The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 01, 1919, Image 1

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The Times-Herald goes re
gularly to more homes tn Har
ney County than any other
newspaper. It yon wish to
reach the people ue these, col
umn for yonr advertisement.
The Tlme-H raid In en ole)
established friend of the people
ut Harney County where It hae
been a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It's Job department la
equipped to serve your needa.
NO. 18
ouncil of National Defense
Inaugurate Move
Local campaign rrimaruy
Fostsr Appreciation of
Higher Schooling.
Tim t'ouiirll of National Defense
L Mkad Si hool Supt. Clark to ln-
Iptlgate i'oihIIi iona of school children
tins county. A "Back-to-School"
r:r ti:is neen iiiauguriiicn i hum
tisnlzatlon to ascertain how many
hllilren have quit school before
key should anil for whaCpurpose.
This campaign really does not up-
thls county In the mum ft is
trjeil, for In reality this movement
Ml with the larger centers where
hil.l labor is in demand ami where
rasping corporations and Ignorant
irt'iit . offer inducements lo chlld-
to qui! school and begin to earn
tin. f,
Also In some southern states and
t mere isolated rural districts of the
ouiitalnous regions where the value
fan education has not been Im
eod upon parents. Instances are
mnl where hlldren ure overworked
Tin' campaign '" ibis Mint) should
! primarily fur t li I purpn f I real-
a point of view in children to
lie them properly uppre. iate an
dsiatlon so they will no! desire to
bdraw front Khool ut an aarlj
Th should I), urged to eon-
sue their education a it n pointed
tt tie- "More ."! learn tbe store
I., order thai this condition ma)
I Improved the Council recommends
I ; : i b 'i condl-
thai lupporl of the family
be at t ompliebed without a I I
rrom children; eompatsery
thooi atendance laws and adequate
chin try for enforcement of each
iws; securing moilnri pensions;
kolarshlpi for children and special
tlltf it dy cases; remedy of phys-
defectt; insistence that kind of
noniing offered ihould I tha
His of the children, ami vocational
Ail this work Is commendable and
i . i, proi il of tin?
ojii" of this county, hut the real
tji 1 1 of the drf !! toe
million i.i ih.
I -'.lunlil there h- s ie where
did h -
. . i . , .i . ., enun
should , repi tried to the supt r-
ir i, i ml
mo I lltu
"' Analyso tha
, and you will
d ii lies in their power
I a ,.i comprt miss
In 'mi bis
I i ol tbs
si .. ol i ne iii b rn. Bat ii
it and yields a little, 'i be
: their Me I., a S iril of
ptual iieiji and forbearance.
The community i only a larger
pnily, To accomplish satisfactory
BUltS tlnre must M u body of clll-
irking together In harmony,
""I in order lo aohisrs anything
'orlh while, each man must no in
ii too itrongly upon his own wishes
W Idi .i V. hen be rinds they con-
H'l will, the ideas pf others he must
I prepared to leid tbs less t u
'u! details of his plan or perhaps to
''' " in Ij a part of his Objet i
11 ih'- public Intproveinonl which
I i1 heart seemi desirable
!" '-'ii ttl U ;.ri .il il , Ie in.,
uppoi i ; bor' i pal
(If It il i.i ii i'i- '.in ' i '.in
i in order to gain the
glibor' lupporl io his own object,
trol ii:' Ii ii 1 1 -1-, : I ltdv the j
I the man he i ui
I i ,.: rn, Hi, mi ion.
, i qualltlei we must all
. i , , . I I , , I : ,,l 1,1,1-
d to 'in our pai '
Jay Qould Jr. is employed ti tbs
F'"iin office during the tax paying
Soldiers. Sailors and Marines, us Well
as Officers and Nurses, Itenc.
fit by Itevenne 1)111.
A recent dispatch from Washington
published in the Portland Journal,
The United States government
owes neurly two million men each
I0, With the signing by the pres
Ideal Monday night of tha groat $fi,
06O,000 revenue bill, which appro
priate, a bonus (if $io to every ser
vice tniin upon his honorable ills
charge) every diMbarged soldier and
sailor and marine who has been hon
orably diMbarged hi now eligible to
claim this amount from the govern
meet. It was announced at thS ifbai
ury depurtmi 11 toda.
The i-11 bonus i'i",!ies to offtoars
and nui . es ss well n: enlb ted men
Applications for the tCO bonus
should ho sent to the director of
Milam of the war daaartmont, in
t In- ... e of tbs soldiers and army
nur es, and to the paymaster general
Of the navy in the CSM Of sailors,
nuvy nurses. Arrangements have
In en made to sim(I up payments.
All applications must contain the
men's discharge papers and service
Officer! and men who have Jeff the
ervice will be able to collect their
04 . .1 h van sooa. Regulations for
the payment will he made by t !- -
retarfaa Of war and the nuvy.
A new Idol has appeared on the
western horizon of this nation. It
in Mayor Ole Hanson of Seattle.
Washington, who proved a man
big enough for the place he held
in the prompt action he took to
suppress the recent strike which
threatened bloodshed.
M it ' LMM TO 1".
1. tb
t h 1 1 itli
thi re 1 ., , I I '
I 11 in.
- nit. als" I to Ml
rkt 1 - sat 1
and against the gerernmenl and tbs
1 in, . 11 rulers thereof,
And much ml I Ii i I SI done hv
1 be . .1 lli als who Inflami i i ba work
,i 1 me pool ly paid, why
will ye toil with your bunds for so
paltr.1. a re oinpi use. Murkeii unto
us, refuse to labor until your employ
crease ) our 1 1 Ipand."
And main- ol Urn laborers bMrd
tha Injunction of tbs radicals sad woi
mil thai I bl ' ellcals devised to oyer
throw tbS ,11 r. iinent and its rul tm
lo . lob me to all in authority.
And ' '" mori did bear tbs pad ':
and divined their hidden purpoet . bul
1 1 , ii- roles again I
1 in n, i. 1 with hai i
,, at lo
on a fixed data tile i conj
sTK?Mk jmTinni JB
pellwl all wii.i ,',1 rb with their hand
1-, . i-:,- 1 rpra 1 he t leboi
ait 1 be people
ii b a grt ai i'-si .ii auae tbi
upon 1 1" Inhabitants,
in. ol tbs '1 rlbe ol Hai
the ci!.,
(Continued on page five)
Champ Yank Aces Report to Chief
as -.',,. Tnt W3fPBfffg3l wrmMW. .
a- srj' sgajrjC- '"JM BMBBBfBt jFWl-MF-
- rab a -SS I ma? Mr
rsTs,... , jt . .thHEE?
, , aakMHflKiflEMsaEiHas5b1anHu
. 1 I..IMI-. .. IM IM-ffgMM..MM,M,Mgf,ssssw,,,Magsg,,,,gsasgfc,,.. ,, PbB ..
Lr fffr Wfa 9 W- , ,,' , .
This Is proof that there Is only one thing that ran "take" a
Vunk "ace." That thing Is a "camera" one of which look these
three premier area as they posed with the big chief Ceneral W. I.
Kenly, of the United States air service, at Washington. These three
Yanka are the champions of our sir fighters, reading left to right
thev are: Major Jamea MeUner of Brooklyn, fieneral Kenly. Captain
Kddie Hlckenbai her of ,. O . and Captain Douglas Campbell
of California
l A 101 1 ; sikh 1, it Hi': Tin:
.tihls to Wealth of Con n try .More Mliilngf Oil Wells, iir
( 'oinmerclal Knterprlses.
( t Itten e-M-i lull) for The TJaMS
Id 1 .Id.)
Kariulng should In- morn profits
hie than iiiaiHil.icturliiK furm Imple
ments and machinery or fertlrUers
lint w;- know lhat II Is not.
Farming should bring greater n
tunu than manufacturing cotton or
w-.ioi into rants sad sloth; bat it
Panning ahuuid be more proflta
ble than buidness of transpiirtutlon,
Inii it Isn't.
Knrniiiig should be tin re proflta-
Ut than mining, oil wella, ga,. etc.,
,- 11 .old I in the wil 11 0! tlu
country, while tbeMOthi i mU bring
111 irom nature's sterabOUM (which
of rlgbl belongs to sJJ tbs people)
slid con,' rl ml 1 usable firm
Farming buld be more nrnitt
ble in in say rammerotel snterprlM
,n 111, rely th a MPlbllng
at the 1 1 nier . 1 1 oonsantpl tn the
commodities of natuM, labor and
, in 1 11 i' in d form t isdy for
Ufa 1 .l tin rn 1 " ' - Will
1 , Hen,
tho cost of production of ull farm
crops under average farm conditions
And in arriving at the mil of pro-
iiuis, the termer and his rumiiy
should he granted salary and w.ii
equal to thai Hid In other basic in
if our nation I lo ohttnae to pro
vide lend, ruinii-nt and belter for
our own people and help supply lbs
of our tellOW men In other parts
of the world, ihen we must it,
ti tin lent of the worl now on
1 n farms and ma italneM so
Labia and Ufa so livable an to at-
111. n from other callings.
Then follows economic, 'nletitlflc
marketing through government ware
houses and agents, this to bo done at
actual cost of men, storage, lusur
llle . etc.
I'liriiirl's Inn Market us Kuslly as to
c hear ami read much about 00
operative marketing. This 11,1 be
conduct! d by the farmer thenuelva .
at ting through an orgaataatloBi or by
means f governmeni agencies, stor-
uge w ni'ilioii us ami municipal mar
kets. ail lion thai is long to-sur-
n.ll-l In- built Upon 111' 'il!-.'
foundation of justice without dis
latlon, . 11 it in conformity to
, , laws w itlioui respect of per
11 1 1 11 1,. 1 be !'-
plication 0 labor to
the wiiuti
H- applied
The Wil iam Henley Company Wishes to Introduce More
Testimony in Priority of Water Rights Case;
New Channel Dug.
The Installation of the officers of
Hums chapter, O. E. 8., took p!aco
last Wednesday evening at the Ma
sonic lodge rooms. The ceremony
wai followed by a social mooting and
refreshments. This event has al
ways boon an occasion of much en
joyment In former years but because
of the "flu" him tin election w 11 not
held on the usual date and the ltibtall
utiou of the Masons, which had been
customarily held jointly with tho
Star before, had already taken place,
It did not bring together the usual
number of members. However, It
was an affair that will be remem
bered by those present.
The following were Installed:
Virginia (Jembcrllng, Worthy Ma
tron; Fred Williams, Worthy Patron;
May Kggleston, Associate Matron;
Ktta Jones, Secretary; Kugenla Faulk
ner. Treasurer; Martha Simmons,
Conductress; Lconu Thompson, As
sociate I'onduetress; Ellen Geer.
Ada; Knhl Cowan, Ruth; Neva (Jeer,
Bather; Helena iiaiton, Martha; Edith
DOI 1. da; Inez Oeer, Warder;
I. 8. Oeer. Sentinel; Florence Dalton.
Chaplain; Ella Vocgtly, Murshul, and
Sarah Carre, organist.
Carl Vrooman, who baa just
completed the Investigation of
farming conditions In Europe, has
resigned his position as flrst as
slitant socretary of agriculture.
It is reported In Washington that
tin re had been considerable fric
tion between Secretary Houston
and Vrooman.
I Hie l''tlll
I . - . 1 Udl -.: Xuciiil
lid c h tn, i, r.
untv health of-
; ,
, .
Owing to tl of li-.i i 1
and nuing
10 the tool thai the epidemic Memi I t . ,llil1 '" recognition ol the tuii-
.. the wane In the lurroundlag ary servloee of tame wbo have earv-
t is, l think that ihe iiani'-i of "' with the armed forces ol the i ait-
exposure lo Our SCbOOlS has h. eu "! '--tales ami who have lie.-ii !,., 11
greatly li lened, Therefore you are olr dtoebarged, Inoludlng former
hereby notified that your BCbOOl may American CltlMni Who sit, ,1 in an-
bi mil nrter March let, "' ""' srmed foroei of nations
The parents assums mil respoSsl- agalnal the oeutraJ powen and viu
biiiiv for their children in leiting lv "''11 repatriated, provisloi
them attend. herebj made for their emploi
ah school taaobei must uamlas ""' '" 1'"rnisl1 opgortunltj toe then
tbelr pupils narefull) both mornlntto saeuia rural homes" The bill.
an. 1 noon for iiny signs of tlskneM IheMfOM, is b.-ing advanced fa
ir they appear In tho least sick In any 'i''''1 PUrpOM of rUrnieblug emq!
way, with cohis, slight sore throats, '"'," "''" ham
chllllnesi ojr aching; Ihey should be Power in Secretary's Heed.
.iisiiii::.. 'i .11 once. All of these cusi's Tl"' eeratarj of the Interim I as
called UaQrippe, thai Ihortged to acquire made and topra
,,,,,,. ,,,., t ,,, vide for reilamaii publk
be ui all related to Influents should red landa b) Irrigation, dralnt
be lu-i 1 .mi .11 l ,.! until all of the or itump removal and ha i
I ride for leveling. ,,.,, and
r Ooud b e u od 11 " " ' '""' "My bu,w "'
allowed a pupil with a eald to
sold ui. iv M I
mild attaci of Influeaai sad ' ' "! "'' '
. iHou ' ' '" '
I thai this i". .1 with yonr
it Impi . '
'ours truly, :'"' Sflulpment. The secrotar)
i, --.Mi'i'ii ihorbjed to majge regulstton for di-
Couiily Health Officer.'" (Continued on page flvi I
The William Hanley Company haH
filed a petition In the Circuit Court
asking that the adjudication of the
water rights of Silvies Itlver be re
manded back to the Division Super
Intendent for the purpose of taking
further testimony and making a new
In a- king for this the petitioner
sets forth. that since the adjudication
changes have been mode In the East
Fork by the petitioner and the I. U,
S. Co. in which the channel has been
opened up and a new channel dug for
the purpose of more economical and
less wasteful use of the water and to
prevent over Irrigation of the landa of
the two companies. In this channel
was placed u stop gate to regulate
the overflow of the lands of tho pe
titioner which had previously not
been required because of natural ob
structions. The petitioner states that the de
cree as rendered by the Water Board
gives water users in the Lawen dta
trht priority over its lands and this
interferes with the regulation of th
stop gate pieced In the new channel
dug alBM 1 hi' adjudication testimony
was taken.
Petitioner asks the case be re
manded that It may introduce testi
mony showing the priority of the
right! of the William Mauley com
pany lands. This, contends the pe
titioner, can lie done by Introducing
Of Kil. Hanley. who was
ol the Hanley holdings dur-
when the w liter
rights of the Valley generally were
Initiated, This witness was not aalt-
1 ti,, time of taking testimony,
at in Beettle and klaska.
President Recommend to Con
gress Passage of Bill Pro
viding Soldiers Farms.
v, ton i patch published
rhui . Hoi 1
1 ' : 1 intt nd to
anil sallOl -.
u hen I
cert d the on pub-
lie lands hujri
My r to
; within i'
few days. He Ie confldi
;o-i Ion bul tt"ii
,'t that ,i:e n taole
to this legislation will tho
bouse. ... r no! the bouse
rorabtj will depead, it is coi
ure brought to ii.;u
by the pi -i 1 Wen I on thai body.
Recognition for Soldiers.
ers bill, reported, i n-