The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 01, 1919, Image 8

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I Mr. Nollle Heed
I I'lillnnil on vlnll.
haii gone
Mr. and MrH. Nick Voegtlv are in
town from Allmrnnn.
i K
b wnni!iuH:dii:inri.ii.!.il)i)i)iiiBiJittangggOgi m
The following letter from the Trrurv Departirrit, Interim
Revenue Sarvice, Portland, Oregon, i pubIihol for llr int'm-mation
of our patron, many of whom have inquired of ut regarding form
to be ued and the rexuirement of the law.
Jan. 4, 1910.
First National Bank,
Hum, Oregon.
tJentlemen :
1 have been receiving tnnnv itirii(rle eonrerulns; the pro
visions of the now Revenue Itlll nvllliiR tat income and Other
taxes, and numerous reiiet :ire belnjj iinxle for forms OB
vvhirh to make return'- I am nimble to fflve out any ilefimi
information or furul It the i' ,..m tonus until thl.l Hill DIM
finally gassed Congieas ii f becomes a l,aw. It will tlira takn
gotefl little i Line to inix - lit .10,. printed and read) for ills
tributiou. I have nuule nrrati)rcniciits (o send out 11 general notifi
cation from this office, InrlniliiiK n letter directed to jour Hank
no tb it all taxpayer!! ma) bo Informed prompt) of the provis
ions oT t'.'i- proposed law.
The organization of the Field Deputies will be such as to
render every possible oaotstance to taxpayers tln-ou,".lioiit the
stale of Oregon and these deputies will be lopetod at many ad
vantageous points so that information may be given direct to
the taxpayers to guide them in making returns when the pro
per time arrives.
The basic principles of the old Income Tax Law will no
doubt be applied to the provisions of the new Law, and it would
be well for every individual and restoration to prepare figures
and ascertain the exaet amount of Income so aa to In read) to
make return with as little delay as possible
If not asking too much, I would suggest that you inform
your customers of the above faets, which would no doubt re
lieve them from some anxiety on account of the apparent delay
in sending out forms.
Very' resect fully,
t 'ollector.
First National Bank
l j 1
Order those k'ter heads here.
iv, i'. Steele and his Utile son rera
! up from Princeton Tor a fe.v il.ivs
tills K
Hurry I). Arnold, ivmi-i :! 'iiln tat
llitorlypo Co., g In (he i(v oil IlllMi
ness. Provide i;reen faeil for your chlck-
Mens. Alfalfu leares fo mile u( Porry'g
V T, Viiiil'orvccr Ifl ovi r
iii 1 home on Pine Creak
! Hani.
Hern Wednesday, Jan. 2. to Mr,
lanieii Kr.'l 1, a "On, Iteth are re
I ported doing well t the r'lreoved
: i lonplUl.
. . . .
Lost li.iln for .1 ronl cur wneei,
ftl I I prlBg dial IiiiMh It on. Cinder
leave at this office ami ro eii
uttable reward.
liritNtt. CAPTTAIi AMI si itri.i '9
9100,000. "'nil: I1ANK THAT
MAM; VOl'lt Ut W sj s.VII.."
1 At'COl'NTN LWriLll.
Mrs. Janee Malum writes (his Of"
flee tO nirnln piftce her paper on the
I'rlncclon list, as she whs soon le.iv
illR Los Angeles where nhe DM been
since last full, for home.
Wanted Poaition 1 v nan tnd wife
on a hIih k rum h, address f'hiri. II.
Blanctaardi rVaiteburgi vnh.
I. Welnstelii, the Lnwen merchani,
was a business visitor !o our elty on
CI11 ud Solomon nnd Fred lliitlev
i' (limed "ioiii Crook Counly the first
if this week where (hey hud boon
r tiring furs.
1. 1, ( Blue handbag with 1 rn.
hook nnd Rpoab) of mil, in on (in
Piudor pi are bring to thin
tin; 1 lltsv NATIONAL UANrS ur
HIKNN. AIM I .11, M Si t'.l'l t sj
nail. Till; H.WIv IIIAI
viAKrlri voiit m m sai::"
vii OUST IN ITLli.
Migg Leiia !'.' M li;i agniii re limed
her poiltion wiih die First National
Hunk uiler an absence with an 111
tuck 01 IiiHiicii.u, lint requires the
aid of rrnlrlie.i as It left her with an
llltlK'k of I'helllllUllslll.
1 I J 1
"Daddy" II. II. Keech was up from
1 Luwen last Monday, lie is now In
fhi lii ki'Ti linul iieuu ultil In. 1 1 1 1. Ii f tin
I " -B... ..-
la lot of eggs to market. Ills fowls
The policy of tiin Hank ir. mobliitd lo
liberally for the indivit uul ntjiiin-
:, 1! p s or withoilt-i luiwrvcr,
... (I 1 terettl f (lie many.
.i-,,n is al'.v; y kim n. itance whenever irood
mm 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 .
l , 1 ie ere gsfeguardi '1 by a
ni rt i p. dii cbnr.Mte, m ei ;itivc but pro I
i mans rj ei U banking xperjertce and
.,,,i.l,. r,,.,Oi ... 'lie ilitl ll'slM (if I':. Il.'il-
r dig ;ivaw ( 0 i e flrgt.
Harniy EoiiKtg Naliimal Bank
Burns Drgatim
The Times-flerald
Ha The Larget Circulation Of Any
Newapaper la Harney County.
Patients rerelve the host of care
at the Flreoved Maternity Hospital.
8. M. Hollon was a huslness visitor
from Crane last Wednesday.
Frank Dunn and wife and Ted
Dunn were among our visitors from
the Narrows section during the week.
Fred Uailey took his departure the
fore part of this week for his home
in Minnesota for a hort visit and
FOR SALE: Registered Herford
Bulls, March On and Disturber
strains. Also 160 head yearling A
two year old Heifers. E. E. Bala A
Co., Olemus Kerry. Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan were
in from their station homo the foru
part of this week visiting with relati
ves and friends and looking after
some husiness affairs.
Young Kern, who has a brother in
the army, was in town the other day
and called at this office. He stated It
was reported in one newspaper that
big brother had been killed hut it
was a mistake as he had recently
head from him.
W. B. Johnson was over from Sil
ver t reek last Wednesday on bul- anything,
Page's Sweet Shop has added
bakery goods to Its line and from this
time forth home people maybe sup-
are doing well this winter and wllhi"11"'1 Wllh hal;""y 00l that nttV0
the high price of eggs have heel, the """" "'""" '" ""'"" ' '"" "wT
source of some revenue. 1h "'ltl"'1 " Patronage and encour-
i egenent,
etraj Red muley cow, branded
i liiv Imr II on left hln: marked wllhi I"-- Hansen, on- of the Harney
iinderhit in left ear, swallow fork ,'"llll,v ,ovtl wl" re ponded to the .
and iinderhit In rlghi ear, has hein U t colors, arrived home lad y h. Huffman Is in town making We'll go your Joh Printing.
ut my rum Ii for tin- nust three month night and will again take up Ills resl- (j, ,.. niiuliilui of his now aan
Or more. Owner call um! m:.,,. deOOg on his honiesleini near (he wi,i, i, mmm i,rl, mmii. Chester Dalton and family arrived!
necessarv nroof of nnlinul P c IM.r Clenieim place on Poison Creok. home Wednesday from Portland!
Smith, Hums. Oregon. ':' m uiunlied to the :7th Field Walton Hrown was In town from wbere Mrs. Dalton had been for se-
Artillery ami was stationed at Cmup Crune for a few days during this t,r"' '"i-
Lloyd Colp was up for a few .lavs ()W( , (.(im)Itnv ,,, MOl kH b w,,k o ,H ow ,IU)loyo(, w,t , .
(his week looking after some busl- ,,,., v , ,. ()Vr l(1 ,,rM11,,. ,:,, ,,.. ()r,.KOI, U itoek 00 A,M "anIcy retur'""l Wednesday
ness. He staled that his neighbor-, from a trip to Southern Oregon. !!
hood had been particularly fortunn'e The Influenza has caused severul Mrs. Peler chrlstensen was up Mtatol ne n,,l bis uncle Hill in Pori-
in not getting any Influenza bu. hu places to be shorthaudml during the from Lawen for a few days during lam1, ln" Iaftor having Just returned
might contract It himself, ho said past couple of weeks. This Office this week visiting with friends end to from a Ojourn of something over i
while out running around and take has suffered In not havl.ig its mach- consult her physician. Uer health is your '" ,n ea"l being one of Ih
It to his family and neighbors. How- Ine opeator. Mrs. Dalt Olbba. at the Improving Upon her return home government's $1.00 a year men dm-
ever, he wasn t expecting to "catch" j office for two weeks us her little she was accompanied by Mrs. Albert g (he war. Mr llanlev is -impele
iiuugiiii'i ii. in I ne leiepnone oT ce Mwaln who l vlaltlns , ,. i.,... .
"wal" wno '" '"lng her a short home In a short time according tr
Misses Helen Sayer, Pauline Her
ncr and Henry Otar wen- visitors to
Crane ;st Wednesday evening for a
short visit.
The little daughter horn on Thurs
day of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Tip
Stoy, died Sunday morning. The littlo
child seemed doomed immediately
upon its arrival as it was not strong.
J. 11. Martin, former superinten
dent of the Experiment Station, took
his departure Wednesday for Cor
vallis where he goes for a short visit
prior to proceeding to Washington to
take up his new duties with the U. S.
Dopt. of Agriculture.
Mrs. D. L. Davis and two little
daugters arrived here the first of the
week from Yakima. Wash., where (lie
family has been residing since last
fall. They have d teJdad to remain
(here permanently and Mrs. Davis Is
lore to Hack ill) the household nutria
for shipment lo Hie new home. While'
... i
lore sue is staying with her father,
County Treagnre King ami also visit
Ing her relatives and friends.
P. S. Welttenhlllor was up from
Crane last Wednesday looking after
some business in this city. Mr. Weil
teuhlller slated ihui his town had
ahout cleared of the "flu" and It wan
the intention to xiurt thuir tchoblg
next Monday. We understood the
gentleman to say there were but
three families In Cri-ne hut what had
hud the Influenza.
Is also handicapped as Miss Leonu
Thompson, the bookkeeper. Miss
(iladys Mi K In Htm . one of the opera
tors, and Kaymond Slzemore being III
with Influenza. Mrs. Slzemore Is
chief operator and Is kept at home
bejoaaM of gaarantlae rejgtf lotto ). '.
Mrs. Trlska, Miss Uoodlow and Mrs.
Walkup are helping In the telephone
office. Albert Swain and the boss
are holding down things at this
until "iilllle" Byrd, our new son, Is'
time at the ranch.
Information received in this city.
Bolsheviks Feel Yank Fangs
Wm. Farre
. L. Spencer, one o the residents
of the Sliver (reek country, was In;'"1'1 to como to our a,d
town tint; week greeilm; his fr.etids. ---..
Mr Spi iiht was ptgauk '. to find 'n '
Die ' oi'Ij, ml imiiert iiion hlu arrival "aua&sjgajBsjBjjgBjgg
ii ii.wn ili.ii his gOO Charles who
wji of Hu famous Orege.i Hukaioo
soldiers in France, was to be demo
i il red el Camp Levlg lurlagi the
week and would like)) he home with
in a low 'In h Among (lie other Dar
in County boys In the hunch are
Buck Miller. Boy Clark, Hadden
Billot, Peter Acton. Boy MoOafty,
Oordon UcWllliania, Charley Prootor,
Bldred Simmons, Thoa. Bkeiina. Tbew
boyi were inemberH of the .'!4Ctli le
Kliiieni Which Spenl over .. mouths
in the fighting and never losl u Dan,
Agant for
Colonial Fire Underwriters
Auli $20.000 .000 0 J
North Prirish & Mercantile ln. Co.
American arit. $lfl.OOO.OOC.OO
Don'l delay hikuv: rut a policy in
a good itrong lompany until af
ter your hou.r ha burnt down
' " ""' eA eV, t "",l hi "-aBBa
-j ggaaaV . JgA tr s gBL r glags I
gi arVa2I:g( c. aJbbb gars VjcavaBl aKgaWLj
nkjMjHBji s aw JLi J jM
4VaM HaggBI nT atf v CG WrfiKadBaBgBBK I
.ravesnnd the Tik w..e i " "H n,m,, wi(h OOBtWl
Bolthevlkl fou-es ' ' '"'" " ,,our " outilunk
aaaajefc' aaSMaBa aMaiMa...j ,.,J. J. . . . f) irsiga-i isig ii ism i gggggggggggl roai I nTWWaaggggggggagaBaBagaMaiaiai -
H t -g- l jf-'" jPjf jBMy liggggW.
We handle the famous Lion and Hud
son brand hats in all the latest styles
that we are offering you during this
sale at these greatly reduced prices:
The famous Lion Brand Hat, $2.85
Hudson " " 3.75
In both woolen and cotton, union and
two piece suits, that are going during
this sale at 20 per Ct. Off.
A large assortment of plain and plaid
colors special during this sale at 35c.
per yard.
We have a large assortment of these
in sizes from 14 1-2 to 18 tooifer you
during this sale at 15per ct. off.
Any mackinAw in the store at 15 per
Ct. Off.
Greatest January Clearance
Sale Ever Offered the People
of Harney County
It Mark Down ,S ale JM
Come early while the stock is complete be
cause VfrvtriinT in.l..lAJ : j-U 1.
inr tn OT. g h""dle ,h F""' '-'" Shoe, for M... Women .d Children d , m.k.
mg tO gO. rrdmo7oVTperCc.:e.r ffWin' yC" Cho1" durin' ""' "U "'
P. S.-These prices are also the same at our Riley Rranch, Riley, Oreg.