r""--.o (HP iNTHC WORLD Ale MX BCiN?-oo M HPLfS 'N 'EM j&S .. "ftifWJU ', TrI5'' WOW AND SlAVff MVS.F- ToDBATW FOR VOO ANPVOO VoNTjSflfia APPReOATe fliCi HCLrS 'N 'Fu IT WfiWC'-T'Lt i.tkiF VflJ T6l.. YOUfMBpV- HC WlU ATffWR11 N0 YnU J05TRir 1 M ON 1HO TO YOU -- .MQKHi H'jX AReJ'l 1 Y-V"V-'eR-T)0NAt6-TMeOLD GASDtN 4ND HAP 5CAR6P OPL -I O kAcw-w-i ' L-r-rw T wee A 8iiT. rN t.ong tohcao it off FaX- uJfc ''i (?S ' I T"l HOME swill home fay Jack Wilson tiAvv;v.i j .---v . JvT j J1...1.A .r'irty mm CjW I -Viu toar- J. Shelley Haurman, M. I). Physician and BurgSOSI Office at I. H. Holland RcMi'.em lurrt, Orcnon DR. B. F. SMITH I'hysii-iaii and Surgeon Bants, Oregon ,, it residence, Dr. (.ritlilli for 10 Lome. Phone Ni. 1 1 CHARuES W. EuulS LAWYER Hums, - - Oregon Practices in the State CoiiiIh inn! be fore (lie C . H, l.ivnd tllliee. HERMAN VON BCHMALZ Attorney at Law C miosis llliil pr let! en l'f' 'i' I '. S. I.miil ,( Mine 11 Hpooilllt v i'li..': Pry Bldg, dmI dooi to pott 1 ffle 1 Itnnia (Irr-M'ii J. tXl. GRflRY Physician end Surgeon, Burns, - - - Orsgws Kipfi on second Boor Tiunawania Bids one Main 8ft, DEItHftfl & PENMAN, Phys clans ;:nd Sureona ... , , . 1 1 rou j n . bl ni 'i I i ,1 ru...n. Harriman, Oregon ! h. E. HIBSARu ESTTIST . .: dnoi nasi Dhotn l:.iI."i v h r..ii ni 1 h I fhBB, il. I teonmti. A iihi;nkv- at-i v ul attention jtiv n to lotleo ; IJHIIH llll'l lll'.l Mill'. I ire l.i ' I ir. . V'iImi " n i ii I''. I '. I'll I Mill A. ' ' ' InO. S I v fcasfcrn Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AM) RIKaW EMUNEEfe Bums, Oncost I ! BRUCE R. KSTR Attorney at Li . .. p. . ,.,, .... , : : R rAu:: r. . -: - LONE - : '!. A. . HI. .! . 1 KN I' In Some Town Over There fa a Baby Who Can Live If You Say the Word By Bavca Barton. 1 CtUfC it to my ,i-l f (','; way. Sup . rri .-. hi ro down town in . 1 w .Louis, tlierc w 1 room, where the livea of men and of lit) rli re on m! . . ui 1 i day the r l i'.i : Inn g out a gn that on th..i day bo many I to d , - :. . ; nauy Ii 1 1 1 vvd to dit just for the lacl of 1 few dol lai i'i.. the want ui the little urn that . luhj ; the case, 1 to 1 . ; il awsy? 1 , If that v liter dayj and buj in . with ' g men and 1 ard ' ' ', , . th th I 1 , . ; ompared to I r from 1 . . i .!; A the cl Id -'i nrc d) ' nfl foi Mi': i . 1 . 1 ' ... d l have all tlie little worriea ' t arc -...'.' 1 middle la folks, ". or- H next if'a in omj; taei ; and about and where my Income will go I ich and 1 Ii things take place, 1 h ive a v, worry than that, The worry (or what my :on y to :nc, world's tribulation I do not do n rs for III'- r ' It "f my iman, . tch- Ugh to let I I one 1 - .... iswick F iraph JOHN 6EMBEBLING, at The WELt'OME p RMACY ' !orae in and see (hem :uicl liear their beautiful iolin like tcne eyplay any Dine Record made jeweiei ,-7', ". ."' ' l&M !:. as. " - - - aw" ' 4 The price U within the aneli f nil On dwplau end being demonstrated al the WELCOME PHARMACY i l ici;. ii .mil Erwrruvi . . Fins Waii '1 Repaii 1 A ci;ilty. Loav huAiru-rv. ounk oavu IVAul 01 vQMArvvvQ . IrooTWM'i (A MJalox)J. XuMtlii (VweL -OtAvici. jycyvvvtA- - Coicxcuxe: I At r 9 The Plumber is a Robber! Only when the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim ia to give honest service, a.nd install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such snoods and such ot-rvice in your repaira or in new work, it's eaay to get it. Just call us ir Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing Agents for the De Laval Jlairy Supplies lint, Oil Limited Supply. Ammunition Ceo on:y Fritit Jars at High! Prices ; BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampahira'a Lrue CALL AND INSPECT IT BrSBBBBt)HrJBflMKsBBBKaBUE1 lour service To be progressive and to serve you right, we have installed BBaJSAgLMSBjB A I the Electrical Wizzard in our Shop It cost um aotiiH inoiicv butit will eave yctu n lot of money, BwaitHe i: Itonoatly, quickly and Mtirolv Uic ti's t he i rouble in your Kieuti re Start ing and Lighting s Ktem on your "ir. I(n'i Iri ;i guettaer lour your ivi r all to tioocs i rviug ( f 1 1 I the troub'lt. W'tt ii AMIH1 we .111 trll you w h.i l ii i., Insiilo thirty iiiiriuteH tto in.-i 1 !! how eomnlicati 'I or !' how l..i' s! .'tin liii' . IBB V - WJtk n uQHbbV. Urw'versal Garage Co. samia Tin' IfiiKlli of n 111. in' Hti') Ih WARRANT l,AI,I Ii ii'iinincci by iii Ihwh whirii eontroP ih" hwIhj? or Hit: pendulum; the Motici i boifby givmi that ihoro th of e woinan'H by the tlfhtntsi ars luUlelaal fundi n hand to pay or ih-i- ikirt, off nil Oencral Fund warrants fHKiied and reflsttfed up to and including December 14, IBIS, Interest coaaes F'-liruary 4, 1911. V. V. KING, Ooanty Treuureft SIMMONS. mmcK 1 oil puDLtoATntx 1 ITATRB l,.;i) OPHE Burn , Oreson, Pebruary '"'. 1919 .'. ab) i-l vi'ii thai Rai roue i.ini.'ii 1 1. i.r Burni . ore- con, who, on 1 kstober 19, 1 ' 1 '. m ids lloiiH I i.rl ..ulr.v No. 0 7 7 1 7 . for 1 , Bectlon SO, Townehtp 24 B., Hun; :' E Willuini'llf Meridian. IS THE CHtCHIT COUKT VI TOM BTATfll OK OREOON, FOIt IJAH NFV COUNTY, Ii I notlcfl to 1 ntlon to mak' ear proi 1. ti ssl .... 1 i.i.i .ill.,.. . 1 . . ...,.i I...,! I tor and It.. '1.1-r, ,,.' Th "t National Bank of Wlnne- I Burns, Oregon, on tho 8rd day of 1 April. l!il!l ii. Imanl names hh wiincHrr .in vpb 11, imm, Rose Crowley. Ben Newman and ;. W. Ptcjtleslmer, all Of MuriiM, Oregon. v. 0. Oosatf, itpgi iter, Ho T. Keep WelL 1 'i t in ii(,wfi(f open" In one rulo .ii ii 1 ommendi d by all si ho l stedlclne, Polsf Cathartic Tatr 1. the bowels, wee! 1 the To K. Relubart C in 11c a, (a corpo'iitloiw. plaintiff, Vri. I'ri'd RoUoway and Clara C. Ilolloway.hlH wife, CornellO Daraha, B. Reinhart Company, a corporsr lon, D, I). Detfenbaush, Wm. S'.s- .. . and Hi' nd Board of posed Ol Ja" b ' . Olcott, " Kay, Trassh urer ot the State ol 1 iresott, ds rpora- tomach ami senefll the liver. For non, on aoore namea ae- indlgeetion, btlUfasnees, bad breaUi, fendants: bloating, Kan or oonstipation, no In he name of t Oregon, remedy I more highly recommended, youan bereh; reijulr d to appear aeS I Fine for stout persons Bold by Reed answer the complaint filed sgalaet NOTlcrjB ;nt imiujoation. UNITED BTATE8 LAND OFFICE you in the abore entKled court and -ilic date of the 1 ir.ii publication of this sum- ti. ni. . and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the Burns. Oregon, February 14, 1919 pttmtlff will tak- a deer isalnst Notice Is bares) given thai Roy c. V(, ., , prftred for In said complaint. Perry, of Burns, Oregon, who, on to-wit: tnd Aug. 99, 1911; mad ... anij deeros against de- ntrlei No. 06 I ,.v,,v and ' -i: .. . iii,,. n ir,.. for the NWNE ;a 0f 7S! . ,!,ro- ' 1; vi II tober 93 I, at rata per annum until paid, ntlon to make flvi year Pi ,, .,- :,4 ta,, i,i r, to 1 , Du Know I'ul Soilli'l lines Forget. '".Mi, ith . do . van Jlollo- wifo, and upon of SEA 'vVi and the NF.U 1 B&M , ::.'.; of - . croup, whooping cough, bron chial and grippe coughs. W, L. Ang- tin. A.miuiii. ha., writes: "I have 1 toney and Tar 1 5 the best." Bold bj Reed Bro ( and NW .-.ion 14, ail in T. 40 B. R. 1, .. w, :.i.. County, Or gon, eontainiasj 'i! a r . 1 s ii lared to be s first to I '.'lire the ri.'ii- ,, turned, and that said mortgage sS Old in the IN TMi': iii.viv m KT OF Tin-: ra r provided by law for the sale ST.vri' OF ORSOOsJ, FOR il lt- iperty on on; that i:y county, the . pued in th ol ltd sums and alt in the matter el the aon,-pay- then t tl . :cion- menl of bills of nil nekm ' iter the application of Including influenza patientn. ., 1,. the payment or said al this time, this matter com- sum, plain) lodgment inn on for consideration tor the and execution therefor agataal said County Court in naid CoUSty and . ' way and stale, siiiinK at a regular term and c ra C Hoi that the it appearing to the court that great pnrchs . dI aid premises be put in- expeasa has been Incurred upon the to posset Ion there r al the late of nald County of Harney and Slai" of the mle . 1' :ame; and that ou. as Oregon for the payment of bills for well as each and all of the anove sickness, including Intluenaa paUents, named defendant;, and an iersons and it aiipears to the Court that each claiming by, through or under you. patient should present themselves as or any of you, from and after April County charges before such hills uro 2:ird. 1!)14, the dat of saM niort- paid by the County court. v , be forever barred and foreotoa- IT IS THEREFORE CQNBtOBREO, I .1 of any and all right, title, interest. ORDERED w'D A.DJUDOBD that claim, lien or demand in, to or upoa ild County Court fer said County aald lands and each and every part and State Will not pay any bills for thereof, except the statutory right of sickness, hospital bills, medioal h.iis, redemption; that plaintiff may1 havo nurse bills, "i" any other hills so eon- 1 uch other and further relief In the traded fm sickness as above men- premise as shall Seem equitable ans tio 1, unless tiie Mii.i patient shajl just. present him or herself as a comity This summons i; srved upoa o charge by publication thereof for its oonaeo. 1 'Intod and published In Burns, liar Judgo 1 " County, Oregon, b order of Ron, Dated at Burns, Oregon, this 9th uttve weeks In The Times-Herald, day of February! 1 9i i). ii. c. i.F.VFNs. County it. 1,. mass. County Commti loner 1 1 Levans, Count Judge ol Hsrnej Jap McKinnoii. couniv Commissioner t luuty, Oregon, which 1 ltd order was) made and dated at the city of Hums,. county and state aforesaid n tin 84th dS 1 J '..man . i:i B, and the of the '':rst publication of this CUt Oil! I .!,.;;; ,; .,-.,!,. J MH, I'll (ut This O11I It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. enclose with la. to folej ; Co , date 1 blicatiou thereof Id Ave.. Chicago, lit., bs H L9, this heing writing your name and address clear- 1 ... ,,. hteh you 1 Vou v. Ill receive 111 return 11 trial are rOflUired '' :'ppiitr in said paokaga oontatnlng Foley's Hon.. ,1 complaint or be in and Taf Compound, for con; I Want tin I it mi croup, Foley Kidney Pills and .1. s. cook, Cathartic Tablets Bold by Uterney for Plaintiff, Reed Bras, B lini al Burns, Orsgoab