The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 01, 1919, Image 1

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    'Tin' Tlnies-tli'mlil ROM rc-
larli to more homes in 11 if.
iy County Hum nny other
i'N-inrr. If you vlli to
kll'll I 111' H'llll' lll DlOSO en!-
inn for your advertisement.
Ihristmas Time Makes America
Look Good to Our Soldiers in
France. .Since The righting
Ceased They Want to Kv
I W. Thtmmcs. ninii'i it
with i in chief Bursjeoo'i Office ol
i Expeditionary la Prance,
rite i rom Franco under data, Dae
to his litter, Mrs. Albert Swain
Bubdaj i venial and have just come
( k from rapper so an going t
rilf JTOU ii few lines. Haven't lutil
Liter from vou for quite n while
tit I don t think lh:it la your fault
r the mall Is Hod up somewhere
Long the Hue and maybo you don't
i mine either. The boats don't
me every day with mail, bo when
I hey do rome there is a bunch and
hen we have to wait for muvbe a
ek or more for another hum It I
ard from the folks In August and
en skipped both September und
lobar und got one letter from Bar
a and one from CaDirinc dated in
ivember. Some of tkaaa days I'm
Ing to Ret a lot of old letters li
it i hliiK goes right.
Well eiiotiRh for the mall pari of
It. It's only a few more daws "tl'l
lirlstmas! Just think of II. It
on t seem at all like It over here
way from you all. And then it is
ot at all eold like Christmas weather
as ulways been where 1 have been,
can see now why I hey say that the
ill Christmas spirit shown at the
ime when we are giving some one
present or buying It for them or
nielhinK like that. In order that
lungs would reach the folks at home
! all had to get them a month or
ix weeks ago. I didn't get mueh
or any of you, but Just the sain'
lien I was getting what little I did
ei, iheu was my real Christmas. Verv
likely we will have a holiday for
hrlstmas und maybe a few extra
hlngs for dinner, and they might
ive us candy and perhaps a few nuts
it h smokes for the ones who want
hem. but aside from this we won't
now it is Christmas. It will be
Ifferent than any other year. Of
nurse we are all thankful that this
me comes around and finds the
ar over, and taking It all In all we
ave nothing to kick about, for
verything possible will be done to
lake a nleasant dav for us. Hut
now how it will be we are all away
way from home and that's what
takes the difference. No one said
1 being home sick, or of wanting to
i home while the war was going on.
it now that It's over that's all we
Blk of and all are hear on all sides.
Ml wait till next Christmas, then
1 can pay up for all the time We
re lost. We can he thankful now
t.ii We came through It all safe and
und and ha . rood health. So
by worrv.
i Dough to say "why wor-
lut still I'm a little anxious
he I don't gel any word from roo
" ;i lot Mine I wonder whctln r
IJ ol you ara sick or not; with this
u running wild everywhere
enough to make any one a hit
' ' I hone that none ol von
ire ii ami if you do have 1 hope it Is
lit-lii case and that you come Ihro'
righl Ortf here the weather ban
M" 'I I ureal hit toward getting rid
it It Is warm. Just like spring
eat her. ho most of the cases are
appearing, We have had quite
lot ol rain, hut no snow. I douhl
rv much If i hey ever have snow
re in central France. Don't think
aver gets 1 cl enough for that.
h we have had few cool mornings
1 oma days li ham "" 'iy, '"it
in oi these were very cold and tin y
dn'l la i ior a very long spell.
afternoon fallow from Ron
I Who I I ine over with inc. and I
11,1 OBI lo a Utile town named
''' abOUl I I miles from here. o
' didn't walk. The fare on the ear
1 3 cam i so we took it. Mo"i
(the way we traveled through real I
UBtry and It sure did seem good
"' I I hrealh of good fresh air.
0 ' ol lb a lime ii ur follow-
I the Char river and with the green
fiiss along both sidesand winding
found through the low hills It sure
'I make a pretty picture. We had
flna trip anil had started on our
ay bach when n started to rain and
p1 any it raiaad too. We were on
the iar hut might as well I, eon
'side for the sides ,r the oar were
" : ' c tm j i 1 1 'tll min t'fiulu l.iit
P11' tin-.- uttlc "Ovr Mtt'i up i"
The story of the self-made man
la always new W T. Tyler start
ed work us a messenger boy oa
the Wisconsin Central railroad In
1883 He has Just been made di
visional director in the It. 8. rail
road administration by Director-'
General lltnoa Tyler has held
many Importunt posts on western
It was comfortable, certainly. Then
too. we were lifj minutes lute for
supper and everything was cold. It
was a grand ending for such a boau
titul trip.
You want to know when I am
coming home Well so do I. That
is the question that we all ask. It's
pretty hard to tell Just when we will
start. Quite a few have already gone
and a lot of fellows are now at home.
They are sending the sick and wound
ed and the ones no longer needed
over here, home first. The class
"A ' men are likely to stay for some
time, but I've got u notion, way down
deep, that I'm going to get back
some time during the summer and
maybe as early as April or May. It
Just seems to me now that the war la
over that each day I am over here Is
a day lost. Ive seen a groat deal
and I've leaened a lot. but I've got
all I want and "now I want to go
home to mamma." When we are
little we are tied to our mothers with
apron strings, but when we grow up
we find, that they are not mere strings
but strongest kind of chains.
I got a few Christmas crds at the
K of 0 last night and sent them to
my old friends. Don't know whether
they will answer or not but thev
can't say that 1 haven't done niv
part. Do you know where Hob
Lowe ami l,ee Miller are'' 1 haven't
Inard from them since coming Into
the army, (iuess they are busy like
myself most of the time and don't
bora time to write
Well I want lo write a little lo the
folks so will bring this to a close.
Wishing you ail the beel of link and
hoping thai I'll hear from you toOll,
i am your loving brother,
i'. s. Tall all my friend hallo and
ri member me to them
I )A io 'MOO' piMl IX.30U .too u.'.oi
,iJ.tiJ iiiij llflj ,it) Maimi ,iw ten i
A later ommuiiilaliou from ilarrv
written a few days after Chrlstmai,
allows he was not Justified In taking
si r JHWifl
1 gmIwilgw ' "' rV-.IW J
W , ,.. ' ' , VCTy 'feiiv , - J.. --
Not a Matter of How Much 1 he
Interctt Will be. Thought isl
liel'ore us That we Must Show I
Same Spirit as Our Soldierr.
titers i to he paid by Vlotory
' Liberty bonds to be issued in April u-
I not known, Ami era don'l care.
We 'now Hi" next ami last Liber
tj Loan will he a whopper proha
bl six billion and that s enough in Invalid, is Indicated Vf Die following
start us preparing lo raise it. Amor- latter received by a deputy gHtne war
leans with Die reputation of being den of Lane county from the state
dollar chasers won't pay a great ' game commission and published In a
deal of attention to the Interest of
these short term bonds because there
I aswlays bobbing up In our mind the
thought of the interest our partner)
Die Yanks received on their in-
i vestment
When our boys went Into the Ar
gonne Forest, St. Mlhlel. Chateau
Thierry, Cantlgny, and lielleau
Wood, thev didn't stop and ask the ulclously misleading.
platoon loinmamler what bonus Ihey "The federal migratory bird luv
would get If they won the objective paiStuT h BOIgrOSS In 1 1 II wasargu
or lor a guarantee against loss, ed before tin I lilted Slates Supreme
They sacrificed when Ihey Joined the . ourl upon lis i ousDIutlonallly, but
army and they were willing to make for raoBOlll noi made public the court
Die supreme sacrifice. 1 li I not render n decision in the mat
Regardleaa or financial drains for tar and on February , 1910. the
the government or for charity, it hi ' court ordered the Base restored to
been "protty soft for us" compared Die docket for argument. The
and if the government chooses to treats' between the United States and
t.-irt Its last Liberty Loan drive on Ureal ilritaln for the protection of
Dt cond anniversary of entry Into migratory birds was ratified by both
Die war or before, you can bet your governments December 7. llllti, and
last dollar that the fellows who are on June 29, I91N. congress passer
wisely shaking their heads and say- the migratory bird treaty act to give
lug "It's going to be a hard Job" Willi el feet to the treaty provisions, which
buckle in and have a part in the was approved by the president July
glory of showing our fighters that a 1918. and on July 31. 1918. the
the folks at home ure "bears" at big president promulgated regulations
Jobs themselves. j thereunder governing the hunting
It's not a matter of Interost. j possession Of lUOh birds
u "The migratory bird ireuty act of
CHWt.t: QI'AltAVriNK HKtit l,.- i ; i s -,e, nicilly repealed the old ml
TIONH. grOtOff Idnl law of 19 1.1. which was
' ------ - .. m
Marshal McDonald was in
other day to tell us that it has been ; still before tho United States supretu I
decided to resume the business hours el the" case was merely to clear tho
observed before the recent quaran- i court records and also because there
tine regulations were made from to- was nothing left to decide since the
night on. Business houses will be '. law in question had been repealed by
allowed to remain open after six the new got of 191S. The mtgratorv
o'clock but are asked not to permit ; is now In full force and effect
crowds to gather From what Mr. throughout the United States. Copies
McDonald said It Is evident that peo- bird treaty act passed last June, 191 H,
pie are not working In harmony with of the treaty, act and the regulations
Die health officers in observing Dm thereunder may be obtained tiy ad
quarantine regulations and he asks dressing the I'nlted Slates depart
that this be done. If we are to find menl of agriculture, Washington,
out whether the quarantine of Indi- I). C , or the I'nlted Slates game
Vidua! cases are to aid we must oh- warden. Portland, Ore I'loase give
serve i he rules ami keep the cases (hi matter all necessary publicity In
bolofod. I'lease give the authorities order that sportsmen and others In
your cooperation In this Important terested may not become eoafueed '
mailer until It can be
how effective it is.
stub a pessimistic view of the ap
proachlng holiday period as ho In
cl ed pr ;! am of a nuns' re t bo
given by the dOUgbDOyi In one of the
i beater .. and ol her mu tamenti . He
1 1 m . i not received hjs package from
home hut had boon generouslv re
membered bj the K. of C, Y. M r
a and Bed Croaa, Among the girts
enumerated wore socks, I audker
Ohlefa, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco,
candy, gum. nuts, oranges, apple.,
i nok Ion, etc.
Recent R port That The United
States buprtmo Court Had
Declared it Invalid Erroneous
Sty Suite Game Commituiun.
Thai thS .-,w which provides for
cioseii season on dinks after January
it, win ba snforeed, notwithstanding
tfts recenl reported ruling that Die
migratory bird law bad been declared
recant Issue Of the Kugene Register"
"To All Uinue Wardens The
arte le published In some of the news
i papers recently to Die effect that the
federal migratory bird law was de
clared Invalid by the United Slates
supreme court und In consequence
ducks and goest lould be bunted In
discriminately, is erroneous ami per
government In moving for a dismissal
court, und the recent action of the
Producers of alfalfa seed In the
I lilted States received 11.10 tt bushel
November II, LUC, $94:1 a yONT
later, and 9 November IS, mis.
the harv t i ' :m r, the price
considerably declined, but an upward
movement followed Februarv, 1917.
when the price reoeived by producers
a .i ,i low a . 1 ' and by March,
I 91 K, It reached I he high price of
. I n 80 a bu liel. in Kan I I ''' No
vember, i !i s. prlt a wM ' '
Prance, England and the i nlted
Staes will speak III firm ami equal
voices at the peace c onlereiice.
western woman gets
rst fedlralpum
Mc Preach c. Axteii is me
i woman in the United states
i.. ever have been appointed to a
leral comratasloa by un itwii
live oider of the president. She
It ,i irian of the t'nitod gtataa
employee' compensation commie
.ion She is from Washington
Home i .ii din. ii 1'iiiiitH For (lur Sun
day Schools.
(lly the Pastor I'resbytorlan Church
I. We can never make the world
safe for democracy until we have
reached the 400,000 of the world
i hlldren, and have trained them in
the principles of tho Book.
II. The organisation to accom
plish this task Is the world's Sunday
School Association, with a member
ship of :iS.OOO,000 -:i. 000, 000 work
ing U ,O0.00U Sunday Sshools.
III. The Sumiav School can only
function in this great task as the
fathers ami mothers give their boys
and girls and money with Its workers.
IV. it can be done In this gener
ation if we shall will to do so.
V. Every school In America is a
unit In this great task. Can we
count on you for help?
VI. We shall need o supply 100
trained secretaries and missionaries
for the Sundey School task in the
world's great renters outside of
America during tho next few year.i.
Will you be a helper in this grea'
movement to Kvangelize the world?
Collection last Sunday. $3.25
These Sunday School supplies help
to make good boys and girls. Wo
appreciate all who help us In this
worthy cause.
Makes a Heat-lloliliiiK Dottle, I seflll
With .school Lunelle
A bottle to keep liquids hot. mad"
from a salail oil hottje an oatmeal
carton, some excel ior and I '. cents
v. nrl li Ol oilcloth for B OOVI r. Is I he
creation of an Alabama girl, a meiu
)ier ol a boys' and gills' club of that
. tote.
Sawdust, hay. burlap, paper In
pulp form, or soft material thai easl
I) mm be compressed may be used
in. i ad of excelsior for packing be
twoen the glass and the carton.
"The bottle was a success from
every standpoint; the varj thing for
children to curry to school and not
break." writes the Coker field agent
lo the lulled States Kelatious Ser
vice, United States Department "of
Agriculture "It keeps liquid hot
lor four and one half hours by act
ual lest."
The device was shown at a recent
county demonstration.
The announcement made b) Va
ginas .lolin II Lawfal of the Warm
Springs irrigation district that the
c'am at Itiverside would not be avail
able for power purposes is dlsup
pointing, This Information was dts
closed in a recent loiter from Mr.
Lewis to the Crane American. It
had boon hoped thai this big clam
might he used to develop eleclr.c
power for a greater portion of this
v aiiey, in fact ii hud been considered
faaslbls to bring Huclt energy as far
as Hums for illuminating and pow
er purposes. Hut Die most impor
tant consideration was to supply the
means of Irrigating a large area of
the eastern part of Harney Valley
w here a quantity of shallow water Is
available for irrigation purposes pro
Vidad a means of gelling it on the
land may he di I- eel
Order iimi letter beads I re,
3& M .
The Tiincs-Iloriihl Is an old
FNtnhfJshed friend of tho people
irf li. icy t'ounty where it DSM
bowa u weekly visiter for thirty
years. It's lob department Is
equipped tO serve your ne'cls.
NO. li
Plan to Cover Territory With
One Big Organization Rather
Than Several to be Considered
Under Latest Move Launched.
ii petition popo Ing one large
irrigation district to cover a big ar t
ol this Valley h i boon signed by a
majority of Die land owners under
the district und It will he submitted
to Die tourt at Its March term. The
largo number of signatures would
Indicate s renewed interest in the
Importance of a district and will be
the sons of bringing the question
, before those Interested In manner to
settle the feasibility of one or more
I districts lo cover the lunds of tho
I valley.
I While the present district does not
j cover all the Irrigable lands. It does
include territory that Is only par
tially served with water for lrriga-
I Don. The question of surplus water
i,i ill remains an unsolved one and un
til It is demonstrated that there is a
surplus those already decreed right.;
win licit bo snthuslastlc, at least, of
taking in additional territroy. At
any rate, thai 1 1 the attitude of some.
The LeWOn people have again filed
Heir petition for a district covering
i lie lands of that neighborhood, but
practically all of these same land
owners have signed the petition for
the larger district and the advantage
of each proposition will be consid
ered between this and the convening
of court next month. It should hove
"conscientious attention of those in-
terested and the best interests of all
given support. Don't let selfishness
or personal matters enter Into the
consideration of the subject. Th?
question of water is of such impor
tance to the future development of
the country that it must be definitely
settled by the people. Present users
are entitled to first consideration in
this settlement and with the strength
of all united It may be brought to an
equitable solution and thus hasten
the final distribution of the surplus
water over a greater area of this big
The need of organization Is con
ceded by all. The only question is
whether there shall be one district or
One district was started some time
ego to Include the lands east of the
I tunic. HUM and us far south as too
Krabree bridge. This was filed and
is BOW on an appeal to the supr, me
court. The second Is the LOWSO pe
tltlon which joins the first at the
Bmbree bridge and goes south to the
lake a third is contemplated to
cover the Island and west Including
Sage lien., with a possible fourth to
include the territory up the river.
All Of these proposed di-irei,,
WOUld . c . ;.'er from the
oun a with Inter eta the uyme,
i therefore a matter of whether
people can be be il si rvod by the
il district': or one big one thai
would cover thorn all
i-Kit i:ct:
-It is hard for the American pi
to underatand the reserves of Buro diplomacy, In a country where
OVery male citUen has some share in
the government, the prOCOSSOS Of go
Icau nation knows, day by day . the
eruiiig bodies ,ne public. The Am, t
iincl only in stress of great emere
diSCUSSlons and decisions of congn
Is censorship of ativ kind resorted lo.
Naturally there wai dtssattsfa
at the idea that I he peace ( 0
i nee, whOBS ac lions are Ol so it
Importance to us all. should sit '
hind closed doors. Y approve
President Wilaon'a remonstrance1 I
trust that thee will have their res'
and t hui the deliberations of tin a
ferenoe win have due public n
In securing ths "drj " I ami 1 1 1,"
nation Is making an interesting al
illlion to lis menagerie II sired)
possessed the democratic donkev aiui
the' (! D. I', elephant, and now on!;.
needs a box of monkeys to complete
its collection. Perhaps the I V
W.'s will favor.
, o
The government is ropueetina. hf
to figure- up our 191s iiueinie. so
that there' he no delay in turnii.
our Income ton sohadulea al ths
per tune II is also ib In StSl)
lug at i in' probabUit) of i i torj
Libert) loan in the spring.