The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 22, 1919, Image 1

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The Tltncs-Hcriild goes re
Kulnily to more homes In Har
ney County limn tiny other
newspaper. If ou w'""
reach the people use these col
gmni for your advertisement.
Tim Tliiics-Hcrald I an old
established friend of I lie people
of Harney County where It hu
been a weekly visitor for thirty
year. It'M job department la
equipped to serve your needa.
NO. 21
. v.l' a
" ' " " " ' ' "t " ' ' """;,l ' ,"'"" ' m - . . . " '
favorably Reported in Both
House and Senate.
Preliminary Work of Investigation Being
Continued as Far as Limited
Funds Will Permit.
Although Congress adjourned with
out bringing to a vote the proposed
legislation which. It enacted Into law,
would have made it possible for the
Department of the interior to begin
work immediately on the construc
tion of soldiers-settlements and pro
vide work and homes for thousands
of our returned soldiers, sailors, and
marines on reclaimed land, tho fact
that the hill was favorably reported
in both" the House and the Senate,
and the natlon-wlde approval of the
nlan as evidenced by the hundreds
of letters of endorsement received
daily at the Department, have led
Secretary Lane to take the stand
tbat there is every reason to believe
that a similar bill will be favorably
considered at the coming special tes
tion of Congress. He is accordingly
continuing the preliminary work of
nvestiKaiion as far as the limited
funds at his disposal will permit and
is also endeavoring to ascertain for
the information of Congress tbe at-
e toward the plan of as many
ien in the service aa be Is able to
each through the distribution of
uestionnairea at, the various ramps
nd naval stations throughout the
Secretary Lane Is in thorough ac-
ird with Congressman Taylor, of
lolorado, the author of the bill in-
xoduied at the last session of Con
fess for putting the soldier-settle-.
lent Into effect, who said:
I ran only say to the House and
the country, and to the many
ousands of our splendid boys who
111 be sorely disappointed by this
llure of the House to pass this bill
at upon this subject, that I will
introduce the bill on the opening
y cf the next session of Congress
1 push the measure with all the
ergy I possess, and I sincerely hope
d believe that It will be speedily
acted Into law. And 1 also hope
at Instead of the appropriation be-
ig for J100, 000.000, It may be five
that amount; because evnn
ien we will not. In proportion to our
lealth and resources, be doing neur-
as much for our returning BOldlers
is being done by Canada, Austra
, and all other English-speaking
untrles. I am not only confident
tar this measure will be adopted.
I 1 firmly believe it will go down
history as one of the great con-
uctlvc policies of our country."
Manv of the State legislatures have
it met recently, but a large number
the slates have already taken ae
n b) appropriation or liy the ap-
nit-nt of committees to co-op-
,te wllh the Federal Government
soaneetlon with the soldler-sottle-mt
plan of the Department.
fhe Times-Herald has been autbor-
1 to announce that the annual elec-
of officers of Harney County
apter, American Red Cross, will be
1 at the Liberty Theatre on Tues-J
evening, April 8. This was de-
id upon at a recent meeting of the
BUtlve committee of the Chupter.
It will be remembered that the an
al eli tion was called for the latter
of la, i October, but the prevail
io Influenas prevented to" te('-
ind was postponed Indefinitely.
II who bold rii'-miMTHiiip iii the
Cro ara Invited to be presenl
i eting uini tnk'- pnrl In H"-
Iftiou of s Hoard of Mam
elected 00 tnkl board will
; tba further snlet "on of the orn-
hi method of "i"' organum-
l, Red Cross is still taking very
i . i in affairs, even I hough the
,,1. It In doing """"
Important work in looking
iring humanity ' ,l"! Bufopeai
l , ,, aiding tJw retnrn-
I. i. Don'i lose yoir ln
ki Red Cross. Attonil IIiIh meet
Hid hear the reports of
Mtrtmftttg on the work of the
3BSb ff" 't i
SBl Eat MmX ataM
S H BsL' ; MBBSass
aaaaaaV aai HBh SjEbssbw
afl aaaaw JUKm " ""
Bh bs
' ' B
Norman Hapgood, famous
American editor, sails this week
for Denmark, to take up his du
ties aa ambassador to that coun
try from the United States Hap
good made an International repu
tation for himself with his pen,
through hla advanced thinking
and independent atyle. Hit ap
pointment came when Ambaaaa
dor Egan resigned the post.
Finley Threaten to Initiate Bill
to Vote on Matter of Mal
heur Preserve.
Mr. Finley threatens to Initiate a
bill to vote on the matter of the bird
preserve at Malheur Lake. He will
find things rather Interesting when he
attempts to put thin hobby over In tin
face of real condltlona. Harney Val
ley people have no objections to the
bird preserve so long as it does not
interfere with the development of the
country, but if It means the abandon
ment of irrigation In this Vallev the
people are not going to sit down and
let It go on. Under present condi
tions the preserve is not doing any
particular harm, but if the people are
to be prevented from using the water
or streams flowing Into the lake for
Irrigation purposes If the birds are
to be given preference over babies -then
we're going to make a vigorous
kick and the people of this state will
not allow such a thing to take place.
A. Ottlnger and a number of his
friends have purchased the White
Flyer steamer "Humboldt" and are
going to put her on the run between
San Francisco and Los Angeles on
about April 15th. The boat will
make eight round trips per month,
and carry 175 to 200 passengers and
700 tons of freight. She will be op
erated on a 30 hour schedule.
The "Humboldt" formerly plied
between Seattle and Alaska points
and has established one of the best
reputations for first class service
There Is no doubt that a regular line
will be established In the near future
with a good schedule and the best of
Fred F. Hensbaw, In charge of
the water gauges of thla territory,
arrived from Portland tho first of
the week to get things moving on tho
streams of this county during the
Spring run-off. Hi went UP tho
river Tuesday to confer with Mrs.
Lute Parker, who is in charge of the
gauge up there, and then wool down
to the lake section to see that Hie
aaages i" thai territory were work
ing, iff iiciiHhuw made the Lrtp
up from Portland in his Foci car,
ii, found ih ',"1' ''"l '""
bad no rlons trouble, tfs ol
here by '"VI rnmenl man who nama
from the Cai '" lak'' native charge
of thi territory during the spring
run off and this win permit Mr.
i in, haw to return U Portland and
look after affairs In bli office
Ah oOBgreSI start' d on S Wild "i !
for i" rturbi d roioe called
after It, "Hey there! you've forgot
ten to rix up tlM railroads!" Hut OOB
gross evidently didn't heur, as It only
ran the faster.
Will Be Benefit to All Concerned
It Everyone Works. Dollar
Worth More That Day.
, The Times Herald Is ready to co
operate with the business men of this
city In making "Hollar Day" a real
live red letter day. This la a matter
tlnii can be of much benefit to all con
cerned If all will work for It. The
people of Harney county are to bo In
vited to Hums on this day, April S, to
lake part In the formation of a big
organisation having for Its purpose
the aiding of every legitimate enter
prise looking to the advancement of
the country, regardless of where It Is
located or who promotes It. We are
to take the Initiative In this move, as
the people of the country naturally
look to Burns to assume that position
In such organisations. The mer
chant Is going to show his hospi
tality by making It attractive In the
line of shopping on (hat day. He is
going to say to his visitors on "Dollar
Day" that his dollar Is worth more on
that day and prove It to him by hav
ing special bargains placed before
him. We have noted that aeveral of
our neighboring towns have market
days when there are sales of live
sto'k and produce. This is a fine
thing In communities more thtcklv
settled and might be tried In this at
some future time, but let'a make thla
"Dollar Day one that our visitors
will remember.
Ranch men Who are interested In
breeding Shorthorn cattle will have
an excellent opportunity to get the
kind of bulls they want to use In their
herds If they attend the annual
spring sale of registered Shorthorns
held by the Northwest Shorthorn
Breeders Association at Portland ou
April 1. There will be offered In this
sale something like H5 or 90 head or
registered Shorthorns.
The annual spring sale ot Short
horns at Portland has been the most
Influential factor In the building up
of good herds of Shorthorn cattle In
i he Northwest. It has offered the
opportunity for breeders to see side
by side a largo number of the best
bred animals and to pick out bulls
thai they believe will Improve the
offspring from their herds. Tho man
ager of the sale. Frank Brown, or
Carlton, Ore., states that he has
never had a more rugged lot oi bulls
I han has been listed in the sale this
spring. Headers of this paper who
are Interested In Shorthorn cattle ara
Invited to send to the Rural Spirit,
Portland, Oregon, for a copy of the
7 yovi'vie certainly )rr tcz" ""
rn fasaw w..j taammtm
rlk II JVKW kriP" 1 r- . !BBBaBKb7,,7,yX5''-JBBarL
iZ IIMW " .
U I UM ..i.Jf(.s:t -LUBSBBlEtl
Wffljp" I ia ''-xSsjSHgSHr
' ; V jflMiBh. aaasffivl I
tj.,ubh wmm
s' .njr2nnmuuri'"- -.- r
i- ,k- ast , - ,-
Bb sirM::T;:!:iir-::i''T''';iii ' ' ' i1
M. G. Neate Coming to Take
Active 'Part in Management
of Dog Mountain Project.
Locafirpn Interested In the well at
Dog Mountain were looking forward
to tho arrival of M. O. Nease, presi
dent of the company, with the expec
tation of activities beginning at the
well. We had been given to under-
' stand the cement cap that has sealed
this hole since beginning to remove
the water would be tapped at once
and disclose whether there waa oil
i there or not. So far this has not
oicurred, so far as the writer Is able
to learn. Mr. Nease has been In con
sultation with stockholdera or the en
terprise and we understand some new
I leases have been secured on land in
the vlcinltf of the welt. That la as
far aa things have progreaed.
There in erory reasou to believe a
flow of oil wUl be disclosed upon the
removal of the cement cap now in the
Dog Molntain well at least that Is
what Many of those Interested believe
and have given their friends to under
stand. The Times-Herald hopes this
Is confirmed and that it may be devel
oped at once. Nothing would be a
greater boon to this country.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Cllngan have
purchased the furniture store of L.
L. Nooncheater and will take charge
at once. Mrs. Cllngan had been
saleswoman for Mr. Nooncbeater for
the paat aeveral months and was
quite familiar with the business be
fore taking It over. In conversation
witb a representative of this paper
she stated that they are beginning
! at onoe to enlarge the quarters
wherein the furniture Is stored and
get It In better shape for the addi
tional stock which will be ordered
Imtuodtafely. Mra. Cllngan expects
to leave within a few days for Port
land to purchase more stock.
Mr. Noonchesler told the news
paper roan that he would continue
active In the fur business, making
his headquarters In the city as In
the past few years.
B.W. Llddle Installed a small Ir
rigation pumping plant on hla farm
west of Corvallis last year, says the
Benton Farm Bureau News. The
engine cost SI 65 and the remainder
of the outfit $115. The Irrigation
doubled the yield on nine aeris of
sS- ' " " "-
V M mmm .-.:---...,-
fj O'b lBaBBaaWVeBeai' SBPfinj aVr
Yankee boya are turning the
table on the British youths In the
"brides from across sea" act. A.
1. Drexel, son of the famous An
thony J. Drexel of Philadelphia.
Is the latest American to marry a
British beauty. Thla la the bride,
formerly Miss Nancy Qrayson,
daughter of Lieut. -Col. H. M.
O ray son, M. P.
Goods Bought Before War Was
Over Have Not Declined
in Price.
The grocer has received many com
plaints about the holding up the most
part of his prices after the war's over.
The public that gives Itself up to this
Idle talk is not well Informed and
should srive to be before smirching
the town grocer as a hold-upist and
Aa a matter of fact the war Is over,
but not so the goods laid in for the
supposed continuance or the war by
the enterprising merchant. The buying
was made by this person when he
thought the prices were perhaps the
lowest he would be likely to rind
them In some while. When negotiat
ing his purchases he had the welfare
of the people, his customers, at heart
and waB striving to secure for them
the lowest retail prices that he could
while the securing was good. The
fact that the war ended and left him
with so much so-bought goods on his
hands was his misfortune as well as
the customers who Immediately
started out to adjudge him everything
that could find its way Into print and
Let us rather thank him for the
good Intent with which he .served us
and refrain from more abusive criti
cism In the future.
The following clipping was handed
The Tlmea-Heruld the other day. it
refen to the Regiment of which It
L. Haines, former city marshal of this
city, was a member:
For the sake of "Auld Lang Syne,"
a dinner party was given last night
at Hotel Henry Watterson by officers
or the 83d Field Artillery Regiment.
The oflcors Included In the party
were only the men who had been
with the regiment since the begin
ning, seventeen in number. They
have served at Camp Fremont, Cal.;
Fort Sill. Ark.; Camp Mills, N. Y., and
then overseas, expecting to fight arm
In arm ut the front, but the mini .in -e
wiih HlKiietl Just a few days after they
landed in Franco.
However, they were selected U the
Kiiurd of honor for President Wilton
Clio day he landed ut Brest, I'imh. .
and took pari In the apiH'tucular pn
rade Unit introduced 'resident Wil
sou lo the lonllnent. Shortly there
after they saskerkad tor Amerloa,
landing m Hobojtan, n. j., on Jaimury
is. They ears transfered Immediate
ly to Cuinp Knox, where they uio
(waiting dlHiliarges.
The n:m Ragtmeni was cited by
Brig, lien. Allied A. Hlaiboard as he
Ihk the lie i trained outfit thai Amer
ica had nenl to I'i'aine. Ottleeit who
hud charge of the urruiigonioni
nlghl are t'aiil. II. It. Skinner, Lieut.
Qaorge 0, Morris, Uagt f, B, Oappal
mun, Lieut. A. J. Iviiwllngs und Liout.
F. M. Hunch.
i. i iii.
Would Be Unit in Body With
800,000 Members.
Instances Such as Malheur Bird Preserve
Cotld Be Placed Before Pnblic
in Its True Light.
The Tlrdes-Herald hopes the citi
sene of Harney county apprenlato
what the organization of a repre
sentative Chamber of Commerce
covering every part of the county
would mean toward accomplishing
reaulta in the undertakings of the
several communities In development.
The move Is state wide and means
that should this county take an active
part It would be a unit fn a big or
ganisation with the backing of some
800,000 people, it is not local in
any sense and yet it is for tbe pur
pose of aiding every locality of the
state in whatever meritorious under
taking It has. Tbe local problem be
comes the problem of the entire state
when once placed before It.
We have had an instance placed
before us recently that Illustrates the
necessity of such an organizatien:
State Biologist Finley tried to get the
Malheur Lake ceded to the govern
ment as a permanent bird reserve and
so regulated that It would have been
a serious drawback to the develop
ment of the country, in that It would
have Interfered with the establish
ment of an irrigation system having
the impounding of the waters of the
Sllvles River as a part of the system.
Mr. Finley la still busy with his pro
paganda1 in this direction and has a
following. One Portland newspaper
has devoted pages to this propaganda
In which the minds or thousands of
people are put In a wrong idea of our
condition. Tbe people of Harney
county have no objection to the bird
refuge, in fact they rather favor it,
so long as it doesn't Interfere with
the advancement of the material wel
fare of the country; but when the big
world Is trying for greater produc
tion and te possibility is before u
lo aid In relieving this situation and
In addition give many hundreds ot
people homes where they can make a
living, it places tho matter in an en
tirely different light.
Don't get this confused that the
proposition to form such an organiz
ation is a move by Burns or any
other town In Oregon. It Is tor the
purpose of uniting the entire state
and bringing the problems of -a h
community before all the people that
each may aid the other In working
out better conditions. We want the
people of the entire state to know of
our aspirations and desires. We want
them to know of the great possibili
ties in this big country what can be
accomplished with the proper handl
ing of the water supply as compared
to raising water fowl. We want tho
hacking of the entire state In work
ing for a better system of roads, the
solution or Improving our mall ser
vice, to the more remote sections of
this big empire that Is so little known
and less understood.
These are some of the things such
an organization would take care of;
the local organizations could work to
gether in community affairs and be
the means of cementing the county
In all matters of neighborhood con
cern and make us more of a unit Chan
In the past.
If this sort of an organization ap
peals to the citizens of the county as
being one worthy of inaugurating, it
is hoped they will come to Burns on
April 2 and tako purt in putting it
"Inwood," name of n farm near
Corvallis, written on tin- envelope iy
Children SWaV from home, inspires
more pride than "K- W. D, I," says
Die t). a. o. Press Bulletins. Also,
"Cumtug," an Indian word Meaning
"understand", is more dignified than
"tho old Smith ranch." Name your
farm from It Band of water, tree or
grass or historical relation Indian
names are ospoclallyq good In Op
(Jet your local newspaper publisher
lo print your stationer; and geVer
our most important fawn pro
duce. Announce Hie nun cimuuorrial
supplies for sale and wanted iii your
farm bureau news. This may end tln
present day reierence to "farmers
und business men."
. M .i-ji.