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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1919)
" The Tlmce-Horald goes re rtilarl) to more homes In llar ,., County than any other aewspaneTi If you wish to reach tlio people awe thette col n n ii for your advertisement. The Tlmes-llcr.Mld In mi old established friend Of Hie people of ll.irncy County where It has been h weekly visitor for thirty years. It'- Joh department la equipped to serve your need. VOL. XXXII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 15, 1919 NO. 16 F Jm SPhe SKm-fleMii ; t ' ;- f -1 mi 7 i . zr r . ' - ' --' (ilVE MUJJEL EVERY YANK SOLDIER .:.. tt:n: c ITIaiiidiiuii ut itiiuiuiin wi 1'crmit Selection of Homestead in Any Clime. Government Would Finance 1 roject. I .inns for soldier ,.f Interior l.nne lias asked con en -.. appropriate ICMI,OIMI,0M vtith which the I'. S. Ilcctumiitioii sen ice may make new farms for returned Milliter. 'It Is proposed to IrriKate deserts, drum swngepS and elear eut-over timber lands. The entire pro gram is explained by Secretins I. in' hiuiM'ir In the following ur ticelc BY I HANKMN K. fcAWB Secretary of Interior. (Wrltted especially for The Times Herald. All over the United States there are quantities of lands that are ca pable of producing cotton, corn, fruit SSANKLIN ILJvN and wheat, which are out of use. Altogether there are perhaps 250.- 000,000 acres of such lands that in two or three years by scientific drain - ige or by Irrigation or by stumping could be converted into first-class farms. In the far West, in the arid country ilong the Colorado River in Arizona, llong the Snake In Idaho, the North 'late in Wyoming and Colorado, and near the great rivers of the West, there are millions of acres of lands luti can be Irrigated; while in the -on!) and the northwest than are tore than 104.000,000 acres of land ha' bave been logged off but which I idla today. 'in I..1111I t Use and Fverjbody Gains in nicn 1 ua ra presented to team that ws Hiiaii put Ihi- land to use. That Is where the llns. It m uos that it shall pui Into condition by the soldiers iftcr they have been mustered out. I'liiu 1 whan the soldier gains, Svi rv man who has been in the lacks fcf Hi" army or navy shall have an opportunity to go on one of tlieso irojei t and have a Joh at the current in building a dam or a Bill li or leveling land or pulling up ituuip-. building dykes, clearing land. lulldlni houses or roads or fena t. 1 .111 Select Complete Uarm in .in) (lime. This means that when the boy aa bi S'ew York he goes hack homo or a tine, meets hi people, and then '' en .1 1 banes to take a plai I in in:, of Hi" great canps that win be ormed for tbfl reclamation of aoiue l this unused land. H" gets bin wageH there. Out of M' be will nav a certain amount or in board, save soougb in a -; r half or twa years while be is to pay a first liistalliucii' on farm anywhere north, uoutn or ' and have thai us his own. it r'H ' .1 farm that will be prepared B piece Oi wild land, hilt a In a settlement which has its ilready built. It will be a farm already surwyed, tl, a bouse and barn bull', the mil elaarad, so that a man can move 1 lii furniture ami lieirln life at llll'e. The) will be connerted with rall " if they are not Immedlutely Ini It, ,y good roads. They will be 1 1'" 'ii with reference to the market- g of the produce thai will be pro- fu'-! upon them. Is -hort, eacb man can have a Job, F v w j!a r " I y 5 t a M L- ! rAKM l) a .. u.. it..i o- nrn ncri's uy i itrir nam mil the goviTiunent advancing the cApli al. and out of the ootthinatlon Of bla owa lubor and the govariiui Hal he inn be given an Independei.t living. It's Not Charity Act, Hut I'Hituer slilp Affair Hut this is not to be done in the slightest hit as a mutter of charity, nor Is any man to ha I -oerced into taking up the wrrk It Is an oppor tunity whi h tb government out of appreciation for the fine service ren dered by Its boys glvei to them. The will pay back the money with Interest, hut they can pay it back over a period of 40 years. The same who drains a great area in South Carolina may choose a farm in Arizo na or In Oregon. We have spent $60, 000,000 . day In fighting the boche, and surely we can afford to spend what was a tew days' war outgo In setting up for life tha men who whipped the Hun. It will he a profitable arrange ment all around. The money will be advanced by the people. It will be returned hy those who take the farms. I expect hundreds of thou amis of city-bred fellows will have this desire for an Independent out-of-door life. Then there are a million mi'n in our army who come off the farms, many of whom will Barer have a haii. e to own a farm unless there Is some such plan as this. HARNEY COUNTY BOY HOME ON FURLOUGH Stationed at Queenetcwn and On Admiral Sims' Flagship During War. Leonard Locher was at home on a furlough during this week. He was here only a few days as his time was limited. His arrival was something of a surprise to his friends as but few of them had been Informed of bis coming, Leonard has been in ac tive servlc in the navy ever since volunteering hfs services to I'nile Sam. He has been promoted an! now is an officer. He la on the r K. H. Melville, which Is a repair ship. He was stationed a good portion or i he time during active war at Queens town. Ireland, hut wus fortuiinto to gel "ii Admiral Hlms' flag ship dur lag his cruising in the war aono, Leonard found a hearty web among bis many old time friends who regret tbut his time wus ho limited. He returns t,o New York and expect! to go to southern watera lor ' i untitling months of the cold weather bui nil ship will make Hostou hur bjOf its active base In the spring. Leonard Is in the service for a four year period und had Hie war contln- 1 1 - i had axpet ted to be given an op portunity to go to Annapolis, bill with the present trend of affairs the young man has no desire to continue In the navy hut may decide upon the completion of his enlistment period to engage actively in the merchant ma tine Whatever Ills choice his old time friends and fofmer cshool mates wish bun success. GO TO t OVHllr LKOIHLATOKH. Judge II. 0, LoveiiH and Copiinls -inner Mass took their departure last Tuesday for Salem at the urgent re uuest of many citizens of this conn . (y to put before members of lhal body the possible Interference of the future development of this big coun try should tin- bill ceding the Mal heur Lake to the federal government During their absence the count v Officers will take occasion to look further into the road building pro position of stale and federal aid in the building of the post road between Bliraa and Crane. I'ltOMIVKVr HTOfk .MAN IHKH Just as we go to press we barn thai a telegram has been received announcing the death of A. Kgll at San Jose, California this morning. rivers in concrete beds T , H &' '" ' i" - E :-efc.JBfJ f .' W I . ill!1" imaMi - i ." - .rj 1 1 The some of rnnal construction In Irrigation projects stems to have been re.che.Hn Strawberry Valley. Utah where this ";-"; crete river flow, down from Its mountain lake to ? ??!. w.ste. Agriculture on a farm fed by on. of these rn Ktreams opens up new possibilities in crop productions of alt kind. II en included as bat a part of the plan advocated by B ury of Interior Lane In his reclamation service for returned soldiers t AHul.VN III Kill. K-Itt KI.ANH. The Times-Herald made mention of the death of Mrs. James Iliickland in its last Issue, but little else was given at that time. Since, throuh a mutual friend, we have received the following Information of the young weman: Carolyn Cathrlne Middle wm born In Uarber, Oklahoma. October 17, 190 and died February 7, 191U. be twenty-two yeurs, three months .ml twenty-one days old ut the time. She was married March !), litis, to James Hu. kland. Beaidea her husband she is survived hy her parents, Mr. and Mrs N. 1'. Diddle, a sister. Alma Mid dle, anil her brother, Kmtnolt lilddle. Her husband was away from heme but returned before her death aud was at her bedside when the end came. Many friends mourn with the bereaved relatives. . THK i'KKNIIYTKKIA.N' CHURCH. If the conditions of the Spanish Influenza continue to improve in our town by Sunday, Feb It, our church and Sunday IChOOl will be open for services where you will find a most hearty welcome. II. S. Hughes, 1'us h.r Mr. and Mri. Crank Dibble came over from their silver Creek some 'i hur-.da . to consult i physician, Mrg. Dibble being in great pain Troiii an ntlnck or neuralgia. She was sOBM relit red j I rday. 3NE BIRD THAT DOES NOT SCARE . I rlv P1 v a c v3vjlei jf""llr ji ' ' quench arid wastes ..oN vu,i,i, oraii rare homc Mrs. 1. S hwaru is getting ready to open a new line of strictly high class furnishings for ladles. During the present week she has been busy with the traveling representative of Klelschner, Mayer A t'n. making se lections and she will have one of the most exclusive lines ever brought OUt of the larger cities Mrs. Schwartz bus had such a buslnc In mind for oiii" time and has only Ratted to get the big general stock of goods out of the way lo milk" her orders and pre pare lor her new line. She hie not decided the date of her opening hut It will likely be early next month The south half of the old store will he occupied by Mrs. Schwartz, and Mrs. Millar will again have her mll tfnary displayed there as in former times. The latter has gone to Port land for the purpose of ordering her new spring line, having gone out this week. Trice I'ennlck met with a painful accident the other day which may re sult lu the loss of one of his fingers, lie accidentally got bis hand in a wood si anil it was badly lareeral ed. lulling deep wounds and almost completely severing one finger lie is iii low ii where hi - ph l la n wnii hful eye on the Injured hand and hopes to keep all his dlglli lie s nil' ring mm h pain from the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tudor were in town yesterday. . CONCESSIONS MADE IN FLU BAN REGULATIONS Churchea May Hold Servicea If Deiired; Meelinga and Parties Permitted. City Marshal McDonald tailed a. (his office the fore part of this week and stated that the health board hud i made further concessions In the fin iiuaranilie regulations and that be-1 Beavera Responsible. ginning tomorrow the churches would ; be permitted to resume their usual j J. C, Foley was a caller at this of nervlces; lodges would be allowed to I flee yesterday afternoon and wlnle In, hold hu linens sessions and private ! a discussion arose over the proposed parties at the homes were to be grant- j bill In the legislature to cede Malheur ed, but no dancing. Lake to the federal government as a. In this concession was also given the privilege of games being per milled in the pool halls with not more than four people at a table, but no chairs were to be provided for loaf - ers. These orders are subject to change at once should conditions war rant. Although given permission under these rules to resume nervlces. Itev. Ii. 8. Hughes of the I'rcsbyterlan cliurih announces that he will not take advautge of it for the coming Sunday, but If conditions continue to Improve be will start the following Sunday. Several have asked when the pic ture house will open und the manege inent authorizes the announcement liiaf as soon as there seems no dan- ger from the epidemic and the an tborlties consent programs will he gin. o '- KM'KKIMK.NT HTATIONT SCI'KIt INTKNDKNT AltlllVKH. Obi fhattock, the new aparin - teudent al the Experiment Station, to succeed V.r. .Martin, arrived lieie the latter part of Inst week, accompanied by Mrs. Shattuck, and they .re now domiciled on the station farm and ready to receive their many old time friends. Theso young people are not strangers In this community as they were here for a tew years, in fact they were married on tho Kx perm. ent Station farm at the time Mrr Shattuck was assistant to Mr. Ilrelthaupt. Following this Mr. Shattuck was county agent and the young people left hero to again take up studies at the Agricultural college at Corvallls. The new superintendent nn on the field familiar not only Willi the character of the work, hut here wee of his former association with Mr. BreHhaapl and his personal gCQI I with the farmers of the count) he la In a position to accomplish good .is. III I'.NS STOCKMAN HK oi;i;lt. William ll.inlev, Hums. r , stock man, who has been III ut the ort land bote for the past Week, was ng last night as a resell ot an operation performed yesterday alter noon. The iiiteiidlng physician, Dr. B I' li-ary, says Mr Hiinley will be unable to leave the hotel for another week. Oregonluli Cell. 1 I Mr . lieorgla Ilarbee. lormerlv one of the employe i In the local telephone office, aud well known lo the people I this shop lias been on the firing line of this city, arrived in Munis Thurs- for a good many years. He has had da Irom Cortland where she lias.manv experiences in this newspaper been residing since last spring, and is! Hold and many have been in this of u guest at the home of her mother, I f ice as printers and assistants in tho lira, W. M. Sutton. Mrs. Ilarbee business, hut up to the present time hud Intended making a visit here In It has been the fate of the "boss" to a few weeks to remain for a time, but take the responsibility of the comern. upon learning of the illness of her Knowing Kessler before he offered little daughter, Crunces, who Is inuk-1 his services to his "Cm le Sum" at ing her home with Mr. and Mrs. Sut LthS beginning of the war, and finding ion. she came in at once. The little that the young man gave up an op one Is a vL i Ini or Influenza but is I portunlty to romulii lu the army with gelling along line wilh the very best la coiuinis.slon to return to his chosen i i eara, protaaalon, the manager felt he was making no mistake when mutual I. II. Holland has purchased the ,,.,,,, iuwrted B, oomlSg to the interests ol Krnest Musi, k Hi the pool ,.,,,.,.,, Mr KHk)r (.OIm.H , Thl. hail. Mr. Mustek had i,ee absent Ttmes-HaraW net as a Strang er, nor lor several month- and had suggest js h(, g slni,1Kor lo , ,.,,, of Ihlrt ed some lime ago to Mr, Holland thai he buy him out. Mustek i. al present employed by Wells Fargo I'o In Cortland. Ills many old time teutlon to remain there insleul of friends are sorry to learn of his In retiirniug to his foi iner business in this city, J. II. nan, traveling representative cation from the time It was estab for Fishy liner, Mayer H Co, wus in llslied in 1887 and one which la town several days during tills week looked upon us reliable and perma laklug an order for a couiploto line j nent. If present plans are carried of ladies furnishings to be shipped forward and all things are agreeable to Mrs. 1. Schwartz, whowlll open a I Mr. Feasler will become more fully line of thvsegoods in this city in the I Identified with the publication of tbia near future. J paper in the near future. MALHEUR LAKE LESS i THAN 30 YEARS OLD w Only Shallow Spot Near Sod Houae Late aa 1889; Stumpa Vitiblc. "HUNT EXPEDITION" IS RECALLED maian Legend os urigim iviaKes bird refuge. Mr. Foley questioned the wisdom of siii1!! a move upon the part of this state from an economical standpoint j or whether It was advisable to put too much dependence in this place as a permanent, nesting place and breeding ground for migratory birds. In connection with this opinion Mr. Foley recalled conditions as late as 1889 when he saw that lake all dry but . small shallow spot In the vicinity of the Sod House. Mr. Fo ley was all over that portion of the lake bed ami staled that there was every evidence of It having once bean dry as sagebrush stumps were visible all over It. This evidence hut recalled reading "The Hunt Expedition," hy Washing ton Irving, and the "Travels" ofWal ler Skene Hodges, lu which the early history of this country is record".l al so an Interesting Indian legend of the origin of Malheur and Harney lake.. The Indian legend tells of a dry i waste throughout this territory in 1 whieh the water from the Snako j ver on the oast to the DeechUtM ; on the west, was at the warm spring! J ul Ba pu Kanch. A great hole had allowed the water of this vast bai-ln I to run off to the east to the Slake, I All the animals of this vast eXfMUtee traveled many days to the warm springs for water with the result that when it was reached they drank so much they died by the thousands. The buffalo. whtc"h formly were plentiful in this1 region, finally' went east ofthe Snake Itlver and never did return. The beaver, seeing the great waste of life, came down from Steins Mountain and plugged up the holo through which the water wus scap ing, thus creating the lakes again. Ibis Btorj of Mr. Foley'! coincides .Hi the e,ul'. rec ollectlone of Capt. the old Plate luil'un. He told'.ar stor.. to the late Dr. "alar - .. , rltor recalls it as re seated to bin by the Doctor. No I doubt this will be confirmed shea Dr. Mar. don I bonk ..I Indian Ion and legenda is published bj the unlvei ty of California. ADDITION TO OCIt FORCE. Lieut a. Feaaler is now a dm n bet of The Times-Herald force. In adding Mr. Kessler to the staff the ii. i: mc etneiit bad not only in miiid tiie admonition to aid the returning soldier, but also the future oi the business. The present active bead of community. He comes with the in tentlOB of associating himself witii one oi the substantial business con i ei n.t of Harney county---one that has been in the field for over thirty years aud has become a part of the country. It has been the only paper to continue uu uninterrupted publl- is uTr'" '-- -... .- una-innr