock farm machinery, and considerable other wealth. All this has gone to enrich the Dominion at the expense of the States. The migration of farm settlers halted omsewhat during the war, promises to increase. Canadian of ficials, railroads, laud companies and others are exerting strenuous efforts to coax away men tried and tested on farms this side the border. Canada has one great attraction cheap lands. And this supply of cheap lands Is to be distributed upon the most tempting terms, long years of pay ment and low Interest rates. Sons of farmers and farm workers in the United States have complained that they cannot buy farms und settle I down in the States because our farm-1 ing land is too high in price. That ta why they are leaving Iowa. Kan- ' 8as, Nebraska, Illinois, and other! states of the middle west, where farms uro held at from $200 to $H0O the aero, and seek Canada's acres at from 5 to $2.r. So they go to Alberta, Manltol a, and Saskatchewan. That is one reason why the United States sees a greater growth iii pop ulation of cities than of rural dls triots; why the United States Is fall-' ing back in food production as com- I pared to population lucreuse; why the time Is near when we will have to import food. The sorry thing about it Is that we have the laud and It Is unused. In New England there are 30,000, 000 acres of unused laud which Hay. you honorably discharged 1 protection against the poaalbt soldier or sailor! Do you want to know bow to gat the $6o nst egg which Uncle Sam has promised you? Here's how one Yank got his bonus as he told it to the camera, and It's all so easy and simple Pictures from No I to No. 6 tell the story There Is Just one other precaution. As a loss of your discharge papers la the mails, you may nave them recorded at the county recorders office before sending them to Washington Get application blank from your postmaster or, from the local Ited Cross bead-' quarters The department ad dress Is on the blank. these hundreds of thousands of idle acres to remain unused, whits the nation falls further behind in food production, and let American farmers be coaxed onto Canadian lainu to supply our tables? There is a better market in the United States for farm produots than in Canada; better road.i, better cli mate, hotter railroad sccotqoi lions; bettor aohooU ami mora cbor also your naxt-door naigbbor li near er. Then why go to Canada? Because the Canadian govert i i today is doing more to on ti now farm lands to settlement than Is the United Slates governme;.t. o VHK.T CHOP FOB lM. (the purpose of range y the Forest Service ought to be farmed, but which are ranges greater carry- cause of more intens- It. GO TO CANADA. in pood American ra-- to Canada within the lying Idle. There are 35,000,000 acres in the middle states, unused but which might be paying farms. In the Pacific coast states there are 180,000,000 Idle acres. There are, in addition, cut-over timber lands, swamp lands, arid lands, In the Doited Btati I which mlKht he con- Whlch w,n so hum h , veil. (I into good farming acreage. United State;. Iwith them, in many What will the American govern . tent do uoout it? Will it permit If weather oondittoM In Cils country are favorable there will be a record whtat crop in 1 S 1 9. And every bushel of this wheat under the Kovernmont guarantee will bring the farmer ?2.2G. T'lls guarantee has built of it an appropriation of a billion dollars made by congress for the purpose of supporting the wheat price. It is possible that the loss to tlte government may not be a . prcat an anticipated. Mr. Hoover Intorms u:i that Europe will need mora wheat than the estimates have called for. There will be no Wheal r.ilscd in Russia, Serbia, or Bulgaria, 0 these countries, which are usually export ers, will be obliges to Import wheat. The Australian wheat crop for 1H will he smull, and the Ait ' mi:o crop will nut exceed the usual amount. These conditions may force up the market price of wheut and relieve the pockets of Messrs. Taxpayor & t'o. As the pockets of Taxpayer & Co. are not especially full at presont, such a result would be a welcome one. 0 DAN'GKK. We lean) that tho Oermani :ir Dot ui anlmottali dti posed to regard the latest iwmcu terms with complu i i Di y. There Is even now the DOS slhillty that they may prefer to fight. We loitrii also that If they do so I" :i!lio; will find IheniHolvei In a yosltlon of considerulil eml :ir;i .. ment. They are not nearly as wall prepared as they should bo for forc ible OOOnpatiOO Of additional German territory. Mutinous ouehreuks in need of rapid demobilization, and in Bead of rapid demobilisation, nd in well-informed diplomatic circles It Is admitted that the French author ities are uneasy about the possible consequences of contact between their own war-weary conscripts anil REAL ESTATE With the return of normal couditionH there! will come u dt'imiml for Ileal Entate in Har ney County. I do not particularly want an option on your property nor a contract for sale on commiHHion, hut I defure a lint of every kind of property, real or personal, for sale or trade in Harney County in order to tfivej full ami accurate information to numerous inqnirieH from prospective inventors, and to' bring liuverw and sellers together. Can offer desirable town lotH, acreage and choice city property stock and hay ranches' raw or partly improved sap'hrush land for side ulso hi rm near Ihirns for lense. LAND PRACTICE Hi :?5iSoiisjd I solicii . oiir hnsiness such as npplicit inns foretti it, ribowitigs, affi(iu its. contests aiufj trials liefoic the Loctil Land Oflice, and; appeals etc., before 'the I iiiiimissioner l t he tirai'Dil Land Office and the Secretary tf 1 lie Interior. INSURANCE Be absolutely safe and insure your property in i r. . i, .,,;.. i" ,., ...i i. i . i ; i , t i..,. I 111 ! 'M' MMflJ , 1 l I I i I U ICIl S.. A" I 1 I - cantile". My Companies pay all lohs-.-H promptly. Wm. Farre Tonawama Building Burns, - . Oregon OME DOWN r A o I V oIlarDax 0lx: ' v 1L. v V Jif-i . ' X J J T- miIImuTIi -sfjaiiWHi'lii i""Vr ' c- 'r JWmmjr-' a ;S r &4m!fZ-2 mmM men of this city have ordinarily. Kven the bakery has a in suggestion that we special and this great religious week- v:,,, ,,,u ,,l nf "MnllHr " UB vumm luo o.-.n iui inui u of the several stores with a special offer to new und old subscribers, by giving special lu- lin The Times-Herald du,.emeiitH for the day. for one or more spec-1 Kead the advertisements in this ls- leir customers on that Hue of Tho Times-Herald and take lllar. They are going advantage of the bargains offorud. u SOBsers that their it is up to the public to make "Hollar more on that day titan . Day" a success. The merchant and I rliiiaim ( lolliing o. '-,; Sdnvait- Dry (ioods Store ivatK, JlfjO and $1 5 Gingham, 3 yards, on Hollar Hay lay only, S1.00 only 11.00 Nicer & Co. always $1.25 every day only, $1.00 I unaliui'K, Dalton & Co. II. 25 Brooms, Hollar Hay only, $1.00 all who have taken part In ft bare done their part. If the j. ublic will show an Interest it is possible to make "Hollar Hay'' come around at regu lar intervals to the advantage of all concerned. A partial list of the bargains of-fen-d by our advertisers will ba found 1 below but there are otlierj u id you should road the idrei'tlsemaata to I get a complete list. I Chios (io-Ii Store Work shirts, ll.ff und $1 ,2'i value., Hollar Hay only $i 0J Harney ('o!inl National Ituuk Hollar Savings Accounts. More than four thousand Delco-Light plants were de livered for war work. They were used to supply elec tric light in camps, storehouses, hospitals, Y. M. C. A. huts, airplane hangars, sub-chasers and other branches of the service. In Red Cross hospitals at the front, Dafco Light operated life-saving X-ray apparatus. Delco-Light was specified by the Government because it is dependable, eflicicnt, simple to operate, requires little attention, and because it is AIR-COOLED. The result of Government tests and the satisfactory use of Delco-Light on over 60,000 farms are your as surance that Delco-Light will give you the same de pendable service. It betters living conditions, increases farm efficiency, and soon pays for itself in time and labor saved. JV.OHhkN APILIANCE CO., Diatribstara, xitlo, Wash. bVUNal GAKAGI2 Local Dealers THE DOMESTIC ENGINEERING CO, Dirmm. Okie Makan rf DkXCO-UGH T Products I'ukc's Sweet Shop 2 pounds mixed candy, $1.25 val ue, Hollar Hay only $1.00 l til Drug Store lau's Liniment, iij'iar $1.00 N. flrown & Sons 7 yard) CsHeo, Dollar Day only $1.00 o h iMliHiige Mr. Latah Millar Hee, Dollar Hay only, Hat bauds and bows, special for Hol- $1.00 lar Hay ouly, $1.00 The Welcome I'luirinui y Combinations of Menueu's Toilet Products, $1.20 to $1.50 values, dol lar Hay only $1.00 The TI 11 -.-Herald Nine mouths' SSSSerfption to new subscribers, also applies to old sub iicribers who pay up arrears at regu lar rates, Hollar Hay ouly $1 M