: : n. R. Thnri was oror from Hllvor Creek yesterday. A light eotter Farmer Exchange. for sale cheap fir 1r 1919 THE NEW YEAR 1919 With the World ut pttt uil our Nntion victorious, this should be a Very Happy Nw Year for us all. Peace has its problems ns well as-war. We must adjust ourrelves to new condition with as little disturbance as possible. Conservation of resources is still highly es sential. Self denial nnd Thrift ,-linuM continue for Our Country needs our help in tlioc respect h This is no time for Speculation, but is the time fr Production. It is a time for honest, hard work along tlie linos of creating new wealth in the country nnd we might bend our efforts in that direction. With these ideals before us, we endeavor to shape our course so as to be of the greatest possible assistance to our patrons in carrying on their business in a safe and satisfactory manner. Possibly ypu are already a patron of this bank. If not, it might be well to start with the new year. A trial may prove mutually profit able. First National Bank Burns, Oregon r H. mil wh up from the Denlo Hugh Allen, the Ontario shoe man, riMintry this weak on business. j n going to bo here next week with Hoe llurhanan "ha resumed his poHltlon as deputy county clerk since his return from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Archlo MrGowan are over from Crane on a visit with relatives and friend In thin cltv. C. n. Mc.Coniielt cxiieeta to leave Tuosdny for Portland to attend tho a line of nhnoti and hosiery. Sec his ad elsewhere. Dr. Saurman operated on Clarence Luckey yesterday for hernia of long standing. The patient Is reported getting along fin todoy. Mis Helen Purington expects to take her departure tomorrow for meeting of the irrigation congress, j Eugene where she will again take up The Times-Gerald Ha The Largest Circulation Of Aay Newspaper la Harney County. SATU WAY. JANUARY 4, 1919 LOCAL NEWS NOTES. We will do your Job printing. Frank Dibble other day. was in town the Ira Malum was a business visitor to our city during the week. Clarence Drinkwater from Drewsey this week. was over Bran and baled hay for sale at the feed barn. A. A. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. C D. Pugsley Diamond were In town this week. of H. J among our Sliver during the week. Creek THE l-'IKST NATIONAL HANK OF Ht'HXS. CAPITAL AM) nTRPLVS 100,000. "Till: HANK THAT MAKF.S VOI It S S S KAIII." ACCOUNT INVITKH. Edward F. Treadwell, the San Francisco attorney, was in Burns this week appearing for the P. L. S. Co., before the county court in con nection with tho proposed Irrigation district in the Lawen neighborhood. A telegram received here yester day from Portland announced that Clarence Young had suffered an at tack of influenza and pneumonia. This would Indicate a serious Illness. His father has gone down. Others from this vicinity are expect ed to be present also. FOR SALE: Registered Herford Hulls, March On and Disturber (drains. Also 150 head yearling ft two year old Heifers. E. E. Bain ft Co., Glomus Ferry, Idaho. Born Tuesday, Dec. 81, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Byrd, twin boys. One little soldier didn't live but nbout throe hours, the other and tho mother are doing well at the Fire oved hospital. Malted Milk, hot or cold, is re commended by your physician as a beneficial nourishment to build up your strength and weight following the "flu." Page's Sweet Shop Is serv ing this as well as other hot and cold drinks. W. B. Johnson was In this week and came through with the usual contribution to have this great re ligious weekly continued to his ad dress for 1919. Mr. Johnson has been a subscriber to this family journal for some 30 years or so. Rev. J. F. Mobley and family ar rived here recently from Wlnlock. Washington. Mr. Mobley comes to take up his duties as pastor of tho Haptlxt church. The family Is com fortably domiciled In the parsonage, where Hev. Mobley will be pleased to meet his members and friends. Chelsea N. Howland, a soldier who bad been on duty with the Local Board In this city for the past few months, assisting Clerk Randall, re ceived Instructions the fore part of this week to report to Camp Lewis for demobilization, therefore he took his departure Thursday evening via Crane. Marshal McDonald was In the other day and said things on tho Influenza lino wore still foremost In his duties. Incidentally he said that donations of oats and such things would always .be appreciated at tho home where the volunteer nurses are housed and where food Is prepared for patients. T. O. dowser Is in town today. He came over from Ontario recently on account of the 111 health of his aged rather at Harney and has since been at the parental home. Ho re ports his father slightly Improved today. The old gentleman has hard- lenlng of the arteries and his extreme age causes concern among his family. ' I'or Sale 100 tons hay $16.00. ! B. K, Nelson arrived !i frp'rn A 1 protected feed grounds running Portland the fore part of (bis week. Also 50 tons cheap hay. Be- His son Hans remained there as he Payette & Ontario, Quy.hasa good position. Mr. Nelson was her work In spending the folks. the University after holidays with homo Kii. Goodman decldod to return to Corvn'lls and take up a regular courso of study. Ho was formerly enrolled In the students training corps and when that was discharged after the signing of the armistice, he camo home for a few days. Yester day he started back to the school. Rev. B. S. Hughes of the Presby terian church has been doing some special missionary work. Since the flu ban prevents his Sunday school children coming to church ho ha.i been distributing the supplies around to the different homes, which In cludes the lesson leaves, cards, papers, ete. The school responded with volunteer offerings to the amount of 9 3 the last week to aid In keeping up the supplies. Rev. Hughes wilt continue this work until the regular services are permitted. SsSBSSamSBKSSVBKSBJBje I .jL. 1 "'TfTT''""""1"""""""'" 9 1 GROWTH r i i i ' ' "ff -j i II uD 'Mrji niiXnT i i...'ii...'i'-..iiisj if the result of giving satisfaction. We started twelve years ago with forty-four depositors. Now we have more than 1400. We shall have more. This is a Bank of good ser vice that makes good friends, and good business. Accounts cordially invited. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY Harney EdumJij National Bank p Bums.OnHJnn YOUR HOME INSTITUTION MiiiHiiiniiiiiiiBniiiiiiiiiBinifniiimiiiiiiJnTnrmHnipiiaflinninfniniifyniim BlIllllllllllllllllllininiUIIIBIIinTnlWIIHInlBIBBlffl L . "P. SJLJ " ") If We will do your Job printing. C. H. Benson of Portland Is re gistered at the Levens. Fred Smyth was over from the home at Diamond during the week. Chas. King has mahogany wood for sale, delivered. Seo him or phone aite. Wm. Farre expects to leave to morrow morning for Portland where he is called as a witness In a case be fore the federal court. Clifford Howell, of Grant county, who has been visiting in this city tho past few days, expects to leave lo morow morning for Portland. Page's Sweet Shop has a supply ettuce, sweet potatoes and cran-n-rries on hand at all times. Fresh fish every Friday. rs f . M I Wy Mrs. Frank Triska Intends leaving Williams and Pat Cecil were toraorrow mornIn. for a Bhort trlD visitors t0 outside points during her enforced idleness ponding the raising of tho i hi ban. water. tween Ht roup, Payette, Ida. It. F. I) 1. THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF BI'ltNN. CAPITAL AND SI It PI, UK SltlO.OOe. "THE HANK THAT MAKER YOUR f MTSJ,l i ACCOUNTS IN VITRO. Capt. A. W. Gowan expects to take : his departure the fore part of next week for Portland and other outside , points. It is his habit to go out for a short time during the winter months and this year he will likely take In a part of the legislative sea- i slon at Salem. r After Xmcv MOCAL Full Line of Shoes, Hosiery on display at Levens Hotel Wednesday, January 8, to Saturday, Jan. 1 1 , inclusive Allen Shoe Co., Inc. i Arthur B. Hahn and Stella Nord lund were married recently In thU city by Rev. B. 8. Hughe, of the j 8everal cltllenB of the UwM looujicuoii cuiircn. Mr. uann nas Hetlnn been one of the consistent boosters and workers at the "Dog Mountain oil well for a long time and we understand his bride is also employed there where she had been cooking for the crew. This marriage took place week before last but we did not learn of it until this week. Altai omewhal late wi want to m ura Mr, and Mrs. Hahn ef our I Irishes for life. were In town this week In attendance at court In connection a caller at this office Wednesday and asked The Times Herald in publicly express his thanks and deop appreciation of the many kind e prosslonB of sympathy of tho many friends of his late wife. A marriage license was Issued by the county clerk on Jan. 2 to Samuel O. Slater and Miss Blanche Heln. Mr. Slater was one of the boys called in the draft during the last summer and was recently mustered out, having gotten only to the training camp. Miss Helm is a daughter of J J. Heinz and has resitted in this county all her life. The Tlmee Herald has not been Informed whether the marriage ceremony has PJ It's not only an ice iiarvest also a harvest for the pluinbe- but with theproposed Irrigation district I Doen performed yet or not but ox tends Its best wishes Just the sumo. WARHAXT t ALL. Notice is hereby given tha' thero are sufficient funds on hand to pay off all General Fund warrants issued and registered up to and including December 6, 1918. Interest ceasos Jan. 13, 1919. W. Y. KINO, County Treasurer. NEW Ol NTV Ol lit KHH SWOHN IN At the oponK or the present term of court and following the Now Year, two now officers were sworn in for Harney county. Jap McKlnnon was sworn In as romtnls aioner and is now assisting In the de liberations of that body. W. Y. King took the oath of offlee aa county treasurer and has entered upon his, dutlos. XOTHK OF sum hlliil.lilliS MF.KT1NO. The annual stockholders meeting or tho Inter Mountain Telephone and Telegraph Co., will be held in Burns, Monday January 13th 1919. Elec tion of directors and other matters of Importance will be brought up at this meeting. P. T. RANDALL. Secetary. which they desire to form In that neighborhood. Those active In the matter propose to gain circulate a petition and have it before the court al the March term. 'I ley are deter mined to bring the matter tq an hwue and secure the ds red nd a possible, HANDSFUL of THANKS In Inn,. url.A I.K..& L.t: J . . r . .. .., uciiccu our meinooi ot business the best possible during the year that is gone and who smile to know that we'll be her. another year TO SERVE OUR PATRONS WITH UNRIVALED SERVICE AND EXCELLENT MERCH AMUSE The hands of the clock are no more willing to give i you their time than we are to give you OUR TIME nd experience in buying and selling what you need. Accept our good wishes for Happy New Y.ar and our everlasting service through the new 365 days. The Rexall Drug Store The Times-Herald took occasion UUl week to communicate with pen pie who could give definite Informa tion an to government assistance in eradicating (be rabbll pe i We are sure Ibl I i matter of . onomy t,i od r i in r i n : '"" '' " i fair to H '"ii" ii.ei. q, ,i,i,, method win pot be imposed upon and care of our own county wiihmii paying for peatl in other counfi. . i states. JiimI as soon us Ibis Inform! tlon as received it will be placed be fore the people most Interested a,,.! discussed. The Times-Herald feels confident kid can be secured from the county In the matter Just as it was with the grasshoppers. It Is also confident the same method will prove successful In fighting the sage rats and we might take up the entire situation at once during this winter and be ready to do the work most effectively The rabbits must be taaen care of without delay and this We Remember You I every minute of our business career Lccauae ycu are always uppermost in our thoughts. It is you we strive to please anJ satisfy. We express our sincere than! ft !ius ft rjl c kind lo-cptrftiicn that has passed between us ckrin the year 1918. Wc ask this same fcood will to conlii.tu; tit ring the create et year his tory has yet invented 1919 Our goodness in service will always hold it's standard to be preceded by none. The New Year says "practice economy" We say, "Come to us, we can help you more than any other factor." Burns Cash Store m 1 e J" h Ml n h IT Ill h. I b. O Ol ill h.l H bfl w I o A h 4 f !)l! I H I. k 1. l 1 II t I r i Props. I can ns dona by each community doing He pert. 1