A Morning Scene for Germans on the Rhine r . nflBSaaWMi- JzbnKKki I . - r-i WfLS:l I ,f mJ ' . ' ' ii Hill mHHVB' oxHaaaaawH : ' I yt LnnnWaWfl . tHBHHVitT ff -BK 'II Bi&w- BCS (xlx Sill W aF Vvi' ltMWZi5r:' ItVI JV I i I II I 1 r ttV 'a Aw v m Jr.. if w48RteCisrv -.,.- v . - v - aaT as aw "" w i tmmjj HlllHTITl'TINU HKill IIKKI) Knit HYBRID. This I tho plrturt' that grouted Ormans n thoy lookcil from tlu-ir windows on rcront tnorninrs when Yank victors "with colon flying " ninrched up to th. Rhine. Thin color boartag group In from iho Fifth Artlllerv of th" First America Division taken n.-i they ninio tip to tli- fMMUl stream to nth- 'H't man soil unlli tho terms Ol DOnCO ure made when (iirmaiiy wllf then start to I'AY LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs Will Cummins ha moved into tho out CoJ Qoer rookionoo oa tho obt r bach of ')'Kti '.- hotdwo.ro otoro. Mrs. Hutch All"" Is lure from ut.tarlo with a iltsj'luy of slior-s froi'i MlOtl Shoe- BtorO, She Is at tho 1. evens. Dan Kosenfflil In here on his an nual visit. BO Is tBO hut man who hoi hOOB muking tins territory for many years. Tom Allen came in yesterday be- ..f tho Illness of Mrs. A" in tatod (ii morning sh- luul DM I Roctl Bight. rht TUBOO HoroW is Informed that n- . 010 at ol." Hill" OOTOa 60000 influenza at ChO Sod Ht.u.-e llui.eh. of them have rocovi red. Mod Thursday. Jon. ''. ol Iho - i house roach, LawrOaco MoClon, 0 son of the late Harry McCluro, Thio Tlnn-s-llerald did not learn the m.UHK tuaiV's aKe. Ho was a vietltii Of th" Influenza. The remain wire taken to Crane lor burial. Van Kmhree and Frank Ilia, k jih r are up from Sunset today. They r p Tt laek of snow in their neighbor ed, too. Mr. Knibree inform iu nhf mother recently left hliu mil w nt to Dallas to remain Tor a tin! J Alex KpRleston and family loft is mornltiK tot Iiend where they will again take up their residence. . boy had been living over there but .rime to Burns at tho time of the ath of Mr. Kggleston's father. Wm. Farre, Leon M. Brown and Mm, Trlska. who left here the fore irt of this week for Portland, are OOOtOd home this evening They will be accompanied home by Nathan BrOWO, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben BfWWB, who has been in a southern -alniiiK camp for several months. ho young man came up from San t ranclsco for a visit with home folk '. Johnnie Weaver is in town greet Ina his iiiuny old time friends. uns. Moon and (UBily have re turned from Bend when' they had been for th" past several tnontlo. t'hn. was working In tho mills but OOO has closed and another whs pre paring to close down for the winter so he thought he'd 00010 home before the roads got too bad. He was In yesterday and told us to send this (Toot religious to him at Diamond aealti D. 11. Smyth was In with him The latter reports a slight fall of snow In his neighborhood hot not sufficient to do much pood Hve a; . we are going to have u big snow In February. Tluit units us It WO doi 'l ' I I! sooner. I.. R BntthOOpt, for several hum. rlntonAont of tho Boporlmonl .ii In this Vslley. was u visiK r t , cur City thO fore part of this veck and gave his friends a BMMl MTOOOhlo Bitrprlse. Mr. Brelthaupt is now located on an Irrigated farm he tgroon t'avette and Wolser. but on the (WOgon side Of the Snake Uiv. r, tie r.fore Is still a resident of this tato. Me catne over to look after aOnto business for Ills brother, who o farm In the Weaver Springs neighborhood. While here Mr. Brelt- hauyt took ofiaslon to visit the Kx-piT-munt Station and also to dl. cuss things In general. He was in tojrootofl In the, rabbit bounty pro portion anil said that the poisoning method had proven mor.t effective by the government specltrflsts and was hpyoiid qoesllon the chOOPMl method of retting rid of them. He wum also Intonated In the movement toward irrigation and stated that we must have wat-r to make the land of this . tlon produce as It should lie re marked that he failed to see why some seemed to oppose It when one ran anil does iul more hay from 100 a. res out where 00 Is located under proper irrigation meinous iua ii eut off 1000 here, yes. even 10,000 during the last season. Mrs. 11. F. Smith, who was recent h DOllod to I'orllalid bemuse Of the death of her mother. Is ospootod home this evening. rage's Sweet Shop has a suppiv 'ettuce, sweet potatoes ami ( ran t rrlOO on hand at all times. Fresh fish every Friday. The Times-Herald had u letter this morning from Claude Bchho written from Coleridge, Nebraska, where he Is visiting with his mother. Harney county people have become accustomed to looking for the home news of Inlere-l In The Tims Herald ami It never disappoints tliiui as k tOOUfHW. Thai's wbv it Is more widely circulated than any other nowopo.pi t in ibis co HANDSFUL of THANKS to tbosa who have balicvod oar niathed of butlnoM the bet poMiblo during tho , oar that U gone and who unilo to know that we'll bo boro another year TO SERVE OUR PA1RONS WITH UNRIVALED SERVICE AND EXCELLET MERCHAMUSE Tho bands of tho clock arc no mora willing to five yon thoir tuna than wo arc to give you OUR TIME and experience in buying and colling what you need. Accept our good wishes for a Happy Now Year and our everlasting service through tho now 366 days. The Rexall Drug Store REED BROS., Props. I'm still buying all the HIDES, FURS and PELTS J can f;et hold of Further: I'll pay from 50c. to $ more for coyote and cat hides than any other buyer in Eastern Oreyon Highest Cash Price for Hides and Peltjs If 1 don't I'll give you the 50c. and you may koep tho hide: L. L. Manchester, Burns, Ore. suiAF.s UUUOATION PROBLKM Hill HIMSELF Toatordhy Alborl Wood wa ibow- ln Hie writer some snap shot picture of a well which be nunk at his farm 1L miles southeast of tills it lOOl fail. This well was sunk to a depth of 50 feet and he has attai bed .1 four-Inch letitrlfugal pump At a trial with a steam engine to run the pump full capacity he drew up f.n glUojM of wuter a minute for 14 hours and didn't OCceOOd in pump lug It out. Mr Wood already has in some alfalfa and Is preparing to seed mere In thO Spring. This well will give blm .1 big quantity of WRtcr ond he Is going to make a bucccss of Irrigating hla farm through this method. This Is one way or solving the irrigation question and one that will not In volve one with his neighbor as to whether be Is entitled to It or other wise The 11, alter of cheap fuel Is one that will bring about a gTOOt change in the dry portions of Harnev Valley as water may be had at a shallow depth and with cheap fit. I this sngebbrush land can be made to produce big. That's where the oil wells are going to help If even they will furnish gas It will do for home consumption o It Is ull right for any nation to esk "a place In the sun," but ao one notion shou'. ! at' to corner all the sunlight. In n campaign to retire scrub bulls from the herds of I be S'nte, seven Wisconsin counties llnve miide plans to follow the example of Fond du laic County, which In otto month placed 4 3 pure-bred sires tin farms, :i8 going to bonis that never before hail had pure-bred aires. The drive against, scrub sires was started a' the December conference of WIh eonsln county agents, and ts In charge of a "steering committee" re presenting the extension service, the Nletc college of agriculture, leading stockmen, nml officials of farmer..' organization' Hreeilcrs believe that the elimination of the scrub mid griuide sire will greatly Improve tlielr markets, and appreciate thai out of-State buyers visiting Wiscon sin for dairy cows Insist on stock iln d by pure bred bulls. -. ... o FOItMFIt HAIINKY VOVMTt MAN mm. The following Is clipped from ., roeont issire of the Polk County ton l.er. of Dallas: Mink C Huffman v, i born In Iowa. October 1, lift, and dlod at Dallas, Oregon, December 6, 191. He moved with his parents when about li years of age from low 11 'o Stockton, Mo., where he grew to man hood. In lN'JO he moved to Hut!'. Montana, where on February IN. Ittn:, be was married to Churlotta Hogaii. daughter of Col Andrew Hogau, of Nevada. Mo. After thajr marriage they came to Vancouver, Washington where he wan engaged In farming. In 1D0 Mr Huff man went to Hums, in Kastcrn Oregon,! Whore the family lived about 2'; . coming from there in I !M 1 to Dallas, where they have resided since Earl is iigust of this year Mr Huffman was stricken with tronbl I although ho roeotvod tho bfl -t nl tneilii al are bis 1 a i, .1 to no pond to tre.i'nient and ho tailed rapidly until gOOtb rcl!c .1 blm nl Ills sufferings. Those, left to mourn his departure an his wife and throe children, Agnes and Andrew, twins, ami latberlne. aged 7. Besides these he leaves four h-othcrs: Charles B. ol' Untie, Mont; "Victor, of Blsbee. Ariz; Ky Hester 8. and Otto, of Yiuolt, Washington. Funeral services were held for Mr. Huffman December 7, at Iho Christ Inn church, Hev. Howard Mct'ontiell In charge. At the grave the Smith field local No. l.'IH, F. I, and C U. of A., conducted the service. Mr. HoffOuU being u member of tint organization He was always a kind and loving father, always devoted to bin family, ami a man loved by ull who knew hi in. HCIHNCK HOCHB OHRIHTIAN r- y Services at 11:0 o'clock Sua Jed or Lesson Hemon next Hunday: "Hud 1 be 1'rcnervor of Man.''' The Testimonial Meeting, Wednes day at 7:3 P. M. The reading room In the church Kdlflve, Is open on Tuesday and Fri day from 2 to 4 P. M. Hunday Bckoal meet on Sunday at 19 o'clock:. Paplls nay be admitted to It classes up to the age of 2 yean. The public Is cordially Invited to the Churck Sevlces and to the Bead ing Ileum. 1 t TTrARiTRr: nAiTON.m. BURNS. b OREGON l.'stalilished thirty-two years-Need no introduction Through square dealing have won the confi dence of the people and are no longer in the experimental class, but stand among the solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de serve the support of all home people EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY It is evident the peace of 1918 was not the p.ei 1 the military machine of Potsdam had been looking for but It might have been worse although It Is hard to pound logic through a hitching post. It Is sometimes difficult to deter mine whether a man lives In comfort or luxury. But Just now there Is an unfailing test which may be ap plied. Vou have only to ascertain whether he eats eggs for breakfast. r-'-in ai-i t-fJ .EMfe OREGON workers should fsviirOrcgt'ii I" odia i by to diiine, tin plan niie ol ii.. li owivpay where It goes direct ly to support odv rl Vyia crs on other Oregon payroll. My helping onch other thoy will he helping themselves tho fluent kind of loyul eO-OBOrO" tlon. USE HOME PRODUCTS. Horn DamsTRY Leacuu Osooom ELEPHANT SHOES NEW 2500 STYLE Lt' nnaaaaal Hardware that Wears Hard We have TOOLS necessary to repair house or barn, farming implements and the thousand odd fixings about home. Keep things In STANDING UP shape. When the weaken, repair them. Our KITCHEN and HOUSEHOLD sup plies and accessories are of the best wearing and neatest appearing articles of their kind. AND YOU SAVE THESE $ $ $ I. S. GEER & CO. L. I That Fall Suit! Now we know why leather is so scarce and Shoe prices so high They sro making shoes for ele phants. It bus been learned that elephants suffer from cold feet during the winter months here So Lena of the New York too hi. boon fitted out In new "brogans " for the cold months and two "maids" to laco em up. Have it made now during the slack season. We are always busy but more time now than we will have a little later. Call and See Our Samples and Styles WiUiams-Zoglmann Clothing Company & I THE LITTLE NEW YEAR will find us awake with new ideas born of valuable experience and with ambitious hands ready to put into action some conven- iences that are not found just everywhere. We believe in prospering by what we learn and there is only one party beside ourselves who can benefit by that method and that is YOU Accept our thanks for your patronage and We wish you the happiest, most successful New Year that ever jumped vp in the morning Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregon A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATI PRAKKUW, Manager