The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 11, 1919, Image 4

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The .Times-Herald
JUUAN MYRD - Mannger
On Year $2.00
Sis Manilla 1.00
Hire Months . . .7S
Entered at the Post Office at Burin,
Oregon, ax Sceoutl Class Matter.
in another column win be found a
communication from C. B. McConnell
on the matter or Irrigation dtatflcts.
Mo auks for expreeaioua on the tab
ject and is ivatly ' aid in any man
iter decided upon il (lie water Users
i ah get together.
The Times-Herald has heard the
matter discussed more or less during
th.0 past few days anil finds i hre ll
quite a few favorable to the one tli
SOTOe putting It that urn.' distri.,t
would he Stronger Md could really
I more than if there ererc Hire.'
re a pouibte difference of op!u
ion would arltu M ti tho lifbtl vi
.p .Kleiel Iti .1.1,11(1,... ,. !.!..
. i i ivi in iv'.un mn m i it i.i
Ivantage it la pointed oul thai If the
Ig concerns, the P. U B. c. Hanley
Co. and Colonization Co., will reail)
join in one district it will mean a
united front and bring results that
otherwise could not be accomplished.
The Times-Herald suggested be
- fore that a district formed of the
actual water users of the BUries
River would Tiring about butter re
sults, as thus there would he no con
tention as (o whether there was
water to ..pare afti r the present u ., .
bad been supplied. The matter of
her there Is a surplus bs il
ways been a hone of contention. H
tiiose who have been recognised s
having rights by th" state Board
i lone making up the district this
will not enter into the affair and
I ' hr ug about a mure amical le
mi r
ill organisation ha i i itten, things
adjusted and there i.- a surplus, tin
are the onaa to dispose of It.
The Times-Herald hopes the sub
ject will not be dropped hut taken up
and carried forward. It is to the
best interests of every individual in
the county mid especially to Lhasa
... I,,. I....... ..... !!..- .... . . ,, !. nmci rigiu.s. i ney sliouhl
he getting in shape to find Just what
i.iey nave anil how
best use.
it may be put to
The Times-Herald is In receipt oi
( .formation from private sources
touching upon tin; prouosltlou of
retting rid of tbe rabbit pests in this ,
county, it has caused the matter to
be brought to the at;ntion of ti,e
, " i
Broper department head.i of the gov-
ernment at Washington and hopes to
have some authentic first hand infor
mation on the subject In the imm.
dieat future.
The matter should have attention
at once.
If we are to get aitl from
the government, and this is possible
by merely showing an Interest and
asking for il, we should settle on
.I., plan. Those Interested should children but the older ones continue
io before the county court with a to develop It and there are several
r 'quest for a conference and shoulil cases at present.
i he court show a disposition to aid in
'.he work if. can soon be under way. I THK I'BKHIIVTKBIAN HP.NOAV
' The United States Biological, iOTOOL.
itureau maintains a corps of experts '
who make It their business to aid In ' Contributed,
just auch work and all that Is' There Is a old saying, "What
necessary Is to ask for their assist- can't be cured, must be endured."
ance and It is forthcoming. They Not being permitted to meet at
spend ail their time assisting In the Sunday School on Sunday morning,
iiitrol of rabbits, rodents of all "" Pastor will distribute the Sun
Winds, in fact, as well as grasshop- dav School papers and some helps,
pen au-1 other Insect pcBts. At-'oid- BO vou can kuel IBB touch with tho
i.g to 'ciorinaUo'i leceived at Him Sunday School life. At which time
office the Iiioloi;;eal Hunan of e tne pastor will take an offering.
United States has ktpt a earafnj re-Tnl" wl" K toward paying for our
ord of the cost of killing rodents ! supplies while we have had no Sun-
ince 1884 and this proveB conclu- ',av School. The Sunday School
.ively that there is no comparison be
iween the bounty system and the use
nf organized poison, especially when
(t comes to permanence, thorouglt
Heas as well as cost.
Two counties in North Dakota
wore financially embarrassed not so
long ago through the bounty system
and relieved only by the state taking
Iti the organised bounty system.
It is contended that the bounty
bai been ,. necaea in tbe past. That
Is true t0 a certain extent but only
temporarily, ami besides tbe coat has
ii .'ii entirely too great for the bene-
fits received, iiy way of oomperlsdta
ve Bite an adjoining county, that of
'rook and DeSOhUteSi where Hl '
Organised POiaOnlgg was taken up
and rabbits were killed with strycli-
ni'ie at a cost of one tenth of a cent,
BS h. How is that compared with 5
cents each?
One writer gives figures of tbe
superintendent lu charge of rodent
control ia au adjoining etate, who
euotes IS oeata each for rabbit hides!
by. one St. Louis firm. This, however,
doeB not correspond with figures
given us by our friend, J. p. Uutler
who was a Oilier at this Office ilurlnn
the present week. Mr. Butler
staled he had been shlppliiR rabbit
hides to a St. Louis firm during the
present season and thai the price
liven was hardly worth the trouble
to ship Hi" hides. Tho Times Herald
is aiaklng an Invextlgatlon of the
market for rabbit hides.
Mr. Uutler said he had recently
been over In Callow and that resi
dents of that section state It Is use
less to put In crops this season un
less something Is done toward the
j control of the rabbits. This Is Inn
' In other par..- of the county, no
doubt, end it i right that the county
i should aid 1 i Hie work, If we can rid
ourselves of the Mate for a small
Whj not take advantage of It f
' It is Within our reach and The Tline,-
lierald Is confident the county court
1 will take the mallei- up with the
people and give usch aid as within
Us pow. r. may be obtained through
the Blolog cal Survey at rates much
mine ; i onal le, The Government
id) w tli Itl trained men to heln.
"his i - ilalnlv the batter way to di
J "'"" O
,i. iiiioi;;;
'. i'. Wray came over from Bend
Wednesday. This is the first trip be
has made with his stage for several
days, Mr. Wray states the Influenza
bas been responsible for a slacken
lug In the travel therefore his stage
bus not continued the runs between
this place and Head as frequently BS
The people of this vicinity haw
patiently waited for an Improi i
in the situation but we still
have Borne have said the
quarantine of homes where the
pi v i,;s is not strict enough.
The Times-Herald Is not making this
statemi nl la a spirit of criticism bul
merelj giving it as ; i is oi i ii" .'
and to brlnj; thl. riewpoilll
. i b" public The Boise State
man 'in a recent issue, gives tbe In-
formation that hereafter a very
rigid quarantine would be enforced
in thut city where Influence develop
as and that none will be permitted
to leave the house.
Mr. Wray states that Uend has a
Inui ,'Huiii tf I nf 1 inn, ,, l.ut t V, t (Ii.,
-- . ...... ....... ,...r
s,:luolH are "I"'" and gatherings are
permitted in the usual way
services, lodge meetings, theatres,
dat'.ies, etc., are all allowed as be
fore and that it does not appear to
bring any bad resuita. According to
Mr. Wray the school authorities
have engaged tbe services of a
trained nurse who watches the child
ren at Hie schools and If she finds a
HUhI,; 'oua ease she sends the child.
home until It is ascertained whether
t a ase of influenza or not.
,, t .. i ., i
However It may bo the Influenza I
is still a problem that ceases con
i-rn and the authorities should he
given such bucking by the general
public in whatever course is decided
upon. hUre lii Hums the authorl-
"" lluv! I'ut u t,al1 ",l Kalherlngs of
anv character since along In October.
T'10 schools have been closed. Very
few cases have developed among the
needs you, uutl you need the Sunday
School. Collection this week $4. If.
Do you know that the church re
ceives more new members through
the Organized Sunday School, than
from all other sources combined,
several times over. Do you know
t,lat M BOB cent, of all conversions
cur under 20 years of age, and HO
'"'r '''" under 26 years of age?
Do vou know there are more than
20,000,000 boys mid glrla of the
'"''" WW In North America? Do you
know thai mi per eenl of all ohnrnb
memben coma through the Sunday
Bcbooll Do you know that it ia easier
to w,a a boy or girl for Christ than
to win a man or woman? Ho you
"now thai only one ihurch ineinb, 1
'" four '" North America Is in Sun-
,la' School at all.'
Do you go to Sunday School? It
not why not? If you are a Sunday
School scholar and not getting your
papers, phone the pastor as the
people are new to him and he do-ia
not know where you all live.
Do your bit for this worthy cause.
ejeasw " ' ' '"TpaJC p3eV '." ' m"""T''$
, '-.
... I MH I I'" '- "
Upon being informed of the ilcatli of Colonel Roosevelt Pret
Wilson issued a proclamation which huh tallied from Parie,
directing the Secrelmics of Wui aid Navy to iti tit r .uitiblc
military honor. Capitol flogs were lowered at his direction.
No. 6Z95.
Bepori "' lha eondltloe nt u
IntbeBtats uf Oregon, m las i'Ium i bus)
assSi Des. II , mis.
1 Ri m
Ix)(ll ,, ,. , , u. m
Notes and Mils reelsceanted
lether tfcaa baa eeetpt-
me-,.,. ..! I . Hl.:.'i7 711
V. N. lead! either tlisil l.lli.iri)
Beads, S'lt laelaBlai 0, B, asrtlU
eatesol ladsbtadeessli
I'. S linn. ili'Hjtt'il 1" I1T nln'li
Utlun r.u.uuuuo
0 IBoedi sad MrtlBoa'i
nt ladsbrvdaen pUdfcd la
a in.' i M. Deposlls
t I Beads unit oertlflsaiei
ul iMii"iiiiii.i m plndvad '.
-. II. i' I .i ill -in ll : Pa
1 1
' i Bundi
i ".ii. Beads, an
pi idftd
Llbarl) UMtn Bondl ;' dged
l.r ," III. I V d PUSH
i.itnjri i. n, .ii Boods, pladas
i" - Stale "r 01 Ii, r
9t,fl0 :i
'li'l'll'IH nl litlll l.'l.rthlt' 'J
ill Hill i :
Bonds Mearlllsa, ata,
Beads other than i I bonds
pledged in ii'i'iuv
saviag dsejesHs
-,i nil'i. ,itl, it tli mi I
,0lH, 00
l"Hi liiiii-, uiiii,'.l i-,l
... I .'J illl.M.1 -'
BlOtfk f PnliTitl t:.'nr la'ik
:i lie I.
Vales uf bmikloa In um
1 .koo on
"i. .00 00
'll r n II 'in mill lliliir,
.V,i ruu-rv with Kiitirsl Itmivr
lunk ...ML
Cash Id vault stid ret sou'ini .tun
itiiin mimi tianla
Not iii (rum bunla ami
lsiil,'ia.aiiit I runt Mini i miles ull.i-r
thru sImiv
Cbaakaoo iiih banks ke the aania
illy or town sa n-uiriliaj lank
luial ul 'mi Hi,- lli'im as:.' ,i
Cheasa on haukti looatrd nuleideol
city or leu n ul ri'piirtliix hank anil
uiiiiT SeSBl iiuina . . .
BedempUoe feed wiih U S.Tksaser-
-t Htui iiin friiiu t'. h TiaaaBier
I .. I ' I
ll .0
- '' l"U
loteraa( aaread sal aeioolieetsd
apprealaaS ea Mewa end hilt.
IU'ivIvbIiIc nut past line
h .
i.iii n
' ii M .'I BtOCjl tilll'l III
' i ''i
DaalvMad preaHa
"",rr "'" " , '"" "
and eoearBad(awosiaaatej
cinniniinu setaeeasMaMlaa
- .i -.
Oamanddapoaluaajupjetlo Baaarva
lllilll llllial lll't'l..! Rlltljl'l't 111 I'lll'l k
1 : 1 1 mull-- in, nam ilup In li'ia than
i0 'l ....
Cert I llml chirks
Cashier's ehcsBs saiateagtag ...
Other denial it deoalt
Total ili'lnaml ili'lumlla
ubJiM-t Ul ItiiiTVe Si&.OVS IV
Time l)iiOlU sliLJiil Ul Kiwiw.
Cerlllliatia of deMialt
I'mtal tavluai ilepusiui
Total lime depoalla, aubjecl to
Ueaerve I'J, i.,7 si
Uulled Htalet Dcimalta:
t'oltud Stales itepualla. lu
oladlna depoelta ul i ri.
iliiburatna iiffliiTi 3,007 7"
Bllla payable, with Federal Be
aerve Hank
fasti laSlarS aferadll aail Tiavjlera
I In i k iilitklnlellUK
.'abilities lor reitlxniint, IihIiiIIiik
il ul the I i lire, rv, Hank,
I, K. ll. futisur, RaaBlarol the above aaaaed
liank, ilu . I p 1 1 ill y mviiir thut I ha abora a'atn
infill i um- lii l In- bast Of m kimwleiluii and
K. Ii COMSBB, I ueliler.
Curreci Attest:
K. T. Hi i.iiit
nil NT 1 ilnHI-VIN
A. -'. WKI mm.
rililmi rlbi'l ami SWOTS loUefura unili
'ln ul Juini'iry. IBIS Si rsa. Notary Buh'l
My I uiniiiii, .in, i I'i'f .Inn, ll laoj
Oul This o.u it , Worth Monty.
Don't miss niis. cui oj i la 1 1 alio,
enclose with le to lolei I Co., Hat
Slii'iriilil Ave., CblcagOi Ul wrtiug
vnur name ami address clearly, You
will receive la return a trial packago
containing Foley a Honey and Tar
Compound, for coughs, pohtb md
croup, Foley Kidney 1'ills and Foley
Cathartic Tahleta. Bold by Redd
Herb Angelia here Irom his Isee
home under tbe care or a physician
for ibeumalihui.
WasbliiKton The federal mlr.
lory bird law of 1D11I. uutler which
the government for the first time
exerted authority over prescribed
"cloned seasons' for wild bird
which habitually migrate from state
to state with the varying seasons,
was in effect declared Invalid Tues
day by the supreme court which dis
missed on tin- government's motion
an appeal from a decision of the
Arkau-as Tecbral district court hold
be st.i'nii- mi. mi- tltntlonal.
')ur sympathies are w : It the
. . n i , like a bugs Intell
l bout a teacher, mils are
hopping In one arlndow and on
other wlthoul the lb or on
cueslon they meril rune tall
it thai the Preeldeni baa b a of
fered a college preeldency at $;d.
000 n year- bul it would lie wise
' how he is goinj, to unmix this
awkward situation facing him upon
his return lu the greateM s, hool of
the land. In the ni'Miiwhlle. senator-,
keep your ball me; don't lie like the
men going to be Bebeedtod who slid,
"If someono don't hurry up with this
affair, we shall all lose our bends."
Archie Cross Is' down
home on Trout Creek .
from his
MKKTIMJ. The annual stockholder metHlng
of the Inti'S-Mountaln Telephone and
Telegrapfe 0o., win be bsdd in Hurm,
Monday January 13th 1819. Kb' -Hon
of illreetors and other matters
of Importance win be brought up at
this meetlh?.
flilna has reallzal. ut last, the
Importaaoe of close diplomatic re
lations with Ibis nation, und, ua a
f nit, is building up its Washing -
rps In all branches. Here is
.in Teh-Yaea-Lu. the flrst
cio naval attache uve aa
itned here. He has been pre
ited to Secretary of Navy Duu-
leia und state Department offi
cial. ,
Wrn. Farre
Agent for
Culonir.l Fire Undeiwiiltrs
Awli $20,000,000.00
North Biirisb & Mercaolile Int. Co.
a BMBSjeaa $10,000,000.00
Doe't delay Uking out a policy in
good atrong company until af
ter pour home hat burnt down
MltiHATORV hlitn I Vtt IS
i i..iti:i iirvAiaTD
i bk ' rJ& &' HfBBBaaaab
BlBllsW ilT
W le
V.0U7 78 W J
ii.ooooa ' BP '
1 eS bms A.
" .JenBeWl SK.
V VVkBJebsBasaase K
The Timet Herald has received a
that Is one authorized by Hie
uiivernnient lu killing rabbits. II
Is Hint some one In n position
to. do ho use It and watch the results.
Here It is:
One oz. strychnine sulphate; tlla-
... I... In I urn iiMnliu of lint Willi'!'
and apply to 10 pound of alfalfa
hay tops.
J. O. Duller tdntod while in this
office tho other day that the rab
bits were quite thick in the neighbor
hood of Narrows, also around the P.
Kaiiili VS'e ituggest that the lormel.i
bti Used at some mn h place on a
mall icale and let da have the re
sult. With rabbit skins selling at a
ftbte amount and !" poison
gtvlBfl the result II Is claimed thl
bOUld prove a ""d lev 111 for
:.m one who desires to in. i i busi-
ui of it mi- Hi- winter month
aaa .
Greetings of ike Season
We will continue to serve you
Page's Sweet Shop
Thos. Wo Stephens
Will pay better prices than
any one else for all your
Furs, IJiMes arid Felts
See him beicre disposii. of them
nuy.iwS, Oregon
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
IJiimtt, : :
We cut) 4imi1h iittiTll-'l mi
Inland Empire Realty Co.
A. A. ntAUOOTT, Proprlaator
Bought sold and exchanged
Farm Ranch and Build'nj Loans
Phona 39 or G 125
and met a dailu
FARE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage
Ui'o. Holenbaugh le In town.
Notice Is hereby given that tb
are sufficient funds on baud to pa
off all General Fund warranto Issu
and registered up to and Includl
December (L 1918. Interest cea
Jan. 18, 1910.
f'ounty Treasur
Wee lU-tln. At Nlglit.
Sufferer" from kidney trouble
porloi.i ia I .u be, rheumatic paliij
achi In i' ilntel and muscles, alioA
Ittg pain, a: d other torturous affll
tfon k. W Kitt. tt r i) 2' Boa
. i . writes: "I used Fold
v Pill as I was r.o reailewi ovj
with ; iins In the small of
hack aid Me. They did me good
Bold by 1!" 'd iron.
Bon Ton Corsets
: : Orecon I
ihe "Hume I'riMlurti I'aa'"
Burma, Oragon
service bmtwtn
and BUND