The Times-Herafd JULIAN RYRO Mnnnger SATURDAY. Ff.ERUARY 8. I8I SUBSCRIPTSON RATES 5i Mott" three Month $2.00 1.00 .75 Entered at the Post Office at Burns, Oregon, as Second Class Matter. PETITION IXIl AN lltltlUATION, To be Prccnted fix 0 If Court of Harney County. State of Ore gon, on the Bth lay of March, IB1Q TO THE HONORAHLE COUNTY' COURT OF HARNEY COUNTY, ORBOON: We, the undersigned Citizens of the United Slates, whose names have been personally signed to this petl tion, constituting a majority of the owners of land Irrigated it suscepti ble of Irrigation within the bound aries hereinafter described, or who ere the holders of an uncompleted title or contract to purchase state lands under the laws of the State of Oregon, or who are bona fide claim . nis to lands under the laws of tha of the SW of NEH of said Bectlon Section 17; thence south to the east quarter Ruction oorner of said Section 17; thence, cast to the North easl corner of tttoj NWV, ofSW'i or Section 1 ti ; thence smith to the South-east comer of said NW', of SWV4 of Section 16; theme east to the North-east corner of the SK'J of SWVi of said Section tti, thence south to the conter of Section 81; thence oast to the east quarter corner of said Section 21; thence south to tho 8outh-oast corner of said Section 21; thence east to the North-oast corner of Section 27; thence- south to the east quartor cor ner of said Section 27; thence east Section to the center of Section 26; theme Section south to the SOUth quarter corner of Section said Section 2G:thunce east to the Section North quarter comer of Section 36; ; Section thence south to the center of said Section Section .16; thenco east to tho east quarter corner of said Section IS; I thence south to tha south-east cor-: net of said Section 116 T. M S. I!.; ;i2 B.; thence easl to tha worth easl -. fi. All " 038. 4'J acres 7, Lets fl, 10. 11. 12 and nevj nev, io.7n aorei 8. ! 10. 13. 14, IK, 16. 17, 18, IB. Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Soctlon Section Section Section 20, Soctlon 21 2 2. II, 14, 1 1 , 16, IT, Section II, Section 29. Seel, on 10, Section Section corner Of bol I I" Section ! l. IB BOOUOn s. it. ISM B.; thence south to the Section luth-east earner of the sw; of Section NV'i Of said Sec l Ion Bj thence BeCtlOD II, 32, 1 1 . 14, IS, 10, All All All SMi All All All All All All All All All All All All All All AM All All All All Alf All All All 040. 640. 640. 320, 640. 640. 640. 640. acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 638 98 acres 637.22 acres 640. 641. t 640. 640. 6411. 640. 640. acres acres acres acreii acres acrs acres t! acres 64 0. acres 640. acron lll.TI acre;! ;:'.! acres I in. 640. 840, 640. 640. acrei acres aire l acres aere i Section 3r. All 030.08 acrei BeetlOS. 36, All 481.08 acres Township 2fi South. Range BSVl DaSl Seel Ion Section Section .Section Section Sectlou Section Section Section 4, SV4 K, SVj. NWVi , All 7, All All All All All All ISO, acres WMi 399.77 acres 489.38 teres 480 60 acrei 8, 8. 10, 11, 14, Raectlon 15, All Section 16, All 640. 640. 840. 640. 440. 646. 640. 640. acr t acrei ncrs acres acre acres acres acres Paul' Howes, Mrs. Ida Denstedl S. Iniyler Whiting. wflWBJPge"" VVb"ti the Germans lose the me f SBafikes and Muns It will; a i:kii Ml aBgejlgWated (lermany to the east quarter corner of Section Township II South. : ; them south to the South ea il orner of said section 4; thence easl '(i tha N.irth-cast corner Of Section 1 1 ; tic couth to the South i I corner of Section 2:! T. II S, R. IS Range 10 Bast: (127 :ill acres Section I, All Township -! South. lUtage IS Bast: Section IS, beta :!. 4, United States, each being over the il1111 tu "" Intersection with the Section age of 21 years, and the name Of present Meander Line of MglBettr BeeUon each appearing upon the last assess- Lake; thence in a general soulh- Section ment roll for Harney County, Oregon, I weethrn direction following said Me- Section and each having the qualifications lender Line of Malheur Lake to the Section required of petitioners and electors, I outh Quarter corner of Section I in Section under the laws of tho State of Ore- ' T. 26 S. I!. II E.; thence north to the Section BVi BBH 1J, All All 'C All All N It . 10, IS, II, 10, St, 32. ".on for organizing Irrigation dis tricts, being desirous of forming an irrigation district embracing the hereli afti r designated within the boundaries hereafter described el forth, and utilizing l!i 1 waters of Silries BlYer and lis tribu tarieB, Foley Slougli and Poison ;,. for the purp 1 ol Irrigation the reclamation of said I io 1 rovide for the reconstruc 1 on, bettermi nt, extension, purcl 1 1 of i r : - north quarter corner of snid Section Section 88, N'W', 3 said T. and It.; thence north to the north quarter corner of Bectlon 14 t. si s R. "2 B . ; thence eeei to the north ea 1 ' irner of said Sec, ion 34; mirth to : be Noli h-t a it i orner Hon 2 Ti thence weel to tha North irner or section 10 T, ". i R SS 1:.; thenee weal to the north quartor corner of Bectlon 20 T, 28 s. R, i-:.; thenee north to the north quarter corner of Bectlon 14; t to the Bout! Township 1 1 South 1 n works already constructed, cornor of tho SW 4 of SK', of Sec- BNd for domestic purpose . do I. ititlon your Honorable Cout as fellows! That it is the intent ami purpo organize un irrigation district u and by Virtue of the district irriga tion laws of the State of Oregon ai set fortii in Chapter 357, General Laws of Oregon. 1017, providing for the organization and management of irrigation districts, and That your Honorable body pro- ed with such dispatch as may be uuder said law to call an election for the purposes above set forth and to do all things necessary under sa'd iaw for the formation of said dis trict, deslgtating the time and piece for voting at said election, nnd Sec t'on Soctlon I, 1 8, Si i m I, Section 6, Section 6, leel .'i 7. .11 I, B !. 11 in. Section 11. Section 12. tion II; them rib to the North- Section IS, eact corner of the N'W4 of sk1, of Bectlon 14, Soctlon 11; thence east to the easl Bectlon i"i. 'quarter corner of said Bectlon LI; section ir.. ortb to the North-vast corner Section 17. of said Section 11; thenee eust to Section IS. the south-west comer of theSE'4 of Section It, si-:', 01 Section l; theme north to Section, 10, tho North-east corner of the NW1, Section 21, of SK', Of said Sectionl; thence 0Ul Section 22. to the east quarter corner of said ' Section IS, Section l; theme north to the North- Bectlon 24. easl comer of said Sec. 1 T. 25 S. P.. ' Section 25, II B. ; thence north to the eust quae- Section 26, ten orner of Bee. SO T. 14 S. II. :11 Section 27, B.; thence west to the center of Sec- Section ;!.". tion .'!,'; thenci! north to the north Section 36, quarter corner of said Section 35; Township thence west to the North-west corner i Section All All All Air All All All All Ail All A" All All All A" All All All N'- All All All All All All All All NK', ''. SW'i . 804.11 acres 610 ss ii c 640. acres ,320. acres 640. acres 114. II acres 308.28 acres 320. acres I lit). acres Range ' i Bast i 642 SS acts ;; SS a Section 17, All Section 18, All 489.98 acrei ertlon 19, All 487.75 acres Section 20, All 602.46 acres Section 21, All 563.73 acres Section 22, All 664.44 acres ( Section 23, All 413.99 aero Section 26. hots I and 2 30.31 aires Section 27. Lots 1,2 I, and 4 122.29 acres Section 2S. Lot I I 1.11 acrcH Section ft, Lot! 1. 2 56.25 ucres Section 10, All 440.34 acTS Section 31, Lots I. 2, 3 96 90 acres Township II South. Range 81 Kast , . North of Malheur Lake, Si .Mj.ii l. Lots 1. 2. 3 26.94 in res Ion 2, Lots 1, I, I .4, 5. ti. 7, 8, it HI 84 acres Bectlon I, i.ots l, 2. :i I, 7 8, !. 10 183 o at rt Total ncreagc of 80.606.72 more or less, according to the tlovern ini nt surveys thereof. All In conformity with the forego ing and under the Laws of the Stute of Oregon, and YOPR PETITION ERS WILL EVER PRAY: NAMES 01" PETITIONERS: P. ti Smith. '-. &4o40jn-rJ BwuHHioiiuivHnHiiiiiBf tiii(iiiiiiiiiiinra SBsTM YOUR HOME INSTITtn ION Thf polii y uf ihiK Bai k I moulded to providf lilurn ly for H ' Ir ffMcVal rc-qtrfn -menlsot' Mel (kpfil'nf without, huw vt r, Jeopardizing Lba itiU;oati -f t!-f many. 8afety alwayi ;'nr hpbIi 'aroe ebonnvtr ko1 liiisincss jfjdgti nt pormi it. Depoaita 1 ' to ' ' ' guard ttr ing direotoii V' !nH ' sivc manairt m ot, bankii i simple reai urvt t, 1 ' ini i "' rona always corhe Hi t. 1 y a , ) Bnd i)ti- tlilp i Smith. V. C, Coza'l. I70.TI acn Hubert J. smith. ;77. hi acres Geo. Whiting, 874.71 act C. A. Bweek, 857 30 acri A C, Welt onto, 16 at i t.iry Thonberg, UNITED STATES DEPOSITA :Y Zh Hariisy Eirarrtg Hilinnal Hank I f nun . r, , ureguri rw. "YOUR K0h INSTlTUTiON" I, 'Fn r"tH:',tt!'rrTTTTrnTirrniiniiiiiiiiiiiii"" " "r 'rrr.irrrTrurnT- rmrn imtilc I I i " "T I f """ HHIIIHIIIIIMIHIIII m . - JMIi" f MMIifHimiiHliMliH "illll a . LMA4. , BWiWP I I Lliffi i 140, 6 4 1). 840 640. 6 40. 640. 840 640 840, t; 4 0 . HI Ml 317.2.". .1 BC1 acri l ecra i lansen, Welcome Jr., .evens, J. II. Cttlp, Su in Mothersheed, clay Clemens, teres Che t i mre lie Lerei GREAi ! ii is I Calvin McHuffy. ai re acn i acre i 640. 640. 040. 640 640. 640. 640. 640. 160. 320. That the boundaries and deacrln-lof Section 84; theme north to the tion of the lands under said district ire as follows, to-wlt: Reginning at the North-west cor :'er of Lot 7 of Section 2 3 Township 22 South. Range ;o Kast, thence east to the North-east corner of said Lot 7 Soctlon 23; thence south to the enter of said Section 23; thence -oat to the center of Section 24; thence south to the south quarter oru,er of said Section 24; thence ast to the South-east corner of said Section 24 T. 22 S. R. 30 E.; thence North-east corner of Section 2S; thence west Io the Northwest corner of Section 2!; thence north to th ee i quarter corner of Section rj; west to the west quarter cor ner of said Section 19; (hence BOfth I Section to the North-wetl corner of Section I T. 84 B. R 31 E.; thence north to the Section Scvttoti 16 I I, Olen ii Burger, Arthur Turner. A. s. Swain, James B, Pearson. Mrs. l.ela Millar. II. R. (iouldlu. Will McLaren. W. B, Huston. Leon M. Ilruwn, 0, N. Jameson, C. L. Rued. I N Ilughet. ai.Ti s , Kred Lunuhurg. acres I J. M. Oalton. II. B. Pe'nbody. Jennie Jones. Lloyd Johnson, I, B lltbbard. (one Whiting, C B Mcl'beeters. I), n. Varies), Moll!.- I. Smith. Julian Hyrd, acres acres acres acreo aere i acre i acres aire . Kast : ui res ' acres T v Stephens. North-west Corner of Section 18 T. 'Section 19. 22 S. It. 31 K.; thence east to the , Section N irth-eeet corner of said Section IS; Section 1 1 me north to an Intersection wlliij the channel of Sllvles River near the Section North-east corner of Lot 4 of Sectlou , Section JO, All 1 1 . W ' SK', !6, 8W', south to the south-west corner of Sec tion 30 In T. 22 S. R. 31 K.; thence 7 of said T. and R.; thence following -ast to the South-east corner of said the channel of Sllvles River In a .Section 30; thence south to the west ! Northwesterly direction to an Inter quarter corner of Section 32;tben-'e section with the North quarter cor east to the center of said Section 32; ner of Section 7; thence west to the 81, 28. 2i. i hence south to the North-east corner of the SEVi of 8WV4 of said Section 32; thence east to the North-east orner of the SE4 of 8EH of said : '. inn. 32; i hence south to the South North-west corner of said Section 7 T. 23 S. It. 31 K. ; thence west to the South-west corner of Section I In T. 2 3 S. It. 30 E.; thence north to the North-west corner of said Section 1 Section Section Bectlon 301 Section 3 1. Section 3 2. Section 33. Section 34. Section 35. Sectlou 36, ast corner of said Section 32 T. 22 ' said T. and R.; thence north to the Township 2& South 4 South. Range 32 Lots 9. 10. 11. 12. Eft. W',. V!4 SK', tlf.SI acrei S' Si, ami NW, BWfc 120. W'.-. SK',, S'j Nl:'t 500. All 637.40 acrei I. II lluyni. All 644.06 aires Edith Have. 640. acres I A. K. II. George, and 'il II Keedi. 472.76 acr-s Hlanche Sltz. 160. acres, R. R. Sltz, C25.41 acres Dr. M Hand Cattcraon 63 3.69 acrus 640. acres 644.40 acres 641.96 acres 140. aeroee 40. acred 634.74 acres 40'. acrei and , 484. gene ltnge 31 Kast: , 1:3 wm VAy Alt All All All All All All All All WV4 SK'. S. R. 31 E.; thence east to the North east corner of Section 3 In T. 28 S. It. : I B.i thence soutli to the North .vest corner of Section 14; thence east to the North-east comer of aald Section 14; thenee .south to the west quarter corner of Section 13; thenee eat to the east quarter corner of Mid Section 13 T. 23 S. II. 31 K. thence east to the easl quarter corner 01 Section 18 T, 23 S. It. 32 E., North-west corner of Section 3 In T. 22 S. It. 30 E.; thence west to the south quarter corner of Suction 26; thenco north to the center of said Section 26; thence wost to the west quarter corner of said Section 26; thence north to the North-west cor ner of said Section 26; thenco east to the South-west corner of Lot 4 of Section 23; thenco north to the North-west corner of Lot 2 of said Section Bectlon Seel Inn Section Sectlou Section Bectlon 1. : sk', 11, E, SK', 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, All All Kfi Bft All Township 25 Soutli, 80. 80. 640. 440. 220. 320. 440. Rangi Section Section Section 1. Heme south to the South-east cor-1 Section 23; thenee east to the place Section of beginning, all In Harney County, Btata of Oregon. That the irrigable land embraced h n the above described bounds comprise the following, to-wlt; Tom ii: Ii i South, Range 80 I I Section 2:;. Lots 2. I, 4, :.. 8, 7, NH SK':,. SK' 28(1 ner ef said Bectlon 18; thence East to the North-east corner of Section 20; thence south tO the South-east 1 irner Ol aid '. I ion 20 ; them e easl to the north quarter corner ol Section 2S; thence south to the centi r hi B ictlon 2:; ; i hence wesl " the - t quarter corner ol Bectlon 81; thence Ii to i be Soul ii i ' said Section 21 t. 2.: B, ft, 82 Bs I BB thence south to the Bouth-wesi oorner Bectlon :.", swv, ol Section 8 T. 24 S. R, 32 B ! liieme. Sec I ion 81, All aaal to the north quarter corner Boetlon 26, KVj Of BeetlOD 7; thence lioutli to the NW center Ol aald Section 7; thence euM Section 81, All io the North-east corner of Lot 6 of Township 22 Soutli, Range 31 Kast: said Sectlou 7; thence south to the Section 31, All 624.96 acres :. outh -east comer of Lot 5 or said Section 32, HW1, and Motion 7, thence east to the north SVi SK' 240. acres quarter orner of Section 17; thence Township 23 South Range 31 East: i.nutli to the North-east corner of the Section 3, All 636.41 acre:, gflU of NW',; of said Section 17; Section 4, All 486.59 acrwe thence east lo the Nofth Hsf corner Bectloa & All nnd 160. 640. I 480. 640. :n re acres acres acres acres Bectlon Bectlon Bectlon Section Section Section :.. el Ion Seel i .i .-1 . . on Section Section Notion Bet ' "hi Beetlon Section Seel Ion Section 21, Section 22, Section 23, Section 24, Section 25, Section 26, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 1). 10, 1 1, 12, 18, 14, 16, 16. 17, 18. 19, 20, All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All acres acres acres acrei acres acres 32 3.36 tires 640.80 acres 40.48 acres U42.08 goree 644.64 638.69 634.83 640. 636.20 acres' Section 34, E Vi 640. 6 10. t in. 6 10. 840, 640. 840, 640. 640. 63S.44 641.32 640. 644. 614. 644. 40. 840. 480.44 aores 314. SI eores acri i acre. i a i i ucres eon ir i' ner acn acn Bores ucres acres a.i as aores acres mire. i gores ucrns acres acres Ralph CattcrHwi. Mury A. Oard, Ethel Graves. J W Oravei. ('. II. Ausiiiuh J. H Hill. Hose Crowley, J. T. Baker, J. C. reasiiian. C. T. Miller, (.'has. R. Peterson, Bthet Patterson. Peter PhrlMtHfieen. ('. J. Johnson. N. P. Kiddle. Herman Rub. Klbert George, Cparlee Bperloek, BcoM Hayes, M. li. Hayes, Rehecker Putterson, L. B, ulp, J W. Higgs, II II Mace. II. L. Mure. 1'". KeiiKledt, I), a. Oihhe, lames Smith. Dave McLaren, James Gilbert, Belle c Hayes, Marv B, Dixon, '' II Leonurd, N. Brown 4c Sons, Inc., by Hen llrown, Muna-er and Treasurer Prank Whiting, .1. L. Vurluu Kstute, by I). N. Varlen, Administrator A. 0. Welcome, Maggie M. Levens. Executors Estate of J. C. Welcome Br., Prank Raker. R. W. Cosed, t:. H. McPheeters Estate, by C. McPbeeterrs, Administrator, Mrs. L. Horton, Patronize Home Industry 'J ty Home of our Bakery Products We'll bake anything vou need, arcl bake it right, too So long as our bread, cake, cookies and pastry are offered for sale over our counters, you may be assured QUALI TY will not be sacrificed. Fresh Fish, Vegetables and Fruitl Hot and cold drinks, Malted Milk, Ice Cream, Candies, Nuts, etc Page 's Sweet Sh op sBBMBMBMBMBiBenBWBnBsaHBUBSSBaBHSsraBEjssrssia N. BROWN & SONS uiuufi s naiisracioru aiore QUALITY MERCHANDISE Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Bon Ton Corseh Burns, We cany kmmK rt ii IIs.hI Oregoi on the "II nine Products Page" It, Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TRAUCOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS OANS MADE ON APPUCA TION DIREd ' INVESTMENT BROKER rkoMMorQlM Oregrl - ejBK -