y X IB I OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR Its tlie daily break fast in thousands of western homes. Tlire Is no ether to digestible end healthful. Nennstly recommended as the dall) diet of ths entire household. . Bi'i'Misc thp inrri-dit'iiri nr to blended as to pfodnce a food thut li apctitisinj; anil perfectly digaeted. Those who have found Other paMallM Indigestible will find OLYMPIC agrees with the moat dcliejte stomach. The Portland Flouring Kills Co. For 1919 Resolve to Join the Big Movement to Make Oregon Grow u Tatmmmummwmrti ry-s: IWMUi ' TJAKE NOTICE .- . li N Tha Kin of Cncksrs INVESTIGATE Call your nearest dealer for information j AT ONCE. Then take the earliest opportunity of conveying j to said dealer the idea that you wish to actjuir? ono of these LABOR SAVERS A Gasoline Motor Driven Drag Saw Machine that saws up to 25 cords of wood per day. Th.i Man Talks Like It Was a Ford. Mood Itivcr, Or.. Itnute, Mar. 4. Vaughan Motor Wurkn. Portland. Oregon. Dear sir'-: Sn bivit fine sue ceaa nrlth the little old bug Aver age tea ricki to gallon of gab; al to eat 31 (i rl k at i I v coat p ir rick, (hi.; urn f r an old rig, Kea fully ,j. j. KBI N-KMAI W It. - ,. . lid i " ' ITD ,:: IMS5 " ' ' j ': .7. -" "THE THRIFT SPREAD" 'j ru iiin QrahaaM bare tba rare com blaatloo "i rich food value ami ci-in, ioueaeai in.it ntabe than ever wl coast, At madia .r between tneaia tbey art always popular Mad.' f -r nu iu ii... ! i tight rood factory, iold every- THU-BLU BESCUIT CO. i'.itlaiiil.. i " i W'Oregon Made for Oregon Trade Oleomargarine Makes economy n douI pteafure; a table treat; delicious ftn tOSSl Sftd bread and on &nki ;ir 1 vsfStabtes, You'll like it rignt from the start. Composed of pur& carefully select ed ingredients sod ohurnsd, fresh daily with pasteurized mil'.. The moNt noticeable differ- ii. a b " t w I ! ii 'oluinMa Brand CHeomargartM and fancy creamer) batter l th- preen aud It'l in favor of ii mm of i Uapmaritartne. I'm I...J i,i waked, dir prool curious. U, S. Gov ernment Inspect) L UNION MEAT CO. North Portland, Oregon tm at if it ..." ,tj F KE - -. K5 WjgfiP A Home Product NOTE: We also suggest that for good results vou Hhould specify a VAUGIIAN Drag Saw. I'ur further (.'-lii,!,, utldreudi YAUGHAN ?IOTOR WORKS, Inc., 475 East Main Street. Portland, Oregon. aWBOyiTI WAIt WORK COM'EGK KXTKNHION !' A ISKI.KSH' BRANCH. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vllia, Jan 8. Effective war work by the extenHlon Bervice of the College in 1918 wan accomplished through Its 16 written projects and other aterprisea including county agricul tural agent work, home demonstra tion agent activities, and boys' and girls' club work. This is shown, in be annual report by Director O. D. enter. A total of 406,802 persons ere reached. More than half the cost of the service is paid by the federal govern ment. In the biennium 1919-1920, $213,523 12 is expelled to be avail able from this source. Of this mount $58,535.12 is federal Smlth .(;ver money and $154,988 from the ("nited States department of ugricul ure. The state is asked to furnish ll9MfS.ll, while $82,900 is the iMiroprlatlou from the counties, making a total of $491,058.24 for lie extension service. The prim i t late ftpproprlgtlon for the biennium or educatioi.il MtMtion Id 1(0,090, or aooperatlva tarn demonstration, $:!0,ooo, and tor itate duplication r mi ty fundi, 70,100, or i 'i.i 00 in all, Bmith-liover fundi In tUa sum i When we go to purchase a pound of butter and we feel like we are bargaining for a famous sky-scraper according to the amount of coin we are called upon to part with to secure It, we must not blame the farmer. He Is the innocent party in the affair and his, on the whole, is the smallest profit in the transaction. We must not blame the retailer because he is not more guilty than the farmer; he must dispense with his merchandise In a manner to net him some small gain or like any enterprising business man he feels that he will soon have to close doors. The man whom we do want to account for the great sustalnauce in prices in food stuffs, triply, before The Sign of Quality GOLDEN ROD CEREALS ARE Reliable cereals- excellent !n quality the result of experienced milling and worthy of support as a Home Industry product. Golden Rod Milling Co. Cereal Millers and poultry Food Manufacturers Portland, :: Oregon gtar H5wlifflliM:3 1 Wrr?Jr 11 7 wJ 1 W "tlapjacksw W savory hotcakes, full of jlj j U goodness, are for your break- fast. A delightful treat, so in- expensive and simple to pre- pare you can enjoy them every Ml day in the year. Mil ' 1KRIOATION XKKDS VAItV U It out ARMY. i COUNT AOKNT SKI I KKS MUM I'Ki:. We stund upon th(j threshold of a new ;n'ii, and we cannot predict what its opening door will show us. During the next few months our young men will come home from abroad. They are Indeed picked men. fter """' '" Physical and mental ijualitles ino war, (luring inn wur una u the war. Is the middle man. lhoy ar" tne b0"1 representatives of cents a bushel. This netted the Slier- Of what neod Is this middleman,01"" "at,on- from their age and man county farmers $1800 on one anyway? What work does ho do to ' 'luallflcatlons we know them to bofi-ld alone. The wheat was sold to earn his living? The farmer raises the produce, the retailer nuvs his Maximum yields of potatoes In J Powder Klver valley wore obtained with 7.79 liu tics of irrigation waiter, saya the- report of W. L. Powers, pro fessor of soils at O A. C. With the .barley the greatest yield was btain- field," were marketed through the I ,.i with 16.3 Inches, and with llmo offtce of the Sherman county agent, thy 30.55 inches. The greatest pro- premium of six flt ,. . !,,,., K r Oregon Agricultural College, for vallia. Jam. 8. Five car of Karkov Turkey wheut, "certified in C. C. Calkins, at water. I llni men who will uliim.. the iioIIcIim Mniiirlas roiintv Wiiuliliu.i.... rr,r,. of this country for the next twenty-1 crs through the office of the rountv lnlp to Hell it lo you, you pay for the years. afCUt loero, providing them with ile riclit to consume it and all thai ' w" """" " nunif.er. iney havo ; boat seed olitulnithb-. while tha man who does no work. : ''"' ' ,lir1"?11 n" nVTmn wlil.di The American government dons not know what to do with the rail roads, and the Kumpean govern ments do not know what to do with the ex kaiser Why not put the ex kaiser on thff railroads and run him around America? o The difference between the Allies and the Qemaua la that the Allies want a Just peace, and the Germans want juat peace. who raapi tha mutual revanus, ii mlllng with uli hands olatpud I'" bind in comal louaga da i it would I-'- htv uuarly Impoaaihla Of 8I,68$.1I are ruqueotad lor tha to Hud toon an Individual existing la leeiinliiiii Ililii 1920. willioni uhli li u. $r,h, r,::;; 13 of federal Bmlth Levar nonuy win not bo available. 0 llnoa reaching Kurope our pre .i dent has partaken of Parisian liu'i guots, American army chow and 'tha roast beef of Old Kugland." an; prograaslng firm. Ha would ba uaah ii .niii an gnparabla propoaitlon In any branch of the business world. Men are dally lolsug their positions baoauaa they euaaot so tba aorb they are called upon to do, properh And, yet, there are thousands of these fake business statuettes de We do not know what the political corating the .ountry and being paid rusuii mar uh, oui we snoutu raniy . for it, too. that the physical result might be an attack of tutflcestioa. aja. aSH Sa u.h ,.:... was r-erutii to alter thom. What i , !, i., -i ... Mi-nil. in that 1 hut tor and oplnli n are ounaol i. ll, Probably their military training will lead l lir m to damand more OXUI nijss In all datalll and business ur- rangamanta, i.m thti ii antirely mb- ordinate lo I In- Kr-at QDaitlOU of how liny will reart upon Anurlia lu.'v they will form her idea s and In fluence her. The future must tell us. Just now they ure only our boys coming home, and we will receive them with a Joy ous welcome. Order thou letter head Sara. Make This Room Yours WORTH ej.fO.oo A ItoTTI.K " Barrel, Sun Antonio, Tutua., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar lm li ' i worth 160.00 a bUttll to me I had 'tha fin,' follow ed by pneil- montUi whleb lat) me weak, with n persistent cough. The cough h uni on. Some one advised Foley's Honey ami Tar. 1 bao completely recover ed and do not cough at, uil."- Sold by Heed Ilros. TUStUU in colors differ. Alasuee aud Lorraine have a special liking for bbakl, while Uermuuy abomln atoa it "T- JV "t Vi Whether you are huildinK u brand new home, making; additions to the old one or merely repairing walls, you can SBVU a room like this if you use genuine Beaver Board. litavrr Board walls and ceilings axe niore IuiiuImoiuc, more substantial and more sanitary than any other kind. They are the caaiest wulli to build. No lath or planter therefore, no litter, licaver Hoard always given satisfac tiau. But you can't expect Beaver Board results unless this trade mart la on the back at the bosrd you buy. Burns Hardware Co. Burns, Oregon I