The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 14, 1918, Image 8

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    Notice to Bend Subscribers
The third payment on installment sub
scription to the Fourth Liberty Loan
will be due on December (9th.
The payment due at that time will be
20 per cent of the amount subscribed.
Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus,
We will do your Job printing.
Ho your Christmas shopping early.
IVostlcy Smyth In over from hla
homo In Diamond.
I. Wolnstoln. lln l,auon merchant.
was 111 town (ho other lny.
. 4
fjlankats numbering l,200.0(io
wore sent to France by the Keil Cross
emergencies.! .
LOST Pair, of large, rimmed
pectaclea, in long', black, leather
cane. J. W. Hlggs.
J. W. Hlggs wont to tho Denio
country HiIh morning to Jook 'after
Home ImimI in-. i in connection with hi
big ranch.
I'ngo's flwoot Shop has a supply
of lettuce, sweet potatoes iinil cran
berries on hand at all tlmos. Fresh pastorate of tho church In
Do yoor Chrlstmn shopping early.
Fifteen thousand automobiles
IflOS August 1 have been shipped fo
Frame for th Hed Cross.
The American Rod cross provided
U)?inpo( ovary I n nniiiUsrs in rrain
with a corn cob pipe.
J. K. i.iivtuii and i.i'Hiiv Duncan,
of Taroma, war recent arrlvala
thin city and are visiting at t
Island Itanch.
J. P. McQuire haa been one of tho
norloua ones from influenza thin
week. He haa been dangoroualy alck
and Ih nt 111 In a bad way but illghtly
Rev. J. F. Mobley was an arrival
on Mia Wray Stano Inst night. Wo
under tnnd In- i to take up the
q ii "inns
fish every Friday.
It Iii'kIiih to look like wo might
HiIh city.
Dun (Jllkey and
have Home winter after all with an I both traveling men
II. M. Ullllam,
from Portland,
The Times-JIerald
Has The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Do your Christmas shopping early.
S. St. Bolton WSS HP from Crane
Itobt. Drinkwater .Ir.. was In town
last Banda'y, bavins bronchi In s
influenza patient to the hospital.
Judge Grant Thompson and wife,
and her falher, Mr. Haines, all left
Sunday for Portland and other
Lost Between the Lawea store
and my home, a ladlea open (see gold
at b. initials U. I. on hack. 16.00
reward. M. Hand Catteraon,
The China lady from the re
atanrant In the Leveni building Ih n
victim of tho influenza this week
and is at the hospital. She Ii very
- ick and hard to I :i k care of a.
ihn la nol m ad to the ways or the
nurses. ,
Jap McKlnnOD arrived home from
Missouri last Tuesday night. Mrs.
Horn Thiiraday. Doc. 12, to Mr.
and Mr a C. W. Lew la, a daughter.
Jam at tho rate of COO tons a
month goon to Franco for tho Hed
Cross. Our soldier i eat moat of it.
MAKKH VOI'lt 8 a Hi SAI'K."
The Baptlal Ladles Aid will held
tlielr allium! ( lui inias tale I" the
rooms formerly occupied by (!. W.
Clevenger In the Bsamett Bead
Leo Htifflngton was greeting bis
old time iri. -nils in iin. city last
Monday. He van accompanied over
from Malheur county by Mr. flea-weard.
occasional flurry of snow and freez
ing weather.
W. II. Huffman wai In from his
home in tile Stoln'n Mountain sec
tlon during the week visiting with
hla wife, who la ataying with her
mother, Mra. A. K. Ricbardaon.
marks Youn ansa kafr."
It ia reported here that oue of tho
flrat Hod Croiia nuraea that wont to
the Denio aectlon to aid In caring for
the influenza patient had died and
two nuraea who came later are ill
with It.
Pugo'a Sweet Shop continues to
aerve finest Ice cream and other cold
dlahos and drink-, as well hot drinks
Anything desired for the holiday
dinners will be given prompt at
tention. Let your wants be known.
Tim Donovan took his departure'
rinirsday afternoon for eastern '
points to visit for an indefinite!
time. He rocs to New Jersey to visit!
with friends and may also visit In
Pennsylvania. ,
Mr. and Mrs. II II Simmons took
tlnir departure Monday for Caldwell
Idaho, where they will remain for
the winter a-" Mr. Simmons shipped
Ills entile tliMe In I I. They drew
through in their Ford, baring ship
ped the stock In advance.
Ill I Kthel Turner was o. r from
Crane during the week to have lone
dental work done The reung lady
had recovered from her recent at
tack of-"flu" but was still weak and
did not Intend to take up her duties
in the Craln State Hank for a few
days yel.
were registered at the I. evens during
the week. Mr. (lilllam was at ono
time located here and Mr Gllkoy
formerly resided at Agency.
Mra. Fred Cllngan haa gone to
Chicago where ahe will dispose of
some furs for L. L. Noonchestnr. Mr.
Nooncheater alao wont out thla week
to look after a consignment of fura
and pelts ahlpped to St. Loula.
R. J. Shlpman "blew Into" thla
office the other day and gave ua a
very pleasant surprise for wo didn't
know ho was in the country or con
templated visiting here. Ho haa boon
over in Idaho for some time cruis
ing for a big timber concern and
where he was with his aona. How
ever, he had a longing for bin old
lime friends In Hums and came over
for a stay of indefinite length. "Dad"
Shlpman helped develop the flrat oil
prospecting bo)S in the Dog Moun
tain country and ban always had
faith In ultimately finding oil In
paying iiiantltes, He deserves Ih"
The Harney County National Bank has
always maintained due regiinl for the old
Ideals of conservative banking;
And will, without violating these Ideals,
continue lo perform Ita legitimate part In pro
moting the brtereeta of its depositors.
Its ithllit) lo serve these Interests accep
tably Is evidenced by lis long list of satisfied
clients whose il'-poslls aggregate over half a
million dollars.
Its officers Invite the consideration of
those wlio desire a helpful banking relation.
United States Depositary
Harnai Emintq
Bums , Urtnfaii
Wm. Farre
Agent for
Colonial Pre Underwriter!
Aa. I. 170,(1!, 0.000.00
North ilririsli A Mercantile Ips. Co.
AaMstaaa sasasj
Don't tlelAy taking out a policy in
a K"d strong ccre.peny ,,,,tjl ,.
ter your house has burnt down
... I.. ! -J ' '."
O. J. Land, of San Francisco, la in
tho city.
llr.tnd and haled hay for sale ut
tho feed barn. A. A. Perry.
Fred Smyth came over from
Diamond yesterday In company with
Ills Ullcln Frost lev.
John It. Lewis, an assistant hfffh
wav engineer, has been In this vicini
ty durliiR the past week looking over
the proposed road work on the.
route between this place and Crane.
Mr and Mrs. Allle Dlllard were
peasants! a In on the Wray Stage
from Bend last night, returning from
a li ip to outside points.
Grunt Bturtevanl arrii a I
bare lai I nigkl from La fJrande In
e pon. i- to a in announcing
'I" 'i low Ulna - of her son-li.
J. P. SfoOUire, Mra. SHirti-v.-i'it
Cams to le with her daughter and
l-lve what assistance she OSUld. Mrs.
nfcOnlrs and Inr new son are still at
the hospital.
Greece and Serbia received
000.000 pounds of food in 30
from the Hod Croaa.
miss Anna Brave resigned
poaition on the local teleppj
switch board as an operator the ft
part of this week and left for
ettes. Idaho Thursday. After m
lug the holidays with relatlw- i
friends In that placo she will e
tlnue her Journey to her home
Missouri and IrIit she Intend to
to Oklahoma where she has .
ion h a aienograpner. Her ma
friends In this eJty wish her hu
la Inr new field of labor.
ii-.. .,.. . .
tc ,i,-mii- ui cipri
, i .... i... , . , .
iiuonn mi uie inenilK wlio were
Kino ana considerate of our U
uncle and their ymsetael
latance to us at the tims i
death and funeral.
c. B. sfcPhs
Mrs. L. II. Culp.
mtn. u. r . joiiim.ii,
JudRe II. 0. Levcns, Sheriff (Jood
man. County Clerk llaltou, ori-
mlssionar liass wire ail passengers
out to Bend Sunday being snroute
to Portland for a eonfarenos of ooun
ty Officers during lbs week. Mrs.
Dalton accompanied bar basbsnd
School Supt. Clark Is home from
Portland where she bhd been al-
tsndlng soup' convention in oonnec
Hon wiiii rood conservation ami pro-
dip Hon she bad been working very
luiril previous in inr departure In
i ting to care for Influonsn
patients and wa i compelled to remain
l'oi; BALK: Begistered Herfordlin her rooms for several days while
Bull . March On and Disturber in the metropolis being t ii r
m o irin head yearling a;.w-iiIi a nervous breakdown, she ..
two year old Helferi B B, Bain ft feeling much better si present and
. iNasessBBgsBgBaBBsmj3gggjBgjgggjj
' '""
m m m m
Co . Olemus Ferry. Idaho
Clyde Cowing was In the first of
the we.-k and told us to semi this
McKinnon accompanied him home great religious weekly to him at
but atopped out at Nampa with their Ontario for the next few months as
son- and his wile for a short visit, bs wan shipping his stock out there
Later she will come on over. In the to feed for the winter.
mean time Jap will get a house hero
In town for she and the children to' MrM- H . italston and Miss liug-
live in during the winter.
gins, both high school teachers, took
their departure Wednesday for out
side points. Mrs. Italston wont to
Portland to Join her husband uutii
after the holidays, Miss Muggins go
ing to her home for that period.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Johnson wore
over from Prineville last Moliday to
attend the funeral of her uncle, C.
H. McPheeters. They returned
home immediately. They had been assisting In caring for of the grain having caught
J. C. Sevcik returned the fore part the Influenza patients since the close ' and burned sufficiently to spill
Of this week from Washington where of the schools, but other having Young was Just recovering from an
he had been working in the harvest volunteered their services lo relieve ' attack of the "flu" and II waa feared
abls to attend ber duties in tie-
W. X Monroe whs In-re I he lor-'
P. hi of thin week having brought his
son-ln-luw, Fred Young, in for
I medical treatment. The young man
had met with an accident While I
hauling grain out lo Callow. He i
was filling his gas tank hy lantern i
light when the fluid caught fire and
exploded with tho result that he was'
some burned ubout the head. He
could have escaped without injury I
but he wanted to saVe his load and j
succeeded In doing so, only two sacks i
fire j
Mr. i
(Why be Honest
Well, first because we sleep bet-
ter o' nights and secondly it pays
We enjoy the feeling given us Ly the
knowledge that for every dollar you
pay us for merchandise you get at
least a dollar's value.
fields and looking after aome of his
own business affairs.
them, they decided lo go out for tho , this would set him back but be came
holiday vacation
up smiling.
Vv iw..
i. mf nNf
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Z M' I' . ..'...'''
as O I
lit tore
rniA JT
Do Your Christmas Shopping Early
We have a Complete Assortment of
Pyralin Ivory; Stationery; Games, Dolls and
Perfume; Nice Gift tor Young and Old
The Rtxall Drug Store-'Reed Bros.
""7- , JL " "-.'rtv ilaeTifisssii
iyA, m mmmmMUBmmimimnmmmua
L;i2HHi:i.tAkLrmtL. WJ.tS
Red Crass
-ytlinou MismMmH
mmam -JLJoilmr
It's fun to be in business when vou know you're
serving your community; bringing in and distributing
good goods for fair consideration; helping your neigh
bors and fellow towmmrn to live on a high, self-retpec'-
ing plane.
We'd like to have you drop in to see scire new
CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES that have jutt ccire in,
so we've marked a few atlicles at n SPECIAL PRICE
near the door. No, we wen't tell what ihty are. C( me
and see. It'll be worth it.
Burns Cash Store
(wi$ti!w$ JWei
; rv..