Rjgft w m & rags - eH ISYiJ V tHB IB Bl Hv II - iBb ijlr .. 'vL H EH8I hHhVW Hf - I It S I lV fB& r M Mr I iSffi t., ,. HH -'JB''"'' HaBBf II i itCTomQawtjer" ill TIIK MONO r TIIK HOII. Wo didn't suspect that Hpulrn Dan ny had a mite of pontry in him, but he has. Mostly he Is a gruff talking, heavy walling, clone-fisted gentleman of the old school, that went ahead by bard work and saving pennies. But the other day he was in toe of fice, and after sitting around brood ing over the scenery, ho finally clear ed his throat and, possibly he had read that story about Smith ('run going to feed horseflesh to bogs, said : "Yep, I'm going to get a tractor; machinery Is cheaper than help, Hut dog gone I do hate to sell my horses. "I've got gasoline lights, and pres sure water all over the place, and portable gasoline engines for differ ent Jobs, and a lot more tabor suvlng stufr that been paying Interest on what it cost; but I've hung off oui this tractor thing. i I "An automobile is all right, but an engine snorting through the field doesn't soem Just right somehow. "1 hope Ml always be able to af ford at least one team and a tw uty aero patch that I can plow in the spring myself. "A good big black toam, that I raised myself. That pull true and turn close, and let me turn a smooth, straight, ten-Inch, deep furrow right across the field. "Somehow, after being off the land ill winter. I always like to got out after a week of warm spring weather and get hold of the old fourtaen-lnch plow. j "I like the amell of the ground, and the feel of the air, and the sun on my hack, and the bees buzzlir.; out or the hives in the orchard- "I'm going to get a tractor and find somebody to run it, but I'm go ing to save a bit of flat land down in the south meadow for me and the four-yenr-olds to break. Any rn,! 'lianlc can run an engine but rail M few ran raise a toam of colts 104 iiavo em work right.' And t Hqulro quit and mooned some mor over bis snow bank. We guess there is poetry soni. whero In all the sons of men who liav followed the furrow through the yours, and who have unconsciously become In tune with the creak of tb harness; the slow heaving hodlc or big teams; the soft slide of I'lnty clod brimming over the mould bosrf down into the furrow; the bum of it. sects, and the chatter of fussy blrdi, crowding along behind, Intent on the treasures the turning furrow dl. closes. it Comlu soon at the Liberty TJieotre. "TOM HAWVKK" COMKN TO Mora ON THK Hf n undoubtedly believe his hero was in deed coming to life before his eyes. Indeed, there is cause for actual Jack Pickford has long boon a stu- regret that he could not have done dent and friend of Mark Twain's no. for it is a well-known fact that famous boy hero, "Tom Sawyer." 1 during his lifelines, he steadfastly and it is for this reason us well as refused to allow "Tom Sawyer" to be for the fact that he has become a dramatized for the stage. It would famous portrayor of boy roles, such have been Impossible, he said, to as "Freckles," tbe'Dummy." "Soven-! catch the "white town drowsltiK In leen and outers, that he was chosen the sunlight and ho rlvor scenes marked upon the nice hard surface I oy J'uramount for tho character of Tom. the screen has itiven the draimttlzers throuirlmiit th mirv snni.i ,.,.., iirondor Held In which to attempt to tills territory. It is remar kabla He Isn't so old that he has forgot ten the days when he lived br'.itli lessly through the pages of the story, joying with the redoubtable Tom in his adventures or sorrowing with him in his misfortunes. 'I lie Incident of the whitewashed fence which re- ilme to Improve our street and put It In such shape as to keep tho mois ture from remaining on It very long at a time. There are a few degres sions at certain points along the street that with little expense could be filled In with river gravef and made much better. This should have the attention' of tho people. ii iau a visnor 10 the city re their task, and has made possible what was then impossible. Director William I). Taylor, who has been res; onslble for most of Mr. I'li-ltford's recent -pictures, has given to "Tom Sawyer" the result of his ceived three coats, urn! for which I years of experience and a thorough tor Tom. who was supposed to do It him- j training In tho field of motion pic- o self, received payment of unlimit. d I ture photography and directing. Tlio ' DKMo I.IOIITINO KYS'I I M marbles, jews-barps. tadpoles and ; hi et:.irio was written by Julia (raw-j Csi:i AT Ill'HNS GARAGE when one considers tho real ch'ttice we have to make this street Just as good as hard surface anywhere small a cost. The drag is being used to good ei lei 1 these days and Is I'rawn by a Fordaon tractor aj demon tra other boys' treasures, has long bean n favorite of Mr. I'ickford s. and It is faithfully portrayed in tho screen version. The fact that tho exterior scones were taken at Hannibal, Missouri, the very town In which Samuel Clem ens, or Mark Twain, as he is better known, wrote, adds to the effective ness of the production. The river scenes where Tom and thia famous Huck Finn escaped on a raft and turd Ivcr;. Management of the Liberty Theatre The Times-Herald man Visited the Burns Uarago Thursday afternoon has arranged for the presentation of and Manager Smith showed him over the place. This Is ono of the modern shops of the Central Oregon country and Is well equipped with the ma chinery necessary for tho work. One of the most Interesting fea tures of the bulrdlng Is the Delco lighting system recently Installed. This Is so simple to operate and no "Tom Sawyer ' next Wednesday night. For ono night only so don't miss i.t. o UGGMM THAT MTItKKTH HF. KFl'AIKHD NOW. REAL ESTATE With the return of normal conditions there will come n demand for Real (Statute in Har ney County. 1 do not particularly want an option on your property nor a 'contract for Hale on commission, bat I desire a list of every kind of property, real or personal, for sale or trade in Harney County in order to tfive full and accurate information to numerous intpiiries from prospective investors, and to bring buyers and sellers together. Ciin offer desirable town lots, acreage and choice city property stork and hay ranches raw or partly improved iagebruih land for Hiile also farm near Hums for lease. LAND PRACTICE I solicit your business sticTi ts applications forent ry, showings, affidavit s. contests and trials before the Local Land Office, and appeal etc., before t In- Comnirssiouer o( the (tenernl Land Office and the Secretary of the Interior. Thursday afternon T he Times- Herald man bad occasion to make little expense to keen uu that It returned only in time for their own a tour of Main Street to the south should bo placed in everv country tunerat services was taKen at the very part of town and during bis stroll. spot Mark Twalu described, so that It was pointed out by a good roads could he see the production, he would enthusiast that this was tho proper home and hamlet. It Is complete in a compact form and gives moat satisfactory results. , rfiiltiJ W iOUpMrl! m &w 1 Pil'il fiilf !;1 BTWinsL . ifi p f M:ii:iriaMi;t0!fl I M ft Jt'iinlassj 4 i I INSURANCE Be absointely safe and insure your property ill the "Colonial' or "North britisli & Mer cantile". My Companies pay all losses promptly. Wm. Farre Tonawama Building Burns, ... Oregon D-ntheExpensd ?fnn tho RiilOY' 1lVL' CIIV JllVVI That's what the Overland Pacific said to Rickard, the engineer. So the girl hated him be cause he supplant ed her brother. And the man did not take to her at first. But Cupid smiled and took a hand. , The River Br EDNAH AIKEN tells well how the man stopped the ( Colorado and saved the Imperial Val ley. The girl saw him do it and for got her hatein love. Love Romance Fighting Our New Serial Don't Miss It! J vjBH3&a3&a Copyrlilil lilt by 1( I Riynb! i Tobuccu lu. N TEVER was such right-handed-tvvo- 1 -N nsted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert I x nai s oecause r. a. has the quality! You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line! Prince AlbeVt's quality alone puts it in a class of its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch we you feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough word3 to express your happy days sentiments ! Toppy r,d bag,, tidy red tin,, handtome pound and half-pound tin humidor, -and that clay, practical pound cryttal gla humidor with ,pongm moUn,r top that hemp, the tobacco in ,uch perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. rSi Ja w ?" evrll More than four thousand Delco-Light plants were de livered for war work. They were used to supply elec tric light in camps, storehouses, hospitals, Y. M. C A huts, airplane hangars, sub-chasers and other branches of the service. In Red Crosf hospitals at the front. Dtlco Light operated life-saving X-ray apparatus. Delco-Light was specified by the Government because it is dependable, efficient, simple to operate. requires little attention, and because it is AIR-COOLED? The result of Government tests and the satisfactory use of Delco-Light on over 60,000 farms are your as surance thnt Delco-Light will give you the same de pendable service. It betters living conditions.increases farm efficiency, and soon pays for itself in time and labor saved, MDUN appliance CO.. D .uiWor.. Seattle, W..h. fi-UHAS GARAGE - .Local Deulers THE DOMESTIC ENGINEERING CO., Dwtot, Ohio Mkr of OELCO-UGH T Products