The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 11, 1919, Image 3

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A Romance ot'lfu?
Fighting on the
I ...
at leant to have ilio
I., uliy of iiiiiunIiik you," In- continued.
'Dear t'ncie Murk!" -i iii Bleanor,
51. :liln with (can In Iht eyes. She
Wove I Know You Arc My Real Undo
id ii'T iiunii on kl ahoafdav. "Now
know you afa my real L'ncle Murk
let nil," mIii- sulil.
vii ;" in' aakad, in astonishment.
'That's Just like you, lini'li' Murk.
I you it 'a tin1 ri'iil yuu I ve uluay.t
"You Mt'i'in to r Miu'mbcr my ehtirae
r viry w'll, Kli'iiuor," .said Murk.
yliiK not to relent, ami huvliiK 1111 un-.iiifortubli-
failing thut wa,i an
tl'pt Ut lllHi.lU llih.lll ,'
"Wi'll, you know, you piild tue a fnlr
lohjC vUlt ut tin' Misses Harpers'
Ii.miI, L'ncle Murk.'"
"You Ml mfllliif but a Hi'hoolKlrl
"flcfaoolglrla fun JuJki character a
II uh arown-ups."
"Ami ho you tlunk you know me, uml
ami you'ri' not altogether disappoint-
It" naked Murk, mailing ut last
"I'm not ilN:iiioliiiii In you ut nil.
.11 uri'ii t In mi-. Itur liirli' .Murk,
topic iloii't n ully chooga never,
mt! .Only they burn to adapt Ihcin-
Ivi's to I licit environments. Von ure
wt tin- Miimi' lis over just tin' unlet,
nlvc, chivalrous Duel Murk I've
WajU ilri'Ulin'ii of."
"Well," mii Ul Murk, "I aee thut then-
hop eg thut I 1 1 n II regain tin- little
uril whom I've always thought ubout.
nil, of eourMe, 1 oiiKht to huve re
acted thut your environment h.ts Ini'u
ery different from the one I could
live given you."
"I wish I'd been with you, Uncle
ark," she nnawered Impulsively.
Why didn't you keep me when you had
lur elm nee. If you wanted me? Oh,
ear Uncle Mark, that was ho like
M too giving up to others. And
iu never aent me that photograph !"
"I've never hud one taken since, El
inor." "Hut I've got you yountelf now,"
Id the girl. "So you mustn't give me
i uny more, no mutter who seems to
live u better elulin on me. Will you
romlae me thutT"
Murk knew now for certuln thut lie
id found bis own. "1 promt.," hu
Hi'iiuise, you know, I've been very
i ! wllh Colonel uml Mrs. llowunl.
ul Oils Isn't the best uml biggest purt
'i.i' Hint you si.' here. If I eoulil
ive hud my wuy I'd rather huve been
Irlng u more useful life somewhere
uiiewhere where I hadn't iiulle bo
tiny things thut I want. Colonel
owurd gives me everything he ItfTnk'i
mint. Hut you see, Uncle Murk,
mi'lhliig Is missing. Vou reini'iulier
Ml we Inlkeil over about my being
bj. regimen t a I mascot r
Mm: nodded, wiitchluir her fuce
"Well, nil thitl's over uijd gone,
icrc Isn't any regiment now, any
.v. All Hie old people have gone aul
It, Ami we were tbree jciuv. In Sun
"" co, vou knov . Ami oh, Uncle
"I , I wish we could lime lliose days
'"in. when I used to dreaiii about my
her and anil "
"I know, my dc ,r," said Murk.
"I've always secretly honed ilmt 1
ouhl Kin, u. Nome duy. Hut I've ul
nt slopped lioplng, except for one
lag thut I've never told uiiyhmly.
' n number wloit I until In vou
'Ut u mini wutchlng ineT"
He doeau't watch you now, Kl-
nor I"
M, ueiiiaal. "Ue kaa come kaek."
Dulllvficklr oF
' Khe answerer. "'r' older and cniyrr.
hilt llc'.S III'1 Nllllle mil II. e ;,., l !n i i
here, In WiimIiIiikIimi. Ami I've never
iliiri'il to speak of l, i'i ii to Colonel
i llowunl. but I know it's not a data lion,
Uncle Mark."
' "And j on think he lias aftlM i ounce-
Him with your fiitlicr, BleuoorT" naked
"I don't liiinw what to llihili. Wli'it
do you think. Uncle Miiil.V naked the
' I think, my dcur," auid Marl: dclHi-'
criilcly, "ihul l l-n't the same mall.
It stands to reason II cnn'i I.e. Whj
should ha have watched you nil u,, .
' II s .mil ii. 'MT spo'.eii to ;.onV No,
l.'l.'iuior. I think you've had this Idea
no long that you have uih-iiitcrpiclcij
I mean "
"I know what you mean, Uncle
Mark, Wi ii. it doean't statter. And
now l must go buck to lira. Howard
or tiny will be Wondering wlrtt bun
becotna of mc. Bat wa've nicked iii
our in. i:m. lies, Inivcn'l '.'.' And I'll
sec u lot of you, Uncle Mark, before
y.m go to the war?"
But Marl, lel'iined Colon. 'I Howard!
Invitation to become hla gm-t. a. id
uvoidril t in- house in Ma- :n hiisctts
circle aa much as he could wllh dc
ceney. Me was i 'oiirugi'ous enough tO
anuly." his reasons ami he did not
conceal the raanlt from almaatf.
Hi wanted i:i, aiior with all I he pant'
up longing of the dialed ...r. in the
. desert. Ills lose was the Niroiigi t
1 passion that hi hud I'l.r fell, an I el.
' strangely for u man ot hi , mii-, it had
! Ill It much more Of the paiermil eli-
! inctit Hi, 'ii of the lover. All his life
he had been utmost klllles. bis only
sister was dead, he until. -.1 Klftin.u's
presence, Kleuiior with him, to see
her c-ry day, whether n- wife or
daughter. Vet he wus brave enough
, to uckliow ledge thut this love, seltless
In u measure, threiiteue.l lo become ii
ismsiiiuing pusslnn If he did not hold
himself rigidly Iu check.
He, the middle aged cuptuln. and
Kleuiior, with her station, her pros
pect iiu.l her beamy it wus an lm
isiNsible dr. inn, or one thut would ruin
the girl's life If, In sonic wild moment,
she mnde It truth.
lie hud bin reward In Klcunor's In
creasing restraint, her quite visible In
dignation. They had fallen upurt again,
after that single meeting. It wus a
poor reward, but the sort that Mark
hud received all his life from fortune.
Hut there were lonely nights when
life seemed unbearable, and lie had til
exert ull his will powiff to heap him
Helf In iheck. Murk hud rented a lit
tle I'm ii I shed apartment In the North
west section, off Pennsylvania avenue,
end In hud found Hi.- desert more ,
puiiioiiuble. Olio night hu lelt ut the end of hla
powers. Thut was after a grilling day
Iu the wur olllce, one of those, days
thut sometimes come In Washington
toward the middle of September, when
everything U us sticky us the usphult
It had been a day of evil portent be
shl's. Colonel Howard, who had
aeemed of late to reflect Klcunor's
coolness In some measure, hud greeted
him with a wry fuce when be came In.
"The devil's to pay, Murk," he sub!.
"Draw up your chair. There's a leak
age In the depart incut."
"What?" cried Murk.
"Things are getting known for In
stunce, our dealings with the shipping
people. They've found the exnet num
ber of ships we've requisitioned. Vou
know whom I meun by 'they.'"
Murk nodded. The cosmopolltun In
fluences In Wiishliiglon, whose ritmlM
cations extended to the ends of the
earth, or, ut least, across the Atlantic,
were busy In every drawing room ex
truding news, the tiniest unit leitst re
liable of which wuu not despised, alnce
many such single Itema muke up a co
herent story.
"The Hi Igudler's wild ubout It," con-'
tin in-, the Colonel, pulling ut his urns
tnclie. "And It seems Impossible to
d.'lcci how the leukuge occurred. It
must have been through the shipping
companies, of course; yet Ihey coiildn'l
have pieced the thing together without
concerted BCtlon, which Is out of the
queslioii. I, el's go Ihroii h the im
pels," They opened the safe uml went
through them dim h.v one. hut nothing
wus missing
"I la inn II !" growled Colonel llowunl.
"I've he, ii through tills before, Mark :
you know thut. In thut case there
wus ii traitor ul work. We found bim.
In this ease there can he none, at leasl,
111 Hie war ilepartiaeiii. And I've told
Hie Hi Igudler I'll unswer with my place
for discovering where the leuk lies."
lie closed the sale uml strode off In
to Kellei uiun's room, to return with
Keiieruuiu, looklug angrier thuu be-
"What nr we Ki'liiK t llo, Keller
innnT" hi niked.
Kcllcrimih iiiii'himI out tils ItpM. "Well,
Colonel, you know iin nuirli about It on
liny of tin," hi answered. "There" al
ways been two of us pre I'ui illicit mill
1W lwi JOtJ I
"You Know aa Much About It Aa Wa
morning when the papers were trans
ferred. I'll vouch for you, Wallace
will. 1 presume, vouch for mc, ami you,
I presume, will vouch for Wulline."
The sinister look on his face uffect
ed Murk more dl-agreeiilily than ever.
Hark Ml nettled, though the words
bud been fair.
"If there's been n leak." he snld "It
seems to tue It's up to the Hrlgudler
to discover II. It's outside; It Isn't
air business to locate It. We're doing
nor purt whut more run we do?"
"Coine OloBg null tell the Hrlgudler
that," suggested Howard.
Mark, nothing loath, aciompanlcd
Mm In the (leu.. ral'.. room. Cut tin
Hrlgudler wus more furloun Huiii How
ard, "I don't know how It hnppcnct). Col
on.'!, uml I don't cure!" he cried,
thumping the table. "No great harm
has been done so fur, and of course
none of the ilcpiirimenlnl clerks inn
hi suspected. Hut It's got to stop, uml
we've got to find out how It .fWglnated."
It wus on that night that Murk felt
ul the end of his powers.
It wus curly, he had 'lined ami was
sitting disconsolately Iu his apartment ;
nothing seemed of any value to him ut
that mouciil, and his thought were
ranging round their eternal subject.
I Hud It been necessary that he should
huve treated Mrs. Howard ami ki-
' eiinor boorlshl'. to piotect himself?
He put on his but uml went out,
uicuiiliig to pay thein a visit, or. ut
least, ti walk rowsird their house while
making his dc. lalou. lie hud not de
cided by the lime he reached Mussu
chnaetta circle, and, ni rV atopped In
' doubt, he envi C in. I; UCTOM fhi road,
staring up ul tile In 0 -e.
Of a sudden Kfeanor'a story recurred
to his mind with ild lirce. The mall
i wus obviously watrhiti; the hou-e, uml
hi meant to stay there.
Hut, us Mark started toward him.
the man seemed to take fear, und
shambled nun). Bomithtni in his gull
j brought back to Mi.ik's moid the recol
lection of the mnn win. m he had seen
outside the Misses Harpers' school.
And he began to follow Mm. It wus
a role that he had never p'ayed before,
but Justified, In his mind, by the necc--mI
ty of illacoverlnt the fetlow'l Identi
ty. Without uny very clear Intention
In bis in 1 ml how be wee to accomplish
thla, Mark made hla way after the soli
tary figure, keeping well behind It.
It soon became clear that the man,
although he looked like a tramp, had u
definite objective. Murk pursued him
toward Pennsylvania avenue, until be
discovered thut he waa nearlng the
least desirable part of Washington,
whose locution, so near the residence
of the chief executive, hits nlwuys been
the wonder und scandal of visitors.
He was in one of those streets thut
start bravely in Hu city and debouch
Into the low-lying land In Hint Interme
dlnte ami hardly reclaimed region bor
dering the PotontftC, 'I he hoiiics hen
were old. inuii.v appearliic VilCOnl nni
tiiinlilc-dou ii. uml Tor the most pi.
standing in. h In . Utile uur'
Murk was l
tackling Hie i
or pursuit, was about fifty pares In
front ol him, when suddenly the man
turned In nt the tiny garden of an ap
parently deserted ami knocked
ul the door, which was opened almost
Inline. Ibllel.V.
Mark heard n subdued scream, mid
then Hie man s voice Iu angry aid na
tion. Hi was talking to the woman who
had opened tin- door, she looked
nhoul Im' uml thirl) .veins ol age, and
hei Copi, distinctly risible agulual the
Ih, lit iu tile ball, was well bred, if mil
attractive, Mm - 'elm .1 one of tin...
lopolltan i a lio fri quenl the cupl-
lul; Murk was si iii uncertain whether
her house wus oi)e ol those residences
Hint lire sllll occupied III this district
by the Original owners, or whether aba
whs the ml' I less of one ol those gum
lillng cHtabllshniuiits that flourish ot
in. easily along the uveliues of the
curlier iilphnhcl.
The limn stcuii d lo be pleudlug with
her, his gestures w ere growing fran
tic, lie Uokad about fl-e and lortv
yenrs of nge; hla face struck Mnrk
With ii cortnlii odd fniiillliirlly, though
lie hud never seen li i Tit cloMcly before,
ii ii' I tic re truces of brecililu:, blurred
cither by dlsrioliite hablls or by mis
loll line.
The woman answered liltu In tones
of ipilck linger, uml iiiude u gesture of
dismiss),). 'I'lie mini held his ground
doggedly, the voices became angrier.
"Not No, I tell you!" llm woman
cried. "I don't know who you are!
Will you goV"
Suddenly a mnn ciime along I lie
piiHsnge beh' lid her, currying u walk
ing iniie with a heavy bundle lie
raised It and brought It crushing down
on the other's head.
The man fell to tic ground, evident
ly hull stunned by the blow. The mnn
wllh the .nil.' raised U ami brought It
own iiguin and again upon the other i
Iliad and face. In u .ucicwsloii of nlck
I'liliig clashes.
Marl, ran to the garden gate. The
mull with the stick paused, raised hi I
head, and looftid ut him. Mark rein;:
nl.eil Kelbrmiin. As IC.ller'.ian, m
turn, recognized him. an uii:ry iinecr
apread mi r his fnoa,
"My ilenr Wallace, wtet Ibe dlckena
lire .Mill doing llereV" he ll. in IIHii'd.
"Arc v hi trying to kill this iiuuiV'
it lei d Hark,
Uelti rinnn seeimsl nonplu 'I'd for
toe moment,
"1 hope I've given him bis lesson."
he BMWWWl "Hi came hei and d"
la' mled money, and nearly frightened
Ura, Keneuu out of her aasaea, bit
me pre eut yoti " ,
.Mark looked into the keen, op
lug eyes of Mrs. Ketisou wllh hi like
and disgust.
"Vou'd belter lei him go. otOjOC Kcl
leriuun," he said. As he spoke he saw
Mrs. Kensoii bite her lip vindictively.
"Oh, I'll leave him to you," respoml
d Kellerinaii airily. "Voull ACUM me.
Walhne, I'm sure, but Mrs, Keiison's
auto will be hire In a few moiuetils."
Murk, hot with Indignation, answer
ed nothing, bin nil -id the nun from
the ground and got li 1 in out ode the
gat. As he d d 00 he heard llle door
of the house Ctoee softly.
The iriiuip was bull OBCOOaclOua,
ami muttering vitguely.
"luiir yaara alnce I've sii-n her.' bo
mnmblad. "i ditin t aroal monijr. Qi 1
the word, (ioil I. in .v.s I wouldn't have
ink. ii money from nor aa ha snld, Um
"Was she Miur wife?" nsked Murk,
thlukliig thut be saw light.
"Cod torbld!" ejaculated tic
with convincing spontaneity,
are you, anyway''" he ilcmamleit
lug ul him directly for the tlrsi
"Wliut were you doing Iu that place'.'"
lie grqqpqd Mark by the arm. "Are
you another friafld of hers?" he asked.
j "Or didn't you kimw that Its the swell-
est gambling house in Washington?
Murk took him by the shoulders.
"What's your nutur and where do you
"I'm Truatlno You With My Thlnga."
live?" be usked. "I haven't time to
waste on you, but I'm ready to help
you If 1 can."
"My name? Hurtley. Good enough
name, Isn't If? Live? I haven't lived
lor more years Hum 1 remember. I'm
a corpse see? 1 wanted to live.
Thul's why 1 cuine here when i heurd
she wus I it Washington. Wulkcd lroin
New York. Why should she be here
now, unless there's iinothcr poor young
fool like me for her? Wheie the car
cass la, there are the engles or Is It
vultures?" ,
Murk drew the man's arm through
his and led him away. Presently a
cub came crawling up. He hailed It
uml guve his address.
He took til in home and played the
flood Sji inn rl t n ii, washed his wounds,
plastered them, and gave the null) u
lied In bin living room. Hurtley had
subsided Into a Mute of frightened si
lence, lie looked dubiously at Mail;
all Hie while he wus receiving bis luin
istrntloiiH, and would say mulling.
"Now', pleuse understand," Hiild
Mnrli, "I've brought you licre hei au-.e
you seem to mc to be up ugainst It.
The door's unlocked. And I'm Irustlug
you wllh my things. Those cups lire
silver, Hartley 1 won them ut West
Point. Thut Utile picvure Is by Grlffln
.... i .......ii. - --- - ,,,,...,...
nun ivyi in in, M-M'ii iniiiiii eo. lumiu
about nil, 1 think but 1 want you to '
under.siand you're free, and I'll bcliii
you, If 1 cun."
Hartley Hushed rather oddly, Mark
tbouaht, but auid not a word. It wua
" m
a foolUh act, lie thought repeatedly
before he fell nsleep; but he must win
the liiaa's coiilldence If he was to learn
the iii.vHli ry. And he was satisfied
that Ids Interest in BtatBdfa mov.
ni.'iil hoded no harm to Inr.
In I lie morning. Hurtley was gone,
as be i-xpei -ted. Hill lie bud taken ml
ther the cups nor Ih. plciurc
On the way to the war department
Hie following morning ho wus puzzling
over the affair, Kclleriiiiin's presence
In Mm. Ki nson's house, and Keller
nuin'n poKsllde c'liincctlon with Hurt
Icy, who WHtchi'il Kleuuor.
lb- could inn arrive ut any but the
most fuM.'ntle solutions.
Kellcrtnan welcomed bim with Ids
usual auiivity. They carried OP Hi"
papen Horn Hie safe; then Kellennun
Colled Mark into Ids own olllce.
"About hist night, Wulluci " be
began. "Of course yon acted ull right,
as you understood the sltuution. but
there wus a gissj deal thut ymi did not
understand. Thut mna you tisik home
to your looms is u uort of liitcriiationul
tool pigeon, if I cun coin the phrase.
Julto despicabb the one-time gentle
Dl who has lost his honor; and dan
girotia, hi'uiis hi knows things that
nobody would credit him with know
ing. I suppose you wonder what 1 wus
doing in Mm. Kenaon'a ptocaf
"Not in all, Major Kellerman."
"My dear Wallace," suld Kellennun,
laying a band on Murk's shoulder. "I
want .to give you a pi "c, ol advice.
This Is quite ui.urt from our work
hire. 1 don't think your qualities an
inl.ipled to hcadqilurlers work. Co
hack to your battalion or, rutlur. Ink"
udvuntngc of your friends In Wa-h
Ingtou to secure ii good pOOf he etu
pbuslziHl the adjective "In nglmcntul
And us Mark looked at him In stu
u -faction, Kellerinuii added coolly;
"I am not rpeqklng olfbluily, my '
dear Wallace. Tul.e the suggestion us
u friendly one. If I can make it a !
little (barer to you, your presence In
Wnshliigtou Is lii'iiiivcnlent to DM for
peraonal reasons. 1 think you will iqe !
predaU the reasons tlii: reason,
in I her."
1 he man's Insolence wus maddcu-
Mark's Impulse was to ila-h his
Into his face. Hut discipline
.Mark saluted Ntluly and went nv.ny
He sat down u t his desk, fuming, ot
...lll'se Kellerinuii bud referred lo K'
cniior; and It suddenly occurred to
Murk thut Kellerman might huve
mnde a good deal of heudwuy during
his aboauca.
Mark and Colonel Howard occupied
n Ktiiull room ut the end ot the currl- j
I r: the clerks room was without; be- ,
tweeii the two, accessible from eucb,
! u" Kellerman's olllce, which coiuuiu-
ul''uled, in turn, with the Brigadier's.
( .'"iicl Howard came In after a
vtTiTW, and th.-y went over their pluus
together. They were engaged on u
coinpllcutisl piece of work. Involving
tonnage and computations of cubic
feet of apace for cargoes. There bud
been un error somewhere, und Murk
was trying hard to discover it when
Ibe Brigadier cuine In Iu his usual Iras
cible manner."
"How long will thut Job take, How- ,
ard?" he asked.
"Wallace will have It Mulshed by
noon, sir," unswered tW' Colonel.
The Hrlgudler wavetl Murk to his
sent Impatiently, "ltrlng It right iu
to me lis soon us you have the llgurcs,
pleuse," he suld. "I'll wait for It. Sure
you cun be through by noon?"
"I'm sure, sir," unswered Murk, who
was hot on the trail of the error.
The Hrlgudler withdrew, taking the
Colonel with him for a conference.
Mark worked steadily. The omission
was found, the computations were
bulunclug. A clerk knocked ut the
"What la It?" asked Murk Impa
tiently. "A man to see yon, sir. He says his
name's Hurtley. Shall I show bim In?"
"Good Lord, no! I'll see bim lu the
waiting room," answered Murk.
He locked the office door, went
through the clerks' room and Into the
anteroom. Hurtley wus standing be
side the window. He looked up sheep
ishly as Murk entered.
"Well?" usked Mark crisply.
Hartley grinned. "I didn't take the
cups or the picture, Cuptuln Wallace,"
he suld.
"Well, whut about It? What cun I
do for you?"
"Why, I I wanted to tell you as
much, Captain Wallace. I've sunk low,
but not to theft. Only 1 didn't feel 1
could aTuy."
"Hood Lord, man, la that all you
have come to tell me?"
"Well, you see there was something
else, but " btuuiuicrvd llunicy.
(Ti bo conttaued)
The American colors
made up among the alliu.
cannot be
There are
red blooded nations uml blue bloo I
ed nut ions, but not a whlte-bloodod
nut ton among them anywhere.
'V HHoBBlot qdJM
tiTv -m
- 4
Ci jff,
' sr-7-r--H"fl'.. ,v; .
Sen Eoward
Two new aoatr4ifl far.-.-i hare
made thir aponi-"'e in Con
gress The upper Is Seator jj.
ward J. Gay of Locijiianu. who
succeeds the late Robert Drous
sard Lower is Carlos Bee of S, n
Antonio. Tex., a brother-in-law of
Postmaster General Burleson and
of the historic military family of
Bee. from South C -dina His
uncle. General Hen. Bee gave
General Jackson tho nickname ot
Cor Miller and C. Sis.
Sunday High Mass at 10:30 o'clock.
Week .lava Mass at 7 o'clock.
Instructiona for children Satur
days at 9 A. M.
Rev. rather Francis, 0. F. M.
Sumpter Valley Railway Cd.
Arrival and Departure Cf Trains
No. 2, Prairie
Arrives Baker
1:15 A.M.
2:35 P. If.
4:15 P. li
No. 1, Baker 8:3 A. M.
Sumpt er 1 :05 A. II.
Arrives -Prairie 2:1 P.M.
No. 1 Makes good connection
with 0.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4
(Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:15
P, M., arriving at Baker 7:55 A.
M. and No. 17 from east arriv
ing Baker 6:50 A. M.
No 2 connt?ctswith No. 5 (Fast
Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P.
M. which picks up Pullman at
Ba er, arriving at Portland 7:0ft
A. M. vlso with No. 18 at
0:4PP M. for points Fast.
$1500 Reward!
i in nrstea. ct.
limn n sue Nm i.I
I iv,. ,,i,u k H .ue-
I .ii At.-... Im i .ii n
In. h ikn in .Icr-
ti.'ni'ii h i. f . .-r.
, I L . l .. 110
r.'ui i: li.i t
itl II. . l.'HillHi; l
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In aildltiou uiiiir iiv,., th nnatrtfaHl ' Hie uino i ni'iliiiiiii ii ui lor all hora
I.i i. till ln.i.i' mi bulhoreithtr Ja.
Ilmud rnorilixl In lvhi rminllrii Kuna
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venue whtn told.
Nudu Lu' u.n huiMi told sad nmy t
Iftflll' lllllli lo n.
w w allows ma Ortkna.
Gotthe Genuinea-v 'tjk
and Avoid rtjdtV"!
WkljSwQ o n o m y I
yZfjg(tin Every Cake