The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 15, 1919, Image 3

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J 'gg!' '" 1 M
Stay These Executions
By David II in sua w
You average American citizen in your average
American community imagine if you can, the
possibility of a report similar to the following
bring made of your community at any time and
under any conditions.
"Though much saddened, our workers are cut
ting off whom they must, and continuing with
those selected, principally children. All are mak
ing winter plans and asking, pleading, for funds
now to buy what will cost many times more later
on. Can you not cable us that the promised ap
propriations are certain until the end of June
1919. Such action would double the value of the
gift. We must not let go now."
The Committee fcr Relief in the Near East
is doing its utmost to sustain these peoples. Pov
erty stricken, plague infested, war terrorized
Near East, the cradle of the white man's civiliza
tion, is perishing. It is perishing because of the
faith that is in it. Only the help of an aroused
American generosity can prevent this.
It is hard at a distance of thousands of miles
inr Average American Citizens to grasp the need.
Tolerant, Helpful, Kindly, Generous America
would never permit relief workers tp sign death
warrants for thousands of persons, did it but
realize the situation. That is exactly what hap
pens when the workers in the Near East are
forced from lack of funds to "cut off whom they
must." More than 4.000,000 people are destitute,
of this number 41 0000 are orphans, orphans be
cause, they were innocently caught in the net of
the great war.
These starving peoples' live in the "fester" spot
of Europe and Asia. America entered the war
that autocracy might be crushed from the earth.
We are forever bound to Europe because the
' of our sons is mingled with BurO
soil. We must carry on in their names, wc
must cany on or their supreme sacrifice will have
p vain.
': can all f)t helped by
I. hut tl dyi 1 hri I
1 1
.. rnal
i""'l pra
erhood of Man at taui
rooo years ago. Th ople of Hil land
bv the faith Tie pave them ask for bread. What
shall. America give them?
Hi""' Taking Tunlac Alinand Says
lie li'i-ls ui Well as ll
RW Did
"11 ui bad teen ne baton 1 began
lac ymi would hardly be-1
0 li I 1 !" name I" 1 nil. " !
1 Mini. ihi, n well known
""i' bant of 87 :: Peters street, At-
jaflta, Qa,
"For more thaii a year," he con
tinned, "I suffered terribly with
Htomaeb trouble, Alter eating any
thing I would have gas on my
Hidinu'h it nil would constantly belch
lip my sour, in. food. I mim tar
rii with iifiin iiurii eonetantly sad wsi
iiinly nervou , my liver wu
(tub ami 1 wan li ) iou.i, tun, I ii h .in
Killd ami lli'i'il out mil I ui Ihcliuic
ami often felt BO -t I that I COttld
hardly attend to my bualaeea an per
"I hsstd ho maiiy people praialng
Teniae Hiut J began taking It. too,
1.' 1 of Calms allowed by County Court at March 1010 Term.
R. L. Haas 2.60 Btampa for Highway correspondence.
Harney County Tribune 11,46 Printing tor Clerk h office.
Harney County Tribune 14.80 l'rlntlng for County.
Chester lialton 36. 6ft Btampa for Clerk 'a office,
Mra. It. 1,. Haines 16.00 Use of operating room for aurglcal
Hums Land Office 2.20 Mat of certificate for Assoasor.
ule i.iuid ottiec so Diet oCcortlfieatee for Aaeeaeor.
Oils Hani well 2.00 Stamp for Aaaeaaor'a office.
Reed Iirothera 6.02 Buppllea for Harney County.
W. A. Goodman 66.00 Traveling oxpenaea to Portland.
John 1'. MeOuire 80.00 Repairing Sherlff'a car.
liUiiaburg Dalton A Co 2.66 Buppllea for Court House.
(HaHH A I'riulhomniH Co 79.66 Buppllea for Superintendent's office.
suite l'rlntlng Department... 43.26 Printing and Binding for Dlatrlct Attorney.
Hume Oarage 80.90 Buppllea for Sherlff'a office.
1 Herman Mart
r. B. Bwope
M. A. lllgga m
11. A. DIckeiiNon
6.80 Sawing wood at Court Houae.
6.00 Stenographic work for District Attor
ney. 2.60 Btampa for PtstftSt Attorney.
6.00 Destroying Coyote feet for Clerk's office.
6.00 Repayment of Justice Court costs.
IVtcr I'lant, 4r. Tolls Vivid Mot? of
Neu Warfare on mine liilrig
Reed Repayment of Justice Court coata.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coata.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlcu Court cost.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coata.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coata
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coal.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coata.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coata.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coata.
6.00 Repayment of Juatlce Court coata.
1.36 Buppllea and repalra for Treaaurer'a
office. ,ida
1.06 Repalra for Sherlff'a office.
Hums Hardware Co 26.00 Buppllea for Treaaurer'a office.
Irwin Hudson Co 2.86 Huppllea for Sherlff'a office.
Albert A 11 mih 6.00 Wttneaa at Circuit Court.
W. O. Douglaaa 76.00 Mahogany wood for Court House.
J. O. Cady v 6.00 Serving on November election board.
J. C. Realty 168.00 Salary or Deputy Water Maaler.
Int. Ml. Tel. A Tel. Co.. 8.91' Rental and Tolla for Aaaeaaor'a office.
tat Mt. Tel. it Tel. Co 1.06 Tolla for County Judge.
The following Im clipped from a re
cent laaun of a Roaeburg paper. It
refer to a former Harney County boy
aa bo lu a nephew of Mra. Peter C.
Clemen of this city. Hi rather,
Peter Ulara, resided hero In the early
Peter Ulam, Jr., of Riddle, arrived
in tbla city today to purchase a suit
of " c.l vie with the Intention of lay
ing away the uit of blue and a gold
chevron one the United Statea navy
uniform and the other a bit of gold
braid emblematic of aervice abroad.
The young aailor lad waa recently
honorably discharged, after almot a
year with the color laying mtnea In
the North Sea. a moat hazardoua oc
cupation, anrpaHHing in fact the rian
gera or the mucky rront line trendies.
Mr. Clam wan a member of a crew
Helen Sayer y
Catiline Horner
KUen Oeer
Milton lirown
Nathan Rrown
Frank Smith
Taylor Huaton
John Martin
Kthel Hanaon
C. A. Rrittlngham
Kilhara Stationery Co..
Int. Mt. Tel. & Tel. Co.
Int. Mt. Tel. & Tel. Co.
Int. Mt. Tol. & Tel. Co..
12.34 Tolla tor County Commlaioner.
7.96 Rental and Tolla for Superintendenta
6.00 Rental and Tolla for Treaaurer'a of
fice. 10.80 Rental and Tolla for Clerk'a office.
30.03 Rental and Tolla for Sherlfr'a office.
Int. Mt. Tel. A Tel. Co
Int. Mt. Tel. Tel. Co.
int. Mt. Tel. A Tel. Co 13.96 Rental and Telia for Dlatrlct Attorney
Klectrle Light A Power Co.... 9.98 Light for Influenaa hoapllal.
Electric Light A Power Co 19.62 Light for Court Houae
.97 i-ixterea for Treaaurer'a office.
11.00 Plxturea for County Court room.
3.70 Jbatlco foea Hyram Meachan.
3.20 Juntlce fee Howard M. Thomas tt al.
3.20 Juatlce feea Tobe Skein caae.
The Times Herald 408.66 Printing and auppllea and Irrigation
The limes-Herald 6.20 Printing and auppllea for Assessor'
Klectrle Light A Power Co.
Electric Light A Power Co.
J. J. Patteraon
J. J. Patteraon
J. J. Patteraon
C. B. MConnell
16.00 Correcting delinquent tax Hat.
Aaal Walkup 32.00 Aaalating In Sheriffs office.
Florabel Smith 64.00 Aaaiatlng In Sheriff office.
Heeter Goodman Aaaiatlng In Sherlff'a office.
A. W. Oowan 66.00 Premium on Sherirf a bond.
Lunaburg Dalton A Co 2.60 Buppllea for Sheriff.
Ulaae A Prudhomme Co 80.00 Buppllea for Clerk a office.
Kllham Stationery Co 1.06 Buppllea for Treaaurer'a office.
Roy C. Moullen 36.66 Labor and supplies on Sherlff'a car.
Hums Cash Store. 2.76 Buppllea for Court Houae.
Harney County Tribune 400.38 Printing Delinquent tax notlcea.
Chaa. A. King 280.00 Care ot County poor.
W. A L. E. Uurley 49.00 Repair on County Surveyor' instru
ment. Harney County Tribune Z&.26 Printing tor Superintendence office.
Harney County Tribune .46 Printing for Aaaeaaor.
Harney County Abtract Co, 04.26 Fixing descriptions for Highway
U. F. Smith 26.00 Traveling expenses of Health of flier.
W. A L. E. Uurley lti.20 Surveyor's Instruments.
Ryder Iirothera
V. II. Ilatbrlck
The Prang Co.
O. T. Storli
Willi Mualc Co
Mr. H. K. Pennington
Klectrle Light A Power Co.
Mr. . Ih ity Dickenson
Hum Cash Store
V. K. (J ray
Bart i'. itler
Mrs. A. Dunn
iiiiiiiche DrlBkwatar
Iff . Nan
Mra. i). Hotcnl
Qolden i). Br
6.28 Supplies for Court. Houae.
22.00 Labor on Road Machinery.
7.86 Supplies for High School.
2.16 Stamp for High School.
6.07 Music tor High School.
40.00 Nursing County Influenza patients.
ii .. I (Continued) Lights at Nurses h.use.
3,00 Naraiug County Influenza pat. cuts.
14.14 Supplies for County Influenza Iioh-
14.00 11to hire for Influenza nurse.
21,66 Wood delivered to Influenza hospital.
It.M Laundry for Influenza hospital.
4ti.f.O Noralng at Influenza hospital.
Hi. ui' D County Influenza patients.
11.66 ui; County Influenza patient.
100.00 out hou 1 aad supi tie tor hoi
! ' .'
tot Inflaetua qusraaMne,
ia paiieuta.
: Influent al,
46.06 Inflt
ii Autdvhli a tor Inl lueni t qui aatlne.
n r In' luiii.a ho pltal,
60,90 .'f ing al Dree ey (nflgenaa boaptt-
ln.70 Nursing nl Influenza hospital.
1 1 00 luppHea for Dretraey influenza ho
pitui. 40O0 SealltlDg ut Influenza hospital.
7.15 luppllea tor influenza hospital
70.00 Nuraiug Coaaty influenza pmlents,
1, Cnoeter Dalton, Ceanty Olark la and tor Harney county Oregon,,
horeay certify tint the foregoing Is a irile ami correct II: t of claims al-
I ami continued hy the County court at tin March, ft 10, Torn.
iiati .I Maren 1 1, 1010.
County Clerk.
of 430 assigned to the good nhlp
Canonlrua. Thl crew, according to
the veteran of many aea exploits,
hold the world's record for mine lay
ing, having planted 9872 explosive
trapa In the North Sea from May un
til December, 1918. "We planted
three string of mine across tbo In
fested waters of the North Sea," aaid
the Douglas county boy remlnacently
"and in aorae placea five. When we
left port to commence the operation
both the Engllah and French aeainen
bid ua a laat farewell and remarked
that we couldn't do the job. They
were quite positive, because they had
railed in a previous atempt. Never
thele, we simply dotted the water
with mine, the varloua crewa laying
In all 72,000 of them."
When asked about the Hun under
sea craft, the lad remarked that he
had eeen only one German aubmarine
himself at aea, and that came near
being hla Waterloo. The Herman ub
commander apotted their whip and let
looae with a torpedo that croaaed
their bow In cloae proximity. "Thl
Instance," aaid the boy, "waa the on
ly time we were fired upon by a aub
marine. but our greateat danger waa
from our own charges, and upon aev
eral occaaion we were aeverely Jarred
by premature of depth bomb and
Mr. Ulam waa rewarded, in a way.
for the months of hardahlpa in the
North Sea waters, when he witness
ed the humiliation ot humiliations,
the surrender of the great Herman
fleet. "The entire fleet," aaid the
lad, "with the exception of the sub
meralble raft or the Hun, were tak
en to the Orkney Islands, north ot
Scotland, and the auba were anchored
in the Hardwlck and Weymouth har
bor In England, where thousand or
people came to aee them. The tak
ing over or the German fleet waa the
grandest sight I ever saw." Thla
wholesale naval surrender waa never
equalled in the known history of the
Mr. Clam la a aon of Peter Clam,
Br., a well known fruit grower resid
ing near Riddle, and Wendell Wright,
Southern Pacific ticket agent here,
I the sailor lad' brother-in-law.
Mr. Clam will return to bis home
this evening and take up the quiet
life of funning and will be ready
should t ncle Sam again sound the
call "to color,"
axLt mmW
MKmfi 1 H mmBm
exffSH n ' SsCvsaK. jfl .k
aaaxBe '' -ifr. ' f
A true artlat with art more con
structive than any other employed
in the great war, ie the descrip
tion which beat flta the American
woman, Mra. Maynard Ladd, who
haa Juat returned to her home In
Itoston. Mra. Ladd'a art ie "Hu
mane." Her work, aa outlined and
practiced ovtr there, waa the "re
making of eoldlere' mutilated
facea." The maaka were made of
electrically deposit copper and
tinted to a real flesh coloring.
The national war garden commis
sion report that 1626,000,000 worth
of food waa produced on back yard
lot last year.
Thl means a reduction in the cost
of food which the families cultivating
these garden would otherwise have
purchased. Not only that, but the
vegetable raised In tbece garden
came to the table fresher and of bet
ter quality than vegetable purchased
at a market or store could possibly
have done.
Many people who made gardens
laat year becaune the government
requested it found pleasure enough
In the garden work and profit enough
in the results to encourage them in
keeping up the garden habit.
We welcome the Back-yard Garden
aa a permanent national institution
People cannot aHord boxea Of
choeoluti at the preaent price, but
they do anyhow.
Patients receive the best of care
at the Fireovtd Maternity Hospital
Mopped Cough After Influenzal.
, .1
I 1
The Welcome . ha
:ie lleyeri
I 4H F
"Foley's Honey and Tar is the best
rough medicine I ever tried," write
E. B. Mc Dowel. R. F. D. 1, Box 119.
Arlington, Tenn. "My aon had In
fluenza. He bad the worat kind ot a
cough. I tried everything, but
nothing did any good. God Bent me
a friend with Foley 'a Honey and Tar,
and in two day hi cough was gone.'
Sold by Reed Brothers. I
Sumpter Valley Railway Cd.
Arrival aad Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie
Arrivea Baker
1:15 A.M.
2:35 P. M.
4:15 P. M
No. !, Eaker 8:3 A. M.
Sumpt er 1:C5 A. M.
Arrivea Prairie 2:1 P. M.
Mrs.. Nora McDonald
Porter Blti Oo.
(li. 11. RJfffi
';il" 'I lulling Co.
I 'Ireoved 1 lo .pltal
America still has a war board
-and that war board Is still very
active. Vance McCormlck, for
mer National Democratic chair
man, waa at the head of the board,
but hia trip to France with the
American peace miaaion resulted
In the appointment of tbla man,
Clarence M. Woolley, former
president of the American Radi
ator Company, to the place.
Cut this out II Is nroVtfl money.
ui 1 ' ' ie I had tit I ,,i my
nd bottli 1 ligd (aini'd iile iteen
1 1, 1 in 1 er mii far neu w itii
1 .: ... 1 .,1, 1 ..
I ' ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i 1 1 t- ' 1 1 r , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 '
ia like 1 .I 1. i- 1 e, 1 a p Rroi
1 tip in lie norning feel- oo.
'. IHi.VT MIS.; THIS. t'ul 0111 this
, , "':'- ne'we wiih .r,c lo Pols? .v Co.,
and ready for hard day " nhefnoiii Ave., t hicago, ill.,
. Writing .line iiml aiidiess
'('.v. 1 on win lei aive 111 return a
Honey and Tar Compound, for odds.
and in crsai by v Trading .n llll( Ko,,v cstbsrtlc TsbJetg,
I :dv. .Sold by Reed Brother.
No. 1 Makes '.'(i"il i
with O.-W. K. & N. Co. x'". 4
1 1'. . Mail) feavin
P, M
M. which picka xp
: 1 r, arrivim 1 Portland 7:00
A. M. lso with N. 18 ut
11 ; 1'. M. for points East.
$1500 Reward!
1 im 1 'i. 1
ItinulnHii'l " 1
'. Ivi tits . 1 " 1
I 1. .11 viiriiil li.ll el
a 1,11 h id, in .1. r
ivncfl li
l. Km '
n nl (.r i vi-
! Ill r iih.1
virtlou ct ..1 1 1
iy 1 t purtira
is. . I'Hlllt
or imiltfc In 1
III Uliv el Ilk 1. 1 ,.i
li. I I
111 ii.miiiiiii to ii.c afcuve, il
. 11. is Hi,, wm .
I. lid ..((. I bull . .'II h. Ill nr .... 1:, , n,
1. 1 111 iiniisi lii eiuiii rn ie 1 .
lis V, I.Mlo I 'ii.ek Willi' tl k. I! IM(
M-iiic'i u lu'P aeld,
Maaa agi ki"'i botaaa Kimi md .
Ir;e l.inn lii'k.
W. W. BBOWM file iiiD.