The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 01, 1919, Image 2

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notice op
the Underelgned GitIMM Ol Hi" Unit
ed Statin, OOnttttntlDf majority nf
the bona fldo owners of land within
the boundaries hereinafter described,
or holders of uncompleted title Of
contracts for purchase of State lands
under the laws of the State of Ore
gon, or bona fide clamantH lo lands
under the laws of the United States,
being desirous of fortnliiK an Irrlgu
tlon district embracing the lands
within the boundaries hereinafter set
forth, will at the session of the
County Court of Harney County, Or
egon, on the 5th da of March. 1919.
at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. or so
soon thereafter as the same can be
heard, respectfully present to said
Court a petition praying said Court
to proclaim an Irrigation district and
defining the boundaries thereof, and
to call :in election for the porpoMi
above set forth and to do ail thing
necessary and proper under the law
for the fi rmation of laid district, and
I be time and plaeea fur
voting at .-aiii election,
Thai the boundaries of the pre
id district aa set forth and de-
.- riheil in said petition are a fol
lows Beginning at the North-west nir
: er Of Lot 7 (! Section 2:t Township
88 South. Range :I0 Kast, thence east
to the North-east corner of said Lot
7 Section 18; thence south to the
center of said Section 23; thence
-ast to the center of Section 24;
thence south to the south quarter
orner of said Section 24; thence
asf to the South-east corner of said
Seetion 24 t. 22 s. R. so K-. thence
-outh to the lOUth-west corner of Sec
tion .10 In T. SI S. R SI K.; Husk
,i t to the South-east corner of said
: u so : thence south to the a aal
luarter corner of Bection 8S; thence
: to tin' (enter of said Section 33;
outh to the North-east corner
of the si:-, ol SW '. of said Bection
. I hi :. . "ust to the North-easl
omer of the sw, of sk, or said
Ion '-'; thence south to the south
' l rner ot said Section 83 T. 22
S. R, 31 E. ; thence east to the North
east corner of Section :: In T. 23 S. H.
!1 K.; thence south to the North
west corner of Section 14; thence east
to the North-east corner of said
Section 14; thence south to the west
;uarter of Section 13; thence
ast to the east quarter corner of
-aid Section 13 T. 23 S. R, 31 E. I
thence east to the east quarter corner
1 Section 18 T. 23 S. It. 32 B ;
hence south to the South-east cor
ner of said Section 18; thence Basi
'o the North-east corner of Section
-0; thence south to the South-east
orner of said Section 20; thence
ast to the north quarter corner ol
Section 2S; thence south to the center
if Section 33; thence west to the W eat
uarter corner of Section 31; thence
south to the South-writ corner of
lid Section 21 T. II S. K. 81 Kast
I hence south to the South-west corner
jf Section 6 T. 24 o. It. 33 !:.; thence
ast to the north Quarter corner
Of Section 7; thence 'south to the
enter of said Section 7; thence east
'.o the North-east corner of Lot 6 of
-aid Section 7; thence south to the
5outh-east corner of Lot f of said
Section 7; thence east to the north
quarter corner of Section 17; thence
-outh to the North-east 'corner of the
j:4 of NW of said Section 17:
thence east to the North-east corner
of the SK'i of NK'4 of said Section
17; thence south to the east quarter
orner of said Section 17; thence
east to the North-east corner of the
NWV4 of SWV4 of Section 16; thence
south to the South-east corner of said
NW'i of SWV of Section 16; thence
east to tiie North-east corner of the
3EV4 of SW4 of said Section lti;
thence south to the center of Section
21; thence east to the east quartet
corner of said Section 2 1 ; thence
louth to the South-east corner of
said Seetion 21; thence east to the
Nortb-eaat corner of Section :',-,
thence south to the east quarter Got
ner of oa!cl Section 27; thence ea-,t
to the center of Section 2li; IhtMc;
south 'to the south quarter corner ol
!,aid Bectivh S6; thence east to the
Nortb quarter corner ol
thence south to the center or said
Section :;;; thence east to the east
quarter corner of said Section 3fl;
thence south u the Boutfa east cor
ner of said I T. 2 4 . :
32 B.; thence east to the Nortb i
corner of Lot 4 i,i Bection E T
B. it. 81 ': i:.; thence i outb t the
South easl i orner or the SW of
NW 'i bt ion r,; thence ea I
to the ! i quart) r ooi t of Bection
i; th nil to the Boutta
i I Seel Ion , ; tjil
to the Ni i tfa ea it ci rner ol B ictlon
1 1 ; them outh to the Bouth-ea I
c. -.K r ci Section 23 t. 2r, s. it. :i2 ;
I. and tn a'n intersection with the
present Meander Line of Malheur
I k,-; thence in a general south
western dire. Hon following said Mo
rn ler Line of Malheur Lake to the
SOUth quarter corner of Section 3 In
t 18 S. It 81 B.i theme north to the
north quarter corner of said Section Township 24 South
.1 T. and It.; Ihenee north lo the Seetion 1, All
north quarter comer of Section 84 Beotlon 2, ah
T, 88 I. it. 18 B.i thenoa eaal to the Beotlon 8. Ail
north-easl torn ir i ictlon 84; I oot Ion 4, All
orth to the Ni i ' Beotlon 5, AH
, i ,m 87 thence weal to th nm 6, All
.North west comer pt feel Ion 30 T. Section 7, All
26 8. It. 32 B.j thence west to I lie t-'ection S, All
UOrth. quarter corner or Section Id Section 9. All
T. 2f. S. It. 31 K.; thence north lo Seetion 10, All
the north quarter corner or Section Section 11, All
14; thence east to the South-east Section 12. All
corner of the SW4 Of SK'i of Sec- Sfctlon 13. All
tlon 11; thence north to the North-' Soctlotf 14, All
eact corner of the NW14 of 8KV of Section 15, AIi
Section 11; thence oast to the eait Section 16, All
quarter corner of said Section 1 1 ; j Section 17. All
thence north to the North-east comer Section 18, All
of said Section 11; thence east to ' Section 19, N!4
the south -weal oernerof the SB M of' section 20, ah
:',K', of Section 1; thence north to Section 21, All
the North-east comer of the NW ' i Section 22, All
OtBBU of said Sect Ion 1 ; thence ens! Section 23. All
to the east quarter corner of said ' Section 24, All
Pen lion I; thence north to the North- Section IB, All
eaal corner of tajd Sec. l T. 86 8. R. Section 16, All
: t B. i thence north to theeaat quaV- section 27. ah
tor corner of Bee. 86 T. 24 s. 1; 31 Bection 86, ni-:1,
i:.; thence west to the center of Bee Section 86, N4
tlOS 86; thence north to the north Township 84 South
Range 31 Bai 1
t!43.8 acres
668.83 acre-,
670.72 acres
7 v 1 !' acres
1,74.79 gore
fi acres
llf. II gores
633.80 acres
317.25 acres
II. 1
W ! , .
quarter corner of aatd Section 83; section
e west to the North-wool corner
of Section S I : thence north to th I
North-east corner of Section 88
thence WOel to the North-west comer Section Id
Of Section 88; thence north to the
east quarter corner of Section 1!); I
thence west to the west quarter cor Section 17
ner of said Section 19; thence north S V4 Ni:'4
to the North-west corner of Section 0 Section IS, All
T. 21 S. R, 31 B.I thence north to the Section 19, All
North-west corner of Section 18 T. Section 20. All
II S. R. 31 B.i thence east to the Section 21, VV1..
North, east corner of said Section 18: j SK1,
theme north to an Intersection with Section 26. SW1,
tin- channel or Bilrtea EUrer near the Section 27. ah
North-east comer Of Lot 4 of Section Section 88, All
7 Of said T. and K.; thence following Section 88, All
the channel of BUvlea Rlrer In a Section 80, All
Northwesterly direction to an inter Section 81,AU
section uitn the North quarter 001 :; ction 33, All
ner Of Section 7; lle-nre west to : I v - - Section 88. All
North west corner of said Bection " 8 tl 84, All
T. 2:; S. R. 'M 1;.; thence west to the section :::. All
86, '.
640. acres
640. acres
640. acres
640. m res
640. acres
640. acres
t40. acres
1,4 0. mres
I 'in.
380, acres
Range 33
I; 10.
v. '
II .6 acres
120. acree
SK', .
500. acres
037.40 acres
044.00 aires
4 72.7ii acr is
licr.. .
a 1
Bouth-wesl c .-ner of Bection 1 In T
23 B. R. 30 B.; theme north to the
North-West of said Section 1
r;25.4 1
64 1.86 acres
8 10. acr
' .
10. ai 1 't
4S0. ;i
Township 26 South, Range ::i Bast:
aejfd T. and R.j thence north to the Seetion 1. BVi BBH 60. .
North-west corner of Section 86 In Bection 11, i:1-.- si:', so. acres
T. 22 B. R. 30 B.i thence we I to tl: Section 12. All 646. gCTOS
south quarter corner of Section 16; Bection J3, All 640. acres
thence north to the center of said Section 14. E -j 32o. acres
'section 16; tlieni" west to the west Section 23. E g 320. acre.
quarter comer Of said Bection II: Section 24, All C40. acres
thence north to the North-west cor "Township II South. Itange 32 Kast:
ner or said Section 2fi; thence east ' Section I, All 039.36 aires
to the South-west corner of Lot 4 of Section I, All 640.80 acres
Section 23; thence north to the' Section 3, All 640.48 gOMC
North-west corner of Lot 2 of said J Section 4. All 642. OS a.r-.-,
Section 2:'.; thence east to the place Section 5, All 644.64 acr"
or beginning, all in Harney County, J Section 6, AH 638.69 acres
State- of Oregon. I ..-ction 7. All 634. S3 I
That the irrigable land embraced Section S. All 640. gore
within the above described bounda-' Section 9, Ail 640. acres
riea comprise the following, to-wit: i section 10, All 640 acres
Township II South. Range ;',o East: I Section 11. All 040. goree
Set. on 2.:. Lots I, 8, 4. I Section 12. All 640. gOTOS
5. 6, 7, Ntt Bection 18, All 64o. gores
SK1,. SK', S.ctlon 14. All 04U gC
SK', 280. acres Section 15. All 640. gorga
Section 34, 8WU 160. acres Section 16, All 640. acres
Bection 88, All 6 10. acres .Section 17. AU 646. acrea
action 86, Btt and I Section II, ah 118.44 acres
nw, 480. acroajsecttou 19. All 041.32 acres
Section 16, All 640. gcroa Bection 20. All 040. gores
Township 22 South. Itange 31 East: I Section 21, All 640. acre.
Section 31, All 624.96 acres Section 22. All 640. acres
Section 32. SW", and Section 23. All 640. acres
SVfc SK'4 240. acres Section 24, All 640. acre-t
Township 23 South Range 31 Kast: Section 25, All 640. acres
Sectlou 3, All ' 636.41 acres Section 26, All 639.60 acros
Section 4, All 635.59 acres Section 34, I:'- 314.61 acres
Section 5 All 635.20 acres Sectlou 35. All 630.08 acre
Section 6. All 638.49 acres Section 36, All 481.08 acres
Section 7. Lots 9. 10. Township 25 South, itange 32 Vs Bat
11, 12 and Section 4, 8ft 320. acres
NBVi NE4 149.78 acre Section 5. S. WH j
Section 8. All 640. acres NW4 399.77 acros
Section 9, All 640. acres Section 6, All 489.38 acre
Sectlou 10, All 640. acres Section 7. All 485.60 acres
Section 13, S 320. acres Section 8. All 640. ' acres
Section 14. All 640. acres Section 9, All 640. acres
Section 15, All 640. acres ' Section 10, All 640. acres
Section 16. All 640. acres Suction 11, All 640. acr-s
Section 17, All 640. acre- Section 14. All 640. acre
Section 18, All 633.98 acres I Sseetlon 15. All 640. acres
Section 19, All 637.22 acres Section 16, All 040. acres
Section 20, All 640. acres Section 17, All 640. acres
Beotlon 21 All 641. acres Section 18, All 489.98 acres
Section 22, All 640. acres Suction 19, All 487.75 acres
Section 23, All 640. acres J Section 20, All 101.41 a. res
Beotlon 84, All 640. acres ; Section 21, All B8I.TI acres
Bection 86, All 640. goret Section 22, All r, ; 4 . 4 1 acres
Section 86, All 640. gem Section 2:1. ah 413.99 acres
Bection 27. ah 111.18 acres j Beotlon 26, Lots 1 and 230.24 g
Section II, All 040. acres' section 27, Lots 1, 2 I,
Section 10, ah 040. gcroa and 4 ipi.18 aoresj
Section 10, All 638.78 acre:; Section II, Lot 1 11.97 acres
Section 31, ah 680.68 aeroa section 80, Lots 1. 2 56,88 acreo
Bection 38, All 140. aereq Seel 1 . a;: 440.84 ac'roi
; All 640. acre . . . : .. Loti f 8, I 06.00 a 1
Beotlon 34. All 840. acre. Town n ,, .., South .: Ku-,;,
. All CIO. acres Norih or Malheur Lak. :
section 36, All 640. aorei Beotlon 1, Lota 1, 8. 8 16.04 acre,
hip 88 South. Range 81 Bast: section 8, Lotg 1, 8, 8 .4,
Section IS, Lots 3, 4, 5, I, T, 8, 0 166.14 gci
BH SWV4, BOCtlOn 8, Lois 1, 2, 3 6,
U 304.28 acres 7 x, .j, i 183.06 gorge
BCtiOn 19, AH 610. SS in !
BeotiOfl 20, All 640. acres Total acreage or 85,979.4,2 inoi
Section 2S, WVs 320. acres or less, according to the Govern-!
Section 29, All 640. acres ment surveys thereof.
Section 30, All 814.16 acres All In conformity with the forego-
Section 31, NV4 308.28 acres ing and under the Laws of the State
Section 32, Nft 320. acres of Oregon, and YOUR l'BTITION-
Section 33, NW 160. gem EH8 WILL KVBR IMtAY: '
r C Smith.
Chip (!. smith.
V. O. Cozncl,
Hubert J. Smith,
Oeo rVhltlnc,
c. a. Swech,
A. C. Welcome.
Cary Thonberg,
II. J. Ilaloien.
J. C. Welcome Jr.,
Chester Mace,"
H. C. Levons,
J. H. Culp,
Sam Mothershead.
Clay- Clemens.
Calvin McDuffy,
Glen H, Hurger,
Arthur Turner,
A. S. Swain, ,
.lames E. Pearson.
Mrs. beta Millar,
H 11 Coiildln,
Will McLaren,
W. B. Huston,
Leon M. llrown.
G. N. Jameson,
0, L. Reed,
1 Hughot,
I'red Lunahurg.
j. M. Datton,
R, I I'enhody,
Jennie Jones,
l.lind Johnson,
L E. Illldmrd.
lone Whiting.
C. e. MeMiceton,
I). N. Varlen.
Mollle L. smith.
Julian Hyrd,
T. W. Stephens,
1. II Hit'
Edith Hayes.
A. K. II. George
II. II. Keech.
Blanche su?.
It. It. 811..
hr. 14, Hand Cntterson.
Ralph Cattereoa
Mary A. Oard.
Ethel Qrai
.1 i: ; r : 1
C. 11. Auamus,
,t H, Hill,
i Cros
.' T Maker.
.1 ( '. Cr"ii inan.
C T Miller.
Chaa R. Petereon,
Ethel Cattereon,
peter Chrletoaaoa,
c j. Johnson,
N P. Riddle.
Herman Rah,
Elbert Oegrge.
huric Sparloeki
Scott Hayes,
M B. Huyee.
Rebecker Cattoreon,
L. B. Culp.
.1 U' Hlggs
H. It. Mace.
H. l. Mace,
l'. Denetodt,
I). A. Glbbs.
James Smith.
Dave McLaren,
.lames Qllborti
Bella " Haves.
Marv E. I'lxon.
' H. Leonard.
N. Brown Id Sons. ac by Hen Itruw n
Manager and Trc -surer
Frank Whiting,
J. L Varlen Estate, by I). N Varlen
0. II. McP heelers Estate, by
Mcl'heeters. Administrator.
Prank Haker,
It. W. Coiad.
C. H. Mepheetel . Estate-. IfC
Mc Pheeterrs. Aduilnlst ratur.
Mrs. L. Ilorton.
Paul Howes,
Mrs. Ida Deflated!,
bctiuyler Whiting. '
20,000 Acres
water-rights for sale on
Kitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
:MS3 r
4M Sir,
117 . "
Ford Hervice f ; vm r f r I pi r ,
in n ff the imi r t .l . 1 n. ntg 1 1 i,
grtut Perd ormi .. i n. Ford owxrs
can i et real I'd i ,i- , v by on-
lug " :.. uutho icd Ford
jrioncst ' v ' "' i,,er(' "'''
bi I timea Ford work-
li il the s:;i!.c; r ! low
Service '' upcm, u yeu waot
to i ; all there is, and the
beat there la, in your Perd far come to
us with it for the genuine Ford service.
Prompt attention every time.
A Fordson now on display.
Fire and Frost Proof
Germany bas formed tin- habit of
strife. If she cunnot have war she
will have riots.
Perfect Confidence
--"" .jv--c: xxitu "- '.'-3- J-l.-.--fa
No other words can describe tbe rettttiona
that sliould exist betwtM u Hunk and its
If you haven't confidence in the .soundness of a
bank, you c?rtiinly will not trust your money
to it.
This Bank incites careful inspection of its
fitianeiul strength and sound business methods.
We knuw they are above eritieicm. but the
mint in, we want you to know it.
When you have learned, then we solicit your
business ou our merits.
I 'iflCfegtssiBr
Uuytna Is eany Hut sellinu it
again Is another Job, as has been
found out by C W Hare, assist
ant director or munitions duriiiK
the war Hare has now been made
director of sales for tho war tl,.
IMii'tnient. his asMlgnntent being to
get rid of the property acquired lit
wartime but which u 110 longer
The Times-Herald carries the
standard sizes Billing Systems
Binders and Indexes
Billing Sheets 1 and 2 on
Duplicate Sheets for above
FBnest and largest assortment
of E:nus and Flats stock to 8e
found in th comttry on hand
Prompt attention given nil orders for
anything in the printing line. Call on us
for letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, etc.
The Times-Herald. Burns
You're pretty sure to see it in this paper