The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 01, 1919, Image 8

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I p 1- - - -" - g
Have you noticed how carefully the em
ployee of this bank are in regard to every
transaction you have with them? That is
for ;, our protection.
The same care is exercised in every case,
and you may rest assured that any busi
ness entrusted to our care will be most
carefully handled.
Now reed baby buggy for sale. -Mm.
W. A. Campbell. M
Th Klrst Itaptlsl Church.
Scttley Cream Separator, rapacity
21)0 lbs., used only a short
sale. Inquire at thia otil.e.
Wanted--PosltlQii by man and wife
on a ntock ruin h. address Cbai. II
Blanrhard, Waltsburg, Waah.
March 2nd.
Sunday achool beginning at 0:45,
Preaching at 1 1, o'clock.
Subject: The algns of tho second
(tomlng of the Bon of Man,
Matt, 24, 8. Wo fix no date. We
set no time. We make no predlc-
Mrs. Peter chrlatenaon la up from tions. Wo simply atate reroaled
her home nt I-awrn and la a gucat of facti yVe shall also relate the moat
tr.emN In this city, recent fulfilled prophecy, which will
Will th Peaes Conference after ' ,B holn u to DBtlor understand the
President Wilson's departure be!"1" of ,lm,
.omethlng like the play of Hamlet f Evening worship beglntng at ,:30
with Hamlet i'ft outr v- M;
Mueject: i no sign or cnriai com-
Onnany flnda that It la one thing j ing, and the thlnga which are to
to approve of Uolahevlam In Ituaaia follow.
and another to be antlaflod with the Prayer nieellnr: on Thursduy even
First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus, : $100,000.00
home-made articled.
J. VV. Crawford has received the
announcement of the arrival of a
laughter ut the home or hla son, J.
W. Jr., ut their California home on
Feb. 17.
Ing of earli week. A special Invit
ation la extended to all.
Speclnl to all Uaptlsta: Our Annual
business inoctlnK will be held nt the
rhurth on Monday, March, .'!. At
7:80 i. M.
JOHN r. MOHLBY, Pastor.
;J" nifnau
Morn Last Sunday, February 211
to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mahon. a baby rlllllSTI.W
girl. The mother and daughter are
both reported doing fine. They are
in Portland.
Services at 11:00 o'clock. Sub-"Mind."
..,, , . . Ject of I.esaon-Semon next Sunday:
Vincent P. McKenna la registered! ,.,, ... , .
i lie i ei i iiiionini mui'iiug, rtiiunun-
-.-- . 'ij !
The Times-Jlerald
Ha The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
For Sale Ten tons cf rye hay. In
quire at tli i.-? office.
See our stock of stationery first.
Batteries repaired properly. Jack
Battery and electrical repair work,
oxy-acetylene welding. Jack .Mi -Oil
Two good blacksmith outfits for
, sale, one in Crane, the other in Burns.
Will sell complete outfits or any
part of them. W. W. Drinkwater.
Tim Donovan arrived home early
tliis week from a trii which took him
'to New York and other cities of the
Atlantic coast. He had an enjoyable
.trip but is glad to be home again.
I MAKES von; $ 9 .s t SAFE."
(j. w, r and hla children
irrived borne thia week from Payette,
.where they had . the
i of Mrs. r la t r
B'lii -.-. er d home by .Mr.
e I nephew.
The I our Milling Co. Is
IT' iparlnc to order a car load of
Its that farm
urn their ordi I at the Bui
i . t thai 1 hi may see whet her
is necea ary to order mon or less
nil the demand.
W. C. Gleeaon is up from his furm
home near Lawen.
Who Is going to raise the wheat
crop this year tho government or
the farmer?
BejV. George Ward went to Payette
last week to conduct the funeral ser
vices tor Mrs. 0. W. Clevenger.
A. u. Olson of the P. L. s Co .
returned this week from visit to
Baker ui. 1 other outside points.
Dr. Smith performed a slight oper
ation on Mrs. Arthur Turner 011 last
Thursday and the patient is recoviug
nicely at the Flreoved hospital.
Burn At the Flreoved maternity
hospital in this city, yesterday) Feb.
18, to Mr. and .Mrs. Klba Turner, a
Mrs. B. Johnson opens her White
Restaurant to the public today for
the noon dinner hour. We bespeak
an excellent patronuge for this eat
ing place.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter
Ian ObUrch will meet at the homo of
Mrs. w'm. Parre on March 5. Blectlon
of officers takes place a) this n
livi rybodj 'a conn lence la i lear
"V, i days, except the c ns It nee of
the war profiteer and that of the
Amrican . i r l who baa a lover In
' . lover in i his i ountry,
I , a question wlili b bl inga the
great amount ol Ji y to
A merit a the day when a Iran
from Prance arrive : or i h da y -. ben
butter i it a
at the I. evens. Mr. McKenna has
visited this .section 'In the past .mil la
quite well known -among the sheep
growers as he has been buying wool.
Born Monday, Feb. 24, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Harris, a daughter. The
mother and child are both reported
doing fine at the Fireoved maternity
After the saloon bars are done
away with on the first of next July
fewer prison bars will be required.
And a large class of citizens will
stop being boozy and begin to be
If out-of-town customers ami oth
ers desiring taxes p ml will send us
their tag notice or otherwise notify
us, we will be to attend to the
matter for them. First National
Bank of Burns.
With the return to their homes of
our boys who saw service In either
the army or navy, we can expect to
hear of .in nritaulzatlin of llreut War
Veterans, similar to those thai have
followed all of this country's wars
We u. re told thai food would win
the war and .hips would win tie war
and ammunition would win th war
and thrift would win the war. Well
now that it is ull over it is our .pin
ion thai the war was won by genuine
American "pep."
F.stray Bed muiey cow, branded
lazy bar 11 on left hip; marked with
underbil in left ear, swallow fork
and underbil in right ear. has been
at my ranch for the past three months
or more. Owner call and make
necessary proof of animal. P. (!.
Smith, Bums, Oregon.
Bx-Prealdent Taft Is a prominent
meinhi r of ih" League to Enforce
I'i'.u a, Mr. Tail would be a B0 '
di ilrable member i ol a o inix
at ion. Should disturbance arl i with
in a commit tee, II would be el i t i - -ly
quelled by Mr.
Taft to h on the commll
day nt 7:!!0 P. M.
Thai reading room In the church
Kill flee, Is open on Tuesday and Fri
day from 2 to 4 P. M.
Sunday School meets on Sunday at
10 o'clock.
Pupils may bo admitted to it-.
classes up to the age of 20 years.
The public Is cordially Invited to
I the Church Sevlcea and to tho Bead
ing Uoom. ,
Sabbath school 10 A. M.
Preaching. 11 A. M.
Young Peoples Meeting 7 P, M.
Preaching s p M.
Wednesday evening prayer meeting
iiihie study i ia s Fridav evening,
You are welcome
ItKV. 0BO, WABI). Pinter.
The rapid and increase
in buaint'KS acheivtd by Tlie IHamey
County National Bmk attests t!i nie
ces of its purpose to afford to depos
itors facilities tha' are fully responsive
to their reiuiiemtnt8.
In th( matter of Irmftl and discounts,
the CWPd of p't ho I funtlH, and cour
teous, prompt attei tton, our policy if
to he i ne hiiMilred per cent tfficient
all the tune !
Harney Eoiuitq National Bank
Burns, Oregon
riiiiiiiiniafjjuiniajinranmnmnaa BB
iiinifiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiminiiiiwfM afjwnnnafei
..'. feel . i .--in rial urally
lo i-'- o mui h - ,.nu- r i !-: n her ;
: een
In ih' number ol
in i" ooata with thin silk stockings and
Mr. and Mrs. Curl is Sinllh arrived
bone Horn Portland Hie fore part of
thia Week where they hud been .-ince
hut fall. They are nl I heir latin
home and rejoicing with oilier neigh
bor;' in the abundance of snow and
Bundej si boo! at W) a. m.
i re u hlng service at 1 1 . m
l ' "Why I Ain a Christian."
Preaching at 7:::n p, m.
'i on ar. most cordially invlt'id to
all these services.
15. B. IHXiHBS. Pastor.
o -
Order those letter needs here.
notber snow storm visited Ibis
section lust Thursday night and now
't Ih an average depth of between one
foot and fifteen Inches, all over this
Valley with a:i abundance In (lie
mountglna. Deep snow is reported
In Cation and also on the desert and
in the Trout Creek region near in Dto
it baa fallen lo great depth, there
ion- appears to have beet) general.
a ii. Critchfleld. W. it. Byrano and
Cipharl are over from Callow.
Mr. Critchfleld advertised to make
proof on his land on February 16, j
and the party il arted Ith tho .
pectatloji or reaching here to thai
i te inn en lmii Ii red o mu h
nil . the
-in told Til''
The Burn Cattl . ' ,,,:.,, thai , , .,.,, Dft(i
'' will hold a m - tins In .. , .,,, tura than for the pi
I '. 1 1 ! 1 1 . i T t i . h V . I I . , , . . 'I
' '
Phi Eceptionally fine, therefore
i have to
ai uri I to I present
ci.n', Kit JAM
a PILL for every ILL
' Panaceas for every pain. We keep a FULL
a fine assortment of the best TOILET PRE
PARATIONS, and the innumerable other
things that the community drug store, the
neighborhood service station, requires for
fuch service.
The Kexall Drug Store
I Z'Ji
and get a daily Hcruicv between
FARE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free
Pbnrte 15
10 Fullblood Hereford Bulls
For Sale
8 to l'l months Anxiety Fourth breeding
$1000.00 for all or $125.00 each
E, H. BATHRICK, Denio, Ore.
Balpb Cattersott wa up from hi..
Jim near Lawen yesterday, i;
had to "buck snow" mo:-l of the
levioua day as it liad drifted quite
Sep between here and Lawen, Mr.
itterson is one of the extensive cat
imen of thai territory 'i"1' he is not
llnplainliiK about the snow as it in
klni; lo mi an better hay crops and , the excellent prospects for a bettor
jre abundanl range.
yield the coming year.
IK. ii. Conaer (i tha Flral National
lnl of thia city, arrived homo last
Inrdav from a business and plea ;-
irii i i outside points. During
i ' vi ii. -i the Oaulta in
wane and brings word thai the
ii i, Lester, had been oper-
fi on for appendicitia. The little
( I'n - many i rleud In this ell -.- nniiM
an- glad to learn thai he ba
itev. it. s. Hufnea wenl to Crane
i Siii'day and held rellglOUa ser-I
vices thai evening, He area accom-l
limied over by Mr.;. Hughes and their'
daughter Conatanoe who took ;iieir.
di pari ui-. ii, e iii-m dai for Baker,
tiers they will visit for a few h i k
ireacher i do bachelor
,, , ,,.,,,.. ii uuny rotter ami Mrs. potter
arrived homi hi from i m
tarried February 7, si Ban Utl point . "Curly" has received bis
'"' ' Bllfori la, i ii and icon tin. r s; K .
oni woneroi
ben Mr. i-'rv rvicc be
.:,l." a. I
h iim -I the iai ig of :
h - i ill , and a
old ervli cbeirroo indlcatlni
raontha servioe in the war aont ,
Everybody Joins in srelooming htm J
and his wife buck home.
lli'i'i thin
I'm had lately mad'- her
in California. The Tli
lid loins man) frlenda In extend-
bei i w i. bi a.
. . OI'I'OUII Ml V.
Tin- Tiiin- ; erald ba inii"-.-. i I the
progro is or the iuj ted land i
lation propoaed by Secretary ol In
terior Lane from its inception. Hla
0OI innalloii lo congress In his an-:
imai report la I fall was dli . assed
in these columns! Later Becrstary !
of Agriculture 11010,1011 had a algned
article In ibis paper conmending the
proposition and this wiih followed
later with 1. n artjele written hy Suc
retar.v Lane, NOW comes new ibis
week thai President Wilson ia going
to Ket behind tha bill with favorable
prOSPSeta that It will become a law.
ThlH hill provides that the S. ere
tary ol l he Inti rlor have in'i aui hot-
it t0 i" iilire hind I and provide
lis reclamation; he Is given full an
1 horll ) 10 0 operate with 1 tatc or
munii - .inn n project vVlth
ui ii powet 11,11 - 1 ail'-., Qffsra mi
ld al field for operation bould
bill I- a la iiut) ni
il bere
d parth ipatl .11 in its d, , ilopmont
lling the 811 v lea Ii 1 .; n,,,,
proji 1 1 an- attractive and II
oni Idi ration. . 1 the
other fellow to It and invite Si - rotary
i.ane 10 begin operations here where
the aoldien nay have a big territory
1 1 engags In atoi k ralaing and rarm
The Store With a Push
We push the goods in as fast as the new creations appear
in the market they're placed on our shelves and counters.
And we push them Out never permit them to become
stale and shop-worn and out of style.
In this pushing out process cur customers reap
They get seasonable goods at bargaiu prices, vs ail goods
must 0 with the season, and the price is the push.
You! We Invite you to r;et in the pnsli. You'll enjoy It.