1W" I i PETITION NOTioa or lOU AN IIIKIHATION IHSTKHT. NOTICE 18 HBRBBY (HVION, that (lie undersigned Citizens Of the Unit north quarter corner of said Section Section 32, NH .'! said T nml It.: thence north to the Section II, NW't north quarlcr corner of Section 14 TowiiHhlp T. IB S. It. i!2 I.; theme cii-.l to the Section north Mil I nrncr of said Section :i 1 ; Section . .... ., .. . a...i ed Slides. .onstltntliiKa majority ot th, -ice north to tlie Norm-earn corner .-. Hie bona fide owners Of land within or Section 27; theme iwsl to tlw Section the houiularlcs hereinafter described) North-west corner ol' Notion 16 T. Section or holders of uncompleted titles or II R U. 32 I ; thence WOK to the Section contracts ror purchase of State lands north quarter corner ol Section 2(1 Section under the laws of the State of Ore- T. 25 8. K. 31 K.; thenco north to Section gon, or bona fide clamant to lands the north quarter comer of Section Section under the laws of the United States, 14; thence east to the South-east Section corner of the BWU of SKV4 of free- Section tlnn U: thvnce north to the North- Section eact corner of the NWVi of SR of Section 13, All section II tin. me east to the ea.tt ' Section 14, All quarter corner of said Section It; thence north to the North-east corner of said Section 11; thence east to the south-west corner of theSK4 ' being desirous of forming an Irriga tion district embracing the lands within the boundaries hereinafter sot forth, will at the session of tho County Court of Harney County, Or egon, on the 6th day of March, 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, or so noon thereafter as the same can 00 I 4, r, I, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 4 South, All All All All All All All All All All Alt All heard, respectfully present to said SK '.; of Section 1; thence north to Court a petition praying said Court the North-oast corner of the NW'i to proclaim an Irrigation district and of SKV, of said Section 1 ; thence ens! defining the boundaries thereof, and to the east quarter comer of said to coll an election for the purpose. Section 1; thence north to the North ahoye set forth and to do all thing ' OOlt corner Of said Sec. 1 T. 25 S. P.. necessary and proper under the law 111 B. ; thence north to the east quar- II, 16, 17, 18. 19. 20, for the formation of said district, and designating the (line and places ot Voting al said election. Thai i lie boundaries, of the pro .; ilislrict as set forth and de scribed in said petition are as fol fel fol eows: Beginning at the North-west or ' er of Lot 7 of Section 2.'! Township 21 South. Range 10 Boat, thenco so t to tho North-east corner of said Lol 7 Section 2:!; thence south to the .enter of said Section 23; thence east to the center of Section 24; thence south to the south quarter lorner of said Section 24; thence eaal to the South-east corner of said Section 24 T. 22 S. R. 30 E.; thence outh to the south-west cotjjier of Sec tion 30 in T. 22 S. It. 31 E.; thence ast to the South-east corner of said Section "0; I hence south to the Veal quarter corner of SecttpB .".2; then e I in the center ol -aid Section 81; thence south to the North-coal corm . Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 2 1, Section 22, Section 23, Section 24, Section Section Section Section Bool Ion 20. 20. 86, 88, of the SK', of sw, of said Bection North ureal corner of said Bection ; :!2; thence cast t;i the North-ens' T li S. it. 81 ':.; thence west to tin corner of the si:1, of SK'i of said Booth-weal oornor of Bection i in" T tor corner of Boo, 16 T. U s. it. ". I B.j thence west to the center of Sec t'on ".'.: ihenci" north to the north nuarter corner M' said Section 83; thence WOOl tO tho North-west corner Township Of Section 114; thence north to tie-North-east corner of BeCtlOO 2K; theme west to the North west corner Of Section 29; thence north to the auarter corner of Section l'J; thence west to the west quarter cor-' ner of snld Section 19; thence north I to the North-west corner of Section 0 ' Section 1 T. 24 8. 11. 31 E.; thence north to the North-west corner ot Section 18 T. 2 3 B, It. 31 B.i thence east to the North-em t corner of said Section IS; thence north to an Intersection wllii tho clvuiiicl of Sllvles Itlver near the North cast comer of Lot 4 of Section Bection 7 oi said T. and It.; thence following ! Section 27. the channel of Bilriea River In a Bection It, Northwesterly direction to on Inter- Section II, in with the North quarter 6or- Section ner of Section 7; thence west to tb Bool on .;.-, i i n I Bection Section 1 ij Section Section Beotion Bection All All All All NK All All All All All U All All NE NVii I South. Itange Lots !l, in, 11. 12. E4 820. Kill Hange 31 Eat 141 mil' 663,82 acres 70.72 acres 677.11 Heron 674.79 acres 657. 20 acres 630 3 ti acres 840. 84ft. 640. 640. 640, 640 640. 640. 640. 640. 633.80 317.25 64tf. 040. 640. 040. 640. 141. 140, 1540. 160. Ill 82 acres acres acres acres acres iiin-s II CM acre i acres aeraj acn t acres Has' : BBM s1 . uiul SWU VV )ft . SV6 NK'. 18, All 19, Ali 20, Ali 21, W'v. WMi 3 8 4. tie acres SU'i, NWVi SE'i. 120. ;u r-'s SCO. acres 117.11 BIT'S 644.0r,slres ti40. acres and II, I, II, si, : 14, I, K. SO B.; thence north to ti i North-west corner or said Section l ....id T. and R.; thence north to the North-wool oornor of Beotion II in T. II B. R. II B.i thence west to the south quarter corner of Section ; thence north to the center of said Section ; thence west to the west quarter corner of said Section 2C; thence north to the North-west cor ner of said Section 26; thence to the South-west corner of Lot Section 23; thence north to the1 North-west corner of Lot 2 of said Section 23; thence east to the Otoco of beginning, all In Harney County,! State of Oregon. That the irrigable land embraced , Section 82; thence Booth to the South -.-. t corner of said Section e2 T. 22 S. R. II B.; thence east to the North eaal corner of Section " In T. II S. It. l B.i thence south to the North west corner of Section 14; thence east to the North-east corner of said Section 14; thence south to the we"t luarter corner of Section 13; thenco east to the east quarter comer of said Section 13 T. 23 S. it. 31 B. thence east to the east quarter corner Of Section 18 T. 23 S. K. 32 E ; thence south to the South-east cor ner of said Section 18; thence East to the Nortb-east corner of Section 20; thence south to the South-east corner of said Section 20; thence east to the north quarter corner ot . Section 28; thence south to the center of Section 33; Jheuce west to the w,-;t juarter corner of Section 31; thOBOO south to the South-west comer of j said Section 21 T. 23 3 It. 32 East thence south to the South-weU corner SEVi of Section C T. 24 o. It. 32 E.; then, e Bection 2 1, SVV',4 east to the north quarter corner Section II, All Of Section 7; thence south to the Section , E '4 center of said Section 7; thence east p NWV, to the North-east corner of Lot 6 of Section 26. All said Section 7; thence south to t'ae Township 22 South South-east comer of Lot 5 of said Section 31, All Section 7: thence east to the nor'h Section 32. SV'V4 quarter corner of Section 17; thence SVi 8E 240. south to the North-east corner of the Township 23 South Range 31 SBU of NWVi of said Section 17; Section 3. Ail thence east to the North-ou.it corner ' Section 4, All of the SEU of NEVi et said Section ! Section t All 17; thence south to the east quarter Section corner of said Suciloa 17; thence Suction east to the North-east corner of the ' N'.V, of SW , of Section 16; thence' south to the South-east corner of said , Section NWtt of SW of Section 16; thence Section east to the North-east corner of the SE4 of SWV of said Section 14; thence south to the center of Section 21; thence east to the east quarter corner of said Section 21; theueo south to tho South-east corner of said Section 21; thence east to the North-east corner of Section 27; thence south to the eait quarter ror- SE'-, SV All All All' Al! All All All All All u m SK', 644.40 ii" 1 1 1 .if. acre 1 '"40. acn's 140, acres 114.71 acres SB, All 640. acre 1 Soctlon 84, V M and 4so. aorta Township 1:5 South. Ituuge 31 East: Si:', 80. acre; SK4 80. a. r.-s acroi acre u. re ucre.'l acres East : 1, 1 1. 12. II, 14. 23. east I Section 24, 4 of , Township II Section Section Section .Serf loll Section Section Soctlon Section Section Section Section Section within -.the above described boundu- Section r4oa comprise the following, to-w!t. Section Township 22 South, Itange II Kust 1 Section Section 2 3, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5. I, 7, N'-. 8K 1, , SE 4 280. 160. 640. and 480. 640. Itange 31 624.96 and acres, acres aires ai res acres Hast : acres acres East : acreii acres 6. All 7. Lots 11 636.41 636.59 635.20 acres 638.49 acres 9. 12 10. and Section Section Section Section Section j Soctlon ! Section Se tloii Bection Section Section Section Section Sect lou Section Section Section .Section Section Section NE'.; NE 149.71 aire, 8, 9. 10, . 14, 15, 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26, 26. 34, 36, 36. BH Btt All All Ej BH All . South All All All All All All All All All Alt All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All B All All acrei of Oregon, and YOUIt PETITION acres EUS WILL EVEIt ' I'llAY : NAMKS OF I'EI' ITIONEK8: P, (I. Smith. chip ti. Smith. V. (1. Ooaad, Hubert J. Smith, Ceo Whiting, C. A. Sweek, A. C. Welcome, acres Cary Thonberg, acres II J. Hansen, acre J. C. Welcome Jr., acres Chester Mace, x acres 11. C. Levens. aero J. H. Culp, acres Sam Mothershead. acres Clay Clemens, acres Calvin McDuffy. acre.i Ulen H. Durger. Arthur Turner, A. 4t. Swain. James E. I'earson. Mrs. Lola Millar. H. B. Oouldln. Will M'Larnn. w. E Huaton, Leon m Brown, t; N. Jameson, c. L. Reed, I. N. llltghel. 'red Lunuhurg. J. M. Dalton, R, (:. Ceiihody. Jennie Joifes, Lloyd Johnson, L. E. Mlbbard, lone Whiting, C. E. Md'hoeters, I). N. Varlen. Mi. lib- L. Smith. Julian Hyrd. T. W. Stephens. I, Ii Hayes. Edith Hayes. A. E. B, Oeorge. H. II. K h. Blanche Site, It. It. S't;-. Dr. M. Hand Catterson. Ralph Catterson, Mary A. Oard, Bthel (Ira .1 . B, Orgi . u itaus, J 11. Hill, 1 IrotrTej . J. T llak. -, J. C. Creasman. C. T. Miller, Ohaa. it Peteraon, Ethel Catterson, ' Peter Chrlstmisen. C. J. Johnson, N C. Middle. Herman Itiih. Elbert Oeorgn. Charles Spurlock. Scott Hayes, M H. Hayes. y Itebecker CBtterson, L. H. Culp, J. W. Biggs. H H Mace. H. L. Mace. K. Denstedt. 1). A (llbbs, J.i ines Smith. Dave McLaren. James Gilbert. acres Hello c. Hayes, acrts Mary E. Dixon, C. II. Leonard. N. Ilrowu & Sons. Inc., by Hen Hrown, Manager and Treasurer Crank Whiting, J. L. Varlen Estate, by D. N. Variun, Administrator A. C. Welcome. Maggie M. Levens, Executors Estate of J. C. Welcome Br., Crank Baker. R. W. Cotmd, 689.6 acres. 0, H. McPbeeters Estate, by C 314.81 acres' McPheeterra. Administrator. 680.08 acre Mrs. L Morton. 411.01 acroMjI'aul Howes. rf,T 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -. with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent . in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon -sTfr --: 472. 7 ti 180. C2&.4I 888.68 649. acr s in res acres acroa K40. 40. :'.2i. :i20. ". in Range 82 ISi.16 aires 040 HO a-ru (140 4 8 acres (J4 2.08 ain-is ti44.&4 seres C;i8.t acres 114 II acres M0 MB. 040. 040. 040. 040. 040 040. 040. 040 acres korea u.-re eerea aiTos acre.i acres acre.. THE UNI "RSAL C '. 7 Ford service f. r i vntrs t.f Ford ; r , is ' n ..' of the imp r i.i.i i It mi nta ol . i tnttt Ford orr.-1 ...i n. Ford uvmmh can j.etrea!Foi. n , n b com ing , ihi authpitzed Ford 1 ' . where there ure a i . i tunes Furd work nic: , 'inline I"'oid mniei- i d ilif itandi r I low Ford i riceg. If jou want tojfet all the re i: . ami the Deal there is. in your Ford oar come to us win, it for the genuine Ford service. Prompt attention every time. A Fordaon now on display. BURNS GARAGE Fire and Frost Proof BURNS AND CRANE Honest Ford ifi service . i o:t8.14 acres 041.32' acres 040 040. 640. 640. 40 840. acre; acre.i acr ua oaron acre, acres K. Section SrtCtlOB Section Section Beotion Section Section Section Section ner of said Section 27; tttenoo OMt Bactlon to the center of Section 26; tlience Suction 8. 9 10, 18. 14, 15. 10. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 22, t.a (I Section 6: thence euit to the Section North quarter corner of Suction 16; Section south to the south qiiarler corner of Section II, 24. 25, 20, 27, 28, M, 10, II, 31, 31, 34, 86, tlr'iice south to the center of sa'.rt Beotion "0; thonoa east to the m I gtiarter corner ol laid Section 6 th "nee toutb to the BoutbOMt cor ner of said " SI T. 24 B. K. II i-:.; tl to tbi Moi 11 ea I corner of Lol 4 i-. Section B T, 16 s K. 88 ''- ; th m i onto to the South i- of the BW 'i .'' f''!', of laid Bection B; tnonea to i he uni quarter oorner of Beotion i; theme lotttfa to the South-earn4 Township II South r m aid ICtlon 4: thence east BoctiOlS I, All Bootlon Section B ictlon Bection Section Section Section -:,! ctlon All All All 8 All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All M All All 640. 64. 640. 320. 640. 640. 640. 640. ui res acres acres acres acres acres acres Township 25 South. Range SS Hast Mrs. Ida Donatedt. Section Section Section Section Section Section acres ; Section llt.lt arroa Section Jl, All 637.22 acres Section 14, All 640. 4, B 6. B. Nwy 0. All 7. All 8. All 8. All 10,- All TH 320. acres Schuyler Whiting. 641. 040. 640. 640. 640. 640. 639.85 0411. 640. uiTi-.i ' Ssection 15, All acres Section 1 0, All acres ' Section Soctlon ' Section Bootlon ! Section acre) Secjlon 22, acroi I Section , acres ' Suction 20, acres acres acr'-s acre i 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, o:ix.7N aorea 116.11 acres 0 411. i; in. 6JQ, 646. 040. .'., SK14 19. All ' ' the North ii i -i r of ;: ictlon II. tin-in e .iiuth to the South-east Of Of Sortlou 23 T. 2f, S It. 32 j i. and to an latereeetloa with tho lii'tsent Meander Line of Malheur Section lake; thence in a general south-j Section 20, All H steru direction following said Me- Section 28, WV4 audOf i-lue of Malheur Lake to the Bection 28, All ...th quarter corner of Section 8 In Section 30, All 1.16 S. K. K ; theme north to the ' Se.tlon 31' NVfc acres acres acroa Range 10 Ui it : 027.:'.(l acres Township II South, itaiiKD But: Section IK, Lota 3, 4, tt SW4, 304.28 610.88 640. 320. 640. acres acres acres acres acres 614. IS acres 808.28 acres All All All All All All All Lots 1 and Bootlon 17, Lota i. 2 and 4 , Lot I Bection 26, Lots 1. 2 Urn 10, ah Beotion II, Lol 1.1. I 1 on nshlp 20 South, North of Malheur 396.77 acres n)MK AM) KT i.ltlK SKUIW. 488.38 acres 1 485.60 acres: ConrressriiHii NleU l,.,,,,n h.a anrea notified The Times-Herald that the acres Department of Agriculture will end acres a supply oU vegetahle seeds to this acres paper In.anout a week, for dlsirlhu- eere tlon fo his constituents In this vici nity. Any of our readers who deulre a package or the Slnnott seeds should drop Into our office soon and K"t one. If you have not time to call phone or drop us a line and we will Kludly mall you a packaKe. The Congress man writes us that the allotment of seeds to his district Is only 15.000 lackajres this year as contrasted with 25,000 a short lime acn He will ft a limited number of flaeli- 640. 040. 040. 640. 640. 640. 640. 640. 489.98 487.76 602.46 553.73 166.44 413.99 2 10.11 I, . Perfect Confidence No other vonln can ricHcribe the relation! that should exatt betwetMi 11 Batik and its patrons, If you haven't confidence in the soundness of a t:i ik. you crtiinly will not trust your money to it. gO This Bank inwtg areful inspect ion of its financial strength and peoad business methods. We know they are abevo eriticit-m. but the uuit is. we want you t knew it. When you have Warned, then we aetteit your huMi.esu on eur merits. CRANE STATE BANK CRANK. ORKOON acres acre 4 a 1 re:, acre, acres acres acres acres acres gores acres! Section 111,11 in re.i ,1 1.97 ucres f. i!.2.ri air 11 I I I 84 :i ;t 90. 'j 0 acres Range. :vi Kail, Lake: Hue-, in his office nt room 242. lion , of III ire entutlVes, W'a Ii liu'len, ). ' C . v nlch he win sand by mall lo any ' ' -:- il re m tina.01 h m I hey 1 15.64 acres Section I, Lots 1, 2. ;i Bection 2. Lots 1. 2, 3 ,4. 0 5, 6, 1, 8, 9 250.84 Section , Iots 1, 2. 3 , 7 8, 9, 10 183.06 acres Total or less, acreage of according N"iu never can tell from where you ali Just whom to applaud; the fellow , who went across or the lenoleumod- akfli movie actor who stayed at liome and wont quite boldly thr0Ugfethe I . i-, . "i 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . &. l"w unj". imiuni ue retired to 80,000.7!! more "'" ','"'k ""J""",M Hlftl... ho.v. In uLiku iiu l...... I t.. .1..... Go tern- BILLING SYSTEMS The Times-Herald carries the standard sizes Billing Systems Binders and Indexes Billing Sheets 1 and 2 on Duplicate Sheets for above Finest and largest assortment of Boms , and Flats stock to he found in the country on hand Prompt attention given all orders for anything in the printing line. Call on us for letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, etc. The Times-Herald, Burns to the meat surveys thereof All In conformity with the forego ing and under the Laws of the Utata rear Southern weather spent a great i part of the winter lu the North this 1 You're pretty sure to aee it in this paper