DmmzZ. Hioppcti c uuuii After lnfiiii-iiH. . Wrigley Buys Cat landin Big Rcsorc Project m ... "FoUy'i Honey and Tur In the beet r'uiith medicine I ovor tried," write M( Dowel, K. K. D. 1, Box 119, Arlington, Term. "My son had In fluenta. He had (he worst kind of a rough. I tried everything, but nothing did any good. Qod aent. me o friend with Kolejrt Money and Tar, and In two daya Mh cough waa gone." Sold by Heed Brother. aiaJix'T, JZZZ 21133 I'atlenta receive the beat of car at the Flreoved Maternity Hoapltal. jSumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Mr txl. jfe. ; . VC . y saWsnnnnnnnnnnnnni sLsW'- 3a mB eUansnasBsm vv jHOB m.1 A&sw Bmm anfnsasnOaT JtfTCt' ' iJflrrTX H BHtB"sP99VnEBEVII9JBHH 41 'MagsHsD S EflE ZZrv'B bMb&f JJaJannfLi t am Mr ,' T? fKtUBtiiKtitlffMKt riM0mtv SassLaa 3a tA big storythColorado- mile river that due: the Graru .2,000- Canyon,', ,the ' GreajgYelloyr- Dragon-TharfCannot Be -Harnessed pf the Indian (when it burst its banks) and threatenedfoturn the InriaJPMalley of Calif brnia mj i j.fl 5 an inianu sea. 4jool.. -aJ5cr!v SUP w "Stop the rjlyery d -n the expei fsaid President Marshall of the Ov Pacific to "Caster" Rickard, engine Thfl nivArVia tU'.tAr f U J W O.VTV-.1 11J HIV OlllJ V UIB1 u struggleOto y balk he Colorado -aflt3y prey thaijthrilled the nation; ( of S the man whov saved the Imperial Vail ndlosjhis heart to the girl whj hateUhim. 'mzmtk& jr'TTfwmm&Kr'' ' The River" is the 'story of Innes Harding 'hose hatred of the engineer turned to love as she watched him lead the battle against the Great Yellow Dragon 1 .for. the lives and homes of the settlers. "The River" is the thrilling story of (that thrilling time. "The River" is our new serial Be Sure to Read It $W Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TBAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS LOANS MADE ON APPLICA TION DIRECT INVESTMENT BROKER Phone ::o or fiiur. IS urns, Or ", it Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A rich uncle may ii' and Iwye yon a roll, lut f'U in h uncles have this habit. If you get rich, the chances arc yon will first. have to Have enough money in order to make an invest in. ni that will pay. There are plenty of investments for the man with a little ready cash. But it is up to you to save cash. The best policy is to deposit a portion of your salary. A Hank is better than a hole in your pocket through winch your money can slip awaj . Make our Hank YOUR Hank. CRANE STATE BANK (ItAXrO, OREGON Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrive Baker 1:15 A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:15 P. M Departs No. 1, Baker 8:3 A. M. Sumpt er 1:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:1 P.M. A four million dollar Inreatment In buying an islnnd, shows In a amall way the development or the winter resort Idea In America. William Wrigley Jr., the chewing gum manufacturer, at hla winter home In Paaadena, Cal., la reported to have paid that aum for the controlling interest of the famoua Santa Catallna Inland, near Los Angela. Included in the aale waa the new 400,000 Saint Catherine hotel, two large tourlat ateamera and a fleet of the famoua glass bottom boat. "The Island baa an area of 48.000 acre, room for a half million cottages." aald Mr. Wrigley recently while referring to plan (or the development of the project. Here are new picture of the famoua Island where millions of American have gone on pleaaure tripa. The Invert pboto showe the big rock which guard the harbor entrance at Avalon. No. 1 Makes Reed connection with O.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 8:15 P. M.. arriving at Baker 7:56 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv ing Baker 6:50 A. M. No 2 connects with No. 6 (Fast Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P. M. which nicks ur Pullman at iBa er, arriving at Portland 7:00 . A. M. Also with No. II at 0:46P. M. for points Fast $1500 Reward! ' W 9 v Tbfrsaea. Col lrmlnrT MfH ruin tio m aamet vhlefe lb sToW slaa4 la nrsssbss. win (it si.tsa a rwar4 H "sac laetSsa to the arrat imMmmm vlrllon M mf. Ins hortaa. aaMU nr diii,i hat m T " ' iur in us Bars. laaddlnos lathe sNit, tk nnHtnUgm offer tb Mm oonalilon IMe.OO for all be braodwl bor-bod baron botb orltbr ). Brand rcordd In eight n.unii.-. Kane Hrny, l..k. .nil j.rok counllra. Hon, renudwhen sold. Nena bat frown bones sold aid only la large baacb, W W.BB0WM rtl OraaM. PROFESSORS OF FINANCE WARN NO BANK LOAN U. of C. and Stanford Experts Point the Way to Sound Reconstruction Finance Th baaka of the baited States aanat s left free to ftnanco the reaonatrua tloa of productive anterpaiae and saaatf not be cltHtervd up with the Vkrtety Liberty Uoan. That la the eeaspoeHe, thonght-eut opinion of two af th West'a meat noted prosaara ef finance, (aal C. Fleha. prwaaaaer f flnanra la the Imiaerarty of CalMamta, and Murray I,. Wlldman, band of aba diartment of economic and Snaaaa of Stanford UnlvaraHy. Itoth agree that the money needed to finish paying for the war abooM not come out of working capital, but abould be raieed out of individual aavlnga of humble and wealthy. "If the people take the Loan, an they mut." Profeaaor Plebn aayo. "the banka will be Jaft free to lend to the manufacturer, the farmer, the grocer, the butcher, and the baker, ao that they nan get busy again on a peace time baela. Then production and bual nr will grow and. by the formula, rrlees wUl Som. to normal. If we 'leave It to the banka.'' they will have no funda left for business, big or lit tle. We, ourelvea, will net profit and the .day of our redemption will only be poatnoned." Professor Wlldman, wboae ability caused him to be called from Stan ford to Washington for war finance service, agreea with the California economist, adding: "It would be a grave mlatake to aaddle the banks of the country with tba Vletory Loan st thla time." When two prove soots agree, Hi time to alt ap and take aottee. Whea two profeeeore not awly agree with each other, bat age with the GoTeeu ment. that settles ft. Flnaare la their business particularly Government finance. They have apent their Mvea studying M and are paid aeod salaries to. teaching the principle af It so the men who are going te ran tba nation tomorrow. Finance la net the buslaeaa of the wlaeacre who screws down thai cor ners of hie mouth and aays. "Let the banka do It." Setter take the advice of scientists who know. sold to thirty-two fcpe'ra af the Penikaae Island Leper Colony, which amount to 182 per capita, or three tlmea more than the per capita quota, for the United 8tates, namely: 120. A rolling atone gather no moaa, but n Victory Liberty Bend will serve your aalf and America. t "Every man la the architect of ( own fortune." Sallust. "Thrift la one of the mini islsniiehmi which manhood mast be oeaatmetea.' Henry Ford. Civilisation Waa founded and atSl rest upon thrift. Leper Colony Reaches 92 Pr Capita W. 8. 8. Hawall'a War Savings P'nmp reports for the year ending December 31, 1918, abow total aalea of ,2,020,900 worth of War Saving Stamps sold, which Is $20,000 over their quota. . Two thouaand (lpnarsof thji i amonnt Save tor the aahe of yoaraetf and your country. A LanJaBssaT" A ) ,'anl Haw&' MaWaV aW aiaaas' fl B-nT JaMlWIHlr' I amnWdfl If Northwest Shorthorn Breeders 9th Annual Spring Sale and Show of SHORTHORN CATTLE Union Stock Yards, North Portland, Oregon i TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1919 45 BULLS 30 HEIFERS There will be offered at this sale the Highest Class Short horns ever placed in the sale ring in the Northwest. They are carefully selected individuals from the herds of the leading Shorthorn Breeders of the Pacific Northwest. Range men of the West never had such an opportunity to get the kind of Bulls they wanted as this sale offers richly bred from 18 to 24 months old. The catalog gives the full information write for your copy NOW, study the breeding, and plan to attend. Col. Scotty Milne Auctioneer FRANK BROWN, Sales Mgr. CARLTON, OREGON