The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 11, 1919, Image 2

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V mtfti ,-,ujiWh. , -i- T"T., '""' - ,
to July 1, 1917) there were R42 such
men working Jn the northern mnl
wastefn status lone, nntl theaiiimber
Is constantly Inrrelslne;.
And no iIIhchkhIoii of thin sort
would beKln to be i-omplpte wlllioti'
mi i-iitliusisstlr npiToviil of the hom.
demonstration Knt, who work In Tit they nk tin to t.avo nnd they
Oh Hoover, dear Hoover, come liomo ,
to ui now!
They have taken the food I
Table Scraps and Kitchen Aaste Are Big Feed Factsrs.
(Sjieclal Information Sorvk-o U. B.
;ept. of Agrl.)
The value of a small flock of lay
ing hens on a town or village lot or
In a city back yard should not be
underestimntpd. Kven as few as six
or eight hons 'should produce eggs
enough, where used economically,
for a family of four or five persona
throughout the entire year, except
daring the molting period of the fall
and early winter. The product of
men a flock, both in the form of
ggs and fowls for the table, may be
produced at a relatively low cost, be
cause of the possibility of utilizing
table scraps and kitchen waste which
would otherwise be thrown away.
So many records of back-yard
flocks have shown profit that there
can be no question but what back
yard poultry keeping Is profitable
under the proper conditions. The re
cord of a Bmall flock kept in Wash
ington during the past year throws
some light on what can be accom
plished under conditions that pre
vailed during that time. The flock
consisted of seven hens which were
bought December 18, 1917, for $5.80.
This flock was carried through the
ensuing year. Two were killed and
eaten; the other five were carried
the rest of the summer and continued
to ley until September 18, the day on
which the last egg wa.i produced.
n similar capacity with ttra
houspwlvi ii ii" oanltatloti. honn
water hum I. iu'whkh disposal, abati--
nt of liic fly niilsnin vegetable
I gardening, Improvement r homo
I grounds, better rooking, food con
' serration, better sewing, and social
i raproVeotOBl are all matters that are
I handled with tact and force by these
ivotnen workers.
New York now leads In the nuni
ier of hor home demonstration
' agents! but Oregon has not been far
i behind In these things and we now
hBve several such useful thrift mis
sionaries about tho state. Their
work has met with almost Instant
approval nnd we believe the number
Added to this Is tho cost of """ '"' K"-uy
rost of the hens whs
The original
:-;,. SO
teed, $7.01, making a total cost for
acquiring and maintaining the flock,
of $12.81. The returns from eggs
figured on the basis of 40c. a dozen,
which Is very conservative, amounted
to $28.50. The two hens eaten were
the largest t of the flock averaged at
least five poundB In weight. At 30c.
a pound the value of these heiu
.mounded, therefore, to 3. Thur..
the total Income from the flock was
$31. GO, while the total expenses
were $12.81, leaving a return over
cost of fowls and tost of feeding of
$18.69. This figure, however, does
not take Into account the value of
the five bens on hand. These would
average at least four pounds, in
weight, so that, at 30c. a pound, each
hen would be worth $1.20. This
would add to the credit balance $C,
and would therefore show a profit
on tho hons on September 18 of
$24. r.y. It will be noted that the
egg production for the nine months
Involved was very gooff, 13C eggs a
hen, and it. should bo stated in this
connection that the man of the house
is a butcher, and was frequently able
to bring home scraps of moat which
were fed to the hens, and which un
doubtedly contributed greatly to the
favorable egg production.
There was a time when we thought
we could get along without tho
telegraph, the telephone, the locomo
tive and the steamship; but that day
Is gone. And In Just that way these
county agents are rapidly becoming
a real rural necessity. Antiquated
methods on the farm might have
been sufficient In our grandfathers'
day. but Intensified agriculture Is
rapidly becoming the rule today.
And real live-wire workers of this
sort are the other established
Almost every county has Its de
puty game warden, Its county school
superintendent. Its fruit inspector,
Its health officer, Its stock Inspector,
Its fish warden, etc. These have all
become permanent fixtures In our
social fabric and are taken as a
matter of course. They are all useful
indispensable offices, established for
years and doing a most excellent
don't tell us how,
And we need you so badly loday. I
?.1ny we eat pork and beef, of all
dinners the li I'-i".
Or must wii take lamb in their
And say If you please, may we have1
bread and cheese,
And should It be substitute bread?
Shall we eat raisin cake? Apple pies'
may we hake?
We're all of us sadly perplexed.
Tho food rates, deaf llqover, seem'
all to be ever:
Oh como home and tell us what
AMKIUt'.VH Molttl, KOIM'K.
In President Wilson's blef address
nt Carlisle he said: "It la moral
force as much as physical force that
has defeated the eifort to subdue the
Every natloln worthy of the name
has a firm substratum of moral
force. The nation may seem Im
mersed In the affairs of the world;
perhaps Its attention is devoted to
commerce and the development of
'science, perhaps to the promotion of
Hut beneath these outward signs
lies the moral force, only awaiting
emergency to cbme to the surface. It
will take possession of the nation's
finest thought, and the love of money
and the love of luxury will In :t
moment as t were, be subordinated.
In the recent war we have seen
America efcaBgS with rapidity from a
PSSOS lOTJBgi materialistic country to
one swayed by Its belief In right
And yet It Is very apparent to i willing to sacrifice money, comfort,
COUNTY AOJUCUIiTURAL AOHHTM Intelligent, helpful, sympathls friend;
i one who gels about the county and
Have you a county agricultural
agent in your home? If not. why
not? asks. a writer in the Oregon
Iairy and Food Bulletin. The valuo
of such public servants is recognized
by the federal government; and even
in these Htrenuous times they are
backing their endorsement by lend
ing their active financial assistance
Hundreds of farmers are coming
about the state and Is able to
bring to their attention the helpful
experiences and experiments of
others. They are an aid In the or
ganization and operation of their co
operative enterprises. They become
an ever-present source to which the
tanner may go for iitutistlcs and
technical Information; and good
roads, good tools, good markets,
good stock, good farm labor, and
one who will reflect a moment, tKiit
none of them are In a position to I
serve as large an Industry, to reach .
as many citizens, orto do as great.
and lasting good as would these
county agents where they can secure
the assistance and cooperation of
those with whom they work. Get
cheerfully behind the agents In your!
county. If you have them, nnd bOOSl
! with them for your community and
your county. If you have no su.;i
officers, organize a movement with
that object In view and bclo them ,
become the busiest, most helpful
pleasure for a prlnciplp. America's
young manhood believed that in en
tering the war It was launched In the
holiest of all crusades.
Religion is often closely Inter
woven with this manifestation, but
It is not essentially a religious
manifestation. Its root Is In the
principle of liberty, and the willing
ness to sacrifice all to gain this prin
ciple which founded America. This i
may lie dormant- hi the hearts of i
the people for years at a time, but
tradition and character keep it alive, j
Winn the time comes it springs iff!
'udvance agents" of prosperity-tha"t life like a rebirth. ,
you have. Aid them In the develop-I President Wilson mav be an Ideal- I
1st, but America nttdaf all forms of I
to recognize In them, not the egotls- i better social conditions are all live
tlcal theorist that some have tried rural questions which the county
to represent them as being: but an agents boost on every occasion. I'p
ment of community tueal. rommuniiv
spirit and community team ' worl,.
Ilrlng about with aid an
esprit de corps which will put your
county "on the map" In agricultural
Among the things which will go on
(he 1918 scrap-heap Is the y-llet In
the divine right of kings.
-ft A-- .mmmmmuv- :Hiimwm '-,,.
I V. W)V ' .;'SS1?MHfslllIli- , " . 'III,.
ft K. -ttJii:. . ' ,i .;i . 1:1 i. , .Mil,,
I bj J. 1 n
A'; ? JloSSh I ('',,. '
ryrl ilnv
S. J. gMll T.k.r, I ..
M':';" ill II'
ji .itt.i"
, .;!''
ul! I" '
! ,
"AUK . rince
1 j
I I - !;h tO I j : ,i ,:
f tidy red tin and pipt , !
Get it straight that what you've hankered for In
pipe or cigarette makln's smokes you'll find eplt
in P. A. That's because I '. A. ha., tho quality
You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your
tongue or parch your throat than you can make horse
drink when he's off the water I Bite and parch are cut
out by our exclusive patented process I
You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat
the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nuil a
section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care
to remember back I
Buy Primr Albert mvmrywhmra tobacco it mold. Toppy red bags,
tidy rmd tint, handtomo pound and half pound tin humidortand
that cltvmr, practical pound eryttal glatt humidor with tpongm
moittmntr top that hmtpt tho tobacco in tuch pmrftct condition.
J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C.
priiciic.-aiit) and Trnvcriallsm is.u
country of Ideals Tlfwu Indeed tho I
moral Tore, lyfujt bark of Its hy-lol
force which helped to brlrrg about
be Kreut result.
The problems or the poor weather
man are becoming more complicated
each year. The mere guessing of
heather or not it is going to rain1
on a certain day or during u certain
week bus change to the much more,'
risky bet of whether or not we are
i'oIiik to have winter during Decern-1
her, January and February or during!
June, July and All.
ROUGE OF l l.NAl, At rot m
In the matter of the estate of
(lustuv A. Iteiiiiiold. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the!
undersigned administratrix or thoj
above named estate has filed her
final account in the above-entitled
court and Tuesday (lie 11th clay of!
February 1919, at (he hour of two'
o clock r. M., has been set as the
tlmo nnd the county court room in
the Court House In Hums, Oregon a.
the place for the hearing of objec
tions tiereto and the settlement
inereor. ail persons interested In
said setato are hereby notified to rile
their objections. If any such there he,
on r before the gbovs named date,
and to appear and support their
objt ol ion ..
Mated Jsnusrj 7, i : i w.
1 : '.i:lK REM HOLD,
Aduuiii trstrix.i
ll i.o. l ith.
Fifth 1 1 1 It . Fell. Mh.
. e
NOTIt i; (. N., .vcl vi.
In the Batter or the estate or
Mill lie Morris, deceased.
N'otlce Is hereby given that the
nd4jrsinad baUd his rinai so
count Uh udmlnlslrator In ti, ai,0y,.
entitled estate and tl, cuullly J,,dft
has set Monday, tlo loth dav ol
February, 1919, at ten o'clock a. m..
hi his oril.e ut Hums. Oregon, as the
time and place ror hearing objections
Administrator with the will nneie,l
or 1 lie estate of Mattle
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Rlitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. He&hunable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company
Look out when having your Ford. car
repaired that the genuine Ford parts or
materials are used. There are many
"boRus," imitations, or counterfeit, so
called Ford parts of
No BoffUS sadly 'nfor,or nuali
B ty on the market
Pqj-J Parfat e warntd against
them. Buy Ford
(-fere J)arts anc' nave your
Ford car repaired by
the authorized Ford
dealer as this is the only way to guard
against "bogus" parts. Bring your
car to us for service. Come to us for
Ford parts. Ours is an authorized
Ford place. ,
A Fordson now on display.
Perfect Confidence
Nti oi her worth can rloserih the relitknn
I lint .should cxiM bgtwren u I'ank and i t h
pal rolls.
If you haven't confidence in the soundness of a
hank, you certainly will not trust your money
to It
This Bank invites careful inspection of ltd
financial trenjrth and sound business methods.
We know they are above criticism, but the
)int a, we want yen to know it.
When you have leaned, then we solicit
business on our merits.
en am: artiweN
The Times Hern III carries the
standard ttseH ISiHing Systems
Btntleri and Im t
Biilfiif (Sheets 1 and 2 rn
Dupik sheets fir above
Finest and Fagest assortment
of Blonds and Flats stock to be
found in the country on hand
Prompt attention given all orders for
anything in the printing line. Call on as
for letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, etc.
The Times-Herald, Burns
You're pretty sure to see it in this paper