The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 11, 1919, Image 1

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rr ffe
To TtaBee4eaJd gee n
mm fentniw la Bar
Con at j than aay other
It ym wih to
nwli tit people aw the ool
awaa far year ahwMwiat.
I of horwi fiest in any form, although
thin meat In twin consumed In sonic
DAIirC AC "CI177TAIIC" f the AIM.mI round. W have not
ilflllULi VI I VLttlnlLiC boon advised relative to any arrange
" " i mcnls which may be contemplated
L.ntU llunn WnrlkUu Hnru between tlir Food Administration
For Food For Starving People.
Thousands Run Wild mil Eat
mssaammmsmmtaesrsstsnn , u,bb
mihI the Russian people to supply
that rountrv with this kind (if fOOd.
If such nrniiiceinctits are made and
Valuable Forage. A Problem. n1(. proper facilities me provided
for the preparation of borae meat In
thK country efforta win be made to
dli antnata tbe Information in sc
iiims where large numbers of uaelai !
I an avalliihli'. Inasmuch ai
the market for horse flesh for food
Ik uncertain It la BUggostod Mibi
irsoa they have on the range a horsey which have no commercial
cv are seldom gathered and brand value a work or pleasure animals
The young horses are allowed to may be utilized In so far as praettr-
n at will without proper earo and able through rendering plants for
ius mey increase ano mumpiv their ylelrt In hides, tallow, bone.
;ldly with a olaas of cayuses that fertilizer and other by-products,
c not of any particular value on j Very truly yours.
a market, and eat up the forage! LEWIS D. HAM,
1 he problem of creating n market
r tho increasing number of "fuzz
lis" that roam the range of Central
regoa Is being seriously considered.
any stock breeders of this section
ally do not know how many
at should be reserved for stock
at Is worth money.
I. O. Smith Is one of the home
en who believes there should he
mo means provided to relieve the
nge of these worthless animals
d with this In view recently wrote
Senator McNary and also the i
Specialist in Charge Marketing
Live Stock and Meata.
X. Hoberts was accidentally shot
by his brother at Diamond last Mo
r'ood Administration suggesting day morning with a II calibre rlfle,
t the matter be taken up with for- the bullet passing entirely thn.u
pn countries in connection with the his body, perforating the stomach In
I situation. Morse meat is sold in two places.
me of the Kuropean countries anil r. Kaurmnn was culled l,v phone
lea they are used for that purpose and he Immediately went over. He
ere Is no reason why the matter found the wounded man in n serious
ould not be considered. Men of condition and rushed him to the hos-
Is section who have eaten horse piu hire where he operated. There
ajMMaMaal ese k9 &!,'' A9w:rv& JKsTJW 'a m
TZjt. '' tS i'
-PU' JjfiaaSMaai!iEsAr lt.1- r "IBXy ' ' ' ' if - H
To the Warer Users of the Hart.ev
, Valley:
One of the important things ef
fecting your water rights Is irriga
tion di i'ii: organisation and about
this (hero should be no mistakes
nude. The question now confronting
,Miu Is. Shall there be one district
for the entire valley, or more than
If If is possible a ml practical to
organize all into one district that
would don ll less be the best plan. It
has been intimated that If all was
embraced In one district both the
William llanley Co., and the Pacific
! Live Stock Co., would Join, and the
other large land company, tbe Ore
gon ft Western Colonization Co.,
will Join In either plan.
Up to the present time, so far as
public information Is obtainable.
I Ally C. 11. Leonard has said he
! would use his best endeavors to have
I the Wm. Mauley Co.. Join In the one
! district plan, and Atty. Treadwell
and Secy Olson have stated thaf
j they would try and Induce the P. L.
' S. 0., to do likewise. These state-
, mcuts of attorneys and agents are
not binding on the respective OQf DOT-
atlons. If these compuiiles will so
Join In with the oilier water users 0
deriulte agreement of this kind
should come direct from the proper
"(fleers of the corporations.
I have advocated the three district
' plan purely from an engineering and
' practical view point both aa to ef
fecting the organization and the
III I lien Inn lin mi Vl dltll S i n m littfitja-
mutism. Death came while be waa aaleep. Simple funera' Htuatlon. If all Interest will Join in
services were held Wednesday and he waa laid to reat without one district, I will willingly submit
pomp in the cemetery at Oyster Bay. and do all In my power to effect the
organization and make It a success
Representative Gallagher and
Senator Hurley of This Dis
trict Aim to Improve Market
For State Irrigation Securities.
HtBBARD xii. l HJN
b say It is good. Of course there was little hopes of recovery at that Ex-President Rcoaevelt died early Monday rrorning, tie (o
a prejudice, but this may be over tlBM as it wus some lime since the
me in the countries where people accident and t lie man suffered violent
ve been in tho habit of eating hemorrhages. Mr Saurman had him
m, besides it would be fBr better on n,.. operating table for a long!
ship them to the narvlng people period and (Impaired nl the man's1
that country ai.d -.! their livei recover? bed rueterda) b was doing
i to allow them to r"inain In fine and the nurse at the ho
and eat Up stated there was vcr. little doul.t
t.iat neef&l Utt pthor am l,t ,, ,.,,uld r.
ils. over. E aj - ','
I he following letter hs jSfi-.i , rnl
ved In reply t" one written le Mi i ra m4T!i. r , iiiaulng
Ith t' the Food Administration ,.. ,t r,,lW , i tb accident and
suggestion that these animals in sonic maniavr Uaaajthgaiine s)lpe d
utilized so ur us practical.. . lug tbJJF bauiiner to ilfeh
-High rendering plants for their the hu:it aukh etitcrart'
Id of fertiliser, hides, etc.. Is one ha-k After the'tirrldent rhe wound
it should have the attention or d man got on a horse and. rode
half a mile before the doctor wri
toni r of id.'
I ttf lr
'" Ml 1 ' ,jaa I" d
Ul1' .
'"WBsPi ' iSmM
, t-t,
al stock men. Several years ago
re was some such plant at Linton.
this state but whether there Is
h a place now In operation we are
ibis to say. Should the niattrr be
iwed to pass by the Kood Admin
ration it should then be given at
MOttl M0NKY it i i x.i !
I Olt
For t,v
a in ii
Herald nmtHj,. lands Mr. Ilibhard dls-
poaed of his antiri' dairy herd and
Will keep Jtl;it a few stock cattle dairy bus been it fix
ture of (his vicinity for man
a L j m A-
ttHf' i wuw
,M. .mftgjT '
i iueasasaW "tiat new ownc
fsjaifiii1 nfrSi l In- Time
Am also willing to subnilt the ii..
tion to any competent, dlwinti .-
outside party and abide b hi
if thli entire territorj i; to go In-
di itrn t i ertaln amendem
. i!i tri( ' manago- '
lalal urc nieii .
Uils month anil there will I"-
Malton Qfbla closed a ileal till'.
weak with Mga, Q. a BeatboW by
v, bit ll In the owner of the
fariUpHt aqapSK the rlvr ahOva
town wifih be I. a- had charge ol tor
i,iits Is one of tile
well Inmroved farms of this vicinltv
and has i ., under cultivation for t,,,,hur opportunity to secure the
..i.Miderable ai- mtaaita for two years i u
read. ,;Je,t , .nutl.'.ml i,,e t " l0n thcrarore. Home luiinediat
icllon should he taken to settle this
i In- i thai i' be depended u,i-
oi, for a i rop of grain each season.
Mr. tillihs iNp.'i to seed a greater
portion to alfalfa since II has suf-
oin tha river to insure
f'nnimlssloner Mass returned from
The original stock were brought hero good 'and and I fine crop each
irmii tha i.adii herd of Jarseys 'i year.'
I'oriiand ii Mr Hlbbard and ba con ,,
itlonbj the Oregon Cattle Hone Portland the other day ami reports "n"1 a bualnaaa for over 10 yaai
worth thai I irad an additional im '' '"' '"" '"''" ' "!lli
aaimals should not be allowed tn ,. raoanl mi Una ol " ,: '' ",uu
othei European -re
i shorts
Hi" buyers of meat anil pro
or tin- Allied countries have
used thus far to consider and offer
I at a '" n
"U figtjtSHasit.''' nd
v hway Comml i ion ! p
l told 'i he in,
1 pi
the fui
would i
ad by Hi" state and
rd this n id end
bean referred to thl u,is with 10 provided by the
a reply. We have been ad count for twe years, makes a nlen
Pood Aduiinliilratioii . Ilm whii h should gO far townr I
mulling this one of Hie finest road ,
In the slate
Theft are a few things to bo got
ten out of the way before actunl
construction can begin, however, as
the right of way has not been secured
and this will be rather complicated If
the route recently suggested should
be chosen. II will go through some
mi ina Me farm propjerty and the
owners will want pay for it.
A DAYLIGHT Itt'ltoi.AliV
This is rather a sensational Im .n
Ing io put on a sior for ihe peaceful
town but nevertheless a safe In I
been broken into in daylight with
the BM of drills. Tin c.i.iitentB of
tho safe have not been removed.
The big Kale al the sherlll's office
took a notion recently to refuse to
open on the combination and after
repeated efforts on the pari el the
office force ll was derided Io gut
Nell Smith to drill through lh ion wall mid thus gel ll open
A writer In the N. Y. Tribune ex
plains how (ieiiiianv can pay an In
di miilty of one hundred billion
dollars on Ihe Instalment plan, Willi
Interest. This will mean an annual
payment of five billion dollars tor
thlrty-nlue and a half years. We
j trust that this calculation will en
, courage the Germans
eur armv
I i.t Wilson
!. D
M i
In Hi.' meantime we will proceed
as rapidly as possible with the three
district plan and will again have
thO southern district organization
before the Count) Court on March
To my iiiliul tin re is nothing in tha
thai organization should
i Ihe final judicial I
. io LiaE A
Llnul Christian Donlu.!., m
sighing 94 pounds, Is the Oar
au aviator who claims Ihe vl
pry over Quentln Roosevelt and
rnlch cost tha latter his life This
"In flyer Is credited wlib 12
taans In eleven days He says he
'ants to coma to Amarln h
tt'sen and fly for our army as
on as possible.
aWs' I Sl i bbssV ,riWL
TF. ': ' GS a x. cSaa
U -.1.1 1.1 I.I.
J. K. liounsevelle received a Oer-
maii lielmet during tiie week sent
by his son from the battle front. It
; was taken from tbe bead of the man
by young Itouusevelle himself, who I
was one of those operating machine ;
I guns in the fight preceding. Mr. I
Itouusevelle stated in his letter
he might have sent a better Bpei I-
i men but this man from which the)
lielmet was taken was operating I
machine gun mid at the same time
weuriug a Rod Cross emblem on his
Him indicating that he was a stretch
i i' hearer. Mr. Kounsevelle said be
had not believed the Oermans wire
doing Mich things l.i'lure hut Mils he
witnessed himself. In fact, the wear
or f tin In Inn I had his head com
plOtel severed in. ill ills bod b) a
well aimed machiiu' gun fire and the
helmet shows i vldeme of Ihe lad.
The young man also sent a piece
ol i loth made from paper which had
been manufactured in (iermaiiy 11 j
Is rather open woven hut iiuite firm
and the texture Is strong.
The name laundry may cleanse the
blouse of the workman and the silk
pn jamas of the capitalist. The,
i till linv Hum la vmir mill trila Ha. '
An luundtii' iii to tho state con
sltuilon which will be of material ai
slstame in the development of On
gon, In the opinion of Representative
1'. J. Gallagher, of Hartley and Mal
heur counties, will be Introduced
during the coming legislative session.
Mr. Uallagher arrived from Ontario
yesterday in order to be here for the
Oregon irrigation Congress.
"Senator Jnllen A. Hurley, of
Grant, Harney and Malheur coun
ties," says Mr. Gallagher, "baa given
the problem a great deal of thought
and between us we have figured out
the hard knots and bow to avoid
them. Oregon, aa anyone acquainted
with the state knows, cannot develop
as it should until the arid land Is
irrigated. The problem confronting
Irrigation Is one of proper and suf
ficient financing.
"What we desire Is an amend
ment to the constitution which will
enable the state to underwrite or
absorb bond issues for Irrigation pro
There have bean some good
and some poor projects, and there
have been wildcat projects which
have caused people to lose money,
so that now bonds for an irrigation
project cannot command in the
market what they are worth. There
Is a flrst-clas project the Warm
BprlUga where the bonds, bearing
o per tent, had to be sold at 91, a
matter of nine points below par, and
yet this -sue should have sold easily
at par or above.
"The suggest 'on Is to have the
naie land board pau on projects
. i".t i-rs have mad"
rl ihe hoard ihii approve or
: If the i roji 1 1 I- fee ilble and
l i .!! an be
be state. Tills will
. the bond'- '. hiil v and tin".'
will sell ut par and can he offered at
a lower rat" ,t ustaroe! t:i Invest
With I be ate behind sui ii
then is no reason why thev
ould not command a premium. Just
us municipal improvement bonds of
i'oriiand imiimatiil a premium.
"Ol COUraa. tl.. main factor to be
oh r a i aid be la a thort
and careful Investigation of tha pn
posed projai t by ( be tata cnni''
v this work la completed and th.-
boar.; :. the rest would I
easy. One efr
be that a rpuld
i .
in Qarmanj on thai his only
il'-ire Is to be "a simple German
Cttlten." It would have been well
for the ret of the triho if they had
confined Heir ambition within such
moderate limits.
sn EP' '
HVne Bbpa JssHl
Nick Berth is In from his Dog ,
Mountain homo. i
An Alabama blossiMn is bud
ding Into Washington social at
fairs It Is the beautiful Eugenia
Dsnkhead. daughter of Senatui
Jokn H Bankhead of Alabama,
who has Juet made her dabut
there. Her Meter. Tulleah buak
Mead, le In tbe ntoviea.