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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1919)
gggSSBSmSBSSmmsm&mmmmmmmasmsmamtmmmmmmmmum m mm 1 vk, v I I CTflw 7 IV: a BQHvniyi i J 111 F (J Jut. iA iPtvfn iIaIH B J fl Ik t U If II L' "- IK OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR . Its the daily break fast in thousands of western homes. There U no ether to digestible no healthful. Honestly rocomrncrded r the dall) diet of the entire household. Becatrae the ingredient! ere lo blended as to produce a food that in petitising and perfectly digested. Tbose who hare found other pancakes indigestible will find OLYMPIC with the moat delicate stomach. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. I ),.: TAKE fi gjAj Jk NOTICE kgO jBjp INVESTIGATE Call your nearest dealer for information AT ONCE. Then take the earliest opportunity of conveying to said dealer the idea that you wish to acquire one of tkcue This Man Talks Like It Waa a Ford. Hood River, Or.. Route. Mar. 4. Vaughan Motor Worke, Fortland, Oregon. Dear Sirs: Am having fine suc cess with the tittle old bug. Aver age ten ricks to gallon of gas; al so cut 3IX) ricks at 4 l-8c eost per ri'k. (JoiiiR some for an old rig. Recpectfully yours, J. J. KKl NK.MACHFR. LABOR SAVERS - A Gasoline Motor Driven Drag Saw Machine that Raws up to 25 cords of wood per day. The King of Crackers Tru Wu Urntiauis bave the rare com biuati.ui of rich food value and eliep deliciuusDVKS lluit lu.ikr lb iin ever wel come. At iii.'.iIh .ir between iii.uIh tbey are ulwuys popular. Made for you in the daylight toed factory. Sold every where. TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO. I'uillnud. f I "THE THRIFT SPREAD" ila ...... tcvud i, ...... 1, n m i . r-j I Oregon Made fop Opegon Trade Oleomargarine Mnkos economy a double pleasure; a table treat ; delicious on toast and brend and oh steaks and vegetables. You'll like it right from the start. Composed of pure, carefully select ed ingredients and churned fresh daily with pasteurized milk. The moot noticeable differ ence between Columbia Brum (tleiunnigiirine noil faarj creamer; butter i . ifct price nnd it's In favor of lifers of Olriiiiuirgarim-. 1'ncked in waxed, odor proof - cartons, U. 8. Gov ernment inspected. UNION MEAT CO. North Portland, Oregon ( rO. s I vS' " ifA.P J r" NOTE : We also suggest that for good results you should specify a VAUGHAN Drag Saw. For further details address VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc., 475 East Main Street. Portland, Oregon. The Sign of Quality THI RBTVRNKD SOLDIER AND Till: CITIZEN. (Contribute.! The whole program r. f Reconstruc tion and Readjustment Is one that revolves around the luestlou of labor. What can wo ilo to furnish employ ment to the returned and returning .soldier And at the same time keep those who have employment at work also. There Is little use lit asking Oregon manufacturers and employers II you want to really aid the move ment to employ more men Then buy the goods that these men manufacture and thus. Increase the demand. RODENT KA (;i:s mm.c kki IN ii'.mtj. It Is estimated I but the lot... In ' crops caused by rodent pests in Idaho In one year would total $G",2o7,'J4 , If they were permitted to destroy crops, unmolested, says the Statesman. ' ".Signed reports from H0 farmers Insist Upon GOLDEN ROD CEREALS They are the perfection of experienced miliinexcei'ciit in qualify and the Product of a SSome Industry Golden Rod Milling Co. Millers and Joultry Food Manufacturers Prrflpinr-i nAAn VJw II g' If fsr rN " Urn jrjT II III 11 Tlf riMt ill 1 W "flapjacks" lii Will savory hotcakes, rull of Ml goodness, are for your break- Ml fast. A delightful treat, so in- .. Ml expensive and simple to pre- Will pare you can enjoy them every . day in the year. '" To take on more men, if they are i in 13 counties show on 127, 4S7 acres already loaded with their full re MUlrements? If our factories can sell only the goods already being made And the demand does not Increase for their products can more a total possible loss In grain valued at 1774,693 in 1918 had no poison ing been done," says W. K. Crouch, federal agent in charge of the i(..leni control In Idaho. "This makes air i average possible loss ofI6.07 an acre. people be given As there are approximately 1,027,553 How orK- acres of cullvated land Infested with It is a question that every citizen ground squirrels In Idaho, according can answer and be of practical help, to the average loss reported by farm- uy goods that our Oregon fac- ers the possible loss In cropi caused tories are making by tns pef)t wou,(, ,(( $(. .,.,7 Incease the demand for our pro- 246 annually in this stale ir ,'e ducts and the demand for men to ground squirrels were allowed to da make them Increases at the same j stroy the cropn unmolested. e' "A considerable part of this loss Oregon manufacturers employ Or- ( waa avoided this year because of Or egon citizen and our factories are ganlzed efforts on the part of the better in many ways- farmer8 worklng throuin thr M Then why be found elsewhere farm bureau In co-operation with .he And to fall to buy the products la . bureau of biological survey. United -. ....renu ou cmzens as beln6 cap- states department of agriculture, able of turning out products equal "This organized work was carried 10 other places. on in 22 counties with 4,025 farmers It is not a question of sympathy, actively cooperating. I'olsoned bait sobs or subsides-- I to the amount of 226,496 pounds, It Is simply a practical question mixed according to the formulas rec that every citizen of Oregon has in nmmended by the biological survey, his or her hands to answer and ad-1 were distributed on 227,761 acres of Just. '4 farming i,d tt a coat of 34,S3, and according to reports made by ,. oper ating famers, a saving In crops vain. .1 at $1,251,55:! was the result of this organized effort. In addition lo BO-0pratlve work done on private lauds approximately IU0. 00 ucres of vacant roderal lands adjacent to farms were treated with poison furnished by the bureau of biological survey, thus preventing ie iuleslatlou lo u large extent. "II Is planed to conduct organize! campaigns against rodent pests dur ing the coming season In racthally every agrlcull tire county In the Mate, In an effort to check the loss In tops and to eventually rid the state of tint pests. "As a suggestion by the campaigns which already have been conducted ' ileetively in the more Important fea tures essential lo ujtlmate success are co operation of all agencies Involved including farmers, local organizations j county, Hlate and federal officials; 'leadershjp trained and expert. mood lln methods of rodent control and in I organization; a unit nlan lo mv.i...... atlze activities and cover a sufficiently large territory to prevent relnfesl- atlon; financial support to procure supplies In large quantities; and Ugal provision for the extermination of pests upon neglected areas. The things that pans from one country to anollier, evidently, ure the bills. What about all the letter., thai have heeu lost from I'rnnce lo us and from us to France Surely the almighty dollar Is the most Important thing after all If the human, sentimental side of the war Is to be crowded out In ilils manner while the other really secondary things are pushed through without it single loss or delay. The trouble with us Is that we dou'l complain enough. There should have h.en complaint U t(.,. complaint drowning the Int. IJSOUOO office until we should have received some satisfaction Instead of the old worn out phrase: "Well irh war times, you know." Don't Peel Touiself. Got the Genuir.Ig yTv and AvoidgarjCJJgravvUI pVlilitfiJipt c o n o m y lsttiaaK?'10 Every Cake I CM This Out It In Worth Money. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Departs No. 2, Prairie 1:15 A.M. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this J slip, enclose with Gc. to Koley &. Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive In return a trial j package containing Foley's Honey und Tar Compound, for coughs, colds fund croup, Foley Kidney Pills and ! Pott? Cathartic Tablets. Sold by Heed Bros. Arrives Sumpter Baker 2:35 P. 4:15 P. M. M Departs No. I, Baker 8:3 A.M. Sumpter 1:05 A.M. Arrives Prairie 2:1 P. M. Wo will do jour Job pinning. $1500 Reward! A man suffering rrom backache, rheumatic pains, stiff Joints or sori I muscles may laugh and aay those' symptoms of kidney trouble "don't j amount to anything." It folIy , I , ignore Nature's warnings. Foley Kidney fills give quick relief n ! kidney or bladder troubles and "It Is better to be saft than sorry." gold by Read Bros. j No. 1 Makes irond niniiociloii withO.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4 (Fust Mail) leaving Portland V1 i P. M., arriving at Baker 7:55 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv- in Haker 6:50 A. M. No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast Mail) arriving: at Baker 7:56 P. M. which picks up Pullman at Ba r, arriving at Portland 7:M A. M. AIko with JNo. Jt at A-tk ',UI aaaVsWaf SJaaaT V VI wirvr I MV 'in 'mr- . "Tv J vl kert. Tko OreaM, tfel- Iforalsamt Ktvaila I.I Stock -Hire. Una Ann. in,.s ( V. f wnu-o 'tir i!K,i 'fT .tsntrt I n i,,r, k will in ti.we nit rrwpffi mi. fV. . eac irtsist to wv .nr.i r .i roil vlcltou ul hdv par- ijroijrlin. !! liS BTtrw rmila or amies llbiislsg ka say .,( Hi aieav laaddllio. mil,, ,,, ,h1 un(j -..Iter. th. same coudhton ,., ,,. ,,, br.sdert horse .hod bar oa both or I. Sri t.w rr.,,,.Ji, ;i!!l ,,n""' S. TSSSiiUff.4 r-k ",,M' ' Neae bat rea baraee Mi sod sod la tatraTal kaia.k. . I . I ibT. M. W Mint Egt. J .. -..,W'- -. iU Or....