The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 07, 1918, Image 7

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    R. B. F. SMITH
Physician and Surgeon
Burns, Oregon
Oitrre nd residence. Gw. Young house
Phone No. B83
Pbyaietaa and Surgeon.
Bans, - - - Orfo.
"'! mn4 leor Tosmwama Klg.
Phsae Mains.
DEnnAH & dewuw.
Pnysictaos and Surgeons
Csllt answered promptly night or day
I'hwns Mairiiaau.
Harrlmao, Oregon
Dr- Minnie Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Direct Telephone Connection
Albritton. Ore
Ottice irst iittr east photo gallery
Barns. Oregon.
Ohn. ii. Leonard,
Careful attention given to Collec
tions and Heal Kntate mattera.
Mrs Insurance.
Notary Public
To i Pfaaeated to the county court
of Harney 'unlit y, Stato of Ore
gon, on tin- Unci Day of Jan., 1010.
F. 0. Uli.aiw a. . sUsmtiwn
rrtr Asm. IWpuiM, Bwaai MM Ru
" "cu" a.. el Setae
" wm. a,.
Astern trtfw hgtatrisg
Bins, Irtxti
Jeweler. Optician
Fine Watch Repairing A Spe
Attorney at Law
Land Office Practice
Land Scrip for Sale
Vale, Oregon
Attorney at Law
I. O. O. F. Bid., Burns, Oregon
Attorney at Law
t'jntssts and practice before U. S. Land e
f IL 'A
W& (PatacA,
. dowi vfludrt rfjvo
juoXJm cwvcL oeAyvioo.
)9evwtA, - CrAonxvelo:
Offiue a specialty
idii u l-'ry Bldg. next door to poat oilim
Barn. Oregon
Burns, - Oregon
Practices in the state Court and be
fore the V . H. Land Office.
jaaoais At Ail nours. snort
Orders and Prompt Service
With Reasonable Rates
Give Me A Call
We wlM do year Job prUiUnjr.
Herald B
Brunswick Phonograph I
at The
Come in and see them and hear
their beautiful violin like tone
They play any Disc Record made
The price is within the reach of all
On tkspltty and being demonstrated at the
The Plumber is a Robber!
Only when the man in
side the PLUMBER is
crooked. Our aim is to
give honest service, and
install honest goods AL
WAYS. If you want
any auch goods and such
service in your repairs
or in new work, it's easy
to get it. Just call us
Our Specialty Plmki-g, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing
igeits for the De Laval Dairy Supplies
Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammaaitioa
Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices
In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage
W LrnnP1 ?nF"na
Wo, the undersigned citizens of the
United States, constituting a majority
of the ownera of land within the boun
daries aa hereinafter deacrlbed, or
who are bona fide claimants to no
occupied laud under the lawa of the
United Statea, or who la the holder
of an uncompleted title or contract
to purchase State landa under the
lawa of Stato of Oregon, all being
duly qualified ownera of land and
electors under the lawa of the State
of Orogon for organizing Irrigation
dlntrlcta, being desirous of forming
an Irrigation district embracing thu
landa hereinafter designated within
the bouudarlOH hereinafter described
and Hct forth, ami utilizing the watera
of Sllvies Klver and Its tributaries
Koloy Slough and Coition Creek for
the purpose of irrigation and the re
clamation of said lands, and for dom
estic purposes, do hereby petition
your Honorable Court as follews:
That It la the purpose of the un
dersigned petitioners to organize an
Irrigation district under and by vir
tue of the Irrigation district laws of
the State of Oregon as recited In
Chapter 357, General Laws of Ore
gon, 1917, providing for the organ
ization and management of irriga
tion districts; and
That your Honorable Court do
proclaim a district us Bet forth
herein, designating the name of
said district and defining the bound
aries thereof; and
That your Honorable Court pro
coed with such dispatch as may bo
under said law to call an election
for the purposes above set forth and
to do all things necessary under said
taw for i lie formation of said dis
trict, designating the time and places
for voting at said election; ami
That the boundaries and descrip
tion or the land under said district
shall be as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at the Intersection of
the East Fork of Sllvies River and
the east and west uuarter line
through Section It, Township 24.
South Range 32. East Willamette
Meridian, In Harney County, Ore
gon; thence west lo the west quarter
corner of said Sec. SI; thence south
to the SW corner of Sec. 33, all
In same town and range; thence west
along the line between Townships
24 and 26 to the NW corner of Lot
1 of Sec. 6, Township 25, South,
Kange 32, Fast; thence south to
SW corner of said Lot 1, Sen. 6;
thence west to SW corner of Lot 4
of said Sec. 6; thence south to NW
corner. of Lot 7 of same section;
thence west to the NW corner of
8EV4SE.V4 of Sec. 1, Township 25,
South, runge 31 Fast; thence
south to thu SW corner of said SK ',
8B Bee. 1; thence west to the NW
COrHer Of Sec 12; thence south to the
west quarter corner of said Sec. 12;
thence west to the NW corner of
NBV4 8EV4 of Sec. 11; thence south!
to the SW corner of SE"4SE of
said Sec. 11; thence west to south
quarter corner of said Sec. 11;
thence south through center of Sees.
14 and 23 to South quarter corner
of Sec. 23; thence east to SE corner
of Soc. 24, all In Township 25, South,
Itange 31, East; thence east to the
SE corner of Sec. 22, In Township
26, South, Kange 32, East; thence
south to the SE corner of Sec. 27;
thence west to the south quarter
corner of said Sec. 27; thence south
through the center of Sec. 34, all In
Township 25 South, Mange 32, East,
and the center of Sec. 3, In Town
ship 26 South, Range 22, East,
(North or Malheur Lake,) to the In
tersection of said line and the meand
er line bounding Malheur Lake, and
being near the center or said Sec. 8;
thence iu an easterly and northeast
erly direction following the meund
ered line or said lake to the SE
corner of Sec. 23, Township 26,
South, Kange 32, Eaat; thence
north to the NE corner of Sec. 11;
thence west to the north west corner
of Sec. 10; thence north to the east
quarter corner of Sec. 4; thence west
to the west quarter corner of said
Sec. 4; thence north to the NE cor
ner of Sec. 5 ; thence west to the NW
corner of Sec. 6, all In Township 26,
South, Kange 32, Eaat; thence
north to the NE corner of 8E of
Sec. 36. Iu Township 24, South,
Kange 32, East; thence west to center
of said Sec. 36; thence north to north
quarter corner of said Sec. 36;
thence west to north quarter corner
of Sec. 36; thence north lo the center
of Sec. 26; thence west to the east
quarter corner of Sec. 27; thence
north to the NE corner or said Sec.
27; thence west to NW corner or said
Sec. 27; thence north to east quarter
corner of Sec. 21; thence west to
Intersection of the center tins f said
1 1 ami iii Eaat Pork ot Bllvlsi
' Klver, all In Township -'4 .South,
IKungo 32, East. aim- being Hie
2G, 8W. 160 acres
27, all, 626.33 acres
28, all, 636.69 acres
33. all, 640 acres
34, all, 134.75 acres
36, all, 640 acres
ue,tt inawwH. 480 acres
Township 26, South, Range 81, East
sec. i.hekhkk, 40 acres
11. ESH,
II. all,
18, all.
14. E.
23, EH,
24, all.
Township 25, South, Range 32, East
Sec. J. all
2, all,
3, all,
4, all.
6, all,
6, lot 1,8N;
7, all,
8, all,
9, all,
10, all,
11, all,
12, all,
13, all,
14, all,
15, all,
16, all
17, all,
18, all,
II. all.
20, all,
21, all.
22, all.
23, all.
24, all.
25, all.
26, all.
34, E,
36, all,
36. all,
639.30 acres
640.80 acres
640.48 acres
642.08 acros
64 4.04 acres
518.02 acres
634.48 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
G40.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
638.44 acres
641.32 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
636.37 acres
640.00 acres
639.60 acres
321.81 acres
630.08 acres
4 81.08 acres
Town. 25, South, Kange 32 East:
B, E; SWVi;
6. all,
7. all,
8. all,
9. all.
10, all.
11, all.
14, all.
16, all.
16, all.
17. all,
18, all,
19, all.
20, all.
21, all,
22, all,
23, ail,
26, all,
27, all.
28, all.
29, all,
30, all,
31, all,
320.00 acres
559.06 ncrcs
4 95.98 acres
485.58 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
640.00 acres
6 4 0.00 acres
640.00 acres
488.38 acres
487.95 acres
602 46 acres
653.73 acres
664.44 acres
413.99 acres
30.31 acres
122.29 acres
11.97 acres
56.24 acres
4 40.34 acres
97.10 acres
That the irrigable landa embraced 1 the undersigned citizens ot the
within the aboVe described bound-1 United States, bona ride owners or
arles comprise the rollowlng, to-wlt: I land within the boundurles horeln
Townshlp 24, South, Range 32, East: I artur described, or who are bona
MO, 21, 8 320 aires fme lalmnnts to unoccupied land
under the laws of tin- United Stages,
or are holders of uncompleted titles
or contracts ror purchase or Stato
lands under the laws or Oregon,
being desirous or forming an Irriga
tion district embracing the land
within the boundaries hereinafter set
forth, will at the session of the
Connty Court for Harney County,
Oregon, on the 2nd day of Jan. 14119,
at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, or as
soon thereafter as the same can be
heard, respectfully present to said
Conrt a petition praying said Court
to proclaim an irrigation district
and defining the boundaries thereof;
and to call an election for the pur
poses above set forth and to do all
things necessary and proper under
the law for the formation of said
district, and designating the time
and places for voting at said election.
That the boundaries of the pro
posed district as set forth and de
scribed in said petition are as fol
lows, to-wlt:
Reginlng at the intersection ot
the East Fork of Sllvies River and
the east and west quarter line
tli rough Section 21, Township 24,
South, Range 32, East Willamette
Meridian, in Harney County, Oregon;
thence west to the west quarter
corner of said Sec. 21; thence south
to the SW corner of Sec. 33, alt In
same town and range; thence west
along the line between Townships 24
and 26 to the NW corner of Lot 1
of Sec. 6, Township 26, South, Range
32, East; thence south to SW corner
of said Lot 1, Sec. 6; thence west to
HW corner of Lot 4 of said 8ec. 6;
thence south to NW corner of Lot 7
of same section; thence west to the
NW corner or SEViSEK 0r Sec. 1,
Township 25, South, Range 31,
K;i'l; thence south to the SW corner
or said SK',SK'i Sec. 1; thence
west to the NW corner of Sec. 12;
thence south to the west quarter
corner of said Sec. 12; thence west
to the NW corner of KSK', of
Sec. 1 1 ; thence south to the SW
corner of SK1. SK', of said Sec. 11;
thence west to South quarter cor
ner ot said Section 11; thence south
through center or Sections 14 and
23 to South quarter corner olSec
tion 23; thence east to SK corner
or Sec. 24, all in Township 25, South,
llange 31, East; thence cast to the
SE comer or Sec. 22, in Township 25,
South, Kango 32, East; thence south
to the SE corner or Sec. 27; thence
west to the south quarter corner uf
said Sec. 27; thence south through
the center of Sec. 34, all In Town
ship 26 South, Kange 32, East, and
the center of Sec. 3, In Township 26
South, Kango 32, East, (North or
Malheur Lake.) to the intersection
or said Hue ami the meander line
bounding Malheur Lake, and being
near the center of said Soc. 3;
thence in an easterly and northeast
erly direction following the meand
ered line or said lake to the SE cor
ner or Sec. 23, Township 26, South,
Kange 32. East; thence north to
the NE corner ot Sec. 11; thence
west to the north west comer of Sec.
10; thence north to the east quarter
corner of Sec. 4 ; thence west to the
west quarter corner or said Sec. 4;
thence north to the NK comer or Sec.
5; thence west to the NW corner ot
Sec. 6, all in Township 26, South,
Range 32, East; thence north to
the NE comer or SE or Sec. 36,
in Township 24, South, Range 32,
East; thence west to center or said
Sec. 36; thence north to north
quarter comer of said Sec. 36;
thence west to north quarter corner
of Sec. 35; thence north to the center
of Sec. 26; thence west to the east
quarter corner or Sec. 27; thence
north to NE corner ot sold Sec. 27;
thence west to NW comer or said Sec.
27; thence north to east quarter cor
ner or Sec. 21; thence west to Intel
section ot the renter line or said Sec.
21 and the East Fork of Sllvies
River, all in Township 24 South,
Kange 32, East, same being the
plaOS of beginning.
All in conformity with the fore
going and under the laws of State
of Oregon, and YOUR PETITION
Peter Chrlstensen,
II. II. Keech,
Lloyd Johnson,
Rebecker Catterson, by W. A. C.
Dick Otley,
Grant Thompson,
Mrs. Grant Thompson,
Henry Otley,
Dr. M. Hand Catterson,
Kalph Catterson,
Kdlth Hnyes,
llelle Hayes,
L. IJ. Hayes,
J. E. Graves,
Kthel Graves,
I). S. Graves Estate,
Kthel Catterson,
Chas. R. Peterson,
0. T. Miller,
J. C. Welcome Jr.
Frankle Welcome,
Rose C. Henderson,
J. H. Henderson,
A. S. Swain,
A. C. Welcome,
Sam Mothershead,
Leon M. Brown,
Don't Yon Nexl One Now?
Indigestion, bllliousness, bad breath
gas, constipation or any condition
arising from a mass of undigested
food in the stomach needs immediate
attention. Foley Cathartic Tablets
are mild and gentle, but sure in act'
io.n. Cause no griping, pain or
nausea. Cleanse bowels, sweeten
stomach, and tone up liver. Sold by
Reed Bros.
Township 26. South, Range 32 East,
North of Mulheur Lake:
Sei . 1 . all. 19.31 acreB
2, all, 258.78 arret
3, lots 1. 2, 6. 7,
and 8, 128.96 acres
Burns, Oegon, October 15, 1118.
Notice Is hereby given that Jamea
II. Gibson, whose post-office address
Is Burns, Oregon, did, on the 12th
day ot January, 1918. rile in this
office Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No. 010078, to purchase the
W NE, NE4 NW'. Section 82.
Township 21 S., Range 32 E., Wil
lamette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the provisions of the
uct or June 3, 1878, and acts amend
atory, known as the "Timber and
Stone Law." at such value as might
be rixed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the
land and timber thereon have been
appraised, at Three hundred and
rifty-six Dollars, the timber estimat
ed 236 000 board root at $1.00 per
M. and the land $120.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof In
support of his application and sworn
statement on the 23rd day of Decem
ber, 1918, before Register and Re
ceiver, at Burns, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or ini
tiate a contest at any time before
patent issues, by filing a corroborat
ed affidavit in this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry.
V. U. COZAD, Register. .
Total acreage or 36,020.66 more
or less according to the Governments
surveys I hereof.
All In ( onforniitv with the fore
going and under the laws of State
of Oregon, and YOUR PETITION
Peter Chrlstensen
H. H. Keech,
Lloyd Johnson,
Rebecker Catterson, by W. A. C.
Dick Otley,
Grant Thompson,
Mrs. Grant Thompson,
Henry Otley,
Fred Otley.
Mrs. Fred Otley.
L. B. Culp,
Herman Ruh,
C. Ii. Ausmus,
F. G. Otley,
Mury A. Oard,
N. P. Kiddle.
K. K. Sits,
Ilium lie Sit,
Chas. J. Johnson,
A. F. B. George,
M. B. Hayes,
Scott Hayes,
Dr. U. Hand Catterson,
Ralph Cattersou,
Edith Hayes,
Belle Hayes,
L. B. Hayes,
J. E. Craves,
Kthel Gravos,
D. 8. Graves Estate,
Ethel Catterson,
ChaB. R, Peterson,
C. T. Miller,
J. C. Welcome Jr.
Frankle Welcome,
Itose C. Henderson,
J. ii. Henderson,
A. 8. Swain,
A. C. Welcome,
Sum Mothershead,
Leon M. Brown,
place of beginning.
Fred Otley,
Mrs. Fred Otley.
L. B. Culp,
Herman Ruh.
('. II. Ausmus,
F. G. Otley,
Mary A. Oard,
N. I'. Biddle,
I!. It. SltZ,
Blanche sitz,
( J. Johnson,
a k. 11. Oeorge,
m. h. Hayes,
Scott Hayes,
Burns, Oregon, October 10, 1118.
Notice is hereby given that Hans
Bang, whose post-office address la
Nurrows, Oregon, did, on the 19th
day or February, 1918, file in this
office Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No. 010112, to purchase the
NWVi NWV4. Section 12, Township
27 S ., Range 30 E ., Willamette Meri
dian, and the timber thereon, under
the provisions of the act of June 3,
1878, and acts amendatory, known aa
the "Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to auch ap
plication, tho laud and stone theroou
have been appraised, the stone esti
mated 4000 perches at 2 cents per
perch and the land $40.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof In
support of bis application and sworn
btatement on the 14th day of Decem
ber, 1918 before Register and Receiv
er, at Burns, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
issues, by fling a corroborated affi
davit in this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
V. G. COZAD, Register.
Burns, Oregon, December 3, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that George
L. Bevans, of San Diego, California,
who, on Oct. 26, 1916, made Home
stead Entry, No. 08404, for NWVi.
Section 13, Township 24 S., Range
32 E., Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make
final three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before B. W. Spencer, Jr., Lieut.,
Com., U. S. N., at North Island, San
Diego, California, the 9th day ot
January, 1919, and the testimony ot
witnesses to be submitted before tho
Register and Receiver, U. S. Laud
Orrice, Burns, Oregon.
claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Buck, Oscar West, Allied
West, Bailey Hayes, Ted Hayes, all
or Burns, Oregon.
V. G. COKAO, Register.
II is to be Doped I bat tlo members
D( Congress Will 1(,l dovolo the time
Ol the president's ubsenco to ilia wing'
011 the blackboard and throwing
;t ba ii other.
.snnmV Jmml