The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 28, 1918, Image 6

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    k. '
Great jumping jit net -whcrcs imt f)
UONPlWt "TM 7HC5t V.nlsrMA,& r
T011E.T SfcT jr"a i vjv& muincw uo tcv
f"W.ttljt WhW'PINOS 1
,T? r 1
J nek
ICK ron rajiti.K ATNS.N
ttNDorMlI. GET 50MC WAT6R X w. t TriNK TWC BORNtP V? 'tbuQ V No VlJj
quick; Moiwr. trie fowVojm-tri Sj" ' christaia Ps&nt Ajr, TbriowlTira
r iyv v. MJA rn .i
ftmine ConC'.oT.'f
Food Shortage r prochir tla&M Point
Serious Food Shortage
I Sufficient rYercnl Food Supply
I But Mure SerloUs1
E9H People? already receivma.
K33 Araefic&n aid0
P7 Unclassified
jtigH BeaaaV "efl ..
-Ss$ss3 o BemWuSaH m fcraSiiw haw
fiJeS'r msKA IsShL
fiiM IH ffiHT3
I Ji WtaVAfl RA,NfSSr r-7f
a fnoii map of Europe today ahows
not ii single country In which llii' fu
ture docs not hold threat of terloua
difficulties nnii only n small iniri which
is not rapldlj approaching the foailna
iiint. wuii I be exception of the
Ukraine only those countries which
have Maintained marina commerce
have sufficient food rappllaa to meet
actual needs until next harvest, mid
even in the (Tkralaie, with stores accu
nralatad on the (anna, there is famine
in the large ceo tare, of population.
Belgium and northern France, an
well us Serbia, appear on the hunger
map dlstlnri from the rest of Europe
because they aland In a dlffereni reJa
Hon from ti ther natlona to the pan
pie of the United Stales. America has
for four years maintained the small
war rations of Belgium and northern
Prance and is already making ape la I
efforts to rare for their Increased J
aiier-ine-war neeiis, wnnn. wiiii those
of Serbia, must be included In Ibis
plan, are argent in the extreme and
must inn e Immediate relief.
The gratitude of ihc Belgian nutlou
for the 1 1 ; ; America has extended io
her during the war conatltutea the
strongest appeal for ns to continue our
work there. The moment the dentin n
armies withdrew from her soil and she
wax established once more in her own
seat of government the utile nation's
Brat thought area in express her i,im
Hide to the Ooiiimi lion for Id lief In
Belgium for preserving lite lives of
millions of her clttxeus,
lenhany, on tin hei lv nd, need
not figure In such a roup for Ameri
cana because there is no present indl
en t Ion t tint ie shall he n lie i on at oil
to take though! for tha food needs of
'iiimany. German) probubtj i ra
for bar own food problem if sue is
given access to shipping and is enabled
to distribute food to the elites with
dense populations, which ore (he trou
ble centers.
Kngliind, France, the Netherlands
and Portugal, all of which have been
maintained from American supplies,
bare an (Helen I food p meet Immediate
Deeds, but their fill ill re presents serl-
oua difficulties The same is true of-
Spain ami I lie northern neutral coun
tries Norway, Sweden and Denmark
whose ports nave lieen open and who
bare been able to draw to some h
upon foreign auppl
.' lot i of Kit la l- oi . tha
throes of famine, and lu.udo.uaj p. . , .i.
there are beyond i lio i"'- lllty of
help. I'.i fore ai OthVl stun,;: lli. ill
sands of them 'Inevitably must die.
This applies as well u, Poland and
practically throughout the Baltic re
Long Loaves Are Most Economical.
A leaf weighing one pound ron'iins
11 per cent of water If It I round
and only .'14 ppr cent If It la cylindrical.
Therefore, she who buys long loaves
gets 140 ar.-ininu-s more nctunl food for
hr money than she who buya round
rite reason for this Is that the
aphere Ii the figure that contains the
largest possible volume tinder the
smallest possible surface, and, as evap
oration Is a matter of snrface, thin la
greater from a cylinder thaa It la from
s aplir of the same weight.
Where Thomas Yale Rest.
In the new American army there are
many officer nhose alma mater Is
Tale college, and some of them regard
Wrexham, In North Wales, as a place
of almost person! interest, for It I
there thnf Thorns Tale, who Inaugu
rated the great eat of American learn
ing, wn buried, and It I Interesting
to recall that In the early nineties a
root of Ivy from his grave was sent
to Professor I'helps, formerly the
American mlnlsthr In London, lo plant
against the college building.- London
Pain Kept Him Awake Night"
J. W. Coraopolia, Pa., writes: "I
suffered terrible pain; unable to lie
down at night. Tried three differ
ent doc torn. Three weeks ago begun
taking Koley Kidney Pilla; Improve
ment In my condition la really won
derful." Use Foley Kidney Pills for
kidneys, bladder trouble, backache,
rheumatism.- Sold by Heed Hros.
The moat dissatisfied persona in
this county are the young lieuten
ants who had Juat paid three hund
red dollars for their outfit when
lbs armltlt wg (Igaed
glons, with conditions most aerloua In
I uii.ind.
Bob) inla, Serbia, IbuiiuatiUi tiiel
Ubnienegro hare alrendj renched lb
fan point and ara anffeiing n In avj
toil of '! ath. Tin' Armenian popuUt
lion i Calling aaeh weak as hunger
takes lis loll, and In Greece, Albania
and Itoiimanla so serious are the food
Shortages thai famine is near Al
though starvation is not yet Imminent,
Italy, Sw it.erhniil, Bulgaria and Tur
key are in the I blocs of serious strlu-
In order to fulfill America's pledge
In world relief we will hate to export
every Ion of food which can he han
dled through our porta This means at
the very least n minimum of 20,000,000
tona compared with ivuooiwhi tons pre
war exports ami 11,030,000 ton ex
ported last year, when we were bound
by the lies of war (0 lb" lailopeau
If we fall lo lighten (ha bln i -pots
on (be hunger map or if wa allow any
purlieus to he -me darker tha very
peace fur ublih u- foughl and I. led
w II be ihn ah oat Resoll and annn-hy
Inevltabt) follnn famine, Khouhl ilila
happen we will see In other pans of
l-hirope a repot It Ion of the Itusalaa da
surle and our tiuiii for woihl peace
w ill lane been in vain.
That, W1IKIIKAH, on the 11th duy
of December, 1'JIS. In the linen
Courl of Oregon for Harney County,
a Judgment was Btttrfi and enteiid
in lavur or Ida M. Kchlcnk, as Plain
tiff, agulnat Wellingion Townalte
Company, a corporation. W. 0, How
ell and Henry V. i'rudhomiun, as lm
fendanta, for the sum of 1600.00,
with Interest thereon from January
II, I '.Hi., at 8 pur cent per annum;
and the further sum of $150.00, at
torney 'a feea, and costs and dU
bu.Homints taxed at $21.90; And,
WHKItKAB It was further Order
ed aud Decreed by aald Cpurt that
1'laintiff'H mortgago on the following
described property altuated In
Harney County, Oregon, namely:
Tho aouth one-half (8ft ) of the
Southeast one-quarter (HK'A), and
the Bast one-half (Els) of the
Houthwest one-quarter (8WV, ) of
Section twenty-two (22) In Town
ship twenty-alx (26), South ofltaug.-thlrty-oiie
(31), Kuat of W. M ; In
cluding all the lots and block of the
Townalte of Wellington contained
therein, the plot of which Is recorded
In the otflce of the County Clerk Of
Harney County, Oregen:
be foreclosed; ami all the rlnht.
title ami interest in said aretnisea
OWhed or held by any of said Defend'
ants on the Id d-u ,,i I'VbruaJ'y.
(til, Of since said time aciilrod, be
sold by the Sheriff or Harnajf County,
Oregon, III the manner provided In
law for tlM solo of real properly on
foreclosure; And,
WIIF.IUCAS. on (he 18th day of
Deoemher, ioik, on Bxaeutlon in
Foreeloaure win duly issui-d by the
tlerk of aald Oouri eommandlni me,
the anderalgnad Sheriff, to lerj apou
and sell, in the manner provided by
! law for the sale or real properly, all!
of the t.i :. gad latere il ni aald
Defendants In and i aald more
NOW. TMKIIKKOUK, In obedieu.
to i be eommaadi or said Writ nmi by
, I'illhorlty thereof, I will on Monday
the Ifltfe day or January. 1919, at '
th" hour ot 10.00 o'clock a. m. of
a'li day ot the oourthouse door in'
Iho C,t of liuriiN. Oregon, otrer ror ,
sale tO the highest bidder Tor cash all
the right, title ami interest of sold
Defendants, or either r then. In
and lo said described premises, lo
satisfy said Judgment, accruing In
t, attorney-! rees. costs and die-
iblecl f, the Itigjtl ill"
It ademption and the Confirmation
ol Ihli ( oiiil.
W I N,
Sheriff oi i larney Count) , u-
By P, T. RANDALL, Deput)
publication, Dm amber II, 19J
I. Miliar, lv 1 'II I
8taga Ait and Motion Pictures.
An a lorn, of eiilcrtaliiineitt, not In
BtrOCtlOII, the meiiou l tun- n lil prob
ably develop aivng the lines r free
i'u-u fuiiiasL'i-, von ia imv, of measrtranii i
and of simple barrailve. The slime, i
free from the burden of supply In th-s ,
forma of eutertaliimeni. will piwl-aidj .
concentrate more on the lulsslon ot
the spoken work, which la to convey
Ideas anil Illuminate character, ou the
creation of the complete (lluslca sf
reality and on the pk-torlal art of scene
painting The movies ami the spoken
drama are out so antagonistic aa erg
at tln-t ifsslmlstlcnlly upi.Hed. Time,
we think, will p-ove l JkJjm iu -esl
Ity they arr two dlffere'JjUJgr. .if nit
a different la palmier. Jbi a"U ptnr
Ai.,e ii. uu Yju- Beok
llii r ii.. Oregon, December 10, 1918.
Notice la hereby given that Albert
K. Smith, of i. iil.en. tregon, who,
on August. 21, 1914, made Home
dead Kntry. No. 07(185, for 8WV4,
See. K nnd NW'4, Miction 17, Town
ship 33 8., Range 30 B., Willamette
Merlflloii, has Hied notice of Inten
tion to make final thrne-yenr proof,
lo establish lalm to the land above
described, before Hegiater and Ite
colver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 13th
day of January, 1919.
Claimant names as wltneaaea:
J. L. Bradeen, Oliver II. Mllle'r,
A. J. Downs, all of Blltaen, Oregon
A. 8 Hebener, of Cstlow, Oregon.
V. O. Coxad, Register
Burns, Oregon, December 12, I !i I .
Notice Is hereby given that
'la rem c C. Bruce, of Burns, Ore
gon, who. on October 26, 191 '. .
mad" Homestead Cntry, No. 084u'',
(or K'4, Section 12, Township 22 S,
Range 32 K., Willamette Meridian.
baa fllgd notice of intention to make
final throe-year proof, to eatabli --a
claim to the land above deHcrlbe-l,
beforo Heglster and Receiver, at
riurna, Oregon, on tho 14th day of
January, 1919.
Claimant name an wltneaaea:
Charles Culp, of Burns, Oregon.
Jack Withers, Fred Haines, George
Marshall, all of Harney Oregon.
T. O. COZAD. Regiater
We will do your Job printing.
11 '
Make This Room Yours
Whether you are building a brand
new home, making additions to the old
one or merely repairing walls, you fan
have a room like this if you use genuine
Beaver Board.
Bravrr Board walls and ceilings are morr
handsome, more tubntantiai and more aanitarv
than any other kind. They are the easiest
wall to build. No lath or plaster therefore,
no litter. Beaver Board alwayi givci wtifi
tien. But you can't expect Beaver Beard
remits unless this txade-mark it on the back oi
Ok board you buy.
Hardware Co.
Burtifc Oregon
Ait Yicliir Service
To be progressive and to serve you
right, we have installed
the Electrical W rd in our Shop
Ii eottt UK eoiiie morie, Kul it will savi ; u n : i
trioiiBj. i'" i:-' I lioncHtlr, q-uickl.y and mildly
locni.'s i iir (rouble m your
l ' ect i if i;u i ing Lighting
s;, ti-in nti our car.
PoiTi let b guBBiwr tar y our
car all t pifecs living In find
the broublt. WitK AMIU' we
fun fU Tfui what it in inside
i thirty- MJMiiteK no matter
how rngg plicated or f hfw
!oa gtawalin-.
Universal Garage Go.,.i tor "I Ih and "Urip" ( 'miis
"I had an awful cold that left me
wltli a dreadful rough, saya Mr- II. I
K Smith, Beaton, LO. HotiKht'Foley'ai
Honey ami Tar of our druKKlst and'
ii cured m. completely." This grane! !
r.'iiimlv rthoulrl bo iu every in.m .
1 0 this lime, When Inflilciiia. xi'ly.
i soughs ra ho prevalt'iit. t'oatalaa ao
! oniatoa,
Held Undisputed Sway This Week.
20,000 Acres
water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company obtoon