The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 29, 1919, Image 1

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The Tillies MwW goes re
gularly to more hniPN in llur
11. County than any other
neupilicr. If OU wtsll tO
reach the people us these col
umns (or your advertisement.
The Times-Hi raid In an M
established friend of the people
nf Harney County where It baa
been a weekly visitor for thirty
yean. It's Job depart meat la
equipped to serve your
NO. 22
Purpose to Advance County
Nit To Be Community Affair and Cannot
Be Formed By Burns Alone; Must
Include All of County. -
Neil Wednesday Is the dat set to
consider i lie organization of a Harney
County Chamber of Commerce or
league of some nature having foi
its purpose the advancement of the
romnien ml interests of the entire
county, not from a selfish stand
point but broad enough to take in
every industry and enterprise worthy
of consideration. The plan out
lined for this organization contem
plate including the Grangers, the cat
tleman, horseman, sheepman; the ad
vancement of every enterprise tend
ing to the advancement of the re
sources of the county.
Barns bas taken the initiative In
this move and has appointd a com
mittee to present plans at the meet
ing called here next Wednesday, the
secoud of April. The men appoint
ed on this committee were selected
with a view of being representative
of the industries of the county and
having each member look after his
particular line as to Its representa
tion. The Times-Herald does not
understand that any formal invita
tion bas gone forth to any individuals
or organizations, but has been gener
al and includes every citizen of Har
ney county. It la for all to take ad
vantage of and make the most of. It
ton t to be a community affair and
therefore cannot be organized by this
town alone. It would not be repre
sentative of the county if left to one
town or two towns it must Include
all the county and represent Its
very industry.
Citizens of Burns have sfgniflod
their willingness to take part in such
an organization and Issue the invi
tation to the other parts of the coun
ty to come in. It is up to the county
people to either form this organiza
tion or not. Burns can do no more.
It Is possible for this town to be a
nit in the big State Chamber of
Commerce organization but it la up
to other portions to say whether It
will be a county organization or not.
W'm. Karre, secretary of the Liber
ty Loan Committee of this county,
received a telegram this morning
from State Chairman Cookingham in
which he announces that Chairman
Donegan 01 this county will not be
able to arrive home for a week or ten
ays and asks Mr. Farre to notify
members of the old organization that
they are expected to continue to
serve in their respective capacities as
On former drives.
Announcement is made for a con
ference to be held In this city on
April til, when a man will ho here
from state headquarters to meet with
the count workers. All eommtttee
tnent are urged to be In Burns for
this conference.
A car of war trophies will be In
Oane at a date to be named later.
This jH used in connection with the
drive for the Vietory Loan and It Is
likely arrangements will be made to
have an excursion to the railroad
Wn on thai date with some good
Iali .
A meeting of the Mothers' Club was
''! at the home of Mr. ami Mrs.
lni'M Lampshlre Thursday after
POOII. ;, I,,..,,,, w, tlrul ,.w...ll,, ,.r
., ,,,Q .,V- 11,1. ,, lll. I,
P organization allies the InflBenss
fl"'1 mil la i tan.
A' tin meeting new Officers were
' e,,f''1 I'" the year and many things
,f latere t to the dub members dis-
I among them being the coming
calico Ball" which takes place at
JMowams on Friday, April 11. It It
I social affair when-
lUesl, :, ,- ... , ....,, ,
' : 'in -u iu wear ranru it no
PSJSlls, and thoaa who fail to wear
I"' fssulutlon costsnu win hsve to
IV, Lewia was made nresl-
P"( "! Ihfl dull fur tills vein-: Mrs
m Bmlth, vice president: Mn
II'iium ,,,, Kecretary, ami Mr- ilert
Meeion, treasurer.
Two Million Tokens Made i'rom
Captured German '.union by
War Loan Orgiiut.uUon.
That provision has been made to
encourage workers in the Victory
LOSS cumpalK'! is Indicated iv the
following telegram received at the
headquarters of the Woman's Lib
erty Loan Committee, at Portland,
from the National Headquarters:
Mrs. Sarah Kvans,
Portland, Oregon.
Treasury War Loan Organization
has made two million medals out of
captured Uerman cannon for Victory
Loan workers. Instruct all your
county and city chairmen to send in
their authorised lists of workers to
you, then forward these lists to Fed
eral Reserve Chairman of your dis
trict. Federal Reserve Chairman
will upon receipt of list and arrival
of medal shipments from factories
send county and rlty chairman num
ber certified. Advise that you in
struct your local chairmen to secure
all possible publicity concerning
medal award. Instruct them also
that every worker must be liated In
order to secure medal.
The chairman for Harney county
Is Mrs. Grace B. Lampshlre, Burn.
The Times-Herald has Just learned
that one of Harney county's boya who
haa been over lu France for several
months was decorated along with his
Archie Howell served with the
Sixth Marines and was one to distin
guish himself on the battle field. He
was wounded twice at Belleau Woods
where he stopped two machine gun
bullets but was soon out of the hos
pital after that experience. He went
back to active service following this
and received a severe wound by a
one pounder in his left shoulder.
This wound has left blm a cripple and
his left arm Is In a bad way. Just how
bad this wound has left him our in
formant was unable to say, but the
young man Is not able to play the
accord Ian as he did In former years
when he regaled his friends in this
city with his favorite Instrument.
The young man laid on the battle
field for fifty hours and was pl ked
up by the French and listed as miss
ing from his own ranks.
Following distinguished action his
regiment was decorated with the
Legion of Honor by the French gov
rnment. So far as we have informa
tion at this time this is the first Har
ney county boy to receive such recog
nition. o
The Victory Ball to be held at
Touawama next Wednesday night
promises to he an occasion of more
than usual interest. The managers
are working hard to have all avail
able war trophies iu the county on
display. Gas masks, steel helmets,
and aeroplane relics have been ob
tamed, as well as several articles of
a personal nature.
This dance Is the first of a series
of "special feature" dances to bo
given by the same management.
Several good features are promised
for the future, all new and original
and full of Interest. Robinson's
"Jazz" orchestra will furnish the
music for the Victory Ball, and a
good "peppy" time Is assured.
Post Mistress Mamie Winters-Gould
stateH that the rates of postage will
change on the first of July to that
schedule before the war raise. PeO
pie will welcome I h is when tlle.V can
again use the one-cent postal card
ami two OOnl letter postage The
newspapers should' -he allowed to re
sume their old rate and not be com
palled to pay tons rates which re
quires much trouble iu segregating
it 1 1 1 1 weifbing. It isn't the right
principle, anyway, to dhi riminate In
DOnneotlon as the people have
to consider the newspaper gnd
In u different llj.'ht than in
former days. A legltl te publics
tlon should bs given ttts prop r rstea
and not handicapped to Pttab SP ex
tent as to make It a hardship on the
publisher ami I hose who doslro to
subscribe for it.
fHvHaa I ygf . 9HH MB H VR j Vw "Mp Wv
-S&aJf SB V "ft H haH M
trj MSaaPaB S sNI WMWw M
9M EsS asanas!
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ls)assssBieaesesesSSeinasasaasssBi BjjBjjBjjBjjijr BjjBjjBjjBjjBjn r .
STfcv l Sa
' lltsmayJPiMUH-
There waa more or leaa upset to dope in the Republican plana of
reorganisation for tha new Congress The selection of F W. Mondcll
of Wyoming as floor leader after James H. Mann had been elected
and resigned waa one of the big surprises. Harold Knutson of Minne
sota will be the party whip, while Senator Henry Cabot Lodae will be
the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and Boise Penrose
Of Pennsylvania will be chairman of the Finance Committee.
George McLaren waa the guest of
According to the custom establish- honor on this occasion because of
ed last year the time will change to-1 bis long association with Mr. Hanley.
morrow night, or Monday morning, George has been in the employ of
the clocks being Net forward for an : the Hanleya for almost forty years,
hour as a part of the "Day light sav- and there ia a warm feeling of friend
ing" scheme. The Times-Herald has! ship between him and his employer,
not learned whether this is to be ob-1
served by the entire country or not
but if it Is to be official and public
concerns, such as the post office, U. S.
land of rite, banks, etc. conform to
the new schedule, it Is up to the rest
of us to follow suit.
So far as It effects this shop we
are always on the "saving daylight"
schedule for Blllle Byrd is an early
riser consequently the "old man"
gets on the Job before most people
get ready for their "beauty sleep."
Last Sunday an event occurred at
the Bell A Ranch of William Hanley
that will long be remembered by the
guests present. It was a dinner at
which all the old time employes of
Mr. Hanley were brought together for
a reunion and discussion of plans for
the future.
I pi. n his return from the east re
cently Mr. Hanley visited the several
ranches of his company and nuit with
the men and women lu charge. At
that time he arranged for a gathering
of them at the home ranch at a later
date and following a trip to Juntura,
where he corralled George McLaren,
the event took place
The writer does not know the exact
number present but understands all
the old time employes of Mr. Hanley
were gatherod around tbo festive
hoard and It proved a mighty plsai
ant affulr and one that resulted h
establishing the best of feeling among
Q.essi Wffrrfryituiz. WifflS' '"'4htuA
the men and women.
The Times-Herald learns there are
two cases of Influenza at the hospit
al In this city, one being a lady, Mrs.
Swacker, who developed the disease
the first of this week. The second
Is Alva Woodruff, an employe of the
inter Mountain Tel. A Tel. Co. He
was taken to the hospital Thursday
evening. His physlcln was not certain
as to his ailment at first as the young
man had had the intluensa before but
since he has developed marked symp
toms and Is reported quite sick. We
had been free of any cases of Influ
enza for some weeks previous to these
o '
Br. F. A. Bishop, who spoke at the
i'reii.vt.rlan church last Sunday
morning on the New Era Movement
proved such an entertaining speaker
that he has been Induced to return to
this city on April 10th and give an
entertainment In the Liberty Theatre.
The gentleman has a fund of humor
and has been on the platform for a
number of years. He has traveled
extensively and the poople of this
place are assured of one ' the most
enjoyable evenings of their lives on
the occasion of the Doctor's return.
Walter S. Riddle one of the pioneer
-dock men of the Stein's Mountain
uiiiitry. Is In town today.
Vfflft mw ' - j )aflipY B vm
Ioral Draft Boards Would Have
Made Most Kffective Agencies
For Finding Work.
The failure to pass appropriation
bills In (lie closing hours of the I
I senate has given a most unfortunate
turn to the employment question.
The bureaur formed to facllltato the.
employment of returned soldiers
must now be given up for lack of
funds, except In the few cases where
they can now be financed by largo
It becomes more than ever a pity
that the draft boards were dismissed
shortly after the close of the war.
They had done excellent service,
knew the personnel and qualities of
the Individual soldiers, and had their
confidence and respect. They would
have been the most effective agency
In returning the man to his Job or
securing him a new one.
We have no doubt that the mem
bers of the draft boards In telr
capacity aa citizens, will do the best
they can, through their Interest in
these young men, to secure the Job
for the man and the man for the Job.
Coming soon at the Liberty Theatre
We must keep abreast of progress
andidjusl ourselves to changed con
ditions as occur from time to time.
We may not be In a position to profit
directly or Immediately upon such
changes but they must be mot and It
la up to the community aa well as the
Individual to meet them. The auto
mobile and truck have changed things
In the transportation field and the
tractor has made farming methods a
bigger thing; the coming of the air
machine is going to make further
changes In the affairs of man. At
the present time road building Is the
biggest Industry outside of agricul
ture that we have under considera
tion. Wi' ttuy not feel our particular
community er section Is being given
Ita proper consideration In the gener
al scheme of things but If It Isn't It's
up to us to see that It gets Just recog
nition. The roads In this vicinity, as
a general rule are good, but the past
few weeks have proven to us that tehy
are good only In spots.
Other parts of the county are In as
bod shape as(we and each community
expects the county court to give It
first aid. In the meantime our bus
iness men suffer because the fellow
who wants to come to town and get
n keg of nails or a spool of thread Is
unable to get here. With the fixing
of three or four bad places at a small
cost this man from the country could
come In and do his trading as usual,
but it in not pi a. i ileal to place the
county road machinery on these small
John at this season of the year. Why
should we bo so 'short sighted ami
allow this state of affairs to keep our
country neighbors from coming iu to
putronlze us? It wouldn't cost very
much to fix the places ourselves and
thus do ourselves a good ttfrn and I
al.o help the neighbor. signing oi tne armistice auu iobi nine
Business men of Bums should see,,,,HJ '" K,,t,lnK bak to Harney coun
to It that the main roads leading tol'V' Mr- McDade formerly resided In
town are made possible of travel dur- I the eft8t a,ld hl8 friends In this see
ing the entire year. Those leading ,lo hardly expected him to return
into the uronosed hlchwav between ' here following the war. but he told
here and Crane should have our par
ticular attention and put In shape to
invite tho people to come to this city
to trade.
School Supt. Clark has received
instructions to have the teachers of
the county secure accurate data cov
ering the activities of all the boys In
their respective neighborhoods who
haw served In either the army or
navy. This Is to he Bands a perma
nent record and filed by the state
historical society ami the department
of education. This 'is a task In tills
SOUnty lint an Impoilaiit ane. Many 1" ''" public school again fol
oi oar bops volunteered and DO record lowing the long close occasioned by
was secured of their departure or the le Influenza quarantine. The re
purllculni' brunch of service. Kven j miming of classes begins tomorrow
IBS original record of tbOSS In' Hie ; morning. This is welcome news to
ilrail Is not awiilable for use locally teachers nml pupils alike as they ara
since th.. Local DraJI Hoard has sent Iliad to be able to take up tho work,
all record into houdtiuarlers. How- iiuiilu.
ever, thli tSSt bSS been placed upon I The olOSlng Of the SOhOOll ISSi. De
lhi, teachers of the COttnty and II Is '"her because of the Spanish Influeii
hope, I they will perforin it promptly .a epidemic has put the children far
ami accurately, bshlnd In tbstr wart ami even now
If th proper blank bVS SOl been Hie year will bO practically lost, ai
re, .dved iii any district, the school t though Ihn children will receive much
superintendent should bo notified. It benefit from their studies from (his
Is linpurtunt to have these records. I
Business Opportunities Over
lonked, Says Clark.
Potential Possibiiitses of Harney and Mat
hear with Irrigation Wosld Support
Large Population.
Malheur and Harney counting ara
doing only 10 per cent of their bus
iness with Portland and Western Ore
gon, according to A. G. Clark, man
ager of the Associated Industries of
Oregon, who has been touring those
sections for two weeks In behalf of
the Oregon State Chamber of Cosa
merce. In an effort to disclose (he rela
tion of these counties lying iu the
eastern and southeastern part of
Oregon with the western part of the
state, Mr. Clark baa made a carefal
survey of the situation and Had
that although two-thirds of the mall
sent out of these counties cornea to
Portland and the western section of
the state, little business relationship
exists between these two sections.
"Idaho caters to Eastern Oregon
and would be glad to annex that part
of the state," aaya Mr. Clark. "That
part of Eastern Oregon bordering on
the Snake river and counties adjoin
ing have Interests In common with
Idaho and the feeling prevails among;
the people of these counties that
Portland falls to show any Interest
in their vast tributary country."
Mr. Clark suggests that Portland
business men pay more attention to
the eastern part of the state and get
out of the habit of speaking of tha
The Dalles aa Eastern Oregon.'
Either Harney or Malheur counties
are as large in area as Vermont and
New Hampshire combined. Tha
poteptlal possibilities of these coun
ties, with Irrigation In full swing;,
he believes, would make these coun
ties callable of supporting a popula
tion as great as either one of these
New England states.
Every chant e to help secure irriga
tion privileges for this part of th
state should be made by the people of
Portland, according to Mr. Clark,
who believes that any development of
the state would be a direct benefit to
Cortland and that it Is jp to Portland
people to see that the state Irrigation
aid bill, which will come up iu June
for a refenilum. Is approved.
Cortland Jour.iul. m
I). M. Mi Cade was over from tbo
Sniylh ranch iu Happy Valley since
our last Issue greeting his many old
time friends. Mac was connected with
i lie naval aviation corps and saw con
siderable service In France. He was
advanced iu rank to chief quarter
master during his service. He wan
,ven hi discharge, following tho
personal friends lu this city that ha
visited his former home and people
following his discharge but found tha
call of the west and the open country
too strong to resist. Ho gave much
thought to bis future while serving
in the navy and had definitely settled
his course of action and has coma
back to this country of big opportu
nities to fulfill that future. He wan
most wurmly welcomed by his old
friends who wisli him success.
The local school board has decided
time until vacation.