The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 08, 1919, Image 8

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    ' f iii
W7 F You should have an
account in this Bank :
That you may have money to
attain your ambitions
-go into business for yourself
change employment if you wish
- trail) yourself for the kind of
work you like
buy, build or furnish B home
lake advantage of bargains for
increase your education
travel nrd get more pleasure
out of life
obtain social advancemnt
make profitable investments
gain prestige and influence
First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus, : $100,000.00
The Times-JIerald
Ha The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County,
Butteries repaired properly.
W. H. Flsor wan In
Crane Monday night.
town from
New reed baby buggy for sale.--Mrs.
W. A. Campbell. 3-S
Elbert George was In town this
week consulting with his physician.
Settley Cream Separator, capacity
260 lbs., used only a short time, for
sale. Inquire at this office.
Elba Turner was In from his home
at Diamond this week visiting with
his wife and new daughter.
Wanted-Positlon by man and wife
on a stock ranch, address Chas. H.
Blanchard, Waltsburg, Wash.
O. H. Smyth and his son Claude
were over from their Happy Valley
homes during the fore part of the
week, having come in on business.
If the present Irruption of Bolshev
ist marksmen continues, becoming
a prime minister in Europe will be
equivalent to taking out a burial per
mit. Fred Otley and will Cattereon
were ii from l.awen Wednesday,
being Interested in the proposed ir
rigation district and wire lien- to be
In attendance at the hearing in the
county court.
If out-of-tow n customers and oth
crs iVllrllia taxes paid uill semi lis
their tav notice or otherwise notify
tis, ue will be srd to attend to the
matter for them. lirst National
Bank of Burns,
C. H. McConnell arrived borne the
iirsi oi me ween ironi a sojourn at
Halem mid 1'orilaud, Mr. McConnell
look a lively interest in the legisla
tive session and gave Ills attention to
some measure; that he considered
of value to this (Action.
l'or Sale Ten tons cf rye hay.
quire at this office.
The prohibitionists showed their
fighting spirit in fighting spirits.
Wray's Stage was In this week
and took a load of passengers out
on Its return.
Ed Morgan has been In town for
the past few days having some dental
work done and visiting with friends.
It was probably when President
Wilson beheld the suffragists that
he first realized he was again on his
dear native shore.
John Wlntermeler, pioneer stock
man or Sllvles Valley, came down
from the ranch the other day and
took his departure via Crane for a
visit to The Dalles.
$100,000. "THE HANK THAT
More rain and snow during this
week. As a consequence roads uro
'had and mail hard to get In, but wn
"should worry," as the "kids" say.
Water Is what we are wanting.
The Hermans carried off from 1 he
manufacturing towns of Belgium ell
the engine ami boilers and modern
machinery that they could transport
1 ney are evidently very loud 11, sou
Bstra) Bed muley cow, branded
la.y bar II on left hip; marked Willi
underbll in left ear, swallow fork
and underhit in right ear, has been
at my ranch for the past three months
or more. Owner call and make
necessary proof of animal. p. (;.
Smith, Hums, Oregon.
Pnnii hed rooms. See Clevenger,
lam Timbrell was among our vis
itors front ('rune during this v.erk.
nailery nnd eleeirli al repair work,
cy acetylene welding, .lack Mo
Joe Rutherford was amour our vis
itors fron' the l.awen section during
the week.
Herb Aniiel came In yesterday lo
look after some business Interests In
this section.
Alcohol Is weakened, tobacco Is
going up In smoke, but coffee still
holds Its grounds.
Fifty tons of sugar grass hay fed
and Htock watered for $11.00 a ton.
11. H. Ausmus, l.awen, Oregon. 3-22
Our urmy In France seems to huve
had much more courage than artillery
and a much larger stock of moral
strength than of ueroplanes.
Hod Cozud ratlin In with a load of
freight from Crane Wednesday. The
trucks find It entirely too soft to
make the trip profitable.
Two good blacksmith outfits for
sale, one in Crane, the other In Burns.
Will sell complete outfits or any
part of them. W. W. Drink water.
Condensation is a virtue. Hut It
becomes also an Bbsurdity when
clothes for large women are describ
ed In an advertisement as "stylish
General Pershing's altitude toward
a possible presidential nomination Is
most praiseworthy. It is seldom that
a man is so absorbed in his own pro
per business us not to heed the lure
of a G. O. P. nomination.
If any one asks you what Is going
on, tell him that tuxes are going up,
prices are going down, the country Is
going lrv. congress Is going home,
the president Is going back, business
Is going to pay, and we're all going
to be happy.
Out of town taxpayers who desire
us to pay their taxes will please send
un the tux collector's statement of
the amount due together with in-
st mi lions ior payment or the smite.
No one can be In two places at
once. Congressman-elect Berger of
Wisconsin fully expected to spend
some time in congress. But an Im
portant engagement for twenty years
at Fort Leavenworth Is likely to pre
vent. Mrs. A. Egli and her children ar
rived home last Sunday night and
are guests of friends in this city for
a few days Mrs. Egll will again
take up her residence In this city.
Kd will return to the ranch to look
after affairs as he has done for the
past year.
Piatt T. Randall arrived home last
week from Portland to which point
hd having been called a few days pre
vious to report to the proper author
ty with the records of the local draft
board. Mr. Itaudall at once took up
his duties again in the sheriff's office
upon his return, us chief deputy.
Mr. 1. Jamoi Weston la np fron bar
hone' al 'r ine tatting rolKttv
"No beer, 110 work" hullons 111c in
evidence. How conditions change!
the old rule was "no work, no beer."
Maybe when President Wilson Is
again settled at the White Houso he
and the senate will hold a love feast
and then maybe thoy won't.
Mrs. Peter Chrlstensen and her
little daughter remained In town
after coming up last week, because
of an attack of bowel trouble which
the little one contracted.
Dr. Smith recently performed a
serious operation on Miss Kthcl
Plckleslmer. The patient Is recov
ering at the II, lines hospital and Is
considered out of danger at this
61 Miimhmm'Miii'MhAWiJ'Mm
JsTgHsBaaWL. - .J. UsaV .11 rag
(ft Smc
its Us I ft;
The Kirs) Itnptlsf Church.
March K, 1019.
Sunday school beginning at 9:45,
Preaching at 1 1 o'clock.
Subject: Can tarsal Life be Losl?
Evening worship beginning at
7:30 p. m.
Subject: How to obtain a lasting
Prayer meeting on Thursday even
ing of each week.
A special Invitation Is extended
to everybody.
CHRISTIAN science society
o'clock. Sub
next Sunday:
Wanted Men or women to lake
orders among friends and neighbors
for the genuine guaranteed hosiery,
full line of men, women and children.
Eliminates darning. We pay r.tlc an
hour spare time or 1M a week for
fllll titllC. I'! 1 I 11 li.-ii, .- Illiiii),.,i.iui,rv
Market that they may see whether j Write, International Stocking Mill
it U I,, ... ... 1. -..! 1
.. . ...,,.,, m, ,el mre or less Norrislown, Pa Adv
to fill the demand.
The Burns Flour Milling Co. Is
preparing to order a car load of
wheat seed and asks that farmers
turn their orders at the Burns Meat
, Mrs. B, Johnson's While restaur
ant was opened lusl Salurdi.y lo I he
public and aba has been widl nation
Ized. The lady has arranged for a
real room tor ladies ami their child
fen who come in from the country,
Thia Is in 1 he rear of tha reslauranl
building ami has been arranged com
fortably uilh chairs ami suitably
Judge 11. c. Leveui rel arm 'i tf
1 the firsl of this week where
he had lii-f 11 in lli). i nlavul ,.r 11..
"Ilr Of I hi I 1 Mini v. .hide..
. 1 ,
us bird
'- 1 .,,,,
' "" " ' , ,,, .., ...
'" I" "en mho
Mrs. !;. p. gohwarti wiabea to an
nounce thai the opening data her
new store will be Saturday, Man h IB,
at nine o'clock a. m. The 1 mire
lock is bare and mil: 1 ba plat ad on
the shelve i consists of Dry Goods,
Notions, Lacea, Fancy Oooda, Ladles
and children! Furnishing Good
Pattern . A beautiful Hue of Ho
It ry ami Lingerie will be carrle i.
Married Li I Saturday, Man h i ,
lloj bfcbufl 1 and Ml - Kubj W alki r,
.1 .'. Patterson
Mrs II. M. llorton led for her
borne in itcnd Wednesday morning.
She was accompanied over hy her
sister. Mrs. 'iia. King, who goes
for a short visit there. Both she
and Mrs. llorton plan a trip to port-
land ami other point 1 in Western
Oregon In tha near future,
The Times Herald takes pleasure
In calling attention to the announce
in. 'ill of the opening of Hie new ..lore
ol Mrs. Schwartz, which will be seen
In another column Of this paper. The
new store Is exclusively for ladles
and her new line will he 1, very
distinct und attractive one,
Betrays One small black Jersey
cow, branded (J on leM side and no
eur marks, dehorned, should have a
calf; one red mtlley heifer coming il
years old, branded T wrench on left
side mark with spill In left , ,n ; one
pale red heifer with while face, ((lin
ing :! years old. branded Hying dla- 1
mond on led hip, marked split in
left ear, Hhould have calf; one red
heifer coming 2 years old, both ears
cropped, branded I.V on efl hip and
flying diamond on left 1 Ida. Suita
ble reward for Information regarding
ame, A. A. Tipton, Burnt , 1 iragon
Servicer nt 11:00
Ject Of l.essoll Seilli n
The Testimonial Meeting
day nt 7:30 P. M.
The reading room In tho church
Edifice, Is open on Tuesday und Fri
day from 2 to 4 P. M.
Sundav School meets on Sunday at
10 o'clock.
1'uplls may be admitted to Its
classes up to the ago of 20 years.
The public Is cordially Invited to
the Church Sevices and to tho Head
ing Boom.
Sabbath school 10 A. M.
Preaching, 11 A. M.
Young Peoples' Meeting 7 P. M.
Preaching 8 P. M.
Wednesday evening prayer meeting
Bible study class Friday evening.
You aro welcome.
Don't be a slacker. Come out to
church. Who would want lo live In
a town without a church? Then set
busy and attend the church services.
A town Is known by Its church at
tendance. Attend the house of God
anrl God will honor your own home.
BKV. GEO. WABD. Pastor.
B. S. Hughes, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching service al 1 1 u. in
Subject: "Who Wus Jesus?"
Who is Jesus? Has he a place in
the world now? "What will you do
With Jesus; who is culled (ho
Christ ?"
Wus JesUS divine?
Theodore Parker culled 1 1 j tn the
"Youth With God In Ills heart "What
do you call lllm?
Preaching at 7:. 'to p. m.
Vou are Invited to these services.
nnmni'ini i?'mromfiL!jjnDnirniinniHDB
l.xuj fnjjiimiiJLnmiiiii ui'iiimiijjiniiiHiiiia i
Tl ose
How many valuaUe papers have jou
concealed around your horn"?
Have you stopped to consider that
if your bouse were to be destroyed,
I . dleai of the Insurance you might
have, that your papers would be a
tolnl loss?
Make a trip todav to the bank and
place those papers In a safe plate
He- vaults r.f the Harney County
National Bunk.
Harney Eourtij National Bank
Burns, Oregon
jra fTOTQ fc
U3 KIBIIIllllllfi
a PILL for every ILL
Panaceas for every pain. We keep a FULL
a fine assortment of the best TOILET PRE
PARATIONS, and the innumerable other
things that the community drug store, the
neighborhood service station, requires for
fuch service.
The Rexall Drug Store
and get a daily service between
FARE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free
Phone 15
10 Fullblood Hereford Bulls
For Sale
8 to 14 months Anxiety Fourth breeding
$1000.00 for all or $125.00 each
E. H. BATHRICK, Denio, Ore.
The Store With a Push
days In
with his
W 111 I'1 III'
i b I year
bu jneai
Wlllsm tin
.1 i aid
mil i
ill Ihe .'ill in
to the gtl .i.n
.1. H. Ivcy speul a lew
town tills week rlaltiu
many old tine frlenda, Hi
ime up from Polk count)
lias been residing for the
or more, in look after some
bul axpeel to return i" the
etts raiii again to i
i ;ii i.
Ol Ihlv
hard to ki up h ra ..v. i , bul I
'i In tho i'
. id finds bis health
there, He still owm real ai tab In
this oouni i i-i not tor
We push the goods In as fast as the new creations appear
In the market they're placed on our shelves and counters.
And we push them Out-never permit them to become
stale and shop-worn and out of style.
En this pushing out process our customers reap
They get seasonable goods at bargaiu prices, as all goods
must go lvith the season, and the tJrlce is the push.
You! We invite you to get 2n the pnsh. You'IS enjdy it.
reall) understood
hi' says. Wxcii'-i