The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 15, 1919, Image 1

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Tlie Tlmes-HcrnM In en Ha
established friend of Hie spople
rf I lain. County v hero II Iimh.
been a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It' Job department to
equipped to serve your needs.
Tin Times-Herald goes re
gnlarij to more home In liar
, County than any other
mmiiipft If you wish to
reach the people use these col
ii mn for your advertisement.
NO. 20
...-,... . mm. .a-- ! ... . i ! -I .- I. ..I -. """'Il"ll '.'.'."" '"""""""""''' ' '"
Short Term Notes Maturing
Be Issued Instead of Long Term Bonds; Secretary
Glass Calls on American People To Aid.
Secretary Farre called a meeting
of tin' l-.xeoutive uoaru or me L,iueny
1ian Coinmlttoe of this county yes
tnnlav afternoon In Response to a
telegram from state headquarters
urging the selection of a chairman
(or the coming Victory Loan Drive
wlili h starts on April 21st.
It was unanimous among those
present that James J. Donegan again
head the campaign in this county as
be had been succeasful In the former
driven and had his organisation in
inch shape as to he the best working
Mr. Donegan was not present at
this meeting, being absent in South
ern Oregon, but he has been notified
ami tils nomination has gone to
itate headquarters at Portland.
I A conference of county chairman
Is to be held In Portland the latter
part of this month and It la likely
Mr. Donegan will remain down until
titer this conference.
The following in regard to the
coming drive la taken from an Assoc
iated I'reBs dispatch published In a
recent Issue of the Bolae Statesman:
The Victory Liberty Loan Cam
paign will open Monday, April 21,
and close three weeka later Satur
day. May 10.
Secretary Olaaa announced the
dates, together with the fact that the
short term notes maturing In not over
five years would be Issued, Instead
of longer term bonds. The amount
of notes to be offered waa not dis
closed, but It haa been generally un
derstood that the loan would be for
i minimum of $6,000,000,000 with
the treasury reserving the right to
accept all over subscriptions.
Mr. Olasa aald the Interest rate on
the notes and the amounts to be ex
empted from taxation would not be
determined until a week or two be
fore the campaign, as they would be
based upon financial conditions at
that time. It waa Intimated, how
ever, that the notes might bear In
terest In excesa of 4 M per cent, the
intereHt rate on the third and fourth
Short Term Notes Beat.
"After studying financial condi
tions in all parts of the country,"
aid Mr. Glass, "I have determined
that the Interests of the United States
will best be served at this time by the
ieuance of short term notes rather
than of longer term bonds which
would have to bear the limited rate
of interest of 4 M per cent.
The Victory Liberty Loan will,
therefore, take the form of notea of
the tinted states maturing in not
over five yeara from their Itaue.
These notes will be, aa were the
Liberty Loan bonds, the direct prora
ta to pay of the United States, will
be issued both In reglatered and cou-
pon form, and the coupon notea will
be in final form and will have at
tached the jntereat coupona covering
the entire life of the notes. I am
hopeful that the notea in final en
raved form will be ready for deliv
ery by the opening of the campaign
April 21.
Hopes to Keep Bonds at Par
"I am led to adopt the plan of la
Xing short-term notea rather than
oiu-t.M-m bonda largely because of
m fact that I believe that a short
en tasue will maintain a price at
Ibout par after the campaign ia con-
laded far more readily than would
1 longer-term lasue.
"I have not yet reached a conclu
sion as to the rate of Interest and ex
poptlons from taxation which theae
ol- will bear becauae this decision
uat be based on conditions existing
11 On- Dinning of the campaign.
'1 take this opportunity to re
Cat hut I have already stated,
'hat it In the intention of the
treasury depart inent to carry on
the sans kind of Intensive cum-I'-'i-.n
for distribution us hereto
fl'ii'. it would be u most unfor
lunate occurrence If the people
"' the lulled HtutCM railed to
ae theae notes, thus placing
" Inn den of HultscrlptioiiH on
"" li ink. The liuslnchs of tin-
count rj looks to tin- hawlfltig
fjff credit tvlierctvltli to
'"'M on its operations, and If
in Not Over Five Years To
this credit In absorbed to a largo
extent by the purchase of gov
ernment securities there will be
many llmltationa placed upon
the supply of credit for business
"Our merchants and manufactur
ers need ample credit for setting the
wheels of Industry In motion for
peace time production and distribu
tion and the wage earner ia directly
Interested in seeing that theae wheels
are kept moving at a normal rate in
order that full employment at good
wages may continue, and where re
adjustment conditions have necessi
tated a slowing down of Industry, it
is vitally important that activity In
resumed nnd labor re-employed ai
the earliest possible moment.
"I, therefore, ask the American
people once again to give their sup
port to their government in order
that this great loan may be made an
overwhelming success by the widest
possible distribution."
A wedding of Interest to the young
people of this community took place
at the home of the bride's parenta,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. L. Buchanan, laat
Wedneaday. March 13, when their
daughter, Lllab Leola became the
bride of Chas. Arthur Wetterstrom.
Rev. B. 8. Hughes, paator of the
First Presbyterian church of this
city, performed the ceremony.
The bride is a charming young
lady who belongs to one of the pion
eer fn ml lies of this county. The
Buchanans have realded in this aec
tion sime the early '80s and are
among the moat respected cltiaena.
The young lady waa at one time a
student of the Harney county high
school and Is quite well known among
the younger aet. Mr. Wetterstrom
waa one of Harney county's boys to
respond to the call of his Uncle Sam
to arms, and for a time waa stationed
at an army camp, but waa not for-
tunate enough to get acrosa and take !
part in the actual activities at the
front. The Times-Herald wishes te
join the many frlenda in extending
Its best wishes to these young peo-
pie. They will make their home In
the eaatern part of the Valley, we un-'
derstand. where Mr. Wetterstrom has
land intereats. !
School Supt. Clark Informs The
Times-Herald that ahe haa a aupply
of Thrift Club Books on hand for the
school children of this county who
are taking an active Intereat and part
In the club work outlined through
the Extension service of the etate and
nation, and they are for distribution
to thoae who will call at bar office.
Theae are for the purpose of keep-
lng a record of their credits and since
there ia no achool It will give the j
pupils more time to devote to their i
chickens, pigs, war gardens, etc. i
Call on Mra. Clark and get a book.
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Clemenceau Shooting in Pictures
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Anarchy, the moat cowardly pursuit yet known, lost again In the
attempted murder of Premier Cfemenceau of Prance. This ia the wa
It happened on a gray murky Paris morning recently the story In
pictures the first to reach America The big picture ahowa the
street where the seven abota were Ared Into the motor car In which
the Premier waa riding The aasaasln stood for hours belnd the com
fort station (A) When the car reached B) he atepped to the middle
of the sidewalk and opened lire continuing until the car had reached
Ci nring Into the hack of the auto The Inserted photos are of Cot
tin, the anarchist, the back of the car and Ike modern weapon h used.
Premier Clemenceau haa recovered
Irre District Plan Moat Favored
aa Bringlag Together larger
N amber of Owners.
The proposed Irrigation district
haa been the all absorbing topl.i of
the past weak. It la a source of re
gret to men who are Interested to
find that the matter baa not been
given consideration In Ita true light
and that selfish Interests are disposed afternoon at a meeting ol the Ex
to Interfere with the final adjuatment ecutlve Board of the Liberty Loan
0f this Important matter.
It would appear that the large die-
trlct plan la most favored and la one
that brings together a larger number
of the land ownera with less friction.
The contention that tbre Is more or
!,, waste land lit the large district
t. not well founded. No district yet
proposed or likely to be proposed but
Wi have more or less worthleaa land,
Thla is to be expected. Such lands
are to be considered and appraised at
their value and carry a Juat amount of
the burden. But this should not be
held In the way of final adjuatment
and the organisation of a district.
A plan that meete with auch unl-
veraal approval and brlnga the actual
water users and land owners together
should be favored. We need a com-
prehenalve irrigation system to de-
velop thla country and thla plan la '
the one that will bring It about much
more quickly than any other plan yet
brought forward. We should not be:
"fussing around" with suspicions and
picking quarrem mm um .-
when there is opportunity ur ..,
real development work and the ac
complishment of good tor the entire
Mberty Loaja HaecaUve Board Meet-
is Jtoveala latereetUac Flg-
area la Oread Total.
Bome Interesting flgurea were die-
played before the writer yeaterday
Committee of Harney county, cauap
for the purpose of selecting a cnair-
man for the Victory Loan Drive that
takes place next month,
Harney county haa contributed
... - a
very liberally toward war wora in
the past and haa a record that we
point to wth pride. In spite of the
fact that our crops were a failure
last season and many of our atock-
men had to ahlp their stock out to
winter, thus entailing much additlon-
al expense and taking a vaat sum of
money out of the country, Harney
county has made good In practically
every war undertaking. The grand
total up to this time la $644,650.00,
which Includee the Liberty Bonds,
Thrift Stamps, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A.
United War Work Campaign, and
Salvation Army,
This showing is exceptional eon-
slderlng our Isolation and acattered
a 4
Perk Nutter has been In town for
nurtrii j runw. asm
BMn visiting wun irmuus.
Proven Huccoe In Other Placets and
May Become Permanent Feature
If Hatisfartory.
Several of Hie merchants of Burns
have decided to make April 2 'Dollar
Day" in connection with other fea
tures In preparation of that day when
the citizens of Harney county are In
vited to this city to participate in or
ganizing a Harney County Chamber
of Commerce as a part of the big state
organization which Mr. Clark was
bore to represent the other day.
"Dollar Day" haa proven a success
in other towns and It may become a
regular thing with the merchants of
Burns if It should prove satisfactory
to all concerned.
The Idea Is for merchants, in fact
all business bouses In town that have
anything to sell, shall put forward
specials for fl.00 on that particular
day. They peed not confine themselves
to one particular article but may
group aeveral that will sell for f 1.00
and have a variety of bargains.
It does not mean that everything
will cost a dollar, but more for your
dollar on "Dollar Day."
This brings many people out shop
ping for that day, especially If the
merchant advertises the bargains in
advance, and gives him an opportuni
ty give hla customers some individual
attention during the day. The ad
vertisements of the merchants In The
Times-Herald will make advanced an-
I nouncement of their bargains for that
day. Watch these columns next week
for particulars In this lino.
Besides the formation of the pro
posed Harney County Chamber of
Commerce on April 7, other matters
of Importance will be considered. The
cdtanty court haa set that date for the
further hearing of the irrigation dis
tricts and circuit court will also be In
Another added attraction la a Vic
tory Ball planned by some of our re
turned soldiers, with special featurea
and music. The usual age limit of
18 yeara will be aet, and an enjoyable
evening la expected.
A special program will be ar
ranged at the picture house for that
flay, also.
I. M. Davis and Ed. Howard, two
of our substantial atockmen of the
Drewsey country, were over the oth
er day to meet with the Income tax
representative. They started over in
a car but had to abandon that and
gel horses, but even this mode of
travel proved a disadvantage as they
had to get off and break a trail for
them over Btenchlng water mountain.
This reminded them of the old days
before we had any stage line commu
nication over Drewaey way and It
waa necesaary to do all their travel
ing on horseback. Mr. Davis told
The Times-Herald man that they were
getting "weaned away" from Burns
since we have gotten so modern and
have our mall come In by train. The
road over Blenching water Is not in
very good condition owing to lack of
travel over lt.therefore It Is becoming
more difficult to get to and from the
country over there.
The Times-Herald regrets this con
dition, in that It has a tendency to
discourage Intercourse between the
two old time communities and thus
the personal Interest and sociability
of the plonner days are lost. But we
must accept the newer conditions and
adapt ouraelves to them. The county
court should be appealed to to keep
the roads In as good repair as possible
but with the lack of traffic over It
there la a disposition to allow It
leas attention than other more gen
erally traveled roads..
Iiorman Leonard, known to his old
friends and former school mates as
"Sandy," arrived home yesterday af
ter spending several months In active
service with a medical corps over in
France. Ho was mustered out up at
Camp Lewis the other day and hur
ried home Immediately upon learn
ing he wuh needed In tho Welcome
Pharmacy on toonat of tho preptie-
tor'a illness. Ha hasn't even tukon
tlino to call on bin irit'ints but at
our,' "(Iuk in." Dormaa saw much
Of Hint count i.v over than and The
Tim Herald honaj to have ag later
Mtlng story from him in a curront
A. G. Clark Confers with Iocal Mcai
on Organisation to Cement
Cut In- State. 1
The plan to establish an organ fzav
Hon in this section to be part ol that
big scheme for a state Chambci oC
Commerce was given attention Ira
this city last Wednesday evening; audi
Thursday afternoon when A. Q. (lark
met with citizens of this community
and outlined the plan. The organi
zation was started In Portland last
January and has met with most en
thusiastic suppport all over the state,
fhe plan Is to make It a state wiaet
affair with each community a part.
In the past local organizations of acta
community have worked Independent
ly and this bas proved a disadvantage!
as many times interests conflicted or
rather, one part of the country would
be indifferent to the wants of another
with the result that none of them ac
complished anything for tbemnelvea.
The new plan Is to cement the In
terests of the entire state so that ana
meritorious move, no matter wher
It is Instigated, will have th support
of the wbole body.
The proposition was given publici
ty through these columns from tlmn
to time and therefore Is familiar to
our citizens. Mr. Clark brought oat
the advantages of such an organiza
tion and urged the citizens of Harney
county to get In line and place them
selves In a position to profit through
the opportunities offered by co-operating
with other progressive counties
of the state. He stated that now 1st
the time to get In line for advance
ment and development. He spoke off
the nresent particular interest in tb
matter of Irrigation manifested In thha
Valley and the possibility of gorern-
rhept aid in certain big schemes of th
country. By being In a position to
ask the backing of a state wide organ
ization we stand a better show to get
what we want. Mr. Clark Illustrat
ed this by aaklng how far the people
of Burns would get with a scheme ass
compared to the 800,000 people Ia
Several of the bustneas men of thlsi
city aiet with Mr. Clark and there
were also aeveral out of town cltltensc
present who voiced their approval off
the plan. It Is not to be confined to
the mercantile or any other particular
line of bualness. Individual members
are solicited from all the Important
industries of the state. Tor instance
a stock man may join as an individual
or a stock association may take oat
membership. The Granges of the
state are asked to Join; the wool
growers and similar organlxationa.
Since It la" of so vast importance
and one In which the entire country
Is Interested, It was thought best to
Invite the citizens of the entlrw ran-
ty to Join in the matter and with thfav
in view a committee was appolntd tar
fori".:ifttt plans to be submitted at at
meting to be held in Burns on Aprlf
2nd. The committee appointed waa
a representative one of thl Intereatat
of the country and the men were se
lected with that in view. Judge li.
C Levens was made chairman of thla;
cimmlttee as a repreeeatatlve of tte
county court; C. H. Leonard, aa aa
representative of thla city; Sana
Mothershead, to represent the landl
district ; P. O. Smith to represent the
cattle and horse growers and J. W
Biggs as a representative of the sheep
It Is hoped to have the entire coun
ty organised and working as a unit.
Matters of equal benefit to the whole
country are constantly coming be
fore the people for consideration audi
by being organized and active to the
best Interests of the country much
can be doae. For instance the matter
of fighting the rabbit and other ro
dent and insect pests; the matter off
roads, Irrigation and kindred things-
A very Important public matter to
consider In this respect Is the county
fair. Crop conditions have been un
favorable In recent seasons which te
resnonslble to a certain extent for m.
lack of interest In promoting an an
nual fair, but thla is something that
I the entire county should have an In
'iri in and should be conducted
strictly aa a county institution, ia
fcr it should be conducted by the
1 county as It is in other parts of tho
! statu.
The TlmoR-Hcrald hopes the com-
nltteg will give tho subject el uct
an organization earnest OOtl It
lion and will hv pltM tormul
' f0r the oil ' WPW "1"m "ia
'occasion of coming together on the
data named.