The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 22, 1919, Image 5

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    Tickling the oou ui A: Ti&it
9HKI i.
Thl Isn't a gard ing plctur
Hi; nl "" rauon iti the ' lotos.! tnbei
land Ambl'ious Ami.: ouse. hire
VJf I shown, would Ilka to have ou '
K I believe. Instead it in ju it one of i
SSfiS I those "atinosphere" pictures a 9
I camouflage -meant to stir thai
' 1JBaessssaW.i u"lhltlon within your ;brat I
$? "v HM and niako you resolvn RIGHT J
im ,.;BH I NOW to make a bigger, better jj
gB S,3M llgnnlen thlr yiar than ever be-J
Lam - """Sfcssl wBT- T,u' "' over but there "I
KW JSlmany mr kiddles In the big J
vT 'J3s rlTWwho ould have more If I
."Jj ! e "Sjtar" ' ra more to eat.
(MI.VH n Pol MM
II u. ImiiiI Mr Never In his ,r,
Sin, Hmti tliniigo In Atayime,
Geo Dollenbaugh la in town this
J. W. Sayer la home from a trip to
outside points.
Albert Oakerman and family are
registered at the Levens.
Born Yesterday, to Mr. and Mra.
Frank Bennett, u aon.
Auto electrical repair.
Jack Mr-
Mm. It F. Campbell was visiting
wiili friends in this city oue day this
Ira Million is In town today. He
ha- In', ii kept busy during the entire
winter shipping stock.
Provide green feed for your chick
ens. Alfalfa leaves fo sale at Perry's
Dill Hurt ta the man you'll at
picture house tomorrow night,
already here so there will be
no illMinwliitinosU
111 ll.NS. CAIMTAI. AM) St KIM. I h
HAKES voi'K s .v s sai:;."
Sheriff Comlman has Just-ratnnted
fl mi it ii extended tour of the coast
and other points whore he had
ailed on official bdalneee. He
' Seattle and other Y i
!. !ltl I!. I I
this ol
i departure at once
me In I bat will
v. rk In II
' i re-
r depart
In iiumo.
illi : nlav or Is
Vli i. r j. i ;t retl
"Positively, I nover saw anybody
Improve like my wife has ilflot aha,
started on Teniae, why she totality
Rained Ihlrty-flvn pounds In only six
weeks, aud If that Isn't a wonder I
ilon't know what la." said Harry
Clifford, who In in the autou.oblle
business and lives at 736-A Crocker
tract, Los Angeles, the other day.
'Tor a year," he continued, "ray
wife was nothing but a nervous wreck
She had no appetite, and could eat
nothing but the lightest of diet,
that would disagree with her, and
swell her up with gas that presaed so
around her heart that she could hard
ly get her breath. She suffered con
stantly from spells of nervousness ao
that she could hardly sloop, and she
would get up In the morning feeling
so tired and depressed that she
wouldn't be fit for a thing all day
long. She used to weigh a hundred
and twenty-five pounds, but ahe (ell
off in a short while till she wan but
a shadow of her former self, and got
Ing out day by day and became too
down to ninety pounda. She was los
wenk to look after her household
duties. In fact, her condition waa so
serious that I felt uneasy lest she
ahould go all to pieces.
"Well, about six weeks ago I got a
bottle of Teniae for her, and now af
ter taking only four bottles of the
medicine, she looks like a different
woman. Besides regaining all her
lost weight, she can eat anything she
wants without suffering the least bit
of distress afterwards. Her Borvoi
are In fine shape and she sleep all
night like a child. She never com
plains of that gas trouble or of short
ness of breath, the headaches are all
none and she says she is simply 'eel
I UK fine In every wav. 1 can well be-
fr llnnvor la rlol.l til...,, I... uuv. HVe II too, for she Is
... . w . . !. .-,,... , ,. -,,..-
that Oermuny must be fed. Hun
ger Is a poor political adviser.
ir brim-! la the staff of llfn.
sugar the cane of life?
How would "uear-beer near work"
answer as a slogau?
The war used to be three thousand
mllea away and now the Tdesldent
Humidity after July 1st: Absent
in the United States. Extreme in
Snows In the North and sunshine
In the South are distinguishing
March. I
It is time for u nice new Spring
hat with nleo s;ay Spring counten
ance under It.
slot' MKKTtNO.
Notice Is hereby given that the
postponed annual meeting of the
Stockholders of the Masonic Build
ing Association, of Burns, will he
held hi the Masonic Hall In Burns,
Oregon, on Tuesday, April 8, 10 It.
at '1 o'clock p, m.
Leon M. Brown, Secretary.
. ' o
On March IB range riders wilt be
placed on all unleased lands of the
Oregon A Western Colonisation Com
pany with Instructions to report all
trespass. If you wish to lease write
or call on
B. V. Johnson at Vale, Oregon. 3-29
The following animals have stray
ed from my place: One two-year old
and one three year old heifers brand
ed with XS bar; one Roan Durham
bull with the Brad Moss brand:
Other cattle branded with 11 ,
marked overblt In eacn ear, may also
be found away from my range in
Sunset and In such case I shall pay
a reward for Information leading to
their recovery. C. V. Reed, Narrows,
HEKK.roltll WUi
hill MALI-:.
Six registered, balance bred and
raised out of Bell A herd. Ages two
and one year old. This herd U too
well known for Its superior quality
and careful breeding to need further
comment. They are ready for in
spection iinil p fiat a, aud can be seen
at Hull A ranch. Those willlug to
purchase are solicited to make feBlee-
brlght and I tloiix early as first come will be first
The president was running nlcel)
o:i his way to the League of National
when hi senatorial engine stalled
cheerful nil the time uud I haon'i
her looking so well In many
Taiilne is sold In Hums by Heed
Urn in d lii Crane by Vale Trading
"By their fruits M shall know!
them. Luck of fuel, sturvutlou.
pestilence and terror mark the Do)
shevlk rule in .Kussla.
erred, William llanley Co. bl&m
Notice Is hereby given that thore
are sufficient funds on hand to pay
off all Oeaeral Fund warrants Issued
I have a Jul. thy win fit Upland registered up to and lnclutMng
January 17. 1911. Interest ceases
on March 21. 1911,
Kvery farmer should be hi own
fire Inspector rather than his own
fire i hlef, aaya a Department, or Agri
culture bulletin on fire pi
lu -."A fork
highball ure si lling ;
donor apiece, if th were -
ii the) '
not b
Here for hero, don'l yon thin
soldier who curries the mule
xon would 11
thoroughly ui.
a reluming soldier or sailor
feel bashful about saying so.
Albert Kdward, Prince of Wale,
Is said to be on the lookout for wife
HOW would soin.' no I- American ulrl
like the Job of making Ills Royal
llighiic-s' coffee and Bending Hi
Royal Highness' socks?
0 al i oininlii.e which
1. 1 their o n and no
Mb other p la, i bey
n iithloiic KO.uls MH'i
t thai 7(i per
County Treasurer.
i hi this out It I-. worth mone.
DON'T MISS THIS. 'itt out this
lllp, eeloe with 5i to Foley & Co..
28S Chioago, in..
g your name an. I add
You will i. calve In r. tarn
Honey and Ter Compound, for old.
puis and Foley Cathartic Tool
Bold by Reed Brothers.
of til'
I ., . i Bat i ,
i i
hi .h i
;. . , . i .. .
.i ,
.,. did on tin ,
u, i
O'Connor & Carter
For fresh fruitH and
ons Dfticioiiv. Apples
pcfnl prices or. ten !ot.
iiUo sup pi yon wi'.U
I'hont '
. i
Carrying Stock
Mt'i'lmnicH in till lines carpsnters, ntanonw,
Mfnters, iflafiers, efectrieiaiis are uIwu.vh
in iH-i'il of Hiipplii'H for their trades.
To carry these supplies in stock is impossible,
as it would call for a heavy investment.
The Hardware Man
hiwt'H you that outlay.
Our store is filled from collar to roof with sup
plies for all mechanics and builders. Whatever
your line, if you are engaged in mechanical work
we are bidding to furnish your supplies.
I. S. GEER & CO.
Best for the West
Established 1885
Hm f
""1C i
fctfi Delicious Sweet
Corn "Golden Bantam"
Exceptionally early and
in flavor and tenderness
not equalled by any
other variety. The ears
are short and compact
and the kernels plump
and creamy. This and
a thousand other veg
etables best for the West,
may be selected from
JjliQ catalog and found
at your dealers.
Write JjjtQ Seattle or Portland for Catalog, Free.''
Clothes Oft Proclaim I
i mi t-;ui always i'H bv t ho fit
Olll of lii clothi'S
if li- for
personal appearance.
Tii.' only '..-i 1" guarautee '. n1-ijiiii'i'im-iits
is i (i wear taiiorqrd clothes.
M ii w In) wear oi ii plot Imjh Ii ion,
be uukI wo make the sal i kind.
!.:! us nn .lMiic yoii for i hat stiil sow I
HAND Aiii) Ft
m mm
u six moil
raid, Hi.
n .
Ut knew it was only a matter
or time until they got them label
s'! right. Fashion now admits
that the new skirts are In reality.
'Ankle-cuffs." Then fashion goes
tin Hot and puts on the ankle
cuffs as well as handcuffs on this
land colored twill for spring. Up
and down rows of buttons and hip
paneli help break up lines of the
' k;h that might grow too regular.
i betas ' '
il pa it '. . b I t)
In .i!i i nler I a
oi April, l M it. al i"
. . kh)i of laid ii" ,
,i public .ii Hon offeV the aid -tray
for s! to no- bfghi .i.:..
bidder tot i ahh to satisfy ooi t ol
inK up iiihI keeping and nil i
Incurred uiolud)ns the justice tw
end ii oiior expense that naay have
in in refularly ouste.
Suhi nuio to tiiko plaes on my
ranch about lour Kilos seal oi Nar
rows, In llarnoy County, Oregon.
SprliiK t'lrituliiK Time I- Here.
fl da) of I
If a house needs spring cleaning,
how about the human body after a
winter of Indoor life and heavy food?
Don't suffer from indigestion, hi!
lousing, bad breath, bloating, gas or
constipation, when relief can ho
easily be had. Foley ('athnrtlc
'Tablets clean stomach and bowels
and tone up the liver. Bold by Heed
niAitiTV begins at hong
we nu iiiow about Prosper
ity? Khali we build up pros
perity in tin" Bast iy huving
lCuutern proliit, or hull
we "buy home pyodusts" be-
iiillHo wo want to SOS iiron
parity, like (harlly, "hfgln
ut holim'".'
Ham U4utm l.aiu of Orasan
If you care to stop in and investigate, we
if show you how we can save j ou from
Co 10 per cent n evcry article in our
complete and extensive line of
Fancy Groceries
luii still maintaining our well known reliable qualiti guar
anteed t) lit' the bt'st wc can possibly procure for you.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager