The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 08, 1919, Image 2

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U. S. Internal Revenue Bureau
Gives Warning That Severe
Penalties Will Bo Enforced.
iPha I mo Tax drive potm S
m a
clone mi Shi iii-'in.v night, Man ii 18
rii,. payments and returna due on
Hint (Into under the provisions of the
new Revenue Law ratal be In the hands
f local Internal Rwrenue Ool.lecton
before their offices ctoae Hint night.
The income Tux is being collected to
meet the wiir expenses. Kv'iy person
who ihouted and tooted hi born on
Aniiistico Day la now called upon to
contribute hla ahare or the cost of win
nine tl"' war.
The laggarda ami the dodgon will
(ace severe tines nmi jnii sentences.
The Internal Revenue Boroaa an
nonncea that its officers win check ua
nil up to see that every penofl who
.nines within the scope of the Income
Tux law did his share.
Where to Pay and File.
Bestdenta of Oregon are required to
make their returna and pay their taxes
to Milton A. Miller, Collector of Inler
mil Revenue, Portland, ore., or '' any
of his deputy collectors who are now
doing free advleory work on Income
Pnvmenta sent by until should he at
tached to the returna and should be in
the form of check, monej order
,rri dish navments bj mall
geiil iii the taxpayer'a risk of loos,
if ymi me unable to make! your r
t in-: i peraonall) becatiae of illness. ai
sence or Incapacity an agent r legal
repreaentatlve may make your return,
If there are any doubtful polntu a
to your Item of Inc or allowable
deductions you should gel In touch nt
once with ii Revenue ofBcer or a bank
rr for advice
Women Pay Tax.
Women nre lubjecl to all (be r
gulremi ms of the Income Tax. Whetli
, i- -.'i. u- or married, n woman'i In
from nil sources muai be i on 'I 'red,
ir unmarried or if living apart from
her tiuahnrid she must make her return
for 1918 II her net Income was $1,003
or over.
If married and living with her hus
band her income must be considered
witli the husband's In determining lite
; nbilltj for a return. Their Joint In
i ome. leoa the eredlta allowed bj law,
, suhjeet to iionnnl lux. The Wife'
i el Income hi conaidered separately in
computing any surtax thai may be
tine. Huaband uml wife tile Jointly, aa
u rule. If the huaband (Iocs not in
clude his wife's income in his return
the wife must file n separate return.
Severe Penalties
The new Revenue Law plnoe severe
penalties on a penon who falls to
make return on time, refuses to maks
return or renders n fraudulent return,
lor failure to make return and pay
lax on time n fine of not more than
gl.000 i-, named and -"( per cent ol ll
!n due Is ndded to (he HHBetJsinent,
! or refu Ing willfully to make rel in u
. , for ui ikln i n false or frauduleni re
'urn there is a fine ol nol exe edlug
110,000 and ImprlHonmejii of nol -(
ceding one year, or bot h,
Farmsrs' Income Taxr. I !,
Rvpi v fui : . : ami rai liiunii w ho
hntl a fair or u good year In 1018 n
i iii,- Iiifotnr 'i this year. 1 1 1
,',r his iiicoiii., ii t;i
nlilo. He Is entitled t" dedui t I
his KroKi inc. ,n, ,. nil amoitni - expeiuliMl
in enrrj Ing on hi- farm, Tit co i of
farm mn rnnn bulhlli gs and
linprovemcnta cannot w di ducted, 1 o
... i of ll e stock, either for rexule or
for breeding purposi -, Is also rcgut li l
u Investment,
Overtime and Bonuses Taxed.
Balar) and wage earners must con
sider as taxable every Item received
from employers and from other
sources Bonuses anil overtime pay
are to ! reported as well aa the regit pa) iiientM,
Allowances for Losses.
Imhiuii Mussslned In 1918 and not
covered by Insurance nro dedui.'tlhls
i'cm if lucurri
1 1,,- tuxpuyer'a
III) iruiiMiiei ion
or nri'-iii' from
or ui In r !-
liui Iiiphu or 1 1 nfle. In
nndertakeu for profit
fire, storm,
or fi "in i in ft,
I .'
k k it
cquamc di
inco ;; ; .
v.. li r
,. mi :
Income ; ,. . r. in n
protecti 'I h) i : o , ,,,i.-. for
uhuteiiienl s, I 'fund m. I up
la'ula, -. j (..,:.,, uuor I ' .i
i itoper.
"I cry pi raon can be
n square deal. No perau
pected to pay more ihui
share of lax. Ills - Intra i 'i
lermlned i ulely by I It
and nol nre of his nel liuoiuu I -v
101 ., us delliii'd In the in . .
"Al. in in i
u Itli opmi niliidedly, ): i mi
To i lie Editor Will yoti pleate
altoW me I HttlO !PCe in your paper
to .iv ;i few worts regarding tho
good roads movement'.'
I notice In the county papers an
article annoanctng the approprtotloa
of $ to finance the building ol
the Hums crane Highway,
Willie we iiilmit that the above
highway Is n much needed Improve
ment la the county, still we fall to
see why all the funds should I x
ponded on one particular road.
We feel that there are other coun
ty roads which are badly lu need Of
work and these are the varloua ntnge
routes. Some of these in the south
em part of the count v are ll almowt
Impassable condition during the ear
ly spring and late full rains ami as
these roads havo to be used, no mat
ter what the weather Is, we think It
Is up to the county commissioners to
expend a few dollars on them as well
as to expend so much fin one road
and neglect the others.
There are some parts of theso roads
that could be made good In all season
by a little grading and UBlng nome
Kravel, which can be had within a
dlstanceof from one to throe miles.
Other places could he made very good
by putting In fine sage brush while
the mud holes are soft and spongy.
The Stage road from Crane to Denlo
especially that part In the flats, are
in had shape during early HprliiR nnd
fall, as are the Diamond and Coon
town Hills.
Also the road from Princeton to
Narrows and from Voltage down Into
the Cation Valley.
And over these roads hundreds of
tons of freight and parcel p.'st has
to be matter what the SS
son or the condition of the roads.
Just now. for instance, thousands
of pounds of parcel post are piled up ;
at the a r i. ii s poii offices because of I
the Inability of the carrier.; to get
over lome Of the roads uml these
roadl will Ml worse as soon as the
! frost somes oat and the rains set In. I
Why can't some of tho worst places
, at least receive oos attention front
the county commissioners Instead of
I their looking after One read III imr ;
' Ui liar.
There are people needing food stuff
and mall in the south end of the
county as well as in uml around
Yours for good roads in general.
.month or FEBRUARY
The record kept at the court
bouse whh h shows weather condi
tions together with the measurement
of the precipitation, shows to great
advantage for February. The total
wus ;J 89 inches. The gauge at the
Experiment station shows a precip
Itatlon for the month of 1.46 Inches.
This difference hi because of locality
the Itormi follow around the hills
ami this locality gets moisture that
doe, not reach the itatlon.
The recorda last year did not -how
much moist ure. .t i he itation
ii wast in the neighborhood of (igln
Ii net for Hi entire year. L'p to
the pre.-, -nt i me it would Indli its
lea n thl y ar and
the big nowfall in th
. it i , pracl Ii all) i mred al
i inii t be meadows along t be
will prod iod yield,
It i; t'.t si;;ss . ia: n t.i
Pew people nol familiar with the
Industry realise the Importance of
the fur business of nil county in a
yi ar. If i-i one Of thS biggSSl pay
ing Industries of the territory. rVs
think of It ai a stock country and
that thin Hhould have our particular
attention, all of whli b la well, I iti :
when one really gets at the figuraa
;uiil knOWS What In heltiK done In the
fur lu lint It is found Hi v It
brings In i rant i uta of money dur-
i Iter had oi c:i don to i"1,
nt ol lion!, tv paid oul 'r
b i d bob cal call during the
I trch i . aud it
tot.,' iin I I 8.80 l. no. When nna I
to i i h it for i ai b ol !
Mi i , Mr pelts are n orl h t rem ,
1 ' lo I we n alias what a t
of money thin hrinrn to t ie-
trap " and ra ildenta or Har ioj
uouut) who make h i bualnt
Europe Is nearly bunkriipt. The
t i,r lour years of death
i ui , Ion and huiniin wri t( h
in i verwbolmtng
(, debt since i lie a ir ba
,i forty billlot ol ddl
lauufacl ui Ing and bu
ui r.i iu are ,n i itand
I bS "(ll eiue ol III"
peaci nonftti ' ind knowledge ol
li nuiii y to ba i '' ad by tho
,M , uormou elr-
President Touches First Base in
LgTgal Ivafr IB kVwH sssssTH Hel ttglWaJH gaVeMaflgaaV Wm'
"meSegVeJr 1 A'aVi ""' ilaP!l "'J ' Jl MM
1771 Bawl Sja .- f3BJw5 -BJL I V CsslS K.M
HT US' . VjnQJ Bsrj "iSr-$," ' ,-.'.'v-- :Wr '8 V
There Is a betting rally on av
the league of nations
seem, to be tsklng s good healthy.
poke at the ha... snn4
Ribbed Bonnets Voice Spring
The word spring means Just one thing to woman. That thing
is "Hats " Therefore this Fashion Art artist In portraying three
distinct types for early wear holds the spotlight of attention, t'pper
left's broad brim tips the key to spring lines when the crown of
violet leads away Into a broad brim lopped with purple de luxe rib
bon On the right a mllan straw reaches unt nought of heights In
black gros-graln ribbon. Lower motor models have touches of
leathor, the left a perky bonnet for the open-faced miss the right
a blue leather brim on tan colored body, and a veil of Sollra for the
lady who Just can't make her eyes behuve.
culatlon of paper money, based en a
, i small i mount ol i.:tti a'd few'
i ie 'i he imount a i ' b i m
i. raised by l ii utterly Inade
quate to ii goi ernraenl 'a
nnd tho Intor ' on the Iron dou
i i ! n rate i
ic er thirl llo , and t he I
for 1918 will i iu il the and
, i ilia it expense fot t he year In
plte of the tact that th i wa
, v. iu d ' i en e, ii large d itb il a 111 as
int. The Indu itr!al regions have be in
dova itated 1 1 tbi ' rtnana and una
of tha i Ine il agricultural i ortio
, the country will requiro rearf for
complete restoration,
The upshot is that Cranes cannot
rebuild and reconstruct without the
laid of a Large Indemnity from Oar-
many, nnd iinii uormsay canni i i
an Indemnity of the sise required
without completely r 1 1 i n i ; . herself
and ic
Greet Britain ba i al been put to
enorni iu - ! . but bi r pi ill Ion i iu t
quite i,. difficult, The war arm
1 1 iu n hi mn en nt her territory, and tha
i e, ,1 i,i i , . i i nut Ion i 'in
her problem t. Even j. t hi re ba
bean i Ion of i epudlatlng
a poi i Ion of tho v, ar debl h ild b I b
!. ne i li
'i base condll Ions keep t he p ace
conference and flnauti i i in y
. ii ii paper and pencil id pen and
Ink and loni r ilumn i ol t Iguras,
rreneb and Br t Isb a d Amerh an
ami Oorman bead are bu and ach
ing O, er I lie pr 'lllt'lllH.
The event will probably ba that
Qermany' i Indi i will i o n
proportioned to the let t amount
. lie can i ind without run tint Into
Ie pai ii ;(in iin. i Bolshevl and thai
i Will let In sud
i be mono) require i for t ba
I I rui Hon o I i . i.i -.
Oermany In iin aggr gate I
! e. nothing hui debt i, Kui
lltlrl 1 I l,l I , .
i ii (I in general,
SrafA " llialiliinl V. tlulrl snnirta
" T u. .. .. .
world In fig home-,
nuw uuiuiiir inn Ktiviiiiuii ui mi
-run" dash.
fvtiinttA.t trml
. v I
fct- '
- Ta"Z''""i" .7a .
League of Nation Home Run
base. It Is ecenes st Boston ss the
president touched foot again on
American soil to tell his people
what had been accomplished. Sec
ond baae was Washlnr'--' i
Wit It 1 1n' ifi inn of nor
will coin-' a demand l:
ney Uouuty.
I do nol pari i
your property
RofllttllHHioil, In: '
Of ll'(K'l'.V. It I
I I aii- in I larin ;
till and aiviii.-. i .
inquiries iVoin i liu, erj i if
I (ili. -it your LtturiinwE Midi as npplicntionw
for hi try, show IngH, a (lid w itn, contwsta am!
tu:ii.. Ic'dii- .he Local land ('flitc. and
ai'P'a's el i
! I
Oiiifrul Liiiul
the Interior.
Bh a!.N(ln1ely wafe and insure your property
in the "Colonial" or "North UritiHh A Mr
eantile". My Companiee pit v all Iosm-s
Fu.-ns, - -
More than four thousand Delco-Light plants were de
livered for war work. They were used to supply elec
tric light in camps, storehouses, hospitals, Y. M. C. A.
huts, airplane hangars, sub-chasers and other branches.
of the service.
In Red Cross hospitals at the front, Delco
Ligtit operated life-saving X-ray apparatus.
Delco-Lirjht was specified by the Government because
it is dependable, eilicicnt, simple to operate, requires
little attcinion, and because it ia AIR-COOLED.
The reiuilt of Government tests and the satisfactory
use of Delco-Light on over 60,000 farms are your as
surance that Delco-Light will give you the same de
pendable icrvice.
It betters living conditions, increases farm efficiency,
and soon pays for itself in time and labor saved.
h oi'iT.rt sjp iam i CO, Distributers, Srnttle, wh.
'URKS GARAGE Local Dealers
tie put iii. isauu i.iuarely up '.o
Congresa' leaders; third base his
sailing point on the Atlantic on
his return to tho i - "e table in
IVnncj r..."?h 6.
iiimI (iindil : UK tlH'iv
Krai Keittttf in Har-
; il
I' I
v a ) i
; c a li
i p
i a
option on
fr s lie on
. i i v kind
: al. for r illeB Ol'
in in hi order i ) r'iv'
informal ion to nnmnroiiH
iKpecf i ' in t'si oi f, nnd i o
.-I'll. IS 1 ( iii't il'l'.
li.le t
ie ( ' m ii
an ! . !.c
1 1 ;i mi r ol 1 l.e
,v. I'irlill'V )f
Mkrc of UELCU-UCHT Fraducto
I . . v A , t t i U