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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1919)
taking (ro of animals that have a Nampa, Idaho, and to carry betw .-. ...i m mni Admit Mr. three and four thousand hogs at The Times-Herald Trine', nlan has merit. plant. Horses could be secured r . Manager ii - .tui u wu the In- thla territory and also Nevada whd inn genurniun ivi - - . - ..I....,, t Itinu n A 1d fllMtlllfllt JULIAN BYRD 1 tontion to put in sucn a piaiu utW ... ; - K - SATURDAY. MARCH IB. ISIS SUBSCRIPTION RATES JV. BROWN & SONS Taar JHHeaaaaaaaareaV. 0 && ' HWhgaw jr I ' Hr a &r'r " .Bat m IMk '-' .BaVaVMaaW. M ' H i, Kel at We- . t.00 . 1.00 . .7$ tU-fl-i Hnt Mwith. Catered at the Post Office at Burns, Oregon, as Second Class Matter. S-KTTKR FROM MARTIN SAYS POISON PKSTS The Times-Herald manager Is la receipt of a letter from John H. Mar tin, formerly superintendent of the Kxperlment Station, who is now con nected with the U. S. Department of .Agriculture. The young man has In vestigated the methods o fthe gov- . 3TB4hent In the eradication of rodent j pesta and writes that the poisoning method is approved and found ef fee tire. The letter is herewith pre faced : Jar. Julian Byrd, Burns, Ore. Daar Mr. Byrd: 1 bave had a lengthy conference proved very satisfactory in destroy ing rabbits where properly carried regarding the rodent situation, with out and at not more than one-fifth of fir. Hell of the U. S. Biological Sur vey. He informs me that his depart ment has recently placed a man in charge of their work In Oregon, Tic, Mr. I. N. Gabrielson. Mr. Oabrlelsou 3a located at Corvallis and is coop crating with the Agricultural Col lege there. He Is in a position to give advice regarding the destruction of .rabbits, ground squirrels, gophers, etc., and also to cooperate with the counties in the eradication of these pasts, Poisoning on a large scale has gea- ". y -.;. -jB MLl'. "-.' Ifcj Tic' f ijS? EHHbP R efleeV eHuftT VeeW fief wJIftft tBaeMarf ' T'..!"'-1" H LaflBEjflHfl LeLeLeflaSW 'HLB litl I IB & mW JUmmWM sefsefsefsHe W ' MB j.i;;rA" Br . tf jg, Br ' 'ift HmeH ' Wal II II at fiaH KaeelllBiellll - V '' "" J' - S LHLeHHHBR l r ' "' bbTbTbT BTaT.aTeTTTTBTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHfB Aw'' ' ':'!-' ' "tW-: TZsrSti- I H,eV eV "' 'A- (l iiiiiiiii'Lipi'ii mwm iiiMiii i CF5SUE RAYA;rVA i'rrrQ T5ravaL VayJ W hi ag -' Titrttim " Comln soon at the Liberty Theatrs. fjejsjsBBBBS8BBBBSBBBBBBSBBBi WORTH UN CAYITSKS MAY MARK GOOD HOG FEED. Brown's Satisfactory Store QUALITY MERCHANDISE Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Bon Ton Corsets Burn. : : i Oregoji We carry good advertise! on the "H ome Products I'ligf" the cost of tli- bounty method. It also has the advantage of being more Ing the communities and explaining the methods of poisoning. I am enclosing directions for poi soning rabbits. Further assistance can be obtained from Mr. Oabrlelsou thorough than killing for a bounty at Corvallis. because fewer rabbits are left for re stocking the area. Poisoning should preferably be done when the snow Is on the ground and should be conduct d over a wide area. This will neces sitate volunteer services of the people In the county such as was done in the grasshopper poisoning, or olse a force of men paid by the county. The gov ernment specialist assists in organlz- Wlth kindest regards. I am. Very truly yours JOHN H. MARTIN. o FORTY lllvVO OF PI'HK IIRKD in nil oki mux MIR SAM-;. ri.-.n Special Plant at Nampa to Uti lise Carload Dally for Kt tenning Purposes. GREAT! No. 020S. Report of condition of the FIRST NATIONAL DANK, OF IMRNH in the State of Oregon, at the close of baatneet on March 4, 1919. RESOURCES 3oaiis and discounts, iniltiding rodhti ounta viltn t notes and bills redtacounted J. S. I.oikI. (other than Liberty Bondll ) V. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation .. . i. S. bonds and certificate-! of indebtedness . pledged to secure U. S. deposit TU. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure postal savings deposits liberty Ijouii RoikI-: Liberty Loan Bonds, 3V4, 4, anil 4 V per cent, unpledged liberty Loan bonds, 34, 4. and 4 . per cent, pledged to secure U. S. deposits jiberty Loan Bonds. 3, 4, and l ' , per cent, .-pledged to secure State or other deposits or bills payable Wonds, securities, etc. (othr than II. S. ) Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to se cure postal savings deposits Securities other than V. S. bonds (not includ ing stocks) owned unpledged Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S. Stork of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) .Value of banking house, owned and unin cumbered Furniture and fixtures lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank lash in vault and net amounts due from na tional banks Met amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies other than above Checks on other b'-inks in the same city or .town as reporting bank Total of last three itenih -. l.i-'i. on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items : . i 1 i o i 1 1 1 1 fund with (I. S. Treasurer and due from I.'. S. Treasurer . interest earned but not CoUeotea approximate on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due Other assets, if any 1574,388.14 19y,211.07 50.000.00 22,000.00 1.000.00 10.600.00 1,000.00 25,000.00 1,000.00 26.796.42 4,800.00 1375,127.07 73,000.00 36,600.00 27,796.42 3.000.00 Six registered, balance bred and raised out of Bell A herd. Ages two and one year old. This herd is too w-li known for Its superior quality and careful breeding to need further comment. They are ready for In spection and prices, and can be seen: at Bell A ranch. Those willing to pun base are solicited to make selec tions early as first come will be first served. William Hanley Co. l15m e: RFWARD The following animals have stray ed from my place: One two-yeur old and one three yeur old heifers brand ed with XS bar; one Roan Durham bull with the Brad Moss brand; T i O I. Other cattle branded with 11 , marked overblt In each ear, may also be found away from my range In Sunset and In such rase I shall pay a reward for Information leading to their recovery. C. V. Reed. Narrows, Oregon. o 65,434.71 4,800.00 : aiMiiiiHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiy 4i2ttrt no 5 8.112. 15 f - f ...elL-. -X Lovers As Well 1 As Locksmiths I 57.345.36 2,916.33 B, 17.1.02 126.71 i, 500. 00 ' S 8,558.55 2,087.84 TOTAL paid in LIABILITIES ... 3,084.58 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits 50.880.00 Mashh current expenses. Interest, and taxes paid 5,041.68 Interest und discount collected or credited, In p ! maturity and not earned (ap proximate J Oircuiatmg notes outstanding "Net amounts due to National banks Certified checks outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding.... i..iai u. luree items Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve (deposits payable with in 30 davs) : Individual deposits subject to check ... CertificatM Ol deposit cue in lets than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) Dividends unpaid Other demand deposits Total of demand deposits, In l lour item; 290,1)91.09 'lime deposits subject to HeeervBi Certificate! deposit (other than for money borrowed ) J'ostai savings deposits Total time deposits subject to Recurve I, nlted St-itcs Depesits: OtbSr United Slates deposits, Including depos its of U. 8. disbursing officers Dills payable with Federal Reserve Hank Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold for cash and outstanding 1631,343.46! 0,000.00 s 50,000.00 ' 45,838.32 3,478.01 50,000.00 6.17 i S r. ka 3,072.91 Cupid runs across this pair of nice young people. She hates him and he cares nothing for her. So the little god, laughs At the two mortals. Then he twangs his bow and pierces both hearts with the same sharp arrow. The River Br 106,799.14 5,777.31 2.-.5.878.01 I 34, 378. 28 300.00 434.20 106,743.27 05.87 5,777.31 I 25,000.00 375.00 $631,343.45 199,211.07 TOTAL Inabilities for rediscounts, Including those with Federal Reserve Bunk STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF HARNEY, as: I, E. H. Conser, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. II. CONSER, Cashier. Correct Attest PREBTI.EY SMYTH R. T. 11IIGIIET A, C, WELCOME, Directors. I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of March, 1919. HELEN SAYER, Notary Public. My commission expires June 30, 1922. a Ednah Aiken i mm is not only a love tale that rip3 but also the story of the bigstruR(.;l to save the Imptiial Valley from the raging ( )ol Sorado when it Broke through its bank:; and threatened the lives and homes of thousands of settlers. He saved them. She sail) him do it and loved htm for it. Our New Serial f Read It! You Will Enjoy It! TiiMimimimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'r The Times-Herald la not ready to admit that horses are only fit for hog feed yet. We have some good slock on the range and also on our farms, but Smith Crane has a scheme that would rid the range of a lot of cay uses and put them to good use. During the war Mr. Crane paid a good many dollars to Harney county horse growers and they realized very good prices. Mr. Crane says that the borseuiurket Is on the "bum," so It bus been necessary to create an other way to relieve the situation. The scheme under consideration by Mr. Crime Is to make hog feed of thess cuyuses that roam the range ,-ui. I destroy forage that should be saved tor utilmuls that are really of olio- rains to the country. He and an associate have under contempla tion Hie erection of a big plant with u capacity or large consumption to fatten hogs and the plan includes an enormous cooking plant In which it Is proposed to use one i-nr,lo.-id of horses per day toward feeding them. It will be recalled there was u pro portion advanced In these columns recently to bring the matter to the attention of he government with the suggestion that the wild horses of the I range be shipped to a foreign country j for use as human food. They are I eaten In some of the European couu- j tries. One stockman wrote the De- partmcut along this line and also ask-! i-d that it be brought to the attention' of Food Administrator Hoover, hut these sources did not offer much en courugement along that line. Now Mr. Crane comes forward with a feas ible plan to relieve the range of these worthless animals and It Is a scheme that should have the attention of the Ktockmen of the country. We have been OOBPISitniBI of the was'e of good -r,i s through these roaming hands of horses and are planning to rid the country of rabbits and rodent pests. Why tot elve this scheme a though) for the same reason. The Writer rasliSSS there Is a senti ment that such u scheme will have to overcome We all feel that the DObhl hor ." Is entitled to more considera tion that he should not be feu to hogs but when we stop to think of economic conditions, the actual waste on the range und whut can be dune in DDCAH FROM OUR NEW dKH.AU bakery and itr OTHER QUALITY PRODUCTS have been to well received that present facilities are too small to fill the demand. In the near future, we hope to add con siderably to our equipment with new machinery and by building a modern oven. Menntrme, we wish to express appreciation for the reception accorded our goods, and to asuutc our natrons that the present high quality will be maintained. Fresh Fishy Vegetables and Fruit Page 's Sweet Shop Why the Essex Motor Car will be the sensation for the coming season Every part and every detail of the Essex con struction is of proved worth. It was designed and built by some of the foremost engineers of America, the same men whose genius produced the Super-Six. Many points of superiority in the Super-six which have proved themselves in y :ar of service, have been incorporated into the Essex. The engine, only twenty-nine i tchrj lo n cast in one block with detachable hjad, readiiy develops more than fifty horse power. Long life is assured by the ample pro. portions of the counterbalanced crank shaft, supported by three large; bearings. Eastern Oregon Auto Co. Vale, H. E. YOUNG, Prop. t:::::::x::::::nj:::::::::::u:ti:::;. :;;::;;i. u:n::::.;::i;:;.:i:::::::::j:::mm:mnnint : Don't Forget The New Dry Goods Store MRS. E. F, SCHWARTZ, Proprietor A new, full line of Dry Goods Notions Fancy Goods Women's and Children's Furnishing Goods - i I, i Sole Agent for Warner Corsets and Standard Fashions PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ASSURED Masoiiic Building Burns, Oregon nmmummmnnmtsmmmumisumsmumtKumutm