The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 15, 1919, Image 5

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Stunt Tylar wat lb town thl wook.
Auto eloctrlial repair. Jack Mi
j. I,. l,own was down from hU Har
tfy home the other Jay.
W II Johnoon ia a business visitor
from Silver Creek today.
K E. Towatey waa down from his
mountain place Thursday.
,, ruing 10 an apparanrim i.
tf.YY " Htanda for "I Won't Work."
Provide green feed for your chick
ing. Alfalfa leaves fo aale at l'erry
Pat I'mii-llN . the siici'p man, Ik in
town ou huslnesR. He now has his
flocks ready for the range.
drover Hudnpeath wax over from
Mli during the week. He i in
cbsrK' of the Burnt Cash Store
Bra u li it that point.
Paul Klnke la feeding his stock on
the Dr. Griffith ranch at present.
He states there has been considerable
mow fall at his mountain place.
A. McKenale, one of the highly
respected old pioneers of this coun
ty, has been In tow i for a few days
looking after some business affairs.
William Hanley has Just made a
trip over to the OO ranch and re
ports everything In readiness to be
gin tunning In that favored spot at
The annual P. P. P. ball will be
liven at Tonawama next Saturday
night, March 22. No one under the
age of IS will be allowed In the hall.
Blllle Terrlll had his head cut
quite severely the other day when a
lorse fell with him. It didn't re
quire any stitches, but was rather a
Uil rut.
Fred ltacine 1 home from Portland
there be had been for the past sever
al montha with his family. He came
ip to be in readiness for the spring
farm work.
Exqulatta sprl-iK day which will
IrliiK poetry into our lives are at
hand Look up the floor wax and
the h rubbing brush and last year's
!;-. : muter.
Bl'KNS. CAPITAL AM) St Kl'l.l -lllio.iiOO.
"I'Ht: HANK 1'HA)
MAKKS voi'it BAKfcV
E Kemarlz and Geo. Cawlfleld
were In from Narrows the oilier day.
Mr Kemarlz Is one of our extensive
wool growers and was up to pay his
respects to the Income tax man.
H Thels Is down from the mill on
Emigrant Creek. He reports that
'.he mow has settled down quite a bit
luring the past few days and there
it an indication of it thawing out
and giving us our anual flood.
If soldier who took camera from
the r.- laurant late Saturday night
returns same by Wednesday noor..
lie will avoid trouble. Leave at
restaurant or mall to box 201, Burns.
No ijucKtlons uktd, Owner.
Mrs. BE. Music k came in last TttM
day in aaatet Mrs. Schwartz in getting
her good! In readiness for tb oplt-
Ing ir the new store today. Mrs.
Ruii k is not back for a very long
Hay. )ut merely to aid Mrs. Schwartz
In ker opening and tovinlt for a short
Mi Violet Itichardson gave a
party last Wednesday evening in hon
or of her brother, Henry Klcliurdson,
who had Just returned from war BO
ttrltlei. The affair was given at
'he home of Mr. and Mrs. ('. H. Rt
Conju-ll. Dancing was indulged in,
hic a was followed by light refrosh
Bnl Several young people were
guct.-, and all report a most enjoy
able, tune.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lampshire ar
nv. t home Tuesday from Portland
whi re they had been tor a short
Hall I hey went down lo attend the
Mtomobllal sliow and while in I'orl
inl Mr. Lampshire took BMMtOfl
to have a specialist treat his eyes.
The dght of his right eye has l B
HUM' for the past year and he
it in rather wor e i onclltion
he expected. However, It is
letti r,
No. NflMI.
Keport of condition of the
In th if ( .'cgoii, at the close of business on March 4, 1910.
Loana and dlsouuts, Includ I'JTradlscounts l36tf.S64.84, 13611, 284. 64
17. H. bond, (oin ir than Lib nv Honda:)
U. 8. bonds dap, ted to saouro circulation 23,600,00
U. 8, bonds ami ivrt.i.c .w. mdehtodnass
pledged to si . i i . dep .its (par value) 6,000.00
U. 8. bonds and . ,rtlt lUAUM cm iudnbteduess
pledged to aai ptal &a.lig deposKs
i (par value) 1,000.00
U. 8. bonds and i ..uftuaus or indebtadneas
pleclR -1 as col In, ml tor State or other
clepo. is or bills .uyahie 26,000.00
B bo 'Is and certificates of indobtednesa
owni- i and unpledged 37,000.00 91,(00.00
Liberty Loan Bonds, , 4, and 4 Vi Pr cent
unpl.ixid 42.S00.00 42,800.00
Sooiirittej .nlicr than V. 9. bonds (not Includ
ing . ..cks) owned unpledged 40,221.80 40,221.80
Stocks, ot. r than Kedertil Reserve Bank stock 600.00
Stock of !cral Reserve Bunk (50 per cent
of . virlptlon) 2,860.00
Kurnitur. . il fixtures 3,600.00
Real t's'it owned other than banking house 1,000.000
Lawful , ve with Federal Reserve Bunk 31,986.32
(,'ush In . ilt and net amounts due from ua-
ttona oanks 84,424.30
Net am... I i due from banks, bankers, and companies other than above .... 2,096.80
('hocks on other banks In the same city or town )
as reporting bank 68.00
Totai of last three itema 86,678.19
Checks on hanks located outside of city or town
of reporting bank and other cash Items... 770.67
Redemption fund with V. 8. Treasurer and due
from U. 8. Treasurer 1,17b. 00
Interest earned but not collected approximate
on Notes and Bills Receivable not past
due . . 7,267.27
War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps
actually owned , 4X6.96
TOTAL IJ76.889.76
Capital stock paid In 26.000.00
Surplus fund 62,000.00
Uudivlded profits 12.630.34
I. ens current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid 3,771.09 8,769.26
Interest and discount collected or credited. In
advance of maturity and not earned tup
proximate) . 117.93
Circulating notes outstanding 23,600,00
Certified ehaqka outstanding m.63
Cashier's checks ou own bank outstanding 5:16.67
Total of last two items .. 644.20
Bcniaiicl deposits ( other lli.iu hank deposits )
sulijcct lo Reserve (deposits payable with
in 30 days) :
Individual dapoalta subject to ekeek I7l,
''crllflcates of deposit due in less than 30 days
(other than for money borrowed) 92. 097. 66
Total of demand depoitss, last two items 369.760.92
rime deposit siiiijii't io rMaoroi
Certificates of deposit (other than for money
borrowed) nv.
Postal savings dapsalta e 118.10
ith r Um depeaita 47, :i? 8. 17
Tottd of time deposits subject to . irve 165.725.29
t'nitcci stales depoalu tothcr t hun postal
ativlugs) :
1ii:'im States deposits. Including deposits of
I. S clishursiug officer 4.377.16 4. "77. 16
Bill payable with Federal Reserve Bank . . 26,000.00
Letters ol credit and Travelers' Checks sold for
cash and outstanding 16,00
TOTAL 1676.889.76
I. Leon M. Brown, Cashier of the above-named bunk, do solemnly
(wear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and
LKON M- BROWN. Cashier.
Correct Attest:
HENRY DALTON. Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March, 1919.
A. W COWAN. Notary Public.
Cortes Elliott was among our busl- 8. Alberson was mixing around
ness visitors during this week. town with his friends the other day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Henderson were
In town from Narrows yesterday.
Mrs. Kred Smyth has returned
bom from Portland, where she has
been since last fail.
Wm, Dunn, one of our substantial
stockman Of the Narrows nelghbor-
hood, was In town to see the Income
lax man ilie other day.
The presidential third term has
long been a bugaboo. If we ware to
experience one, would it probably be
different from a second term?
One of the colored buttallons rein ti
ed home iu the depths of pesslsm.
'I ou captuin of the transport on which
they crossed hud forbidden the play
lug or craps during the voyage.
Lloyd Johnson and Lloyd Culp
were In town from Luwen Wednesday.
They stated the roads were very bud
but Indications were .favorable to
their Improvement at once. In fact
people who came In from Crane yes
terday said the roads were not near
ly so bad as a few duys before.
Dr. J. bailey Suurmun wan called
!o Crane last night to see Miss Shaw,
one of the teachers of Unit plaee, who
was ill. Clarence l.uckey drove the
cur for Dr. Suurmun unci I hey had ex
pelled lo return home uust night but
the roads were so bad they cllfl not
make the Journey us quickly as they
i Jieited.
The I'nlted States has been so ac
customed to using Armenian rugs and
lai'M and embroideries that It can
perhaps handle an Armunlan inun
date with ease and efficiency.
J. II. WltMtl und his son Kred
wnro in town from their home near
il.. i W.dii' day. I'red had
been working in the nhlp yards In
l'i rtliind until recently when ho re
I. trued home.
0. B. MeConnell spent a few days
recently In the Luwen district con
ferring with the people of that vicin
ity upon the proposed Irrigation dis
tricts. Later he left for Boise to be
absent somo ten days.
Joo Morris was among those In
town this week to meet with the
the Income tax man. He finds it
rather hard to get from Narrows to
this city and hack during this period
of the year when the roads are so
bad. He reports business good at
his town at this time.
SYW BQ I I I I aUtw a B I I LMaJ I
GOING DO WN ! ' ' ay the elevator boy
The Burns Department Store says prices are going down.
This store is now on a :ash basis which enables it to com
pete with any store in Eastern Oregon. See our new
goods which have just arrived and are for
.sale at peace time prices.
The first to lower prices and the last to raise prices.
LOCAL r.W ROLLS distri
bute money in u communi
ty Just as "local rains"
distribute moisture.
You can't get away from
It because R'a true.
Every time you favor local
products In your buying you
are doing your part to help
along this local distribution
of money.
lion ladurtrr Lu of Or.ion
jH -If' J. Bt SpTBmmmmu '
B salaaP
aaHal H
Carrying Stock
Mechanics in all linofi OMpentert, inunoriH,
paiiiteiH, gkaffivft, elect riciiiiH tire rIwhyh
in need of HiipplicH for their trade.
To carry these supplies in stock is impossible,
as it would call for a heavy investment.
The Hardware Man
Ayes you that outlay.
Our store is filled from cellar to roof with sup
pliers fr all mechanics and builders. Whatever
your line, if you are engaged in mechanical work
we are bidding to furnish your supplies.
I. S. GEER & CO.
"Did you evar see Zanesvtlle,
Ohio?" la on of the famous re
lilies or Mrs. Howard Chandler
Christy to questions regarding the
tiling of divorce suit by bar fa
mous American Illustrator hus
band. She praters New York. Ha
likes bis country home near the
Ohio village. For tan years the
aflalrs of the family have hovered
near a divorce court and now
sem to be up tor final settlement
as, for the second tlm. be flies
U. Tbev have a daughter. i
It the IlolHhevliita unci labor dis
turbers and other elements of unrest
would kindly take a short nap until
the rest of us could get the world In
to running order again, they would
confer a favor.
uupo lluriniidls was in from his
home In the Warm Bprlngs Biatrial
Thursday. Me came over to look
iter somo business affairs and se
cure a little gruiu to feed his weak
tuck before turning on the range.
A'liy does the sailor call his boat a
' wuKon, ' and why does the motorist
call his car a "boat?" Is It in e.-ub
case a longing ror I lie tar cut, un
iittiilned and dim? '
- I.
Notice- Is hereby given that there
are sufficient funds on hand to pay
off all Ceneral Fund warrants Issued
unci registered up to and Including
January 17, 1919. Interest cases
on March 21. 1919.
County Treasurer.
O'Connor & Carter
For fresh fruits and
Famous Delicious Apples
Special prices on ton lots.
We can a so supply jon with
Fresh Meats
Coal and Wtiod
Grain and Baled Hay
Phone G4F
lurnv Hotel :. titrating
Best for the West
Established 1886
Hate m
ate-. immw
fmH Delicious Sweet
Corn "Golden Bantam"
Exceptionally early and
in flavor and tenderness
not equalled by any
other variety. The ears
are short and compact
and the kernels plump
and creamy. This and
a thousand other veg
etables best for the West,
may be selected from
Jtlgg catalog and found
at your dealers.
Write Jjjttg Seattle or Portland for Catalog, Free.
Clothes Oft Proclaim
You run always tell ly the fit and the
cut of his clothes if he cares for his
personal1 appearance.
The only way to guarantee these re
quirements is to weiir tailored clothes.
Men who wear OU1 clothes linvc satisk.u tion,
because we make the satisfactory kind.
Let ns measure you for that suit now!
Clothing Company
Can You Figure ?
If you cire to stop in and investigate, we
will show you how we can save you from
5 to 10 per cent on every article in our
complete and extensive line of
Fancy Groceries
ln Rtill maintaining our well known reliable qualities guar-
ii iteed to be the best we can possibly procure for you.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager