- The Times- Jlerald Ha The Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. JULIAN BYRD Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oae Year 5i Month .... rhree Moattia . SI.OS . 1.00 . .7S OHIO SENATOR HAS ELEVEN REASONS TO FAVOR WOMEN'S RIGHT Entered at the Post Office at Durna, Oregon, an Second Claaa Matter. SATURDAY. MARCH 12. I9IB 8TATKMENT TO HARNKY COUNTY TAXPAYKKH, Aa tins is tax paying time I thought it appropriate to say a few worrt.i in regard to taxes and assessments. Equal and just taxation Is the hardest problem before the peoplu to day. It is a problem that has never been solved but we are in hopes it some day will be. The fundament al purpose of taxation is ta provide revenue which, It will be agreed, ought to be raised as equally, con veniently and economically as possi ble. We are all aware of the fact, that today these principles havo not been achieved, but until they are and put Into aclon, It Is evident, we will have to abide by the system now in operation. Taxes are a debt that very few of us meet as agreeably as we do other obligations. We all know without taxation our local, state and national governments could not exist. The trouble Is, we look upon taxet as money, being spent without any rev enue In return. Taxes, from one point of view, are really a privilege. Any person should appreciate tlin ract mat ttiey nave property upon which to pay taxes. It is the county tllisor's duty to make assessments and to place vail ei thereon. He ha levying taxes only to see that the dif ferent tax levying bodies make their levied within the limitations allowed by- la.w. Some times taxpayers are of the opinion that the assessor i.i re- i ousibie for their taxes being high or course if the valuation on your property has previously been lower than adjoining property of the same (lass, the assessor, in that cnse mny be the cause of an iucreabe In your taxes. It Is the assessor's intention to place equal valuations ou all i lasses ii propertj of the same nature and ot similar locations, which is according to a.ssesmtnt laws. We all are sub to mistakes but I; re the! I "en a! discrimination between tax- ou, it i- en tit-r through do) Intentional. If anj taxi i as though bis rallies are ! lordingly than bis m Ighbor, I would be pleased to bear from you Cake the :- I v. Itb i p we make Then i: ) d on have a recourse through I . hich Th ! P i u i lirforn , , i i r If ai : : I I JO' BHflS r.H ITBSSk S QBlJ i BSX a J Y. 'avt I SSnt a 23L ' s jstsyjiw .Hasy i fi ,i, x - v I State Senator Tom Derry of 8pencervllle, Ohio, Is usually back ot any legislative measure advocated by women. The reason is plainly shown In the above photograph. Berry claims the family suffrage championship of the land. Ten daughters to assist mother can usually talk him out on any purely masculine argu ment he may make. Ten visits from the stork ten girls. Can this community beat It? The Bolshevism. He replied with the contest was J46.17, the profit being usual generalities about the abolition , f 28.87. of wealth, etc.. and being asked to give details of the program he ex plained that money must be abol ished. There must be a substitute, of course, were we not to return to the system of exchange and barter. There would be a certain kind of currency, bUt It could not be accumulated. A man who did auy work would get a ticket at the end of each working day representing his remuneration. It would have a date stamped upon It, and its validity would end in 48 hours. He could either spend it in that time or lose it. and in this way the saving of money would he Impossi ble. There would therefore ho no capital. Kvery sturdy community Is largely a community oi noine-owners - nui rent payers. But try to imagine a J i i i ......,.. ...Ki, ., t.,ii,.', ,.i nothing to do with1""" ""'" " """" """ " ?"7" " stamped ami naieii ueaeis wniru win expire in 4S hours. Multiply this condition by the number of the popu- latlon and you can visualize ono of, Hi,- fanny features whi.ii we shall see when Bolshevism achieves order out of chaos when, In a word, It be-' comes systematized. It is equally easy to Imagine any kind of systematizutlon under Bol shevist government. , "On account of the hot weather," the boy says, "I kept my pig a few days after the contest ended, and when I butchered him he weighed 267 pounds on foot and 227 Mi pounds when dressed. He dressed out 86 per cent. I received 25 ceuts a pound, which made me a total of $66.87. "I figured that the cheep cost of the i rodinitioii was due to three things: First, the high protelu con tent of the concentrates; second, good health of the pig. due to great variety of feed and sanitary condi tion of the lot and sleeping quar ters; third, the pig consumed it large amount of forage, such hi rape, thus reducing the amount Of high-priced feeds." o MBOICAX SKKVICK IX CHOOU. The greatest asset we have far far beyond crops ami Cattle .v nl stocks and bonds - Is the cblldri n Of our land. Thev will be the oltlsei) Of lie next generation. Ami girls, loft to right, are EMrnlie, Nell, Qrace, Blanche. Adda. Beat rice, Norma. Unlce. Hazel and Jessie--Whew Just think of it TEN Kaster hon"'' crow up to health and strength It will mean that thoy grow up to ef ficiency and power. It is our manifest duty to take whatever means we can to '-ring about the most favorable conditions for the health of growing children. That as a nation we have failed la mentably in this respect Is shown by the number of men In the selective draft who were rejected for physical Imperfection. Thirty-three per cent of our young men one out of every three were below the normal phy sical condition which makes u man fit for army service. Many of these young men were subject to physical disabilities which could readily have been prevented or remedied If they had been recognised and properly dealt with in the sub ject's childhood. A thorough physical examination of each child of school age should be made twice a year. This would lead to the detection of muny incipient troubles and their cure. The lime Hill come when we shall seethe ser vices of a doctor and nurse available a ; everv school In the land, us part of the school system The result will be healthier, hap pier and more on Idem manhood and uotminlmod. We should all inlvi Itttjl I provision for the health of, children aoC should do all in our uoirei io bring it about. smmmmmmBmmammmmmmmsamimt o- IRGI WENT STARTS Boy i i'i.; tint vn argamei i etgbboi sua I Evan . I :inv. In diana to Ji r lhal he might prove ilnt I . I 'O II I, I I ! 1 It '. ' I , II ,.f I"- i . Iiulgi iei over i pound. He won hit potnl Ith H II a for .1- t i rt In the) the rigid lines. Ho line i ll .i I - . .'., or - i 1 GREAT! III in hi.ii...i in ei i i . i, m .-,.!..,.,.., ,im, ,.,, BREA FROM OUR NFW BAKERY 'JALITY PRODUCTS have been - well received thai nresent mat to fi:l the r! mand. , we hope to add con ii rtent :i i new i : it faci'ilirn he ne m I JT & fb ' - ' ..: . . A Bolt be -i upon to eiu lu tte t ne aoi rm BRITISH MAKE SCHOC. HEAD AN AMBASSADO, nOjgoKneKas wE88S3c H. D. Fisher, former president of the Board of Education of England, has been named British ambassador to the United States to succeed Lord Beading. The up pointment was a surprise to those diplomatic experts who follow such affairs closely. Don't, get The New Dry Goods Store l; . . MRS. E. F, SCHWARTZ, Proprietor A new, full line of Dry Goods Notions fancy Goods Women's and Children's Furnishing Goods Sole Agent for Warner Corsets ard Standard Fashions UirUOMl'T AM) COURTEOUH SKItVICK ASSURED Masonic Building Burns, Oregon SSHHS N. BROWN & SONS Brown 9s Satisfactory Store QUALITY MERCHANDISE Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Bon Ton Corsets Burns, : : : Oregon We carry goods advertised on the "Home Products Pace" Why the Essex Motor Car will be the sensation for the coming season Every part and every detail of the Eaaex con struction is of proved (worth. It was designed and built by some of the foremost engineer of America, the same men whose genius produced the Super-Six. Many points of superiority in the Super-six which have proved themselves in years of service, have been incorporated into the Essex. The engine, only twenty- nine inches long, cast in one block with detachable head, readily develops more than fifty horse, power. Long life is assured by the ample pro portions of the counterbalanced crank shaft, supported by three large bearings. Eastern Oregon Auto Co. Vale, H. E. YOUNG, Prop. Ontario IF5 uai.j'.j-tu.'jjamji IHtJiif! i; Who Benefits By High Prices? You feel that retail ' meat prices are too high. Your retailer says he I i to pay h: . ' prices t ickers. ift & Qompany prove hat out of evry. dollar the retailsr j 3 to the l, 2 cc: packc; f.t, 13 . 1 :X the p: 7 I reminds ad t oi , apparently, id , apparently, ; ' ... prices and Wo are all I ,1 1 : ale, Ono trouble is, number of dollars ha3 multiplied faster than the quan tity of goods, so that each dollar buys less than formerly. 1 Swift & Company, U. S. A. 1 iii1 III 1 1 1 I IL-." I MM 1 1 mnt mmwmtmmmwmmmmmwmmmmmmmmtmmtm