The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 07, 1918, Image 8

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Your neighbor know nothing about
your business at this Bank. Every
transaction is held in strict confidence.
Your business is solicited on the basis
of prompt, courteous treatment end ab
solute safety.
Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus,
ad at the Hotel Levant.
I.nsT Pair of large, rimmed
spectacles, !n lonn, block, leather
. CMS. J. W. Biggs.
Pngn's Sweet Shop has a supply
of lettuce, sweet potatoes and cran
berries on hand at all times. Fresh
fish every Friday.
nuiiKA. oArrvAt. and hhiipmih
ma km voira $ aAFR."
James Unycraft and Alva Wood
ruff made it trip to J u tit urn during
the week looking after the telephone
linos mill attending to some business
for the company In that territory.
Notice James McKee has taken
over all the property of Cecil McKee
and all persons holding accounts
against CSoll McKee are requested to
present the same to the undersigned
at Diamond, Oregon.
.lolin Hnatty came up from the
family homo near Uenlo yesterday
for a visit with his school friends In
II.!.. ,.!, I!.. .....I I.l.j !.,. I I.... .........
. 1 1 in itj. 41. i .ii.i ilia uiuiii' i . i '
both In high school until the In
flni'.nii ban was placed on and they
then wrnl homo.
40 acre ranch 3 miles from Castle
Rock, Wash. 4 aore cleared 14 acre
tillable all fine soil 4 room house
good spring and running stream.
Plenty of wood. A good little ranch
for any purpose. Price IK00. Will
trade for Harney Valley land. Ad
dress Geo. W. Kenton, Camp 7-R.
Newport, Ore.
William Bryan, and George Mars
den, sotckmen of Grant County, ar-
vjvm vunavfttM aaeypur ;.
For Hale 4 acres adjoining
Burns. See J. J. Done k an.
Tom Allen
was In town again
Born- . Tuesday, Dec. 3, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. McGulro, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Link Million are In
town today from their home near
Trod Smyth and Clifford Pugsiey
were among our out of town visitant
(luring the week.
Lost Dotweon the l.nwin store
and my home, a ladles open face gold
watch Initials M. I. on back. 115.00
reward. --- M. Hand Catterson.
The Baptist Dailies Aid will liolil
lln'ir annual Christmas sale In the
rooms formerly occupied by O. W.
Cb'vunger In tho IOmmott Bend
Tho Tlmcs-IIorald la lnformod that
a daughter of Joe HI r-i 1 died re
cently from the effects of Influenza
at die fimlly homo near Buck
I m J
Interest Coupons ar 8 Due
December 15, 1918
3 1-2 per c nt Bonds
Dated Jum 15, Y918
Also on Wtrtt berty Bonds
Converted into 4 aiu.' 4 1-4 per cent onds
United Sluti-; Depositary
"Teddy" bad to break out again
the other day because the President
was going over to tako part In tho
peace negotiations. Ho continues to
be Just as much of a "pest" as ho
can bo. President Wilson will bo
criticised by "Teddy" regardless of
what he does or doesn't so he Just
as well not lose any sleep about It.
Marry Danloy left here last Sun
day with Mrs. Wiseman and Mrs.
Hminvaii fur ll.e llnnlo unction whnr Born Sunday. DOC. 1, to Mr
It was reported there were many ! " Care' Thornburg. a son
rases of Influenza and lack of nurses.
Kantnj Court j National Bank
BVBMfTffrl RiniirnfVYTnrlt7inrrWfmnVBrajHnMi i mrrtwriMmiwwwimri9mrmrmwwmnmmmem&U
rinwanniiin miniinnnmnjjijpiiniiitfmniniiiiniiiniHiiiimiiiiiiiuminiiiiiiiiiiiiinipM qimninmr.j
-- . '" 1 .
The Times-JIerald
Has The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper la Harnay County.
Do your Christmas shopping early.
Rev. Father Francis made a
to The Dalles during the week.
Bran for sale A.
feed barn.
A. Perry. at the
Hotel arrivals are scarce these
days. No one braves the road except
the commercial men..
Paul Finke was down from his
mountain homo the other day after
some supplies and to great his
friends. ,
It. J. Williams was over from
Silver Creek yesterday and in com-
and, finding tho local market over
loaded, sent their stock to Seattle.
!: in rin-t t Cochran, director of the
bank at lluppnnr and who Is also a
stockman, brought a car of cattle to
Portland yesterday. All three were
registered at the Imperial. Oregon
Ian. C. B. McConnoll arrived home
the fore part of this week from a
business trip to Vale and Boise. Mr.
McConnell states that Vale Is pick
ing up because of the starting work
on the Warm Springs Irrigation pro
jects. He states that the contractors
are getting ready and work will be
I ,..,,, i- ,. ,.i, I'l.n u,,,ui. ........ m t .... I nriiHecuteil durlnir thn winter with
trlD ' ""' ' .-
to look at some bulls. lno hope that the dam may be In
' readiness for tho coming season.
D. H. Smyth and son Cora . In ' ISiVLSSJSi ?.?- Howevnr' """ wl" mttke ,he work
town during tlio week. ; " " ..IT., JLf r"1 rar" " WOrk rannot b VT0M' TMB HANK THAT rule(j to ttI, advantage during the
Baled Alfalfa May for sale In ear MARKS YOITH $ $ SAI-TC." w)nter months.
lots. Write Pinney A Bender. Onta i ACCOUNTS INVITED.
rlo (ircenn .. Mrs- ' Foster Is over from her
, M"- Mor,,,e K""'-' " "" " Silver Creek home today. She re-
Cbas. Wilson was on tho shelf for I visiting with her mother and other por,H ,, ,.,. Krank , . ,
a patt of this week from an attack of relatives in this section. Including ,,. ,.,, ,,,, lM ,.ort1mtM,f hmy.
rheumatism. "" nurmuris nmi naroweiis. re
turned to Bend this week.
For Sale 1916 Model Ford Tour
ing car. Just overhauled, good tires. I Miss Km ma Pstersofl was In from
Inquire al Mih Office. h' r home near Wnonlire durlii. the
, ... w.k grsetloi her iiiiiny Mend
The new of Mr. and Mr. ... . , , , , ,
ouv M,m iivi ik'uiiii ix improving
at this time.
rived with cattle shipments Sunday The Bed Cross nurse from Seattle w
reported III and the local Chapter
considered it best to sond some help
down. Upon their arrival they found
two additional Roil Cross nurses had
Just arrived from tho outside there
fore the loeal nurses wore not need
ed. Mr. I iiinle; started back. with the
S. M. Bolton Is up from Crane to
day. He states they have several
cases of Influents In his town but
all tho patients are getting along
Numerous gentlemen who make a
living writing things for other peo
ple who work for a living to
read, are now viewing with alarm,
and pointing the warning finger, and
hnlMflno' thA rnft lanlnpn of rlon...r
Kred Allen arrived home last week rKht across the national highway
from Portland. He has been staying I Because they see 'steen million re
in town since while his mother Is1 turning soldiers, and war worker,
laiiieK hut mi the road round family ! engaged In taking caro of Influenca! nd shipbuilders, and munition
with Influenta and Mrs. Wiseman re- pstlenta. j workers suddenly dumped upon the
malned to care for them. .. , , ... ! country with no place to go but out.
Thos. Hutton Is in town from his ftnd no pUce t0 come bnt Dack
Judge Dcvens and Commissioner j horae Mr" "utton hM boon wltn These are doubtless the same ei
Moss expect to go to Portland the ! nf,uenl for B few dBy " ld not cj,mbe periK)n8 who yelled "Wake
fore part of neil week to meet with n've BOVere UCK nn ,8 ,m'
the State Judges and Commissioners ' rovln rap"llv 8he eontrmrted It
Association. This Is an annual ' bv "'t"'K nurse in the emer-
gathering of county officers and this encv n'-l hls city
session will be of particular Interest
as the State Highway Commission
will hold a session at the same time
Dalton ciiihs i Doaring oompletlon
ami they bops to oiiiipy it e.uiy
next month.
What is making Idaho a
" ; i V iiivelo riient of Irrigation
IiroJectH. What will make Bsatern
Oregon an empire? Same thll
A, B. Brown was in town j..
"i si hort i :n being "ii bis
in, in ulaim.nii lo Ontario, be having
been rlaiting at Dtsooiul tor a short
lime. Mrs. Geo. A. Bnytb b
him over from Diamond.
ItiH reeentt) had a hIIkI:! attack i l
im taenia, 1 1 peetod to bagln his
preporalory to being nniHtered out.
frank van given an opportunity to
enlist in the army for a period but
be declined beessss f not wanting
to devote time lii that hraneh
durieg paeee. He feels be should be
lookinii after i. privets affaire
rather than serving In the ar nj wbon
fighting in Might.
Wall Wald was in town r I - other We have Just recePVed
writer lasped l the i
tons bu Id i ol i h &ru ' !u
the other dav god found n most
ited iii mod rn
equipment being In
HgM . hop I see wber wot k
Is to bo tien inr" . . in big
budding Is a oredll to tie- ioiicv.rii
sad wni i a eonveniencs to tho auto
travel With hiK storage space lint
is frost proof The dirt floor,
which Is of the same material as I
day and informed the writer Inut he "f ebolos Hood River apples of the
and MrK. Wade were leaving at once following rarietiet VeUOW New
for the yulnii River Ranch of the town. aTpttSOaborg and Baldwin.
P. L. B, Co.. where lie was going to .Order early as many of thine are
work for tho company under the already spoken for. Crane Mercan
foramansblp of Chas. Cronin. Hie Company. Robert Drlnkwater. c
A. Marian.
K. B, Korea arrived home from
Bend the other day and reports the1 Mrs. I.udwlg Johnson and little: the grade OB the streets on thla ell-,1
families of his children all recovered 'son arrived hero from her homo In j Is packing nlci ly and will noon be ga
from an attack of Influenza. Mr. j Idaho last week and has since been good as a cement floor. The front ,
Foren stated that while there were visiting with her parents, Mr. and
ijulte a large number of cases over ' Mrs. J. M. Dalton, and other relatives,
there the deaths were not ho numer- Mrs. Johnson told friends that they
oils. Mrs. Foren remained as she was ' contemplated leaving their present
nursing in a family that insisted location and going to Colorado to
that she remain for a while longer, reside.
and thus give the county officers an
opportunity to confer with (hem on
the road building program for tho
coming year. This Is one of the Im
portant things to come up during the
next season and our county officers
nro Int'Ti'sted In knowing what Is to
be done with the highway from here
io Crs
Wm. Farre
Agrnt for
Colonial Fire Undi.wrilers
Aurii SSOjB jo.ouo.'io
North Brirish & Mercantile b.$. Co.
Aaisriasa i.n.
Don't dr'ay taking out a policy in
a good I'r.iig rcv-ipniv natttl af
ter joi.r liouae lin burnt down
Sunday's Oregonlan has a picture
of Dr. K. Benson, former pastor of
the Presbyterian church pf this city.
A notation Is made under it that Dr.
Benson bad recently taken the bar
examination and will practice law.
Me has two sons who are lawyers,
teacher while another Is
Two of thorn were across
win tlio war during our
iggle Dr. Benson Is most
reiuenilieri'd by the people
of thi, $ty who wish htm success in
Ilia Uw' lield ol lai
another a
a pre er
C Mi rie-ders Is in a serious
. at the Chas. King bi
: nffi r'ng from the i of i
which he siuti! had m urrod several
dajs previous. Mr
- S In- fell out of hil ! ira lofl
was injured but did not t
it until and In a ion
III Ion TbttT da; Me has bees
entire): u is since Thm
evening and tit 1 1. hope' are enter.
Up America" for months after we
were In the war, and who had
editorial night sweats because the
country wouldn't know there was a
war until it was over and Washing
ton was annexed to Berlin.
Of course, alt the time, tbe coun
try was awake, and doing its work.
and making no fuss about it; In all
of which respects It materially dif
fered from the editorial alarmists
and exhorters.
There will be no reconstruction
problems that this nation will not
solve with credit to Itself, and with
out greatly injuring either worker,
returning soldier or employer.
The problems of reconstruction are
-imply compared to the war problems
we have solved these last 18 months,
and about all of n- Deed to do h :
quit teasing and go to wori.
To. work at the thing that is right
M,.. . 'I. and that will In audone un
less We do It.
Which reminds us, that it Is about
tints fir u- to .-ii.ike down the fr-
feed th" chickens, split the
kindling, and sort half a barrel of
sd fcr his rcrov. . i, appiea aown ceiBW.
Pbeeti ol i1" pioneers of o
Do your Christmas shopping
of the building is not quite com
pleted so far us the finishing Is 0On-
cerned, as it is to be a cement front
with S map of the state showing the'
auto roads leading out in every di
rection from Burns.
' L lvS
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I ' j Do Your Christmas Shopping Early
We have a Complete Assortment of
Pyralin Ivory; Stationery; Games, 'Dolls and
Perfumes; Nice Gifts for Young and Old
The Rexall Drug Store Reed Bros.
need not prevent you from
Winter is approaching and it is timfe to
consider purchasing warm clothing and
comforts for cold weather. We have a
complete line of
Shop early in the season and get best
Burns Cash Store