I ILtement of the condition of The Tlrst National Bank Barns, Oregon At the close of business Dec 81, 1918 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Jj'JS'S U. S. Bonds 97.600.00 U. S. Treasury Certificates 20,000.00 Bonds and Securities 29.551.20 Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 3.000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixture 9 000,00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00 cash J5215 $799,086.89 LIABILITIES Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 91,742 05 Circulation 50,000.00 Bills Payable ( Liberty Loan Account) 25. 000. 00 Re-discounts 144,327.76 DEPOSITS 438,617.08 $799,686.89 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY ACCOUNTS INVITED The Times-Jlerald Hat The Largeit Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. SATURDAY. JANUARY II. 1919 LOCAL XKWS NOTBS. We will do your Job printing. Arehle MeGowan Is un from Crane. A. Cote was in town Thursday from his home In the Warm Spring Valley. Born Sunday. Fireoved hospital. Ralph Hutchinson Jan. 5, at the to Mr. and Mrs. a son. We'll do your Job Printing. F. I). Towsley IM down from till mountain ranch the other day. Ed J. Callow was over from Bend this week on business. Roy Kiphnrt and hi little sons wore up from Cat low the other day. Chas. King has mahogany wood for sale, delivered. See him or phone 0134. The weather has moderated very much and now we expert that snow we've been looking for. Mrs. Tom Allen was brought In from one; of the ranches on the Bltt ii'u Thursda arlth ;i serere attach of pneumonia. Her pi she la very sick, Mra All there nui ' pa- tienta. She hai been aiding In thla work i . has done to i Mrs. Somerville was registered al the Cerent Hotel from Dento taring the week. Dr. Smith operated on Burr Fuller j thJa forenoon, removing one of tho toee from a rroaen foot. The oath nl i i a the King hoapltaL. I. B. Oeer .': Co., win move in the near future into the north part ol the Masonic building, the store room formerly oi cunlcd by I .SshwarU has been rut In two antl the Oeem ill occupy part of it. TIIK FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF Hl'RNS. CAPITAL AMI M KI'I.IS iloo,eoo. "Tin; hank that MAUDS VOIR Hi a KAI'F." Aft Ol NTS 1N ITFIi. f Mra, L. M. Brown rt egram the Hr-t of thla oun ing the sudden death of her brotl rty in A light, cotter rot aaie oaeap. Farmera Kxchanga. Pr Smith was called to Pin. fore part -f this week I .V W. Miller' wife, who Is 111. We had a light anow fall last nltTht whluh Is ncoiiriiRlng If It will Juit keep it up. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A Harlan were among our visitors from Crane dur ing the present ml, W ; n im tai over from his Cnliew rati! v homo during the week. ,!e dbln t show up at thla office ,)., tore we dldn t get to Interview liuii. ma ITHSi' NATIONAL HANK OF III CVS. CAPITAL AM SI HFI IS ItOO.OOO. "Till-: HANK IHA1 hakfs voir sai::.'' ccolNTS INV1TF.D. Mr. and Mrs. tleo. Mnrsden f down from their Hear Valley ranch on a sliort visit with friends and to look after some business affaire They report Mrs. Marsden St., In fine health. For Sale, 100 tons hoy 116.00. A 1 protected feed grounds running water. Also 60 tons cheap hay. Be- . tween Fayette ft Ontario. Guy 'Stroup. Fayette. Ida. It. F. D 1. Mra. Peter Chrlatensen came up from La won yesterday for a short visit with friendB and also to ee her physician. She Is much Improved In health. Dr. Smith had two appendicitis Operation! at the Haines hospital this week the first being on a little daughter of Merle McMullen of Drewsey. the second on tho little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lolinh' Vlckers. ltoth children are doing fine we are Informed. Cloud Young, who lives In the neighborhood of Narrows, accldenlnl ly shot himself tho other day with a revolver. He was carrying tho wear in in a scabbard under his arm and at the tint" of the accident had been walking behind his wagon. He de cided to get into the rig from the rear and in Jumping tip it Is evident the hammer struck 'in- bottom of the rig causing It to explode, the ball striking just above ail kaeg and penetrating to the bona where !t hide. d. Dt Bmltb remov d the bullel and the young mail baa returned homo. i '. ii r Oeer arrived borne ' he Hi l of this week and has gmce bi rt greeting his many tatanda. Hani) ' the first hoy from this vicinity to g-t ami k from actual service In Franc.' and It Is interesting to hear him tell of things, lie was promoted on the trout for gallant service and In now ii lieutenant. He was transferred Immediately upon reaching Vraape to artllery and saw much service, being in lou "i (he big battles. He was In for eh '-n month', four of which were 1,, nl hi the trout line, rior offii in! to claim hire us a Dr. J. 8. fiaurraan mad a pro fessional trip to Ruck Creek the PHrt of this week. Dr. Riiurmsn made a prBfeasI trip to Drewsey this week to ree J. I). Smith who lion pneumonia Mra. Fred Cllngan arrived lean Hie first of this week from a business trip to Chicago. Since getting home she became ill and It la feared she haa lnfluenaa. FOR BALK: Registered Herford Hulls. March On and Dlaturber strains. Alao 160 head yearling lc two year old Heifers--B, B. Bain & Co.,ollemus'Fcrry, Idaho. Mrs. W. W. Drink water, who ting Iti nursing at the Bod French bronchi In, with ,i , n e of pneumonia we are Info- I i ,,, lady was there In company .Mrs Allen. Mrs. Arthur Turner brought her little daughter Amy in from the ranch yesterday afternoon to have ,i wound dressed on her forehead .aused by foiling on the Ice. It was a bad cut requiring two stitihea to close It up. James Donegan and his daughter, Miss Carmen, were passengers out the first of thla week, the former bound for Portland whore he would take part In some of the public meet ings there Including tho Irrigation ' congress, reconstruction meetings, etc., going later to Salem to look In on the law making body there. Miss Carmen will go directly to California where she will remain for an In definite time with her aunt. .1. (). Ilutler wuk In to see us (he oilier doy. Mr. Ilutler Is at Narrows at present but stated he expected to reti o CatlOW In the spring pro- I vidlllg Mimethlug was done lo gel I T,: of the rabbits, and put in a Crop. , lie stated that many of the Callow ! people had moved out and there were ; hut few left, therefore If they wore to make a success of their crops they must have protection lie l Interesled In the poisoning method and may make a test of It. Lloyd Johnson wan up from I.awen yesterday and stated to a repraaenai aper that they were again circulating their petition to mi cure an Irrigation district in that iborbOOd and that this tin, WOUld make a gOOO job 04 I' There i a deolded feeling that aome tiling muit bU dona toward a mdf i unliable manner of distributing the , r and tills la one oi' the n ai al Hie disposal of the people. Mr. and Mrs. Itohert Krumlx In are here from the White Horse riiicli They have been In charge of that ranch for lererel vers hut Mr. Krumhelu lius been romoted liy (he P. L. S. Co., for whom he has worked for iiiuuv years, and they go to Log llanos. California w here he takes charge another big ranch of the, eompnnj Their many frlenda in thl county w in their ir Krumbeln n nn .1". who ' . an M CTI m 9 ' ti tl pi ' mm'T.'Tf gaatfaaB 1 HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL US of BURNS, OREGON 'Your Hum Inatltutlon" Thia Bnnk invitee the nccounta of out-of-lov a dcpoailorg, band! their business with I he utmost cn.ro and dispatch, in a manner to prom te pleasant rl Uions with ita pal rons, and render as ne.irly perfect service aa ptoasible. Your business solicited. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY Harney Euunly Nalinnal Bank YOUR HOME INSTITUTION mmnrimmiMmmwumMMWt, niniiiiiiimmmiimiiinr mmmm AH Thoughts for Exclusiveness ggggfcX ' ' mmmmm MB&&-: 3C jgggt ' egfl SBbibISbW - ' 'veggl jtggggtSgfflPi v a k, ? r gj ePsJigej ii gagab.' ' novelty aehejaea will be followed. I ' In I Ills costume on the right, baby lafl "v the i VggggVl 8n " i one and .in- -V ge" ' HI ll U li Ht distinct iv , I 1 1 : v- 1 ifc a I, ' KkW W4MS,,M J k HATS We handle the famous Lion and Hud son brand hats in all the latest .styles that we are offering you during this sale at these greatly reduced prices: The famous Lion Brand Hat, $2.8S Hudson " " 3.75 UNDERWEAR In both woolen and cotton, union and two piece suits, that are going during this sale at 20 per Ct. off. OUTING FLANNEL A large assortment of plain and plaid colors special during this sale at 35c. per yard. WOOLEN SHIRTS We have a large assortment of these in sizes from 14 1-2 to 18 to offer you during this sale at 15 per Ct. Oil'. MACKINAWS Any mackinaw in the store al 15 per Ct. Oil. Greatest January Clearance Sale Ever Oifered the People of Harney County B MferkDowitStnle lj b 1" "M ' Wm I flu m M V jD - jjA J- Lief mlMAv H .Baefcefl M III 1. I VI flNP V I flat I fl 1 T 91 N" ;S wd I! r Iff Ji rW T wkkCm HM N VX TBS; 55 . li ttm niT " -'-s -,rSrM f ggggggal ggT; nT-l XflJeSZ! I V : 1 H" I if- f .W i gfrlrl 7$ llaWXyS NlYVxH mmmmmWl4j&0WJ W Come early while the stock is complete be cause everything included in this Sale is gO- W. handle the Famous Gotzian Shoes for Men, Women ard CI ildicn end to make gf I M ing to go. room ror our spring siock we are offering ycu your choice during this sale at a redaction of 16 per ct. off. BURNS CASH STORE P. S. These prices are also the same at our Riley Branch, Riley, Oreg. i