The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 14, 1918, Image 6

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    ' ' - 11.
rtoNm i wcvw .-a socrt A Boy y ,?
ir ami- m i J, -i M ,- .v
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7J.1M0 WFORf
YOM Tat.
J HiW-Ort,
II MoWiY-MD ttotRjii M6jjitf MUM' I 'SRWNY'lT"
4$ '-"wv h TY , i i w
II "il" mi i fl N VvV
WL is?dJ -,
-kjI7 TN y-f-lw wnYyc1' - . -.XTrfTV -vr l tvv:; r
rm. mt 7 i dm
." vT ,sfA'?"x ' -'J . .afssWJ W5ia-7Z
MXi it 7Cvl ACNdHK-.
r-iJMWkP-Ti VTV , II i ' vyr-'
jj '"jff iMaHte3?-v-,:i-
M' it i " ,, ,
Nearly Double
Supplies From
us Sufficient Wheat,
Fats Govern-
lulative Pro-
of iriice America ll
rood problem eras
on flinii tlmt wltli
In tinio of wnr. We
new world situation
urn ossi-iitini changes
rrojiiiin. Hut more
II must of nco's
d export.
pped 11.820,000 tons
Kuropenn Allies.
Iiiii'-ii we would have
Irinous flsurs t" 17,-
pn sen I year, Now,
-lility of feeding roll-
tr.tti d Irom i In- t ler-
irts must be brought
I.iiimi.ikh.! tons prac-
loadlng capacity at
mand Increased.
war will create an
i'd demand for food,
1 that tin1 starring
Prussian oppres-
ifilrlt'ut supplies to
i" In alth and pros-
i il nai Ions are
lion tlif.v c:in:, it es-
!.;S. !:'
; wnr
v (li
i has i ade .1
v food resources ol
1 tition to the to
put lug mji piles on
void. nice of wastB
in, !t Is found thai
be 1 1 1 1 It
io meet t: f ml -i 1
high protein feed
ill show a shortage
tons, while there
supplies of oilier
moinlcnl cons ump-
id rl . be
0o,(kk people to wnom rood cannot
lie nuide iiiivssllilp tills winter. Their
transportation is demoralised in com
plete anarchy, .nd even if Internal
transport can ic assured their ports of
entry won! I soon be fro ih, Million
more who have felt keenly the opfres
sion of war win bs beyond reach of u
slstancn, We liniHt rcali.e tlint upon o'jr
sbonrders restg a greater resporislblll- ,
Ay than we have ever before been
asked to assURM, We must realize that I
millions of lives depend SOSOlUtelj .
upon the continued service and sacrt
fi. e Of the American people.
We must realize lluil the specter of
famine abroad now Imunts the uliun- 1
dsfUCS of our table at lioiue.
Tuberculosis Experts Sent
Red Cross Will Use Lat
est Methods.
Motherhood In Italy Just now Is not
the Joy that It might be, for the poor
women are at their wits ends to clothe
the children already In the family, not
to mention the preparation for the lit
tle newcomers. Perhaps the most up
pie. latefl srifts of the American Red
Cmss at this time are the layettes
which me being given to the mothers
of Italy. Bach layette constats of
twenty-four pieces and Includes four
bright colored swathing bands, so dent
to the heart of the Italian w n
Twenty layettes a week are needed at
Chloggia aloue.
O Be sots to get your button,
lie sure to kci your Sag,
Be sure to j;et your Stamps,
Bs sure to use ilieni all.
Save food
2 wnA
. , ..... --.w
in ihe
6ti ai e
wiBUHuiwnmtmai t. :;. n . . .
: tn the
liieluded lii (he unit of na. Ileal and
lay workers which the American Rod
Cross lia.i sent to Italy are a nuiaher
of the leadlnn anil tuberculosis work
ers of ths country, sponsored hy the
National Tuberculosis Association,
lr. William Charles While, who beads
the unit, Is DSdlCSJ director of IBS
Tuberculosis Lsauroo of Pittsburgh,
and Dr. Itotiert II. Itlsliop. the nsslst
ant director. Is Secretary of the A ut I
Tuberculosis I am gits of Otoveland as
well as heal 111 coiuuiissloner of that
city. Ir. John II. I.oumun of t'leve
land, a former prssldenl of ths Nu
iloual Association, la another promt-
neiit uiemlier of the unit. Others are
Dr. Robert ;. Patterson, secretary of
the Ohio Tuberculosis Association;
Beymour II. Stone, until recently see
retary of the Massachusetts. Antl-Tu-bercnloals
len ue; In. Qertrude Stur
gls, setTetarj of the New Vorli City
Association of Tuberculosis Clinics,
and v. A. Nelson, sueriuterideni of the
Ciiicluuail Anti-Tuberculosis league.
These men and women, al the re
quest of the Italian government, win
, co operate with thai country In apply
Inc the latest approved American
methods for combating ths spread of
tuberculosis. Boms of them will be
charged with the establishment of
clinics u here pi ople of all ages moj
he examined and treated; others win
devote their attention particularly Io
preventing tuberculosis among chil
dren, and a third groHp Will de- lop
10 the crctllt of tbi
. , lied (
Ui 1)1
ilcrU'i 11 the
1 h .i by the
! . l ; I . ; ill,,.
sis Association. Tuberculosis workers
on their side will line up with the Red
Cross In lis Christinas Hull Call for
III U ercnl mellllielslllp.
a 1 ; 11 1 feature during the Red
is Roll Call w ill hi m
.lunlor Ui il 1 'rot - 1 'our Mlqute Men
''onie I nit "Why t siiouiil .loin the
Red Cross." The contest win he aim
liar io I hose previously conducted hy
thl I H It Ion Of 1'ieir Minute Men ol 1
the Committee on Public biformatlon
li will I'" held on I'Ylday. December'
SJOtb, In ijll of the School Auxiliaries,
ami friends nnd parents of the puplb
win he urged to attend.
The Vest Is Wiih Us "Longer"
The ten thousand Home Service Sec
tions of the American ltd Cross, In
their work of looking after the faiul-
! lies of the enlisted men, are doing won
dels for the morale of the nrniy. Our
hi liters are not men who are going t"
worry about themselves, hut If they do
not i'd cheerful letters from home, or
If anything goes wrong there, tilSJ are
going io worry, and that delicate thing
the army men call morale is going to
he disturbed, it is to safeguard
against this and also to present need
less suffering and to promote thai spir
it of nelghborliness ami kindly aid that
blnda each community Into an organic
whole that the Home Son Ice was or
gaulxed, hor (10,000 workers ars serving on
tie . ten thousand committees, which
reach Into ever) corner of the country,
er remote, No! 11 low 11 or n-
oada thai is uol w Ithlu
r, ieh of the I,1,-: 1 '. iiss ; not n Wll 1
ir I Pf of It lean l
ild oi 11,.
sol '. '
111 1 1
Most any young ml can have sxtouslvc fui trimmings on Hi
new winter costume, but It Isn'l every suit thai has ona of the m
ts whh h buttons high up on tbi nech and la cul so long thai li i
win displayed below the two nation coal of new model The trlmmln
is of nutria aud ths suit ol velour Tlia vest is of fawn. The bhv
rIVSt coatee on the right has n no mini- ol hlio k skunk.
Fight In the Ranks of the Red Cross A
P-isin, Disease and Death.
. law do
ill In Hid
ii the
mem Pin euil and i i - i ii :
i trail btened ottt If, through the
; If in need
of money sun, sn ed to tide n
ovi t until tin- allotm mi arrives, Dur-
Jul) over SlSl) lllOUl and ltl(
oi this kind were received, and
than a third of tin ae were taken
through to headqoartera before thaj
could be -ii .ii',e, QUI
Al Yjojur Service
ive and to , erveyou
j ight, vve ha ailed
the li ol
:uld i v i !n
the Electrical Wizzard in our Shopl
1 1 - . i .!;i- 1,11 u v ,n sort vein ii nn
1 1 1 ii i . i . : i '
i . ersal of policy
'; -, nd da Iry prod-
, sugar and ci I
ill be required In
Oils, in which there
of about 3,004000,-
are Hiillicielit sup-
turn to our normal
If other nai urns
sent short rations.
known i
. n
i, nd more wouu n
Prance for varied i . U i -American
Red CrosK,
Hi, in nine thousand nu
American Red Cnsu lias iisHlgueil to
foreign duly under the L'lllteil Ktutes
Army mid ay .Nurse (,'orpa,
They went under order.- as soldiers
do; prepared for any emegPlicieu, as
soldiers do; they assumed many - and nurse worked together lor day
Itlotis are sllchtlv In- ' "irnriK" anil unforeseen tasks, as sol- nnd night without stopping, giving Io
Kuropean countries,
under the h) u Serbians, and - i when
the iii.n e I It wi ,, tlic (Jerinnn; uliil
w In -in the Austrian . an A uierleitii Red
i ii if it i ' . ui in, ivorl '
in i in- operating room, in ihai
capture, when nine iliouwiml wounded
erowded the wards nnd hall- and yard
of the thousand bed hospital and doctoi
resume their normal
It will he through
iservntlon in order
ii. There Is a sur-
kal required to pro-
North America will
00 per cent. The
ludliig the West In-
position to furnish
It 30100,000 tenit
fir exports of about
lis situation allows
lion the use of sub
bread. Large suti-
iaied In the Argeu-
other hitherto In-
dlers do. Literally, they went as each operiuion an ai-riiiti- of sin mile
fighters, against pain, disease and ules, and employing emergencies In
deal h. spired by (MS desperale need of the
A "mobile surgical unit" of nurses- - moment, they did not know that the
those words don't mean i-ry much, I city had been taken until all the
perhaps, the first lime we In-ar them. ' strip hers brought Austrian wounded,
w nsle.
to re
lint ae such an unit follow an n run
up to an advanced post ; see bow the
nurses work with steady hands beside
the surgeons as the stretchers wllh the
newly wounded nre brought In. See
thousands of them in evacuation boa
pitnls, i. use hospitals, convalescent
hospitals, tuberculosis HnepllslSj some
Of them In rreiich nulliary hospllals
when- sometimes our men are sen I :
K-e them wlib iheir S lalized skill
In head surgery, or frucllll'fl Work, or
psy eliiiilry ; all H,e . women who
A continued high ' keep head and hand cool and Sternly,
economy of con- whan Die nmbuluneea uiihnul greui
harveMs of wounded Then we say
the words "inir Nurws." as wu s.n
' "Our Soldier,," "Our Rullors," "Our
M.ll ilies."
tin lbs nigiit of llarek gftlh. wl
the Germans were fusi advancing, ami
already Within six kilouielers of
Annel, an oiitposi of Complegne, two
American doctors remained, who un
der order of the French government,
had sent the paUlSQta and personnel
of their hospitnl fun her hack the
night before. The arllllery was deaf
enlng, but the American Ambulance
sections kepi bringing their wosmh-d
to Annel. These doctors said that as
long aa the American boy brought
them wounded they would operate.
Two nurses volunteered from Coin
plegne, and so In Hie deserted chateau
the two surgeons, the two nurses and
the ten drivers worked calmly on,
while the hnr.s of seraplsnes shook
the air, aad the blasting gnas shook
the earth.
i a a - . .
and Austrian doctors came to their
Several hundred woiiimii are work
lug over there In (he American Red
I'ross canteens, 'there are about two
hundred of these canteens along lbs
French uud American lines of com-
iiiunii ni Inn. and the women are work
I lug under great pressure, feeding '
thousands of soldiers. The Red Cross
Is also establishing canteens by mill-
inry request ul a number of Aviation I
nlnalioii of
ir the world
leal loaf.
oil nossil.llilles In
Ind must Important
Be we cannot si.iinlv
y, we will he able
Sly because of ihe
minting production
rniisumni on. 'Ihe
ty with regard to
foduction of wheal
readiest source of
Justified by lha ait
turn of peace.
r Still Stalks.
the tnlted Riatas
and wise economy
In order to complete
ing the world. Hut
m cnnaerratlnn and
i-onntry thera will
aest yesr er mere
II human newer te
kuaaia there are 40.-
'aniis. Ainerii an women COtllllli'l
lbc-e stations, comprising, i aiileen and
Clllll and re i ling room. Dmiwoi f
ilu h ' t ii in luii something d i be
genius of In about II ; mid li is
been use of (his, Ito less Hi lie fa
filltles for cleanliness and rest and
refreshment, that ths French govern-
mi ui lias i o en Ihe roponslbliiiy for
UlUllllaillllig canteens for boib armies
lo the hands of ihe American I ted Cross.
In large numbers women are going
abroad as hospital lint workers, also,
ami aa social workers lor ti allied
servile among the refugees and Hie
repatriated. At each baas koapfMl tlm
Ited Cross la equipping, as fust as they
can ba built, recreation hills for con
valescent soldiers.
I'lerlcsl workers have steadily In
creased In number for Hie adminis
trative offices. From that original
group of Sightseer, which as Ihe first
American ed Croaa Ceinmlaaion lo
FMeg kallml abont June 1st, 1017,
ths orgs nlxa Hon hsa grown to a work
ing fores ef saore thsn n.000 mm sad
wests. ;. '..:.:.
He Was
Capt. Wallace,
U. S. A., was a vic
tim of sinister forces
that sought to betray
America to the enemy. But
he "came back." On the
battlefields of Prance he
fought lor the honor of the
army that had discarded
him. He lived to win vin
dication and the hand of
the "daughter of the regi
ment" who had never
doubted Luii.
Victor Rousseau's
romance oi the Ameri
can army in France,
which we will print in serial
form, is p gripping atory in
which intrigue, lova and
war alt play part. It ia
the first up-to-the minute
novel of America at war.
ilt's Coming Soon
Watch For It
I Es-iM'asfc-ot
: 1
ivill so vc you ;
- B
i I'M i
t It-1 -"i' li
l in
i L lll I l 1 lift?! H t I'Vlllf!
i m i n u hie.
Ill iii! (Mi
lire I
i vol
itii A.MHV wi-
w it is iic ii'i'
ni l ii ui v ii i mutes no matter
Iniw i-iiniili( uti il or ni hftW
Icih"' ptttnaifiir.
Universal Garage Co.
usaii asiuipi
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on I
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
i'Yw'rt frHf sure U m il in AiaVpaM
"V t