The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 22, 1919, Image 3

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    BRIDE sf
t A Romance ff the
Ametican Army
Fighting on the Bat
tlefields of France
tpyilgbt, linfc. by W. U. i k.ii m i
kvn us bo kissed her In return he
i,.. startled Blanco tlmt she cast
llml ho'-, "ml. following It with his
in s:iw n tall figure in uniform
fcrge from the MMM of the orl-
nml uiiitii ho Htood face to nice
i KeUertnan.
ri.ui ar released him and stood, still
tpinr to him, at Ids side, her hiinil
Ln throagh his iirm. Tho contrast
rnpn tin- two HMO wiih extrimr-
nrv. Kcllcrinnn looked ns If he hud
utrmied Into his uniforin; his
Ld bande, his ndjusted blt, the
LgM In hll tiitilc were these of the
L . 1.1 ...l.liaa .. t XI.,.. I. 111. f.itt'
llOM'I'l' I l'""llK "l MillR, - "'"
arty, grlnieA almost unrecognisable
. ir k I. .. I....... alutn,
re. wim iiiniomi uiui uuk nwwm
In grout tatters, blotchd nud
oed with blood.
you said he would not come buck !
,i Eleanor. "You see hi bus come
k. What bnve you to say inure?"
v.m misunderstood im. hlennor
t understand you now for the first
in inv lift-. 1 liked you. Major
llcniiiui 1 trusted you und I ho
ld In you, When you told mi thnt
were working to get Captain Wel
ti!, recognition 1 was Kind, und
liil of rou both, uud happy. Wlmt
,,n iliiV
Tail did he do?" cried Ki'llcrman
oiislv. "Why should you believe
limits of inc. because ho suld
lie never spoke one word galas!
Iviien the decision has ulrendy been
I, liy KB Impartial court, noxious to
M soldier's character. If Unit ware
I have a woman's Instinct,
or Kellernuin."
b of Oils," inierposiHl Mark.
at .ire you doln;; here, sir?
m ,1 the last word out In
I ,,l Itter tlmt Kclleruiiiu winced.
vou've cheated the tiring party,
tits WestOO !" he said, with his
tunl Mie- r.
. cull me Mark while you're about
Laswi i' d Wallace, "Or plcaac re-
i,,r thai 1 am no longer under
n - .i soldier In the
I array. Technically 1 am a
did, Major KsMl'UISP, uud dead
10 tales, eh?" r- ouded Kel-
iivau'elv. "Well, here w tnnd
to 11. ,i). and the ' udttiaus
I lug. It Is not my husl-
VOU in :, . iin cat, Ho. If
ii ur aware tint 'ur life
I, worth ImiiiI the inn'' ' pur-
, i, 'ir Wallace,
kati vou til yom -eif now. Qo
I.M,-- i: nnor In re ,'. the one
lit s, i you free. Ho nod
I . ii v.-ill Iin." a ren-
i , with dm
. fours.
he one word?" Klc:;nor gttspl.
Mr oi ,ord 'yes'," responuwl l.ti-
r become your wife. Ma-
mi titer das, :ift-
I tfcal it mi iour
rin" rnswei-cd Kcllernipn easily.
I Mr '.'.', ion, If you please, slid
War doesn't l"iive mucti
I In n in. in. We kpow win..
oiiii. u ii 1 1 we know tn.-it tit,-
i i l..ii-g iliilnir. When w
lln Ainerlcn I initrht have accented
I il, Kleuimr. lttit here w.
Rtiuid under !li miked lieav-n,
n n Id:!. All irtificla dl -i-
ns Inivc fallen away. I've lov d
lor many months, Meaner, and I
lb rr vou. That's the bold
I of ii. in oid. r to Bsnaasai you,
lulllin" In let this gentleman CS-
.lute Ills escape, even to
lour marriage gsfM nd'iit ou my
'1 iini s I'.ilr, isn't It? And,
llliivc you against me? Is it my
l,'l:it lie u;i, ( (Mirf-lllUI tlllled 1111(1
I' "I to death for striking an of-
latin's effrontery took Mark's ,
BH'u y.
in it," repponded Blennor
Lv, "ik 'no.' And even If you could
ilm to his death It wonld still be i
I' in o he himself would wi;-li
I'.ni yon cun't imrin him. Boras i
column.-, me that all the bin in
( ome to him ha conne from
lend Ii tells me, too, Uud your
Ihan iuii (j, 'Mo,' is my an
J1 yours, Mr. Weston?" asked
pmn, looking at Mark.
k, unable to i , ply, imJnted inward
r"hi;; of the recess. Kill' tuhii
mid Mrode toward it. Then bs
ff'- m one thing more to sny," he
I ' action in dlsmlsslue mo.
'. savors of the romantic
Your Ufa has been a rumimtlc
lltli a eerlni'i liiL'h-Mti'iim' Idi-a!-
h. due to iim rlrenin lain
Iplirlnglng. It was Unit, I ho-
Uilcli mufle you think It your
jo lollow your adopted father'a
11 ' 1 1 --oi 1 think von iilll'lit to
know who you are. Tour fat hi i died
on the hnitleilcld of Haiitlagn. He was
a fugitive fr. ..ii Justice. lie was the
notorious Hampton."
.Mark uttered a ry. R sprang to
wnnl Kellenntin, but Kellernuin (ball
him a blow that sent him stumbling
among the bricks.
"That's a He, Kcllermanl" anld Colo
nel' Howard quietly.
The old Colonel's eyes wore wide
open, lie laid his hands laboriously
upon the edge of the hrlcl! wall and,
With n great effort, raised himself to
his feel.
"That's a lie." he repeated
"It Is no lie, Colonel Howard. Ton
told the whole story to Capialn Wal
lace In the hospital tent. Never mind
how 1 know. I know."
"You damned, dirty spy I" said the
old Colonel.
"A eonte- Ion." answered Kellcrumn
blandly. "Your words were strong
ones, Colonel Howard. Deny them If
you cnn. Yon suld, 'A thousand years
of hell wouldn't atone for that crime.'
You said 'It wss calculated, cold
blooded deliberation.' You said, The
cane against Hampton was absolutely
proven. Ho was to have been hanged
as soon ns we captured Santiago. He
was born rotten. He sold his country
to pay his gambling debts.' And you
called him by the worst name one man
can call another That was why you
tried to persuade Mark Wallace not to
adopt Hampton's child. Like father,
like daughter."
He swung round upon Klcanor, and
for the first time seemed to lose his
"Thitl's who yon are!" he cried. "The
child of ii wretched trsltor, w'no worked
BftHiJXk 1
Miliiltii mm i I avi
HfflF 'H ' Wmr A I iWu
r xl! ' . filler uVra.tlL
. l 1 WWV V rmwIiAH
x i, Haiti:. -s. iMK'JHi:
!5rit Wife-
-v rte .- i
I'.ast of Willamette Meru!ii..i, in
r-'ity, Orsfron) thence weit
ha v.'ii' (.mi lir corcr ol ruM
Sec. '.'I; thsnos MQtb to 'H - BW or
in i of See. 88 all in r.nnie tmvn and
IJ (hence V( l along '.'" IIim bi
i TownsHlpi 84 unl 26, South,
to 1 1 ii- NW conn r of I Ol 1 oi I
towi Bouth, Kan",' 32, l -I t,
lie nee outh to the S' prn d
nel l.ol I. f,c. . C; "i, n hv,.I to the
. i-oiii r oi' I.-1 I ". sui.l See. ii:
I south to tha NW corner of l.ot
7, of said Boo, 6; thonoa went to ths
' , cornaf of tha 3B! i SL'.i -i
lownahtp 86, 3riith, Ranga .11.
ihenup south to HW corner of
EB' HE1 i of sal l Sac, I; tin lea ra I
to the NW corner d' S,-, I ', tin in,
south to the west quarter corner of
said ISe.ISi tluneo west to the NW cor
ner of NK'4 of SK'4 Of Sec. 11;
tin new south to Ihc SW corner of SK
i SE of said sec. 11; thence west
to south quarter corner of said
Sec. 11; thence south through the cen
ter of soetiona 14 and 23 to the south
quarter corner of said Sec. 88 1 thence
east to the SK corner of sec. 84, ail in
Township 25, Jfouth, Range II, Hast;
thence east to the SE corner of Stc.
88, In Township 25, South. Hnngo 32,
BSaat) thence south o the tjE corner
of Sec. 27; thence west to the south
quart? corner of said Sec. 27; thence
south thru the center" of sec.34, and
all in Township 25, south, range 32,
Kast, und the center of Sec. 3, in
Tlfwnship 26. South. Range 3'J, Kust,
north of Malheur Lake to the intersec
tion of said line and the meander line
hounding MuJheur Lake, and being
near the contef of said Sac. 3 thence
in an easier und northcusterly direc
tion, following the meander line of
aaid lake to the intersection of said
meander line and the cast line of Sec.
22, in Township 86, South, Range 32
Kat theme north to the NK corner
of said Sec. 2'Z; thence west to the
north quarter corner of said Sec. 22;
thonoo north to the center of Sec. If
to the renter of Sec. 10;' thence weBt
to the west quarter corner of suid
M 10; thence north to the enst
quarter corner of Sec. 4; thence west
j through the center of sec. 4 to the
i west quarter corner thereof; thence
north to the NK corner of Sec. f;
thence wi st to the north quarter cor-
! sain t'C. n ; inenre soum io
tie orator of said sec. 5; thence west
to the SK corner of the HW4
"The Child of a Wretched Traitor."
in th, war department with Colonel
Howard sod me, u man without honor.
entangled with a wretched woman spy
of said Hoc; thonro north
i to the NW corner of Iot 3, of suld
! Sec. 6; thence west to the NW cor
ner of sec. !; al! in said Township
. ith, Rang 3:";. Kr.nt; thanes
north to the NK cornor of SKl4 of
.:. In Township 84, South. Bingo
88, CuHt: than tha eantpr of
aid iQctlon 86; thsnd north to tha
north quarter corner of r.uid Sec. I6j
thoaco aaal to the north quarter ( or-
i of motion 88) thanos, north to the
center of See. 86 thence west to the
west quarter corner of stud section 86)
thone north Io the Nw corner of
Sec. 27; then. the NW aor of said section ..'7; thence north
to the east quarter corner of Sec. 'il;
who sold our secrets. And that man thanes waoi to i.h" IntarsecUon of i i
your adopted lather, whom you lov lim and tha BJaal For of Silvias liiv
iii.W nm. so led on him in turn, ver n'l In Tow, n I South. Range
and revere, spied on him In turn
Watched him, read his letters, went
i rough his pockets, snared him.
m II brought him to his d, -
avrts- and adopted you."
I TO l ' eonliiiued i
ver, all in lownsnip -', nouin, ivanife
ams h, ing the place of !
gil innir.
That the Irrigal ' '! raced
in the boundaries as abOTS ds
scribed complies the following, to-
niSTI.'HT Township 21. Maith, I r-.isi:
To Be Preeented to the County Court
oi Barney Caaaty, state of Oregon.
on the ".th Day Of March. Nit.
We. the undersigned dtisass of the
Tinted State, constituting a majority
of the owners of laml within ths boun
on 21, 8!
Section 86, SWjK ari
n. acres
Section 2X, all. 6S6.M I
II, '110 acre
Section 8 I, all. 68 1.71 i
Section 86, nil.
bion 66, si : NWf i 186
hereinafter described, or T hip 2... S u h. Range 81, ;
wl, i are bonr. Ado claimants to un-
OCCUph 1 land under the laws if the
i'r or who are the hOlderi
.', , i title or contract to
lands under I lie laws
i ths B its of Oregoni all being duly
qualiAi d owners of I ind, el ihnni
; land of the U ted I
or holderi of oneomplett I titk
and all Del : qu
I he laws of the State
(,r Oi on for organizing irrigation
:- desirous !' font
an irrigation district embracing the
Inafti r ' within
ban in. 'It' '' ''" .nilied
.! d ael forth, end ul t th
.ii.ii Rivt r and Its tribui
8l( b, Poison Creek and'
lien Creek, !" the purpose of
ion : nd the reclamalion "f said
In,, , and tor domestic puree isa, do
hereby petition your Honorable Court
u folic
Th ii ii i the purpoi of the ui
signed petitionoM i" organise ra Ir
rigation di.ii lei undi t the provision i
and by virtue of the Irrigation dlstlrctl
i ra of the Bthte of Oregon i I
i i ,. , . ;',.,, . Oani ral Laws ofJ
Oregon, ii'i- providing for the organ
Isation and managoaienl of Irria Ion
di 'I icts; and
'l hat your Honorable Courl do pro
r 4 i ;. , et forth h
nan f :"'l (" triet
ii. d denning the boundaries th ' (,"r;
. . . . , . . , ,
necaon i, be, ttoc
Section ii. EH SEK,
Section 12, all,
B itiom it. :
tlon 86, :. ,
lion 84, all,
: h " '.' . 8
g -tlon i . all,
8 Hon
Seetio,, ::, all
Section 4, all
Section .',. all,
Section 6, Lot L, SMiN'4
s ' ,
' ion 7. all,
R 'io i B, II,
8 ition 8, ill,
Hon 10, all.
Section 11, "11.
tlon I '. all,
10 acres
SO acres
., ,,,
' a-Tes
' -
089.8 i
:,ec( ion 81, all, 553,73 ucres
Section 22, all. 5(14.44 seres
Section 27, all, 122.21) acres
Section 2fl, nil, 11,87 acre
SttOfl 20, all, 5(1.24 Bcren
Seel ion HO. nil, 440,,'I4 acres
Section 31, nil, 07.10 ucren
Township 86, South, Ranpo 32, north
of Malheur Lake:
Section 1, all, 19.81 nrrcn
Section 2, all. 866.71
Suction 8, Lots 1,2,6,7,8,
128.0(1 seres
Total acreage of 33,400.20 acres
,u- ceding to the Government surveys
All in conformity with the foregoing
and under the lawn of the State of
Oregon, and VOU It PRT1TIONKKS
Kthel ('altorson,
Rabecker Cstterson,
C. J. Johnson.
Adam F. B. George,
Edith Hayes,
I . II. Il.iyi".
.1. K. GruveH,
R. R. SiU,
Blanche Bits,
N. P. Middle,
Ralph Cnttcrson.
Dr, M. Hand Cattereon,
Mary A. Ourd,
Feed G. Otley,
lletman Ruh,
Elbert George,
Alvin C. SpurliM-k,
Chariee Spurlock.
L. B. Gulp.
Aurella Thompson,
Grant Thompson,
Henry Otley,
Fred Otley,
Idn Otley,
Dick Otley,
Scott Hayes,
Ora S Hayes, by Scott HaycR, guar
dian.. .
Othniel E. Hayes, by Scott Hayes,
Izora M. Hayes, by Scott Hayes,
Ethel Graves,
Alberta Graves, by Ethel Graves,
Rose C. Henderson,
J. H. Henderson,
Mm. Rose Crowley,
('. T. Miller.
CluiH. R. Peterson,
Henry George,
Lee R. George, iy Henry George,
('. It. Ausmus,
A. S. Swain,
Sum Mothershend,
J. C Welcome. Jr.,
I! lie ('. Hayes,
A. ('. Welcome,
kie Welcome.
the undersigned citizens of the 1 nil
od Hlates, bona fide owners of one
ui r.- or more of land within the
iTbundarios hereinafter described, or
who are bono fide claimants to un
OCOaptad land under the laws of the
United States or the holders of un
completed titles or contracts for
purchase Of State lands under tho
laws of the Slate of Oregon, being
doHiruuM of forming an IrrlRtttlon
district embracing the land within
Hie boundaries hereinafter set forth,
will at. tho session of tho County I hence west through the center of Sec.
Court for Harney County, Oregon, I 4 to the west quarter corner thereof J
on the 5th day of March, 1919, at ' thoneo north to tho Nl corner of
10 o'clock A. M. of said day, or ac Hoe. 5; thence west Io the north quar
soon thereafter as the samo can bi.tir corner of said Hee. 6; theneo
heard, present 10 told Court a potl-jsout.i to the teenier of said Heo.
tlon praying said Court to proclaim i thence went to the BK corner of tho
an Irrli'iillon district, and define IliojKW1, NW1, of said section; the
boundaries thereof; and to call an north to the NW corner of Lot 3, of
leOtkW for tho purposes above rc' laid BecSj thence vest to the NW
forth and to do all things necessary corn, r of Hoc' 6; all In said Town
and proper under the law for the for chip 86, Koutli, Range 32Vi, East;
tiniiion oi mid district, and A Igntte
the time and place for VOttttg al said
That tho boundaries of the pro
posed district as set forth and do
Krlbed In said petition are as follows,
' north to the NK corner of
BE1,; of Sec. 36, In Township 24,
Houth. flange 32, Kast ; thence ,. i
to center of cald Bee. 36; thenoo north
to the north quarter corner of said
;-c. :C; thonoa west to the north
quarter corner of Bee. 35; thence
lioglnnlng at the Intersection of ! "orth to the center of Bee. 20; theneo
(he Bast Fork of Bllvles River and wet to tho west quarter corner of
he aast and west quarter line through "ul Ke'' 'i6'- thence north to theNW
Section 81, Township 24., South i eorner of Bee. 27; thence west to thu
Range 32, East of Willamette Mer- NW OOfnat of said Sec. 27; thence
ldlan, In Harney County, Oregon, north to the cast quarter corner of
thence, west to the west ounrter eor- 8ec.21; thence went to the Intersec-
ner of said Boo.Slj thence south to
the SW corner of Sec. 33, all In
ante town and range; theneo west
along the line between Townships 24
and 25, Bouth, to the NW corner of
tlon of said line and the east fork of
Bllvles River, all In Township, 24,
Bouth Range 32, East, same being
tho place of beginning.
Lot 1 of Sec. C, Township 25, South, Ethel Catterson.
Hange :i2. East, thence south to tho
BW corner of said lot 1, Sec. 6;
thence west to tho SW corner of Lot
4 of said Bee. 6; thence south to the
NW corner of Lot 7. of said Bee. 6; l. B. Hayes,
thenre west to the NW corner of the j. E. Graves,
BEV BE '4 of Bee. 1; Township 20,
Bouth, lliinge 31, East; thence south
to the SW corner of BE SE ',; of
said Sec. 1 ; theneo west to tho NW
corner of Sec. 12; thence south to tho
west quarter corner of said Sec. 12;
thence west to tho NW cornor of
Xi:', of FEVi of Sec. 11; thence
south to the SW cornor of SEBE'i
of said Sec. 1 1 ; thence woet to south
quarter ccrnur of said 8ec.ll; thence
south through the center of sections
14 and 2.'! to the south quarter corner , Aurella Thompson,
of said Sec. 23; thence east to tbeSE Orant Thompson,
corner of See. 24, ull ln Township 88, , Fred- Otley, x
South, ltange 31, East; thence east Ida Otley,
to the HE comer of Bee, 22 In Henry Otley,
Township 25, South, Range 32, East; Dick Otley,
thence houlh to the SE corner of , Scott Hayes.
Sec. 27; thence west to south quar- ! Ora S. Hayes, by Scott Hayes, Ouar-
Rebecker Catterson ,
C. J. Johnson,
Adam F. B. George,
Edith Hayes,
R. R. Bitz,
Blanche Bitz,
N. P. Middle,
Ralph Catterson,
Dr. M. Hand Catterson,
Mafy A. Oard,
Fred G. Otley,
Herman Ruh,
Elbert George,
Alvin C. Spurlock,
Charles Spurlock,
L. B. Culp.
ter corner of said Sec. 27; thence
south through ths center of Sec. 34,
and all in Township 25, South.
Range 88, East, and the center of
Sec. 3, in Township 86, South.
Range 3 2. East, North of Malheur
Lake to the Intersection of said lino
and the meander line bounding Mai- I
heur Lake, and bcliiK near the cen- j
ter of said Sec. 3; thence In an easter
und northeasterly direction, follow-
Othniel B. Hayes, by Scott Hayes,
Izora M. Hayes, by Scott Hayes,
I Guardian.
Ethel Graves.
Mberta Graves, by Ethel Graves
i". Henderson.
J. II. Henderson.
Mr:. Kose Crowley.
in k the meander line of said lake to c. t. Miller.
the Intersection of said meander II"
and the east line of Hit 22. In Town
chip 25. South. RangO 3 East;
thence north to the NK corner of
j said Sec. J2; thence west to the
, north quarter corner of said Sec. 22.
thonoo north though, the (enter of
Sec 15 to the center of Sec. 10;
' theneo west to the west quarter cor
ner Ol said See. 10; theneo north to
I the east quarter corner of Sec. 4;
aa i. R, l'eterson.
Hi nry George.
Lee It. George, by
C. B Ausmus.
A. B. Swain.
Sam Molhershead.
.). C. Wi some Jr.
Belle 0. Hayes.
A. C. Welcome.
Prankle Welcome.
Henry George
Section 18, all.
Section 14, oil,
B 'loll
Be, I ion
Beet ion
Ion 81, all.
18, all,
16, ell.
17. all
IS. all,
19, ell,
80, all
684.48 sen i
i: (u acre
i, in acres
840 '"'i'
c, in
840 acre
r,4(l acres
till 88
it "i Ion
Sec' ion
Section 86, all.
Section 26, all.
Seel ion 84, BVa,
Section 88, all,
,i , tlon 88, all.
'n acres
840 ."'"
640 ire
686.87 acres
840 acres
630.00 acres
881 Jl acres
680X18 acres
IK I. (IK acres
I Ml
.1 ' . ..
'' , ' ,r
AY your smi'
lluah up i
C pvi kV r r
UK .
Thai your Honorable Courl proce-M Township 85, Bouth, Range 89"
,. i ,tch as may as un isi
said i. 'i .-in all ction fi r the
,., - po above set forth and tO i1" all
i ns ' ii under laid law for
the formation of isid dl trlct, d)
uatlng the time and lace for voting
I aid ah , -i Ion; and
Thi i the boundai Is i and d u ip
i tie- land under said diatricl
hall bi U follow.'., lovyil :
: " ol ihc
East Fork "r BilvlM River and ths
quarter line through
n 81, Township 24, .South, Range
4, BH
Seel ion
' I
' Ion
'', lion
Section 15, WV4,
.".eelilill 0, Bit,
on 17, a1!.
Bectlon ik, al1.
Section 18, all
Section 80, all,
7, ml.
8, kU,
'. nil.
in, SV.'i,
659.1 6
6 hi
488.38 acres
187.95 acres
602, 16 acres
r '
listenino nnc.l r."ir
yet the Prince Albert call, all
t You':i hunt a jimmy pipe so qui;
get so much tobacco joy oul
ptili ...'.ill wi; ii you iiad been i
twinsl For, Prince Albert puts over a I
new to every man i'ond of a pipe or i
made i tte. It wins your '
ph . ' . aut n
And, right bejhind this quality Havor and
bji ince is Prince Albert's freedom firon i
which is cut out by our exclusive patei
tell you to smt ': '"di BU . i any clij
pipe or makin'8 without a cornel
7"o,'' red bug, tiuy r.' tint, luuuJuoma poom.1 n.t
hilf t.ouiii Iin humidor ..'. U:j: ... isr, pn
pound ct-'tul .,: h'ltnidor with tponga ir.uhtcntr
top that lueup th to6u.fl to tuch pmrfatt cniiL1 .
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Wintton-Salcm, N. C