J. Shelley Saurman, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office at I. H. Hollai d R'il ence llimiv. Oregon DR. B. F. SMITH rhysician ami Surgeon Burnt, Oregon ii",i it residence, Dr. UriStl a for BMf home. I'll mo No. It c CU. GEARY Physician end Bnrgsou. Burnt, - - - Oregon ,'t mi second 6uof I'i'iiitMiiiiia lilg 'Phone Main W. OENMAN & DENMRN. Physicians and Surgeons ,,'m iict"il pruinpll) night Ords) i iii.ii,. liurrlinuii. Harplman, Oregon L. E. HIBL'ltKb tint door Bt plioto Sailer) Itm ii-. ( Iregou, BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law and Office Practice La vet Scrip for Sale Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law I. O. O. F. Bldg.. Uurna, Orcguo order those letter heads here. Brunswick The at The WELCOME PHARMACY Come in and nee them and hear their beautiful violin like tone They play any Disc Record made The price is within the reach of all On display and being demonstrated at the WELCOME PHARMACY The Plumber nS SB' AJW S Xg Tj Taat-lMsr I Ir'isvA Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing Agents for the De lava! Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALL AND INSPECT IT CHHRUES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns,' - - Oregon Practices in the Slate Ounria ami Ih tore tit) I' . I, Una Ottice. HERMAN VON SCII MAI. Attorney at Law I l nitnlH ami practice liefme I'. S. I.itml i iiiiii- a spwislty Illlli'c; I'.y lilllg. ! 'I""1 to ("t nffli lilirilii. Orcunti I 'Was. II. I .on.ml. l'Tlll!M - AT-I.AW, direful attention given to Collet tfOM mill I;. :h nVStatS iiiiiHnrn. Iim- Ilminuiicc. Notary I'lllilio BOBJM, Okkoon. I (' I'll I Mill A. (.). Kaui.knmi Kurmart) Awl. Kiiliirr Kuriimriv i htei Kp Ilul.'.b UvclauiHtlua rlvr glnasf ' ( .- A , ,i ,. w avtifa iiv i Eastern Oregon Cngiaecrinc Company CIVIL AND mMApW IMil.M!:: Burns. Onguu -: LONE RESTAURANT OKOKlji: ICON P. op. Meals At All Hours. Short Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Kates Give Me A Call Opposite Tlmrs-IIcr-l Hulldlna Order thoeo letter beuds here. Phonograph f C is a Robber! Only when the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us For Croup, "Flu" and "Grip" Coughs M. T. Duvlt., leadlrng merchant of IloHrHvllle, W. Vs., writes: "A law nights ago ono of my natron had a small i til M t ak, -a with croup about midnight, Came to my store and got Foley's Honey and Tar t'ompound. Baton morning (lie child entirely re covered. Purents can't say enough for Foley's Honey mill Tur." - Sold by Reed MriiH. NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT IN THU COUNTY COURT OF THB BTATB OF ORBOON, TOR HAR NKSY COI NTY. In tin1 matter of i h i statu of I . II l.lV A. Itl'llllilllll, lll'l Cllhell. Notice If li"i'.ly given thai l!ie undersigned edmlnlstratrUt of tha ahi.vi. named ,st n t , Ii:ih filed her final account In the uhove-entltleil court mid Tuesday the llth day of February 1919, at tho hour of two o'clock I'. M , llHM heell Set il:l the Mine mid the county court room in the Court House In Rurns. Oregon ai the place for the hearing of ohje, tlons thereto and the settlement thereof, all persona Interested In i, ii i aetata are hereby notified to file ihe'r objeetlom if any taofa there be, on or before the above Darned date, :.:ni i.i appear and support t ii.-ir objei i ,1 .l.u.iiiirv 7. LSI! , SCNia RBMBOLD, Admlntstrsl i .. it Pub .Ian. i ith : inn Pub Feb Ufa CJVA G'oJpcA, toTV UjMuVVl, 'V-O'U oavu YUAui or cvQMyvvvfi , lot (juloM . UtAtM. nfnUAM 9 00X0X000. OVl ltoAicl VtXvcJt ft trvo jjoXj$ai owvcL -OeAvico. "BtKwtAj - Coioa-aclo: joilN ;i:nii;i!i.iN.. tefaHBV1. Jw)l'i-. Opttctlui and BntfTovar. Fine Walch Rt-pairinj; A Sp cially. -wasmmsmmen 'Qx jr -sr- .rrr- s At Your Service To be progressive and to serve you right, we have installed MBii the Electrical Wizzard in our Shop It cost hb Bone money but it will mm you b, lt o! money. Bicauie it honestly, quickly and Biirely '' I sbb-w af Universal Wo nuspect that the formation of the League of Nation Is ntlll con siderably more than "half a league onward." Hut tho Allies will over take It some day. NOTION I Olt fl III, M I ion UNITSD 8TATKS LAND OIKICK Muni . Oregon, January 24. 191') Notice i hereby gtVan that Vera Iteynvumi, one ol the hull. of Malth n ('owing, dei'cl., or MuriiM. Oregon, who, on March t. HlOi mane Deeert- laii'l Kntrv No. (Ml'TI. for V'..NV', and SK'.NW',. leotton 22, Town- .ini to s . Raage ", D., rVttlametta Ml riil Ian. Inn filed BOttce Ol Intent Ion in make fink! I'roof by puxchaaoi UN - tier mi of March 4. lllB.to estab li li i lalm lo the land alime ilencrlli- eii, before Register aad Receiver, at iiiiriiM. Oregon, on the ITth dav or Pebruary, lilt, ciiiiiumit iimnoN aH wltaegaaa! Pranfe Maker, John l. Caldwell, Bmeel C. Iteynvumi rail Lee Cald well, all of IluniN, Oregon. V. O. COSAD, ReglBter .MITKK roit I'lHLKATION. UNITKI) BTATSf LAND OFFICE Barns, Oregon, January :m. '.' Notice ii hereby liven thai Veva , of the heirs n: Matt D, Cowing, dee'd., of iiunin, Oregon, Mho. on Aiirii 13,1914, made Home stead Kntrv. No n,:Mii. for Ni:', , Bee, 11 mid N 'jN 13, Township angi 0 E . Willamette Meridian, h;K filed no ttee ol Intention to make final lhree year Proof, to establish claim to the iami above described! before Regis. ter mni Receiver, at Baraa, Oregon. on the L'Tth day of Kcbruurv. 1919. Claimant names an witnesses: Frank Huker. John L. Caldwell, Brneel c Bay uvaan mni Lee caid- well, all of Hurim. Oregon. V. Q. Cozad, Rejlster NOTICE '1X CUKDITOKH IN TDK COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOH HAH- NKY COUNTY. In the mutter of the entate of Joe Canto, deieuaed. Notice la hereby given that the aaderalgaedi Joe ourcia, bus beea duly appointed by the uoove-en-tltled Court Administrator of tho e tute of Joe ('unto. Deceased; and has duly qualified an muiIi Administrator. All persoiiH having claims uguln-1 huld estate are hereby notified to present the name to me ut Denlo, Harney County, Oregon, together with proper vouchers therefor and duly verified, within sfx (6) montln from the dute hereof. JOE GARCIA. Aduilnlntrator of the Estate of Joe Canto. Deed. Dated this 21st day of December, 1913. incnicH the trouble In your Klecti Ic Si iiri i n- tu id Light iug m it in on your ear. ' Don't let ii guetiser tenr , our r;ir till In iiir'.s t I'vllljU I find I lir trouble, Wit ii AM Btl wt cull tell yOjl w lint il is inside ol thirty minutes no matter UOW cnui)licillctl or l)f Imw lon;- NlHiifliri-. Garage Co. The price of beer In St. Louis hat ' gone up to twenty dollar a barrel. Congress evidently made u mistake In not providing for a beer udmihix tratlon. It looks as If President Wilson would have u full hand of kings and queen to aliow down upon the peace table. o At present corn I going down, mni II will he some time at that h lure a new crop In coming up. TO WARD OFF ILLNESS If you are bloated, languid or buy, hue " the blues" headaches, palpita tion, biliousness, bud breath, ku. Constipation or Indigestion, you will fool better tu the morning If you lake u Kohy Cuthartic Tablet to night. Tina Is a wholesome laxutlvu uml demising physic that acts with out inconvenience, griping or settees Sold by Iteed Bros. o NOTICE TO t'HBDITORH IN TDK COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. In the matter of the estats of T. L. Hugger, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the uniiiTsUiieii, Carrie L. Dagger, ha been duly appointed by the above entitled Court Administratrix of the , ! t. l. Dagger, De aad lias duly qaallfled as saeB Ad inliilstratrlx. All persons having chiims against said estate are hereby notified lo present the sumo to DM n DOBlO, Oregon, together with pro ' per vouchers therefor and duly veri fied, within six (6) months from Um date hereof. CARRIE L. DUOGER. AdmlnlRtratrix of the Estate of T. L. Dugger, Deed. Dated this 21st day of December. 191S. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. In the matter of the Estate of I Calvin II McPheeters, deceased. Notice Is hereby given to the creditors of the said estate that the undersigned lias been duly appointed and Is the acting and qualified a. I in I in itrator thereof. Alt persons having claims against the suld estate ure required to pre sent Hie sine duly verified as by law required, to A. W. Gowan, at his of l Ice in Rums. Oregon, within six months from dute of the first pub lication of this notice. Dated at Rums, Oregon, this 28th day of December 1918. CHAS. E. McPHEETERS. Adtur. Pirst publication December 28, 1918. e NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THB COUNTY COURT OF TUB 8TATB OF OREGON, FOR HAK- N9JY COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of Pedro Arlstla, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, Pete Egoscue, has buuu duly appointed by the above-eu-Uileil Court Administrator of the Estate of Pedro Arlstla, deceased; and has duly uuullfled as such Ad ministrator. All persons having claims against Hiild estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at Field. Oregon, together with proper vouch ers therefor and duly verified, with in six (6) months from the date hereof. I'ETE EGOSCUE. Administrator of the Estate of I'edro Arlztla, Deed. Dated this 21st day of Dec. 1918. NOTICE OF I'INAL ACCOl NT. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TH state OF ORBOON FOR HAR- NKY CO I 'NTY 111 the mutter of the estate of Mattio Norrls, deesassd, Notice Is hereby given that t USdsrslgnsd bus Hied his flnul ! count as udinlnistrutor In the above entlUed estats sad the county Judge has set Monday, the 10th duy of Fobruu-y, 1919, at ten o'clock A. al., ut his office at IluniB, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections thereto. J. W. 111008, Admlnlatrator wttb the will annexe- of tbe estate of Itottte Norxta. deceased. WARRANT CALL Notice Is hereby given that thero are sufficient fund ou hand to pay off all Genorol Fund warrants Issued and registered up to and including December 6. 1918. Interest ceaso Jan. If, 1919. W. Y. KING. County Treasurer. o ' Hl'MMONH. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATB OF ORBOON, FOR HAR NKV COUNTY. TbS fir . t Nalional BSBB Of Wlnne- iiiiuc,!, (s corporation), plaintiff, VS. Chan. Frd llolloway ami Clara C. Ilolloway.his wife, CornelU, Ruraba, E. Reliihurt Compmy. B corpora ion. D. d. Dsffoabsaga, vYm. sis- SSn uml the Slate Luml Hoard of Oregon, composed of James Wlth ycombe, Governor. Ren Olcott, Sec retary and Thos. R. Kay, Treas urer of the State of Oregon, de fendants. To E. Itelnhart Company, a corpora tion, one of the above named de fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby re'i uired to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and .-. weeks rrom the date ol the tirst publication of this sum aiiil it you tail so to appear ami answer, 'tor want thereof, tb plaintiff will take a decree against you us prayed for In ahi complaint, tow it : Judgment sad decree against de fendants riias. Fred Holloway and (Mara C. llolloway. his wife, for the sum of I79M.S0 with interest there on from October 23rd, 1918. at rate i of 9 per cent, per annum until paid, land the sum of 997.94 taxes paid i with interest thereon from June 25th, 1917. at rate of 12 per cent, per an I num until paid, and the t.um of : 1100.00 attorney fee. together with I the costs and disbursements of this '.suit; that a certain mortgage de I scribed in said complaint and given by the defendants Chus. Fred Hollo j way and Clara C. Holloway, his wif. I to the plaintiff, covering and upon the SE4 of SW and S Vfe of SEVi section It; the E4 of NW.; and NVi of NE', section 22: the NEU of XK", section SS; the NH of SE . the SW of NK4 . the SE'i of NW, and NW'i of NWi section 34. all in T. 40 S. R. 3(1. E. W. M . Harney County. Oregon, containing; j r20 acre--, be declared to be a first lien upon said premises to secure tun payment of all sums above men- tioued. and that said mortgage be. foreclosed and said lands sold in the j manner provided by law for the sal I of real property on execution; that the proceeds of said sale be applied in the payment of said sums and all thereof; that if there is any deficien cy remaining after the application of said proceeds to the payment of said suras, plaintiff may have judgment and execution therefor against said defendants Chas. Fred Holloway and Clara C. Holloway, his wife; that the purchaser of said premises be put in to possession thereof at the date of the sale of same; and that you. as well as each and all of the above named defendants, and all persona claiming by, through or under you. or any of you. from and after April 2 3rd, 1914. the date of said mort gage, be forever tiarred unit foreclos ed of any and all right, title, interest, claim. Hon or demund In, to or upon suld lunds and each and every part thereof, except the Statutory right of redemptien: that plaintiff may havo such other and further relief In the premises us shall seem equitable and just. This summons Is served upon yon by publication thereof for six consec utive weeks in The Times-Herald, printed and published in Hums, Har- y County. Oregon, bv order of Hon. 1 C. Levctis. Couat) JudgSOf Harney ,,u ty, Oregon which aato order wag .mil dated ut the cltj o( Burns, couat) and .state aforesaid on the 9 its day of January, mi!' sad tho dute or the first publication of tuta Minimum la January llth, lilt, th dute of IBS last publication thereof being March Mb, 1919, this helm ulso the dute on or before which you are required to appear in said suit and answer said complaint or be to default for want thereof. J. 8. COOK. Attorney for Plaintiff, Reaidlnc at Burna. Oregon, M